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Posts posted by DisneyBoy

  1. Word to whoever said Marlena supporting Sami felt hollow.  She skipped the wedding, so why the sudden change, especially AFTER EJ's affair came out??  And did Sami ever once stop by the hospital to see John?  She had no interest in his situation.  Very hollow to smile like you care when you don't.  Its like the writers flew unto Happy Ending mode for Sami....so naturally she is suddenly on good terms with Mar.


    Why is Mar in an arm brace?

  2. Jawn as Gina would be horrifying/awesome.  I just hate feeling like he'll get a pass over his awful seduction of Kristin plot because he went through a coma.  And wasn't Marlena starting to sniff around Roman again?


    Today was an almost eventful episode!  Plenty happened for a change....

    Is anyone else counting down the seconds until we see Susan again???

    • Love 2
  3. Was it ever mentioned how Kristin survived her car wreck last year?  Did she explain how she evaded capture or survived her injuries?


    And also, how exactly did Kristin not get charged with assault and attempted murder for taking a box cutter to Dr. Tan, the holy savior of Salem?  So what if there were no witnesses - he clearly had injuries....

  4. How exactly DID EJ become such a DiMerra?  Did he discover his heritage by chance or did he return to Salem super psyched to embrace the bio Dad who dressed up like Elvis to coerce his Mother into bed?  Why did Susan even let him become involved with these mean mean people in the first place?

    I never saw his arrival on DAYS so I don't know....

    • Love 1
  5. So I know this shouldn't shock me if the answer is yes, but does EJ deal with drugs professionally and if so, wouldn't Sami know about this?


    She has run his company for months now...wouldn't being married to a guy who facilitates people like Brady messing up their lives be a turn-off?



    Can't express how happy I am to hear that.  ED was clearly open to reprising the role so I'm annoyed at how long they took to write her in. Better late than never?


    I just hope they invest in some decent special effects makeup.  Remember: Kristin's first words to EJ upon returning after 15 years were that Susan wouldn't look anywhere near as good as her.

    Question - where did you hear this spoiler?  Is it legit?

  7. I saw him on that show where they track people using satellites and cell phones ("The ______"??) about a year or so ago and he was a hotel patron in one scene.  It's sad to see someone so talented so underused, but it was definitely Cass, with a salt-and-pepper beard and hair.  He was playing a businessman who was being aggressively sexual with the maids :(


    The intervention was so good!!!! When Felicia disowned Lorna......... Wow.



    Was this Felicia's drinking intervention - when did that go down?  If you have the dates roughly I could look it up and maybe watch it.  And how could Felicia disown Lorna...if she was only at the beginning of being Lorna's actual mother...?

  8. I couldn't even watch when EJ and Abby got to talking in the park.  Really show??  You're going to play this off like a semi-interesting love affair, even though you pulled it out of nowhere?


    It's nice seeing Kristin again, but I might have to wait until her storyline is compiled by some fan and posted onto YouTube.


    It's a shame that even though Kristin and EJ (and presumably Stefano) will all be around for Sami's goodbye storyline...she isn't trying to kill off one of them.  Not that I want Kristin dead, mind you, but I wish we could have gotten even a slight blaze of glory here.  Sami trying to get Abby fired is just so...trivial...

    • Love 1
  9. Here's a question that I'm not sure if the show ever bothered to answer:  Why did Stefano sleep with Susan Banks?


    I'm guessing it was a retcon that Susan's baby was actually Stefano's - something they probably came up with well after introducing Susan Banks - but did they ever even try to explain what would possess Stefano to sleep with someone who looked so much like his own beloved adopted daughter Kristin?  Isn't that...well hella disgusting when you think about it?  Was there ever a scene where Kristin went "Um...father...did you sleep with her because she reminded you of me??"


    I had to ask.

    • Love 1
  10. Glad I checked in on these spoilers to bring my expectations back down to earth regarding Kristen's return.  I love ED but the writers have been pretty awful with her character.  Why in God's name would she want to kidnap Dirty Dan???

  11. boes, if anyone is going to spank JJ my money is on Hope's lawyer boyfriend.  The show would never go there, but those two made eyes at each other IIRC.


    Why is the show putting John through more physical trauma??  He already seems to be suffering through something.  I figured the only way to redeem John as a character at this point was to reveal a medical problem has been affecting him for over two years....


