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Posts posted by Brookside

  1. I had to spoil myself after seeing Melissa's salad, I was so worried she would be going home.

    I hated the challenge.  Maybe do it at the beginning of the show, but the lack of fresh ingredients was ridiculous to me at this stage of the game when they're constantly being asked for elevated food.   While using canned baked beans and sad salad.


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  2. The mom should have stuck to her guns and medical knowledge and not let her kid play football. 

    Too much guilt, angst, bad parenting, and poor copy-cat writing.  I'm out.  (Until the next episode because we'll still be quarantined.)

    • Love 2


    On 5/2/2020 at 3:36 PM, Kiki777 said:

    What’s the brand that used Labrador puppies?  I used to buy that but can’t remember what it was.  Until last year I loved Scott tube-free but it’s discontinued now.  Now I get mad every time I have to squeeze another cardboard tube into the bathroom trash bin.


  4. 1 hour ago, Temperance said:

    I was talking to someone and the topic of trolls came up. Here are some ways to spot a troll.

    1. Going off-topic and posting something random. 

    2. Going off topic and posting off-topic memes, gifs, etc. 

    3. Bad grammar.

    4. They tend to go on and on about the same thing. 

    5. They wouldn't let a topic or thing drop. 

    6. They refuse to acknowledge there is evidence that goes against their argument. 

    7. They seem oblivious to how their posts are being perceived. 

    8. They can be dismissive or offended to how their posts are perceived. (Again: they tend to double down.)

    Anyway there's not much to be done about trolls except ignore them.  It can be frustrating to be sure. I was looking this information for a friend and thought it would be helpful for people here.  I had two articles for source information. 

    I've found that not looking under bridges is a good way to avoid trolls.

    • LOL 12
  5. 5 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

    We’re a pretty supportive bunch here, I think.  However, all of the bars and restaurants in NYC have been closed for weeks.  Are you sure she’s not posting old photos?  There are a lot of people on Facebook doing virtual bar crawls using pics from other times or posting pictures of the places they miss and want to visit as soon as they can,

    Thanks for the support, but yes, the photos are current.  There have always been ways to get around the laws (prohibition anyone?).  It's been a long few weeks.

  6. 1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

    Are you sure the information you're receiving is accurate? From what my friends in the city have told me, bars & dine-in restaurants have been closed for weeks.

    Unfortunately yes.  She posted on FaceBook.  (And believe me, I am old and barely connected, but can tell it is a realtime photo.) 

    I just thought this was a forum for support.  Sorry if I'm wrong.

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  7. I'm not sure if this is a good place to post. Please redirect me if there's a better place, but the forum name sent me here.

    I'm just so worried about my niece, who's in NYC and immunocompromised.  She's in her 30's, she knows better, but in the last couple of days has started going out again to restaurants and bars.  She's a great (and intelligent) kid, and there's nothing I can do to be involved.  I'm just worried and scared.

    Thanks for reading.

    • Love 3
  8. 8 hours ago, janie jones said:

    What does she do besides Kaiser Permanente?

    Some of the sickly sweet coronavirus ones.  Maybe they just air on Ion TV, which I watch obsessively these days because it seems my escape from today's realities is to watch blood and gore via NCIS, Law and Order, Criminal Minds, etc.

    • Love 2
  9. I just caught up on last week's episode (the cherry cobbler etc one), and it seemed to me that they all seemed punch drunk (judges included, except Nancy, who was probably in withdrawal) during the first challenge, as though they'd all just been released from a two-month coronavirus quarantine.  I wonder whether there was a production glitch that held them all up?

    • Love 1
  10. 3 hours ago, debraran said:

    I think that was why she did it, everything was a rule breaker. I wondered how she got in and out without anyone seeing her though except Sr Monica.

    She seemed to take some sort of back (external?) stairs, not the regular main entrance.

    • Love 2
  11. 5 hours ago, nokat said:

    I had thought that sister Julienne going out without her usual recognized outfit was because of the woman featured in the show said she was no longer recognized as a woman. So she went out without being a nun. But she was seen as herself by sister Monica Joan. She says she was with me. I for one loved that moment.

    Yes, I agree with you, but my question really is whether she was "allowed" to go out in plain clothes.  She's such a stickler for rules herself.

  12. I enjoyed bits of the episode, but other (slight) things just annoyed me.

    First off, you'd never run a raffle like that.  What if the first ticket is the winner?  Then you've only made a huge threepence for the incubator fund.

    The fish and chip man would never say "Enjoy" to his customers.  I grew up in the UK, and when I moved to the States in the 90s I found it very jarring for the longest time as I'd never heard it before.

