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Posts posted by DisneyBoy

  1. I was able to find EJ's first scenes, moving in across the hall from Sami and Austin (how did he ever end up with her again?) and you are right - it isn't exactly subtle that he's likely Susan's son.  But did EJ come to town knowing that, or did he discover it?

  2. My favourite storyline was Ryan and Carl's relationship turning from adversaries to a sort of begrudging respect once they discovered that Carl was Ryan's father. Actually, I loved every Ryan storyline, particularly his friendship with Frankie. That said, looking back, he was often over the top angry at Vicky. But then again, she did have a tendency to wreck havoc in his life.


    Ryan was indeed a favourite and that relationship with Carl was really interesting.  In rewatching some of those episodes last year, I did find myself noticing that Paul Michael Valley wasn't as good an actor as I'd remembered him being. Of course, he was younger then, but had a certain cheesiness. Of course, it's nothing as bad as most of the soap acting these days.


    Evan Frame however secretly put real bullets in the gun. Iris was tried and sent to jail and never heard from again. Which was a real shitty ending for a character like Iris, no?


    Wow - yup!  I never saw Evan Frame at any point during my time watching the show, but I remember Carl's shooting and him surviving, losing his memory and developing a crush on Iris. So it was Evan, hun? Well. What happened to him? How did his arc go following Iris being behind bars? I think I remember Ali Fowler warning would-be stepdad Cameron at one point in 1998 (I think?) that he'd better be careful about Amanda because if Evan Frame ever "came back to town", she'd be all over him.  I guess that means Evan's last storyline on the show did not involve him dying. Why did he want Carl dead and Iris framed for it?


    2. Amanda and Sam - Sandra Ferguson and Robert Kelker-Kelly had amazing chemistry and acted the hell out of this 'first love' story, woven with Sam's devotion to his art and sometimes self-destructive pride, and Amanda's desire to be more than just the Cory family princess. The writers then proceeded to trash the couple repeatedly - Amanda goes from Sam's biggest booster to someone too involved with business to sit for a portrait, then falls bewilderingly in love with the loutish Evan Frame (the overrated, to me, Charles Flohe, who I also disliked on "Edge of Night"). Then, when they brought Sam back, played by another actor, he was now a country western singer with no interest in painting. Then later, a different Amanda told her unfaithful, manipulative husband Grant that she'd "loved him even more than Sam." I gagged.


    Wow - thanks for recapping that!  I never saw any of it and wondered about how things had gone down with the character RKK played before Shane/Bobby Reno.  Gah - THAT was a fiasco of a comeback, wasn't it? But this sounds pretty lousy too.  I hate it when writers poop all over past character's relationships to make the one they're currently in seem more "for real".

    Of course, it didn't make much sense that Amanda went from being the princess (Sandra F played that angle well, I always felt), to the business lady married to scheming Grant (suddenly smarter and more proud and yet also much more blind), to then scheming to break her mother and Carl up by dressing up and pretending to be Carl's mistress (leaving us all going WTH??), and then back to being a sort of Princess (when Sandra returned).


    Amanda didn't have the best character arc, to be sure, but at least it was interesting overall and had very likeable actresses playing her ("Hadley Prescott" era Amanda aside).


    Did any of the rest of you have a chuckle when "Hadley Prescott" shared drinks and flirted with "Shane" (effectively reuniting Amanda and Sam, even though it was a different actress playing Amanda and a completely different character played by RKK)?

    • Love 1
  3. Now that Kristin is seemingly gone for a while, I'm done with the show until she comes back.  Does anyone know what will be up with Stefano, Chad and Tony in the meantime? Is Stefano going to continue his revenge plot against Marlena in June...or can I tune this crazy show out? 

  4. There isn't a thread about her yet? For shame!


    There has never been more to discuss, from her romance with Superman, to the Sensation comics, her main title, her Lynda Carter '77 series and soon...her big screen debut!  What have you been interested in?


