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Posts posted by SopranoKris

  1. 1 hour ago, twinkietwin94 said:

    I looked and my library doesn't have it, but here when the school year starts I can get a card for the library system my new district is in and it's a larger system so fingers crossed they have it. If not I'm going searching online.

    Most libraries will allow you to request the book via the Interlibrary Loan system.

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  2. 18 hours ago, Dccfan126 said:

    I feel like there has to be something lovable and bubbly about Charlotte or how else is she friends with Savannah Guthrie?!?!?

    If Savannah is also horrible, don't tell me, I donmt want to know.

    I will say that Charlotte showed a very kind moment with Miranda Parker when it was her last time auditioning.  She never made TC and tried out so many times, always getting to the finals but never chosen.  Charlotte gave her a big hug and spent some time talking with her.  I know she comes across as an ice queen, but when you're a woman in the business world (even if it's Daddy's business), you have to have a tougher exterior than the men to be taken seriously. I agree with the above poster that if she was a man, she'd be running the organization.  

    • Love 8
  3. 2 hours ago, dalgal214 said:

    Yes. Past and present have at least dabbled in cocaine. Not all, but some.


    yes, we use hooters tights, specifically diva hosiery. Little know fact, hooters uses different brands. I know Courtney told me on tbbc they used hooters tights but it was a brand called peavy. Most girls wear suntan c, it's a universal color and size.

    Yep! Those Peavy tights were the only ones I could wear with those tiny orange short-shorts at (back in 1990).  I remember the day we got fitted for them "do you want size small, extra small or extra-extra small?"  Ummm, I guess I'll take small (worried that my size medium was going to muffin-top over the edge of those shorts).  You still had to cut the waistband on them so you could bend over without the elastic band showing. 

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  4. 2 minutes ago, JC123 said:

    And rightly so! Kitty knows best 99% of the time. Especially last season when she said to K and J Shelbi needs cutting like right now. *teehee*  

    why don't they bring kitty to prelims to judge? She judges show group so why not? 

    I just watched a re-run of that episode and it was interesting that Kitty remarked that Shelbi is so competitive that if she doesn't make the team, she's going to implode.  Well, we saw what happened when she didn't get selected at finals this year!

    • Love 8
  5. 22 hours ago, ByTor said:

    Funny a few of you are talking about dreams.  Last week I had a dream I made it, and I guess Kelli liked me because she hugged me.  I then panicked, wondering how I was going to make it to practices since I live/work just outside Philadelphia haha.

    Ha!  I've had dreams like that, too.  I keep dreaming I'm at try-outs and I'm thinking to myself "why am I here?  I'm 47 years old!" but then I make it in to camp and I stress about learning routines.  I put on the uniform and look fab and then my "real" body appears and I'm horrified and then I wake up. Kelli & Judy are always super nice in my dreams.  Such a bizarre dream, eh?

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  6. 1 hour ago, Smplsimon said:

    That's the question Amy is hoping you'll ask yourself -- that's why she posted it that way.  She didn't share any of the negatives.  See, very passive aggressive.  I'm very disappointed she'd take the low road.

    I did not intentionally "like" this post. I was scrolling on my phone and it registered as a "like", just wanted to clarify. 

    I think people read in between the lines what they want to. I feel Amy's post was very gracious, considering she was cut mere minutes before the team was announced. 

    To each his own....

    • Love 7
  7. I'm so sad for Amy. I've been pulling for her since her first tryout.  I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to get cut the very night the squad is announced. If I watch this season and she dances better than Morgan did, I'm going to be a bit upset. Amy has worked so hard and improved herself so much. She can hold her head high that she gave it her best. 

    I'm so thrilled for Kelsey & Maddie!!!!! I wish the show really was starting on the 6th!

    • Love 9
  8. 6 minutes ago, mcmrdh said:

    OMG YESSSSS!!!! That is KELSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh YAY!!!!!! She was my #1 RC I was rooting for. I'm just thrilled for her. I wish I could tell who is who from that pic, but it's too hard to guess by the back of their heads! 

    Also hoping Amy & Madeline made it. We know Mads is a lock due to Show Group. 

    • Love 4
  9. 24 minutes ago, DCCFan79 said:

    I'm rooting for all the ladies, but.......hoping Amy does make it!

    Rockford, Illinois where she moved from isn't too terribly far away. I've driven by the auto plant where she worked, many times!

    No cheerleaders here in Bears, country either, not since 1985, when the won the super bowl. Funny, they haven't won since then either........