    Anyone else see Marlena and Roman getting back tigether

    • Love 1
  12. Boes, I will have you know, I did a spittake over your Activia comment and I wasn't even drinking anything.  Thanks for that :)


    As much fun as today was, I really thought Abby and Jenn should look like they were going to puke over nerves.  We got that a bit with EJ and it seemed just as deserved here, what with the pregnency scare and all...

    • Love 2
  13. I think Sami is moments away from decking Abby, and I'm cheering her on.


    Marlena talking about 'flopsweat' in that way-to-young-for-her sheer gown leaves a very bad taste in her mouth.


    I get that New Will has AS's nose and all....but I don't like the actor.  I would have much rather seen regular Will bear witness to Sami's revenge, especially after he suffered through them getting engaged.


    I think Sami is moments away from decking Abby, and I'm cheering her on.


    Marlena talking about 'flopsweat' in that way-to-young-for-her sheer gown leaves a very bad taste in her mouth.


    I get that New Will has AS's nose and all....but I don't like the actor.  I would have much rather seen regular Will bear witness to Sami's revenge, especially after he suffered through them getting engaged and all.


    Thanks for bringing me up to speed on the detsils yhst I miseed...but how does Stefano fit into this?    Where is Stefano?  And isn't Kristen still on the loose?  Sami got backup plans to deal with all that too??

    • Love 1
  14. Like the rest of you guys, I deeply enjoyed the Sami Smackdown scenes.  AS was doing a very good job, even though there were a few moments that I felt she rushed through her lines when they could have been milked.


    I couldn't help but wonder, though, if Sami wasn't jumping the gun by spilling the beans and crowing to EJ like that.  Can't he easily fight this tax evasion charge?  He isn't even in prison yet!  Play it safe, Sami, keep your mouth shut and lie to EJ that taking over the business is necessary as long as he's behind bars, or something (did they show the actual boardroom meeting on a previous day?)  There is still a very good chance EJ will fight back now.

  15. I said this pretty regularly over at TWOP, but I loathe the way women are written on this show.  Especially since this is a soap opera aimed at appealing to women.  Why have all the female characters either be trampy, scheming back-stabbers who lecture or self-righteous blowhards who lecture?  There's so much lecturing  going on it's INSANE.  The show has very, very little actually happening on a day-to-day basis and still the writers have the characters spend 80% of their time rehashing the nothing that's going on in judgemental conversations.  I remember when soaps used to have characters actually walk away from conversations and move on to other parts of their lives.  Here...it's a never-ending cycle.  No one ever lets anything go, and all the characters cross the lines of decency on a daily basis to stick their noses into each other's lives.  It's completely unrealistic, even for a soap!


    Moreover, I CAN. NOT. BELIEVE. this show is still focusing main plotlines around characters who lie and then get caught on video or in pictures, only to have said pictures turn up eventually.  Hasn't every single story for the last two years played out that way?  Kristen and Brady Part 1, Kristen and Brady Part 2, Abby and EJ...


    It's same plot over and over and over.  Beyond annoying.


    Whoever here said it's bizarre that the Abby/EJ fling is what breaks up Sami and EJ after years of raping and shooting each other...yup.  I hear you!

    • Love 2
  16. Lois and her arc always pointed more to her being Cat Grant, in my eyes.  The drinking, the questionable interest in journalism, the flirting...I see those as more Cat-like traits.


    Season four was indeed a good season for Chloe.  I also liked Lana and Jason, though the age difference was a bit creepy.  What school would let a football coach date a student??


    The finale was great.  Chloe shoving Lex into the rocky cave wall to protect Clark was one of her best character moments...

  17. Having only recently watched the movie, I find myself wondering what right this guy has to essentially barge into people's lives like an amateur detective.  Can't he make a living as a photographer?  Aren't the people who seek out his help able to do basic internet searches on their own?


    He is calm and likeable enough, but ends up profiting from the personal stories of those who are in far worse circumstances than he is without offering too much in return...

  18. It's strange to see her in those old episodes and think of what would ultimately become of her life in just a few years.


    I was just watching the July 4th 1992 episodes in which Ryan learns he is Carl's son.  There is an awful lot of talk about the Spencer/Justine/Carl backstory, obviously, but I'm incredibly impressed by how the writers basically set up a major storyline almost two years in advance.  Justine only showed up in 1994, but they had already decided she would resemble Rachel back in 1992.  Iris points it out to Rachel herself.  I guess they had asked Vicky Wyndham to do the double role and then just set a date....

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