    I am liking the variety in Sensation comics but find it odd how so many Bat villains have appeared.


    I bought the printed '77 Special and generally enjoyed it. Are there more digital first stories coming? Is this an on-going series now?


    What are the Finches doing in the main book?



  5. I agree it was maddenning watching Marlena dance around the obvious simple explanation of " she was trying to shoot me, for the third time, and I wrestled the gun away but she  tripped and fell" when speaking to Chad, John, Eric and Stefano.  It seems all the dialogue is written to be intentionally murky to support multiple interpretations.

    • Love 2
  6. Slightly confused by the return of Tony/Andre....wasn't that all wrapped up pretty well?  Aren't they both played out?


    Man, there are a lot of doubles on this show...Gina/Hope, Mar/Samantha, Kristin/Susan/Penelope/their brother, Tony/Andre...

    • Love 2
  7. Oh boes, so right about the flashbacks.  Marlena in her demon Halloween mask with an overbite was just so bad I couldn't believe it.  And don't get me started on how they always zoom in on Fullscreen/TV aspect ratio archive footage to make it widescreen, even though it cuts out pertinent visual information.  Lord I could see the stubble on Marlena's thigh in that one shot!!  TOO CLOSE!!!

    • Love 2
  8. Was Hattie played by DH's actual twin?  I only found out she had a twin recently and found that super creepy.


    DH was terrible during her scenes with JM today.  And wasn't he visibly reading off cue cards?  Awkward.  Though him calling her Saint Marlena and her about to be tossed out a window was possibly the best this show has been in YEARS.

    • Love 1
  9. It would make Paul younger than Brady (Brady was born in 1992) but older than EJ...


    Um...that's hilarious!  Paul older than EJ.  Lordy.  Is EJ the most SORASed character ever in the history of soaps?  I wish I had been reading soap message boards when he first popped up just to see how people felt about him aging 25 years in what....six?  Seven?


    I'm worried about what horrible SL Sami is going to get stuck in when she returns to Salem.  The good parts of 2014 were Sami/Kate working together and Sami leaving the Dimera House of Horrors without the freaking urn with the fake ashes.


    You and me both.  I'm guessing they'll have her prop up Mar/John, who I bet will be renewing their vows for the 50th.  Because DUH!  Really, though, I hope she learns that EJ was a scumbag drug dealer and gets over him super fast.  I will hurt myself rolling my eyes if I have to hear about this "movie" they're filming about her amazing, totally important and marketable life.  Wonder what they'd entitle it?


    Show actually DID put Abe and Maxine together for about 2 seconds, and it was nice to see Abe in  a storyline all his own, and Maxine doing something other than worshiping at the Shrine of Jonas.  But I swear it didn't even last two weeks until we heard Abe say that he and Maxine had decided to stay "just friends".  And he was back to wearing the big coat and being the Gladys Kravitz of Salem, and Maxine was back to being Dirty Dan's acolyte.


    I guess I blinked and missed that.  I get kinda weirded out by the notion of pairing up the show's only two black characters, but I really think Maxine was a nice alternative to Lexi, who was pretty uptight/serious.  Maxine seems like a LOT of fun and just the kind of woman who would be a great stepmom.  They should hook these two back up.  And yes, she DOES have great comedic timing!


    Brady and Melanie have always kind of had a thing for each other. It looked like the show was going to get them together a few years ago, and then they brought on that stupid Dario. I think they do love each other.


    Missed that plot point too.  I actually don't mind Melanie, but she NEEDS to stop acting like a twitchy little kid.  It's annoying as hell.


    Aww isn't it sweet that the plastic mannequin is bonding with his child abusing pedophile father.


    AGAIN - how did they get him on good terms with his father?  Doesn't he know about what he did to Jordan???  The mind boggles.


    Who did Abigail's hair today? That person should be fired.


    Abby's hair is really in rough shape.  It's looking thinner and straw-ish now.  Hope the actress is okay and this is just about growing it out and chopping off the dead parts.


