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Being a single parent is hard. It is a juggling act. A million plates and balls to keep spinning all at once. Yada yada yada. I'm over Olivia and Noah. Cute baby. Soul crushing storyline. I don't watch SVU for Olivia in family court every week about on her own case. Jeez! We get it SVU. It's an expensive as hell ass show to make at this point. Either cancel it, or reshuffle. The only constant at this point is Olivia. Use Mariska sparingly, or give it a go w/out her. No apologies necessary. This was a ridiculous ep, even for SVU. Keep saying it...this used to be a sad, but good hearted show, dealing w/the reality of "special crimes, special victims". Now it's just an afterschool special. No more PSA's masquerading as tv drama.
He was the man last night. Voight and Olinsky ooze big city, been there, saw that, hardened vice cops. Although to be honest, I was yelling at my tv for him to shoot the brother in his living room "shoot, shoot him now, shoot him w/the gun..." I knew why he didn't, but still... He couldn't after his wife said don't, but I would have blown his ass away and kept it moving. I know he's a cop, but I don't watch this show making moral judgment's. You bring that shit to my house, and my family, and you're done. As Seth Myers would say, "ya burnt"! And word to all this freaking out about Lindsay (Sophia Bush) leaving the show. Not happening. The show knows the fan base the character and the actress has. And Sophia Bush knows what it means to be on a successful show. Her ass ain't going nowhere.
LMAO! I just watched The Imposter on Netflix last weekend and the whole time I kept assuming the "brother was in on it". Realized towards the end that the only reason I had that in my head was b/c the actor playing the brother, plays Moriarty. Haha. Wish I would have put two and two together sooner. So yeah, he might be stuck in my mind now too.
Having watched Fonzie "jump said shark" that Tues. night, I think the term was originally meant to refer to seemingly normal, ground in reality, based shows that inextricably had weird things happen. As though the writer couldn't think of anything else for the character(s) to do but "jump a shark". over time it seems to have evolved in to anything that can be deemed different or unexpected. I think Dan cheating on Roseanne, and/or the family winning the lottery would qualify in sitcom-land. Although husbands can cheat, and folks have won the lottery, it did not make sense for the character of Dan to stray, and completely changed the working poor dynamic of the show for the fam to suddenly be rich. Based on the ratings for Its' A Wonderful Life every year it is an UO. But I so share that UO. I hate that freakin' movie. Hate. Hate. Hate. I have never even seen the whole thing b/c I can't take it. "Wishing a non-existence", as a euphemism for suicide. Really? Merry fucking Christmas! WTH? I don't begrudge all the love, but do find myself wanting to smack my family for begrudging me my tremendous amounts of hatred. Another UO in the world it seems, but not within my family is my disgust w/all things Gone W/The Wind. "I don't know nothing bout birthin no babies"...well I don't know nothing about liking this movie. This movie actually makes me seethe.
I discovered Sleepy Hollow on hulu almost a month ago. From all the chatter about it online, and on twitter I was curious. B/c it's not really a "hit", or all over entertainment media, I wondered why so popular on social media. I half binge watched and caught up to the current, midseason finale, 2 dys ago. I like the show, and did not go back and read the twitter feeds or forums till I was caught up, which helped. I think UO(s) or not...complaining about a show completely changing focus, and/or in essence pulling a "bait and switch" of/on the actual "stars" of the show, is valid criticism. What drifts into silliness, is "shipping" certain characters, stars or not, and saying show has "jumped the shark" when it doesn't happen. I personally don't give two shits about this particular death b/c I never liked the character, but the actress and character has a very large fan base, I'm just not in it. So I can understand missing, or wanting, your fave back. What I don't understand is petitions, and outrage that someone "died". Like most shows that involve lots of danger, and death, we all know certain characters are "safe". Even in the zombie apocalypse there are certain folks you know aren't scheduled to be going anywhere unless the actor wants out, or the series is ending. But on show like TWD you know everyone else is, and will be fair game. I personally thought it was going to be 1 of my faves that died. I had prepared myself and was braced for it. UO: it is gonna happen. Get over it and move on. I think Angel holds up better for me b/c it seems, and feels, less age specific. W/Buffy there's only so much HS teenage angst I can take. It was still an outstanding, and groundbreaking show. Just not necessarily something that you want to relive on weekly basis. And UO: I like Michelle Trachtenberg, but was never really sure about the whole Dawn "thing".
