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Posts posted by DisneyBoy

  1. https://www.usmagazine.com/stylish/news/days-of-our-lives-hunks-paul-telfer-and-more-strip-down-for-playgirl/

    Oh look, its RSW's one expression. 🙄

    Bryan is hiding his chest completely. Telfer is smiling in a bizarre way and the angle doesn't show off his physique. Eric M looks covered in tinted body lotion. Sean looks goofy.

    ...what's happened to magazines these days? Are there no good photographers?

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  2. I really have trouble understanding this. Kon has a full life on Greece. He has a restaurant, right? Why does he need to stay in the US?

    They are really going to have to justify this better if I'm to believe Maggie is willing to marry a guy she hardly knows this soon after Victor's passing, just to be nice. Hes going to have to need to stay in the US or else I'm not buying it.

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  3. So apparently's Doug funeral will happen next December (!!!) around the time of the 15,000th episode celebrations.

    I swear, we haven't had ONE Christmas in Salem these last few years that wasn't marred by depressing storylines (Doc/Kayla/Kate dying, Doc possessed) or actors passing away (John A, Joe M).

    I mean, obviously this can't really be helped, but still....DAYS Decembers are such a bummer!

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  4. So apparently Eileen Davidson is playing a character - Ashley - with DID, aka, Multiple Personalities?

    ...I thought Ashley was her "boring" daytime character? I thought she saved that kind of stuff for DAYS?

    Josh G is headwriting the other show though, so maybe he wanted to take a stab at using Eileen's talent for playing different personalities sharing the same appearance?

    • Like 1
  5. I can have empathy for anyone who goes through trauma. I think we all can.

    ....but with the show where death is fixable by being injected once, and with a couple as mundane and unbelievable as these two are, you can't really blame people for rolling their eyes and yawning.

    Seriously, I like Tripp and kinda had hope for Wendy, but there's nothing there. No chemistry. No connection. No reason to root for them. No plot contrivance keeping them together.

    All I see are two actors stuck in scenes together because the producers had nothing better to do with them.

    For the last few years, Ron has written this show as though mediocre couplings can magically be transformed into awesome ones so long as one or both people have their lives threatened. Somehow, he seems to think we're just going to all go "awwww, poor them - well, they're ten times more interesting now! I'm suddenly invested!"

    It doesn't work that way.

    You can't pull stunts or use tricks to make something work. It has to work.

    They don't work.

    Mainly I feel sorry for the actors, whose talents are being wasted.

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  6. Marlena must have gone to hell again to have to kiss both of these clown's asses in one day.

    ...did she seriously say Paulina isn't annoying and is just a "great conversationalist"? With a straight face?

    I laughed all throughout Dee's reaction shots. That conversation was absurd. Paulina is embarrassing.

    On the other hand, I am so grateful we got Ari Zucker back so she could do what she did today. Nicole was fully a mother here for the first time: deeply concerned, furious, restrained, torn, authoritative, vulnerable..it was great. So well-written and realistic (now there's a word I don't use often with regards to this show anymore!) Since the secret came out, Nic seemed like she would roll over for Holly and she didn't. That was such a nice surprise. Her bitterness in listing Holly's misdeeds was palpable. Great job Ari. Great job Sherri and the writers. A new chapter has begun for this character. Let's hope it lasts longer than it seems it will, given everything happening right now.

    Sorry to say, Holly is pretty awful, but in a way I believe a teen afraid to face the reality of the effect of her actions would be. I definitely would have rather seen some tears of shame in there, to underscore her indignation, but it was still an alright performance. Tate shouldn't be kissing her, but again...dumb teenagers. What are ya gonna do?

    Great to see Lucas! This jail sentence has gone on for long enough though. Waaay too long. Can he get fully released this week? That would be nice. Kate is perfect, as always.

    The real Theresa would never, EVER have anything to do with someone still involved with Kristen. Not Alex. Not Brady. Never. Not in a million years.

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  7. 6 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

    As someone who vehemently hates Xander

    ....such a person exists!?

    Look, he's definitely done many awful things, many, but on the other hand, he's a classic soap opera hunky bad guy with an accent type who has earned his place among the cast and knows how to be funny, menacing and romantic.