    Stephono I don't think you can kill a robot, RoboMar is those new age robots that can put themselves back together.



    Okay - you just made me spit my beverage out all over myself picturing Mar stopping mid-fall, grabbing the mountainside and climbing back up with her head spun around.

  10. Do they film a bunch of scenes and then plunk them into a show and hope the timeline makes sense?



    Um....yes.  Without any behind the scenes info, I still say: definitely yes.  There's little cohesion to this show and all the scenes are filmed to end the same way, with a startling questions hovering in the air!


    Wow, Stefano has finally started hiring American goons.  Thanks for affirmative action.



    But they didn't even look threatening.  It seemed like Marlena was going to be asked to go over her taxes or something...


    Can I ask: how on earth did Dan go from sleeping with Brady's ex-fiancee Kristin to allowing his daughter to bang Brady?  Those two take GF-swapping to an uncomfortable place...

  11. Robert KK played Bo?  Hun.  That kinda makes sense.  Was this before he appeared on Another World as (ugh) Shane Roberts/Bobby Reno?  That was a disaster, but you could see how he would be appealing otherwise.  Very rugged, good actor - clearly a "Bo" type.


    I think it is a bit of both...Plus, Melissa is the only Jennifer Horton, that the audience will ever accept. The recast was atrocious and the show realizes that the role of Jennifer is tied to Melissa, Period. Some roles cannot be recast and it is foolish to even try...



    I wouldn't care one bit if Melissa left.  Sorry but that ENTIRE FAMILY has been ruined by the writing.  When was the last time Melissa did a scene so well that anyone enjoyed it?  I know scripts are the problem, but I can't even look at her anymore.  A fresh actress and better writing could help turn her in to the likeable person the show seems to want her to be.


    Could anyone be so kind as to recap what happened post Secret Room for Kristin/John/Marlena/Susan?  I know Kristin showed up at the wedding with Roman and that put things on hold for a while...and then later it was revealed that Susan was triplets...but it's all a blur after Secret Room, until the very end, where Kristin ended up in the harem.  THANK YOU!

  12. I see we got a nice dose of Maggie on Friday's episode, her high-pitched whine/cry because Mel is safe, and of course she had to fully cover her face with her hands because she's so overcome that Mel was actually able to survive flying coach home from Italy.  And then we got to see her with her nose in the air because Theresa had a baby.  I wish I could find something about Maggie I could like, but all I see is a snide gossip who loves to feel better than other people.  I wish she's trip and fall on her hair.



    LOL!!  I actually think the charm of the actress outshines the idiocy of the scripts, but yeah, sure I can see why she would grate given all she's allowed to do is kiss Daniel's bum and overreact to things.  But I feel like she's a great member of the supporting cast and see her as a Celeste equivalent in that both were OOT characters.  Like her.  And the big hair.  You go girl!


    Thanks for the recap of today's show!  I missed it.  Strange that Marlena would invite herself over to Chad's for a condescending "I know how you feel about your sister who I just killed" conversation.  How freaking awkward is THAT Marlena??  And really?  You want to just walk up to the DiMerras and have a touchy feely talk after offing one of theirs?  You should have showed up with a T-shirt that read "Abduct Me Please".  Is Brady's stupid rubbing off on her?


    I find it bizarre that John's storyline has nothing to do with Marlena/Stefano/Kristin/Brady's.  It was like they had to TRY to find two minutes last week so Marlena could bring John up to speed on killing his ex-fiancee/stalker.  And now he's what?  Back to bonding with Paul?  Bonding with Brady?


    John of yore would have realized Marlena's ass is danger and put her on lockdown with the whole Salem PD there for backup.


    ...was John a cop in the past?  Was that how he was always telling Abe and the other cops what to do back during the Kristin Rampage of the mid-90s?  Was that his trajectory?  Priest to cop?


