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Posts posted by Brookside

  1. 21 minutes ago, AheadofStraight said:

    There is some discussion about money in this interview with Leslie Odom Jr. He doesn't give specifics of course, but implies that his child and her children will still be getting royalties.



    Thanks for the link - this is the kind of information I was looking for.

    • Love 1
  2. 11 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    Re: tofu? Quite a few years ago I tried a recipe using tofu in which it was supposed to sub for ground beef. I had to freeze it first. Then I thawed it, broke it up like ground beef, & cooked it with onions, garlic, bell peppers, seasonings, & marinara. It was good on spaghetti. But I don't think I made it again.


    Which goes to my point, you were trying to make tofu into something it isn't - i.e. ground meat.

  3. On 7/4/2020 at 3:20 PM, Jordan Baker said:

    It was such a gift for LMM/Disney to issue this now.


    It would be a gift if Disney was broadcasting it for free.

    Does anyone know whether Disney is sharing any of the $gajillians they're making off this with the now (presumably) unemployed cast and crew?  Somehow I doubt it.

  4. On 5/30/2020 at 11:49 AM, chessiegal said:

    Blue Apron sent me a meal called General Tso's stir fry using firm tofu. We don't do tofu, so I contacted them and told them to NEVER send me a meal with tofu again. They also credited my account for the meal. Looking at the recipe I'll use chicken. But now I have 14 oz. of extra firm tofu. I thought about putting it in smoothies, but those recipes call for silken tofu. Googling has not been clear if I can make the extra firm tofu into silken tofu. I was thinking of putting it into the blender with warm/hot water.Any thoughts?

    I think extra firm tofu would add a weird texture to a smoothie.

    Can I ask why you "don't you do tofu"?   One thing I've found is that people try to think tofu can be pretend meat/chicken.  It's not, it's tofu.

    I've found a good "gateway drug" for non-tofu lover friends is baked tofu.  Drain the tofu, blot well with paper towels, whisk together (just suggestions) sesame oil, garlic, ginger, soy sauce, rice vinegar, fish oil, gojujang.  Cut tofu block in half horizontally, then eight strips vertically.  Put tofu on baking sheet, add marinade, top with sesame seeds.  Cook for 30 minutes at 350.



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  5. On 6/4/2020 at 3:48 PM, Annber03 said:

    Oh, yeah, you're right that they can do damage. My mom's car was banged up pretty good a few years ago after a deer ran into the road and into my mom's car. She had to wind up getting a new car. 

    Many decades ago we stayed on a working farm and the cows decided they liked the taste of the paint on my parents' car.  Totally scratched up because of their very rough tongues!

    On 6/7/2020 at 1:04 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

    When I worked at a law firm in the billing department, the "intellectual property" department had a client trying to patent Lion Dung Mix... as a deer repellent. Even though our American deer don't know what a lion is, they smell "predator" when you spread their manure around and the deer stay away.  So...perhaps you can make a deal with the zoo?


    Our local zoo used to sell/give away manure from the big cats to use for this exact reason.  (Not sure if they still do.)

    On 6/18/2020 at 2:27 PM, icemiser69 said:

    I found two dead baby birds on my sidewalk.  They were right next to each other.  I am not a happy camper.  Actually I am quite both sad and pissed off about it.  I don't know what animal got to them.  I don't think it was a cat, the baby birds weren't torn to shreds, but they were attacked.  Buried them in the back yard.  I hope it wasn't a chipmunk, but wouldn't be shocked if it was.  They are omnivores..

    I am still trying to find a way to get those chipmunks out of the yard without them getting hurt.

    The gold finches are still singing for their food, but I can't put it out, because of those chipmunks. 



    I used to mix a little cayenne pepper along with the bird seed.  The birds didn't care but the chipmunks and squirrels did.

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  6. On 7/1/2020 at 8:23 AM, GeeGolly said:

    I think the Governors and Mayors are very careful not to tell citizens what they should or shouldn't do in their own homes. I think its up to us to listen to the health experts and calculate our own risks. One thing all the experts agree on is, being in an enclosed place for an extended period of time increases the risk of infection, if an infected person is present. Masks will decrease the likelihood of transmission in any scenario. 

    Meanwhile the President is attending an event at Mt Rushmore today with thousands of participants - no masks required.

  7. 4 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

    Since we are on the topic of the "ending a phone call" pet peeve, I have one relating to that. The people who do the "I love you/ I love you more" at the end of a phone call. I used to sit next to a coworker who did that and would also do kissing sounds before hanging up with her boyfriend. Ugh just thinking about it again is annoying me! 

    "I love you" is so overused in the US it no longer has any true meaning.

    • Love 3
  8. On 6/24/2020 at 7:35 PM, Kimmmmmm said:

    Forgive me if this has been covered, and I'm not sure if this is even the proper thread, but that Folger's ad in which the young woman walks in on her father-in-law in the shower gives me the screaming creeps...

    Thank you for making me grateful that I've never had the misfortune of seeing this ad.

    • LOL 5
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  9. 44 minutes ago, Nysha said:


    After getting a ton of negative feedback the church put out a statement that it is a prayer revival with rotating groups of people praying 24/7 for an end to abortion, gay marriage, legalized pot and a national return to God. 