    If only certain costars could learn one of those skills.

    I even like him more because - Chloe aside - his victims are permitted to hate him even years later.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Retired at last said:

    (Although, if she ever leaves, does that mean that suddenly Gwen will be back? I hope not, but it probably does.)

    I'd gladly take Gwen back. Please! This recast is excruciatingly lame.

    3 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    It was filmed in January so will air in July. It was at Theresa and Alex's wedding, so you know that will be fun. Andrew is there to give away the bride and I imagine he will also reveal the kidnapping plot. Ron's scripts start airing again June 1st so he got right back into it. The Jude reveal is around the same time I believe. 

    The replacement writers could not continue any of Ron's stuff, so that is why we got the umbrella drug story that literally began December 27th when Ron's scripts ended. That will wrap up May 31 and the characters essentially have to be back where they were, plot wise, at December 27th. I have enjoyed the character development and longer scenes. I wish Sheri had been able to do the two big reveals though.


    Laaaaawd, give me strength...

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  9. Nice to see you actually using your kitchen Chanel, but all this time out on the bench or in the kitchen with no other employees around means your shop is totally getting robbed.

    They rebuilt the Horton House fast! Wow.

    Julie, I'll bet a sledgehammer would open that box. Or just use Brady's head.

    Chad, if your whining conjures up Abifail again, I'm going to put you in her grave. She was a bad match for you. She was a completely manipulative uninteresting loon. Her murder at Clyde's hand was fitting. Shut up and find someone else. We can't handle more awful characters right now!!

    • Like 4
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  10. 13 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    Paulina and Abe get themselves ready to face her radioactive iodine treatment.

    If she gets superpowers, I'm out.

    13 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    Chanel and Johnny head to the Horton cabin for their honeymoon.

    FINALLY! (Remember when soaps had good love scenes like...every week?)

    13 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    Konstantin turns up the charm for Maggie.

    How much further can he go? He cooks, he flatters...what's next? Fluffing her hair?

    13 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    Eric faces Sloan about being late with her rent.

    Is this the kind of roleplay they get into?

    ...on the other hand, what exactly IS Eric's job right now? How is he earning his keep?

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  11. ...which makes little sense since the writer HAVE to know how weirdly detached Holly and Nicole are. Do they watch the dailies? Are they picking up on how unconvincing this mother/daughter pairing is, due to lack of build-up and seeing what works?

    The show barely took the time to show us Nicole being a mother to a little sentient girl with a clear personality - the way they have with Kristen and Rachel - so jumping to Nicole suddenly being shocked her daughter has secrets? Yeah, that doesn't track.

    We've seen so little of them bonding and trusting each other that there's no reason to think Holly would go to Nicole first.

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  12. 12 hours ago, salvame said:

    I think, originally, it was supposed to be Kon's retribution/revenge- to defraud Victor's family/heirs out of all they own, and to make John writhe with guilt until Kon plays his pawn card and tries to have Pawn John kill Steve and himself. Somewhere in that half of the story, there's a twist, as no one believes John pulled that trigger. While we're on that story line, I'm over John being so over the top with guilt. Marlena made her point in comparing it to her possessions. 

    You know, I totally forgot that Kon still had that silly card to mesmerize John with. But...at this point if he uses it to turn John into an assassin, everyone will just know it's him behind John's transformation, right? So...what was the point of him even having it anymore?

    Maybe Sherri was instructed to write the "Kon turns him into the Pawn" storyline and decided midway it was too stupid for words and opted for this "Guilty John/Kon's anger in the open" interpretation instead?

    I don't know why but I assume Sherri is doing her best to put out fires here LOL.

    10 hours ago, MissPhoenixGirl said:

    I agree; that should've been her main story from the very beginning. She never should've been involved in this dumb Konstantin storyline in the first place. That and the horrific recast is doing a lot of significant and horrible damage to the character that I'm not even sure could actually be reversible in the long run. And I'm also dreading Ron coming back because the minute he does, Theresa is just going to be uber-obsessed with Alex again and she's going to start ignoring her son again and pretend he doesn't exist. That's why I'm hoping that when her stint ends she either leaves town, goes to prison for a long time or is just killed off altogether. It's not like anyone is going to care anyway and there is really no fixing Theresa this time. 

