Mia is sucking up to Giz and Robyn. She is the most annoying housewife maybe ever. She’s so fake. Her life, her money, her personality, her reads, everything about her is inauthentic.
I've got to hand it to Robyn. She is very good at manipulating Kody to get what she wants. That house conversation proves it. It could have gone very differently if she hadn't used opposite logic on him.
Was Kody hinting for Christine to leave the snow blower for him? "We never needed a snow blower in Utah."
Way to prove that leaving you was the best decision she ever made by acting like a spoiled baby.
Christine should have put the ball in Robyn’s court for communication and not said she needs space because it allows them to be a victim. Robyn would NEVER call or reach out to Christine on her own. When people ask Christine about their relationship she could have said “well As you saw in the show I put the ball in her court and haven’t heard from her”…