This ep was kind of boring. All the posters saying never really got the Antonio is in real trouble feeling are so right. The most interesting part was Leyla. That chick was a serious sociopath. I thought they could have even done more with her. Or turned the "who shot her husband" into something more. Olinsky is SO necessary to this show. He can have 1 line in whole ep, and that's the line you remember. Sophia Bush was all legs in that dress. She and Halstead are fun together. Don't necessarily ship them, but would love to see them as best friends, brother/sister close. And who takes a cab to kill/fight someone? What? Although that fight scene w/Antonio was choreographed really well.
I know that the show has been a serious mess this season b/c I liked this 1. It was missteps everywhere, and I liked it. But only in comparison to 90% of the season. Last week was an improvement over the entire season. And this week better than last. But I am with many of the posters who may be at the hate watching, or not watching at all stage. So, guess Chicago taxpayers should be aware that paramedics and an ambulance can simply not be heard from for an entire day/shift and no one notices. Forget about 51 looking or wondering. Forget about dispatches "computers being down". Apparently all the citizens just moving about the city never crossed their path, and no one else needed an ambulance that day. Check. Realize this is a show about "drama". But really? Boden's magic baby. Can't a baby on tv just be born in a hospital. Mom goes in to labor. Calls the father, who is then, rightly so, frantic to get there. Ta-da. They could have had Donna call from the hospital. Boden would have been paralyzed. And then Steve Brady jump in with the, "we got this Chief, I've been through this 200x, let's go, I'll drive"!. Ta-da. Casey went out w/his boy and got drunk. Big whoop. Severide's wife is gone, and his slutty ways returned. Big whoop. I never thought Casey slept w/the blonde. Assumed it was a misdirection. Ok fine. There was a misunderstanding when she returned Kelly's phone. Big whoop. Casey explained it to Gabby. Big whoop. Please make them stop. Break up already. They suck the life out of the firehouse and the show. Whatever chemistry the two characters had, has been eroded by them working together. It is just the same damn fight over and over 50x an episode. Just make it stop. I did like the fire starter storyline. Great job of making the truth not something audience could solve 10min in. But more time could have actually been spent on it. I thought it was really interesting. I know this is not a profiling show, but a little discussion about what was going on in his brain would have been great.
I watched them in order, taking my time. And I still thought for a moment...holy shit...has John been fooling me all along. Afterall I was convinced I had "outed" Myecroft as Moriarty in Study In Pink. So what the hell did I know. I loved this 1 so much, screw it, I am going to go right now and watch it for the 3rd time. I'll report back later...
You are so right. He was as confused to be dealing w/Sherlock, as I was in recalling that ep. Not jumping ahead but "Greg" is back for the rest, and highly entertaining, albeit also slightly "stupid". Lol. Still hated this ep. Parts of my fam hadn't discovered Sherlock, so introduced them to Study in Pink. They lurrved it. Then I started getting texts about the suckitude of ep 2. Told them to hang in, b/c it totally gets back on track in ep 3.
I never hated her until recently. Still not sure if I want her gone, dead, or whatever... I just know that the way she has been written since last season's finale is horrible. Firefighter? Paramedic? Don't care. Just make her less entitled.
Amen sister-girl (apologies in advance if wrong...never want to offend). I taught my son, not to be to graphic, you don't fuck where you eat. Literally and figuratively. Career/money and love/fam should not mix. And the more pressure or stress involved, and more money on the table, the more that is true.