    I do agree that Theresa as a character is really not viable long term now, but I don't want her killed or incarcerated. I think Sherri and the writers have written some humanity back into her lately, with her renewed focus on Tate and only vaguely romantic conversations with Brady, so maybe that will slightly lessen the blow when she inevitably becomes the ugly character we know Ron is itching to write again.

    Ron really had her throwing herself at her Brady from the word "go" and I agree, he will again...so I'm honestly hoping Theresa leaves town before Ron comes back. I doubt it'll happen. Again, I feel as though Sherri would try to give her a somewhat graceful exit, probably with her owning up to her deception, apologizing and then spending time with Tate and Roman and Kayla before leaving Salem. That's the best ending I could hope for here.

    (Watch it be ten times worse.)

    8 hours ago, brisbydog said:

    Paulina is all better! Yay. So the point of this story was....?


    3 hours ago, Artsda said:

    I am actually team Theresa with her reaction and opinion on Holly. She's  a lying addict who more should be in halfway house or rehab. Let Holly get the treatment Tate got.  She will be no good for Tate.  

    Emily was really channeling Jen L's spitfire interpretation of Theresa today and I was almost enjoying it! This felt very much in keeping with Theresa being fiercely aggressive towards those she views as hypocrites, even if she's overlooking her own sins in the process LOL. (I never said Theresa was perfect, but she is always fun!) I rather liked Gwenresa being furious and shooting from the hip.

    ...though I was again confused by the "we always believed in you!" stuff. Huh? You did? *scratches head*

    3 hours ago, Artsda said:

    Nicole finds out her daughter OD and been lying and Tate been paying the price and her reaction is more about why she told Eric first? Then she's still trying to claim coma affected her memory. 

    Yeah, Nicole has been weak tea lately. The Nicole we all knew and (kinda) loved wouldn't have been so easy going, given what's happened. There would be some fire in her eyes. She does, after all, love Brady and would feel frustration over how this affected him...and herself, what with the traveling and coma care.

    I could NOT buy Holly's "Mama can't handle disappointment/I was protecting HER!" BS excuse and it was equally weird seeing Nicole demure with the "oh sweetie, I know you were just protecting me!" dialogue. It was as if the writers were trying to salvage Holly by creating some kind of explanation for her bizarre choices. It didn't really work.

    Did she honestly have drugs in her room the whole time, since New Year's Eve? Did no one snoop around her room for evidence of drugs after her overdose? Isn't that Chapter 1 in the Concerned Parenting Handbook? Wouldn't a judge have insisted in a search of Holly's room before blaming some boy for supplying the drugs? Wouldn't it have been helpful for the Doctors treating her to know exactly what she's been taking?

    If anyone would be so kind as to tell me how the episode wrapped up that'd be appreciated. I only got as far as Holly bringing the drugs into the livingroom and wasn't able to see the rest. Had we ever seen that box "from the garage sale" before? The one her drugs were in? Or was that invented for this episode?

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  13. 8 hours ago, junemeatcleaver said:

    Theresa's a lot more interesting being a mother to Tate than that nonsensical gold digging/revenge storyline that was going on before the strike. Tate should have been her primary focus from the beginning.

    In my mind, that IS her focus. I mean, she did raise him in LA. She clearly wanted the best for him. Show wants to pretend she never grew up or cared about people or took on responsibilities, but she has and she did.

    The Kon/Alex stuff was a terrible direction to take her. Glad at least for a few more weeks we can get to see some more of her human traits. I'm sure Ron will turn her into an irredeemable pathetic villainess again the second he's back.

    Something tells me Jen L feels like she dodged a bullet. This would have been a horrid stint to have to complete, spitting on where she'd previously left her character after years of growth.

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  14. At the time I didn't think I'd ever be nostalgic for it, but I kinda miss the Claire/Theo/Chase/Ciara/Joey teen scene. At least they seemed to have unique characteristics. Claire was the aspiring singer who wanted her folks back together, Theo was autistic and tech savvy, Joey the doofus, Chase the...well, nevermind since that got ruined fast.

