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Everything posted by Ames

  1. I def tried to do the Instagram double-click on that first picture of Trouble. Ian Ziering really is great...when he doesn't have to do much emotional lifting.
  2. Just hearing you guys talk about an episode with D'Shawn makes me picture Cress Williams's smile and I get all swoony. He's perfect.
  3. I'm working with someone new today, and here is how one of our first conversations went down: Her: Hey, do you watch Downton Abbey? Me: I do! Her: Did you watch last night's? Me: Of course! Her: Dude, WHAT IS DAISY'S DEAL?! Me: OH MY GOD, I KNOW. And now we are bonded for life, because nothing brings strangers together like a shared hatred.
  4. This was really awful to watch. I agree with everything you said above, and also have to call out Bob Harper for describing the upcoming season of The Biggest Loser as featuring "lots of really overweight people crying" and then fake sobbed "I want pizza, I want brownies". What an asshole.
  5. Jon Hamm's appearances on Never Not Funny are one of life's greatest pleasures. Also worth the video feed subscription price.
  6. Basically every time they bring up something about Rose or Sin Rostro I go "Oh, right, that's a thing" and then have to walk back the entire subplot in my head. To be honest, I don't even really remember what her agenda is. That might just be me being dumb, though.
  7. I treasure that gif of Brandon standing up on the car.
  8. Ha, my mom and I have literally already made plans to veg and watch this this weekend.
  9. I also heard "aborted". I love the little moments of True Friendship that poke through the absurdity of this show, like Ilana's unrestrained joy at Abbi's momentary promotion, or Abbi offering to move the furniture out of her room for Ilana's future water birth. Perfection. Don't ever leave me, show.
  10. I love this so much. The only thing missing was Mr Bates's murderous impulses. Also, I'm glad that they're aware of these things, but I hope they actually put a little effort in to fixing them, not just spoofing them.
  11. My only disappointment with this episode is that we didn't actually get to see Terry flex & pop all the buttons off his shirt.
  12. I disliked the V Mars movie enough that I was going to ignore this completely, but you convinced me to check it out and yeah, it's pretty amazing.
  13. I have nothing smart to say about the topic, so I'll just say this: the unicorn grooving to the bagpipes just about killed me.
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