I am so tired of this show. I have walked away from it before, but after couple of years they sucked me back in. But this time might be permanent. I remember when this was a sweet little show about what it takes to handle the most despicable of crimes. Now it's just a constant PSA, convoluted plot twists, and speechifying. I can't take it. I just look at Olivia's face and I want to say please shut the fuck up...and the character may not have even said something yet. I just know what's coming, and that it is going to be delivered w/an attitude and a pompousness that makes me want to smack her. I get that they gave her Noah so we could see her smile, and by no means am I saying more baby. But Jesus lady crack a joke, curl the corners of your mouth a little. I promise it won't hurt. Listen to someone else in the room for 1 second before you decide they're wrong and do whatever the hell you want anyways. When they were having the spanking convo in the squad room I wanted to scream. It's not enough we've got Ray Rice and Rihanna. Now we got to throw in some damn Adrian Peterson too. GTFOH. Spanking has never been the debate. Even non-spankers agree. Popping your kid on the butt after you have told them not to touch the stove 100x is not the same god damn thing as taking a switch to your child's penis, and drawing blood (that's 1 of the things AD did too his son). That's child abuse so lets not play games. I was spanked. No one ever abused me. And just like Finn tried to say before Olivia jumped on in, was that if you grew up being spanked you know it. If you look back at your childhood and wince...that's probably abuse. The posters who pointed out that it's not just the actors, writers, or even the characters themselves. It's the producers. Their voices are coming out in the characters. They are running their own agendas, whether that serves the show, and storylines is irrelevant. At this point the only characters I can stomach are Finn, Carisi, and Barba. And even Barba starts to suck as soon as he gets in Olivia's orbit, and she starts telling him what to do. Amaro is so angry and hostile and just waiting to jump at all times. When he was staring the husband down I almost wished he had smacked him so he could get some of what he dishes out every week. I thought this episode was terrible. It felt like The More You Know brought to life. As mentioned 1 of them is The Walking Dead. Chad Coleman is the actors name, and he still plays Tyreece on there. Before TWD the only other show I had ever seen him in was Criminal Minds. I can't remember the characters name but he was the stalker, turned kidnapper of Derrick Morgan's cousin. He was part of some underground who "married the women then enslaved them".
Don't really have much to say about this 1. Coming off Study in Pink it was a huge letdown. All the pieces didn't come together at all. The part at the "Circus" were stupid too me, and went on too long. I like that Watson gives it write back to Sherlock, but he is already being written to be too many steps behind Sherlock. I also don't want Lastarde to be such a moron, and incompetent. He should be more like Molly as professional and competent, just not Holmes level genius. It was sad when the brother killed her. But I will admit that by then I didn't care b/c the story was so weak.
I just discovered this show last weekend and have binge watched whole week. Finished today. So I am going to go ahead and respond as though I just saw 1. I tweeted about it, so it makes it easier to remember what I thought at the time. I think this show is genius. Everything about it is beautiful. The setting, the filming, the actors...it is all done perfectly. So well written and directed. And I didn't get the Cumberbatch affect before, I do now. He is amazing. The voice, the looks, and the acting is amazing. And whoever is the costumer behind his suits and coats is the shit. I only hope Watson has more to do in the future, and is not portrayed as a dumbass. I like the actor, but Watson has gone wrong in so many incarnations of Sherlock. I haven't read the books in awhile, but I remember him as being highly intelligent, and more of a thinking mans', everyman (if u know what I mean). When translated to film or tv always thought he should be the 1 representing the audience. Voicing the thoughts the viewer has. I thought I was a genius too. And I didn't have anybody to HA!!!, I figured it out to. So I hi-fived myself. I was convinced that Myecroft was Moriarty. Lucky me there was no one to tell I was wrong. Except the whole twitterverse. lol.
Alfred is a MF'er G. Watching him kick ass, take names, finesse, and bribe his way to his BRUCEEEEEE, was a fun ride. I don't think I have ever seen such chemistry between two tween actors ever. And it's the kind of chemistry that can go whatever way the writers decide as the actors age. I could see romantic, rivals, friends, even brother/sister. That's unusual and interesting to watch. I actually tweeted there's 10min left and no Barbara. And when it was over tweeted no Barbara whoo-hoo!. Arkham is gonna be balls to the walls crazy and I can't wait. Best line goes to Alfred calling Gordon and platt. Followed by Bullock calling Gordon a putz.