    Well that makes everything okay then.

    • LOL 15
  10. 18 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    My pet peeve of the decade: the loss of simple applause when a guest appears on a show or something really good is said or the host first appears. For the past I don't know how many years it has to be accompanied by high pitched squeals, woo hoos, screams, etc. Whatever happened to a vigorous round of applause? 

    Pet peeve of the half century.  What happened to a simple round of applause at the end of a performance/play/concert?  Where I live, every single mediocre, even dire, performance receives a standing ovation.

    • Love 8
  11. On 6/18/2020 at 3:11 PM, Nordly Beaumont said:

    The comedian Paula Poundstone has that condition, I guess it's form of OCD. She sells a tshirt that says "Sometimes I just don't know what to say. Oh, how I wish that would stop me."

    I'm sorry she suffers from this, but it still doesn't excuse how abrasive and unfunny she is.

    • Love 1
  12. Channeling my inner Anne Burrell - every time I see those stupid curtain pull-ties in the ears of the one competitor, I just want to cut them off.  Same with the ridiculous sleeves on one of the other "cooks" dangling in her food as she cooks.  It's one thing to not know how to cook, but every season (which of course I continue to watch) the lack of common sense is just incomprehensible.  Darwin has obviously been busy elsewhere.

    • Love 6
  13. On 6/19/2020 at 8:43 AM, CrazyInAlabama said:


    Congratulations to Melissa, and also to Bryan and Stephanie.   It must be terribly hard to come in second and third, and they were still happy for Melissa. 

    I totally agree, but frankly, I think they were probably aware that they were outclassed by Melissa not just in the finale but during the whole season.  She ran away with the whole thing.

    • Love 4
  14. I just saw a Charmin ad where the baby bear scratches its bare (sic) bottom back and forth across a wooden chair.  How is this supposed to make me want me to buy its product rather than a flame thrower to sanitize the chair?

    Incidentally, has anyone heard/read anything about Charmin donating in these times of Coronavirus?  All I see on their website is a pledge to keep their bottom (ha) line going:

     We’ve seen many questions and comments and know you’re concerned about finding our products in store or online.

    We understand how frustrating this is, and want you to know we take our responsibility to our consumers very seriously. We are producing and shipping Charmin at record highs and working on getting it to retailers as fast as humanly possible so everyone can #EnjoyTheGo!

    Thanks so much for your loyalty and patience. From our family to yours, please stay safe and remember to spare a square for your neighbor!


    On 6/5/2020 at 5:33 AM, kirkola said:

    As someone who's oldest and dearest friend came out of the closet, the revelation certainly gave me pause.  Not because I love my friend any less for being true to themselves, but because I didn't know what that meant for me.  It's a bit selfish on my part.  And not the reaction I was hoping I would have to someone's coming out story.  Intellectually, I understood and supported what I was hearing.  And because I love my friend, I was happy for them.   But, I still wondered what it meant for me as a straight person (though I hate that term, it sorta implies everything else is crooked).  Did all the times we said "love you" mean anything more than friendship/family or did it mean something else to my friend.  And because I wanted to be supportive, I never asked.  At some point, I know we will have that conversation, but when someone is revealing their truth....it is not the time to say "what about me".  So I get the Charlotte being nervous about the Tess part.  People's emotions are what they are.  And they can't always be explained intellectually.


    No, it didn't mean anything else.  When your parents says they love you, does that mean they want to sleep with you?  Of course not.  Your friend knows you're straight, they have no interest in you sexually.  Does that mean they can't say I love you?  Please don't have the coversation with your friend; it will be nothing but hurtful to them.

    I'm very glad you asked the question here.  There are many types of "I love you."  Your friend loves you.

    • Love 4
  16. On 6/12/2020 at 3:35 PM, PamelaMaeSnap said:

    It's NOT irrational because the last two episodes of TC -- post final LCK -- have had a little teaser or whatever it's called in the lower left-hand part of the screen about there being another LCK ... I assume they've just forgotten to take it off, or else they're going to spring someone on us at the last minute. I can only hope if that's the case it's Gregory. 


    Gregory's back was causing him a boatload of pain.  He got treatment while still in Italy, but left to go home a few days after he lost, presumably to get treatment from his regular practitioners.  I just hope he had a lot of painkillers to get him through that long flight.  (Maybe airline Kevin was able to get him upgraded to first.)

    On 6/12/2020 at 7:05 PM, Fostersmom said:

    I noticed the LCK tag in the corner too. Seriously, if Kevin walks back in next week I'm going to lose my mind.


    This.  Especially since he (to me) has the most pretentious sounding voice.

    17 hours ago, Ashforth said:


    Who among us has not enjoyed a Cheddar Bay Biscuit at Red Lobster? Would it be so wrong for a TC cheftestant to take that and "elevate" it? If that's wrong, I don't want to be right. 😁

    Not me.  Never eaten there.  Though I do agree that Chain Food Restaurant sounds fun.

    Shut up Leanne (in the car at the beginning).  Suggestions are fine if asked for, but she was trying to set Melissa's menu.  Guess who didn't make final three?  Guess who won the whole thing?  Not you, Leanne.

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