    It was a decent little group, in hindsight.


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  15. Amen, boes! Amen.


    Happy Good Friday to those of you celebrating (Happy? Celebrating? Are those the right words in this case? Well, you know what I mean). I'm catching up so this will be a review of two episodes and a bit...

    I liked Holly pointing out how awful it would be to have a party under the portrait of Stefano, and thought something would come of that. Nicole suggested a garden party. Why was that nixed? Too cold? I missed the rest of Wednesday's episode so...yeah. That's all I got there.

    I was glad it was her relationship with Eric that got Holly to spill the beans. We've heard a lot about their supposed bond but this was the first time we saw it in action, finally. Lordy, Preachy Eric is boring though. It was like we jumped straight back to 2012, with him in the outfit and the vaguely confused look on his face. Can we get back to Photographer Eric ASAP please?

    Replacement Sloan was pretty good, but not the Sloan I prefer. Why was the original actress suddenly unavailable again? This fill-in briefly popped up weeks ago and then the original came back. And now she's gone again? For a rather important event too? Hmm. How wildly out-of-order do they shoot these scripts?

    I really thought the callbacks to various events and characters was nicely done. I feel like Sherri must be on top of all that, because not only did we get EJ kinda rubbing it into Marlena's face that he's bedded both Sami and Belle (by asking about them), but we got Steve referencing the horrible Stevano storyline and nods to both John and Eric's priestly eras. It all made the otherwise boring Christening slightly more interesting.

    And thank GOD Kristen wasn't there to smug it all up. It was pretty thoughtful for them to make sure Brady wouldn't have to deal with her, though Johnny and Chanel being absent made little sense.

    Did Johnny and Chanel ever get to go to the Horton cabin? I never found out. If so, did they show it?

    The only thing I can't figure is why they showed Kate having to go on a side quest only to leave her out of the Christening entirely. Again, maybe was that about shooting schedules? Was LK not hired for the day(s) where they shot in the chapel and the livingroom? I wondered if Kate was going to show up at the DiMansion and overhear Holly confessing or something...but nope. She got the beginning of a subplot that went nowhere. Disappointing. Love me some Kate. Too bad she's on recurring.

    Found it very appropriate that the reception party was awkward and dull. No one on that guest list was going to enjoy standing around that livingroom, and I'm glad the script reflected that. I was worried they'd have everyone acting out of character just to make the celebration "fun", when obviously, Marlena, John, Roman and Steve would not want to be there.

    What is Melinda's job now anyway? She's not the DA so...private practice?

    I'm not a lawyer, but if Holly calls Tate, doesn't that mean she's the one violating the restraining order...

    It's beyond absurd that this overdose storyline took more than three months to resolve. Even once Ari Zucker's lawyer got her back to work as Nicole, they could have wrapped it up within a month. It's been much ado about nothing, really, and hardly an interesting way to build Holly's character.

    Are we just supposed to think of her as a weak-willed, self-pitying addict? Seriously? That's the first approach you want to take with this character? I hope she has more redeemable/interesting qualities in future stories. I'm not even sure how this take on Holly reflects who Nicole has been as a mother. It feels...arbitrary.

    Whatever. Let's just move past her drinking/drugging and hopefully past her abusing Tate's kindness (poor guy) and give them both other teens to interact with so they can start fresh. This was a muddled beginning to their adulthood.

    Impressed that the show sprang for helium-filled balloons though! They're expensive now! LOL


    EDIT: My bad - this is Holly's second storyline, I guess, if you count her crush on/obsession towards Johnny. I forgot about that. So...that's two uninteresting stories for her so far.

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  16. I love Drake now, but in 2012 when he was "nobly" butting heads with Marlena and flirting with Kristen and then getting divorced, he was just insufferable.

    IIRC, they finally turned him around after an eternity of angst when he brought Doc to the restaurant Belle was using as a law office and had him woo her with a blank book to write their new memories in.

    He was a constipated ass for what felt like 2 years. Not saying he wasn't entitled, after his ex banged his son and all, but still.

    Him going with his natural silver hair also helped. John's been pretty lovable lately. I'll forgive him three weeks of angst.

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