    Mainly though, I was bothered by a couple of things about Sister Julienne.  Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I find it impossible to believe she would have gone out in civvies, and she would surely have taken her clothes somewhere further afield and changed.

    Finally, where did she get the money for her initial ticket?  And I'm sure the woman who brought her grandmother's donation would have been pissed as hell to know some of it was being used for a trip for (8?) to the cinema.  Partly because it didn't seem like that family had much money.

    Sorry to be a Debbie Downer.

    • Love 5
  13. 4 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    All sixteen previous seasons are available on Hulu. I have the basic subscription only; none of the add-ons.


    3 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Hulu is also having a 30 day free trial.

    Thanks, both of you.

    I'm currently virus-binging on a free month of Netflix!

    I'm pretty sure that Hulu always offers a free month, or will for a while longer, but I'll check out their website.  I may just sign up anyway.  Who needs sleep when you don't have work and can't go out with your friends? 

    • Love 1
  14. On 4/23/2020 at 10:05 PM, bilgistic said:

    It's what I call the Cult of Busy (I called it that before coronavirus), but it goes by many different names. It's the notion that we must be doing something productive at all times; we must always be available; we must feel and be "important". It's poisonous, and I and some like-minded others* reject that way of being.

    In the U.S. where capitalism has been allowed to explode at an unchecked and unregulated rate, we as citizens and workers are valued only by what we produce, not who we are as people, individuals, members of families, friends, contributors to society. We have been treated by employers, lawmakers and health insurance companies (as a few examples) as literally "human capital", and we are now seeing that treating people that way is actually killing them.

    It's OK to just survive right now. This is an unprecedented time in our history. There are no guides for how to get through this. Know you are not alone, even if you feel like it. Set boundaries. What you can do each day is enough for you.

    *I recommend The Nap Ministry on Instagram (@thenapministry).

    "we as citizens and workers are valued only by what we produce"

    And by what we buy.  I hope that one silver cloud will be that rampant consumerism will be tempered because some people will realize they don't need to buy so many clothes, get a new car every three years, eat out constantly, buy the latest Apple product (even though their current one is more than adequate).  Obviously, I'm not talking about every level of society, and plenty of people live modestly and within their means, but the amount of debt/lack of savings is horrific.

    • Love 9
  15. On 4/22/2020 at 11:03 AM, janie jones said:

    The car commercials irritate me because although I recognize that some people may need to buy a car and not really have a choice right now, as a general rule, "uncertain times" aren't the best time to make such a big purchase.  The commercials don't come off to me as "we're here if you need us" as much as "it's okay if you're out of work, come buy a car anyway."

    Plus there are several that say, oh so understandably, that they realise most of us are stuck at home, but we obviously need a new car to sit in the driveway.

    • LOL 9
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  16. 17 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

    These are bakers that construct elaborate cakes covered in fondant, which I think is gross! None of those cakes look good enough to eat. They are amazing feats of decoration, but I wouldn't want a piece of any of them.

    I totally agree.  In my mind, if you're a baker, what you're doing is making something that is first and foremost tasty. Of course, appearance is important, but if you have to peel off a 6-inch layer of fondant to get to a layer of dry, days' old, bland sponge cake, you've missed the mark.

    • Love 8
  17. 23 hours ago, icemiser69 said:


    Dr. Charles' kid couldn't put down her electronic crack (her cell phone) for any length of time at all.   The damn thing ought to come with a pacifier.  She needs to suck it up and go back to school.


    I take it you haven't spent time with teenagers recently! Some of them are so addicted (and I don't use the term lightly) that they will text someone they are standing next to.


    11 hours ago, Donder said:

    I think Nataloon is having the mid-30's baby pains. She is means testing entraping men. Here is a better option: goes to a sperm clinic, pick a deposit, put it in a tube, stick it in the hole and shoot it up. I don't know any man between the ages of 30-45 that would touch that psycho. She is flatly a narcissistic, sociopath now. Who am I kidding, the whole cast is. 

    Doesn't she already have a baby tucked away somewhere?  Or am I thinking of an identikit character on an identikit show?

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  18. I really must stop watching this just because there's nothing better on tv at 3am.

    I've never felt this kind of "baking" had anything to do with food and this episode really solidified it.  Make an enormous structure made predominantly of components such as rice krispies, inedible wood and wire, overworked/inedible fondant or sickly frosting or butter cream in tacky colors with a bit of cake, maybe, somewhere.  What's the point if you can't eat it?  Plus if there is any part that might be close to edible, it must be as dry as hell.

    And Buddy's looked revolting.  There was no finesse at all.  Tacky as all get go.

    PS: Why is Duff's painter person wearing three wigs one of top of the other?

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