    I have a friend who was one of the Honey Bears (yes, that's what they were called) back in 85-86 season. Her daughter wants to audition for DCC when she turns 18 next year. 

    Back OT: hoping some news will start filtering in soon! We're visiting Montana this week and I spent a long day at Yellowstone. I'm exhausted, but I'm dying with anticipation to hear who made the team! 

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  10. Just now, LaurenBrook said:

    I don't think so...Amy Simone posted something similar with Stephanie.  They just had their end of the year banquet and I think they are thanking Stephanie for being such a great mentor, leader, etc.  Very sweet :) 

    Also looks like Kelsey is rocking Elle Lain! 

    I was just going to say the same thing! I'm not reading in to anything until we know 100% for sure what's going on :)

    • Love 5
  11. I would hope they don't cut any of the girls I'm rooting for. At this point, to get THIS far and get cut right at the end is heartbreaking. I know they've said the budget is only for 36. I'm still holding on to hope that they pull off a huge shocker and keep 39. That would be a much better outcome than a bloodbath & tears!

    • Love 4
  12. 4 minutes ago, Sandiedog said:

    Let me know if I'm rambling on an on, I feel like the girls must feel at this point but in a mothering way where I want to hug the ones that get cut and tell them it will be ok. 

    With that being said, I do hope that the 3 that get cut are not any of the ones that have tried out multiple years. It would be so much easier if it were the girls that have only tried out once. I know it can't always be that way.

    One more thing, has a vet ever been cut in training camp or real close to team announcement? 

    Vet Chelsey was let go for being "toxic" in the locker room.  Vet Hannah was cut due to repeated weight warnings.

    • Love 1
  13. 5 hours ago, JC123 said:

    Yes it was Boston Market! Thanks! 

    We have KFC here :) 

    yes millionaires shortbread! It is so yummy I actually have a peice in my fridge to have with a cup of tea later!! 

    I always pay for a whole extra suitcase when I come back from the US, pretty much full it with food #noshame 

    Mmmmm, English tea!  I love it beyond belief.  When I was younger, I dated a guy from the UK and I think I stayed in the relationship longer than I needed to simply for the tea...LOL.  Just kidding.  My friends in the States think I'm strange for putting cream or milk in my tea, but man, oh, man...once you've had it that way, you don't want it any other way.  I think I'm going to go make a cuppa....

    • Love 2
  14. 10 hours ago, raindancer said:

    @tobeyoungagain and @cherryblossom I know the kind you're talking about...I actually live in downtown Chicago and Garrett popcorn shops are super popular here.  The Chicago mix is supposed to be one of their specialties http://www.garrettpopcorn.com/flavors/cp-garrettmix.html?gclid=CjwKEAjwq8y8BRCstYTm8qeT9mwSJACZGjUkF6UhxN4-4vs6rgIx8XaDIwazXYnwsXhlzutvg-7jqhoCbN_w_wcB .  I've never tried it but I love their caramel corn.  There are a few locations by where I live, and there is almost always a line out the door and you can smell the caramel corn as you walk by.  It's pretty tempting.  Also, @tobeyoungagain, I saw you mentioned you like Chicago PD earlier - I actually saw them filming a block away from me across from my gym.  If you happen to see a scene with an overturned ambulance that crashed partway through a cement barrier...that'll be it :)

    I used to live in Chicago and Garrett's definitely has the best caramel corn.  I'm not a fan of the cheddar/caramel mix, but that's just my own personal taste.  I've never liked cheddar flavor on popcorn, not my cup of tea.  Their caramel corn is dangerously delicious, though.  I worked downtown for 17 years and had to pass Garrett's in Union Station to get to my train.  The smell of that caramel corn being made was sooooo yummy!  It was very tempting to buy a bag to eat on the way home!  Remember the old Bugs Bunny cartoons where they'd float in the air following a delicious smell?  That was definitely Garrett's for us commuters...LOL :)

    • Love 4
  15. 3 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

    I think I would be upset but I also don't know her personally...from what i hear, she is a truly wonderful girl, well-liked and a very good dancer.  Since she is a 'fast learner' I bet they are waiting to see if she quickly picks up the across the field.  I feel like that will be a factor.  If she can't get that well enough, $$$ spent and tourist visa aside, I don't think they'd pick her unless they truly feel she fits. Will def be interesting to see!! 

    I definitely think there must be something they really like about her for them to give her so much time to get the visa squared away. If they weren't sure about her, I think they might have already cut her.  From everything I've heard about her, she is very well liked and a lovely dancer, so I guess we'll have to see.  I've just never seen them let any other TCC miss this much camp before!

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