    Roman & Abe - no thank you

    Awww, I always thought Abe deserved another romance.  Why couldn't he get with that wonderful Nurse from the hospital?  She's cool.


    But I'm with you on Roman.  He isn't looking so great these days and seems really out of place.  They need to resolve his arc in some way.  I don't see Mar running off to be with him, and Sami's gone...he doesn't even have scenes with Eric, so...yeah.  Why is he still around?

    • Love 2
  13. I don't think I would have enjoyed her suddenly becoming Mrs. Mom.  It probably would have translated into her becoming smugger than Saint Marlena (as Kristin calls her).


    But yeah - this "I gotta get my man!1111!" story is stuck on repeat with this show.  And the man is a freaking loser.  Sorry Brady, I wanted to like you, I really really did.  But are awful.  Better than Dan, but barely.

    • Love 3
  14. Do we know yet what becomes of Stefano and Marlena after he bring her to Italy?  Does he die? I won't have time to watch and I suspect I will be disappointed by the scripts anyway.....thanks!

  15. Random thought: if Paul was conceived during the Father John era....wouldn't that make him older than Brady or EJ??  They were born after him, but appear a decade older.  Makes no sense.  Shouldn't Paul be SORASed just like they were?



    And is Xander just supposed to be posing as family?  Is he a hired hand?

    I also 

    enjoyed the bizarrely human and touching scene between Jenn and Brady...

    • Love 2
  16. Could someone lay out the details of what happened?  I'm not familiar with all the actor names involved or this cheating story, so understanding why Peter's been AWOL so long is a bit tricky...thanks!


    Also: Before we get into Stefano VS Marlena Round 157, can anyone explain where things have stood between them?  I seem to remember years ago seeing Stefano visit Marlena in the hospital, where John was receiving treatment and bidding her farewell/letting her go...could that have been when Deidre Hall and Drake first left the show?


    And then I saw Stefano and Marlena have some kind of face off in the DiMansion a few years back.  All this to say, I have no clue if he ever got over his love for her or what.

  17. If DAYS was cancelled and that was the reason for him return, we would probably have heard something about it.  That kind of news would leak out fast.


    Glad he's back though.  He and Theresa and Kate and maaaaybe Chad are the only interesting characters on the show.

    • Love 3
  18. JE has always been a champion crier.



    In the final episode of Another World (RIP), they even wrote in a joke where the other residents of Bay City offer Paulina (JE's character) tissues at a wedding because they know she'll be bawling.  So meta and cute.


    I both hated Aderienne's dress thing and thought she looked beautiful at the same time.


    The makeup and wardrobe people on DAYS have generally been unkind to Judi these last few years, but I immediately noticed a change yesterday.  I think it was the shade of pink of her top and that they put some pink on her cheeks as well.  Color-wise she looked younger and fresher.  But yes, the actual cut of the top was strange.


    I'm happy that JE is finally getting something to play that has layers to it. DAYS has been wasting her for so long.


    LIKEWISE.  Judi has tons of charm and wit and appeal.  She's so natural.  I'm amazed she's managed to stick around DAYS at all given how awkward and grating this character is.  I'm looking forward to seeing her out of this triangle and just being a decent, fun, functional person (because that's likely on this show - ha!)


    They have in the past.


    Aaaaand there goes my appetite.  I really wish they had cut about four months of Clyde's tenure down and sped through his story before he ended up bedding Kate.  That's nasty as HELL.  I hope we get a full scene of Kate just repeatedly beating him to death with a baseball bat.  I wasn't watching until ED came back so I have no clue how they even managed to write Jordan out and get Ken Doll all chummy with Daddy.


    It's just baffling for a show that prized EJ so much to let his killer walk around for a YEAR being a legit part of the ensemble.  Didn't they think EJ fans would want Clyde caught and punished relatively quickly?


    I don't think sleeping with the in-laws of either child's side generally strikes parents of the troubled married couple at that particular time.  I mean, really? Who does that?


    Characters that are being forced into a front-burner storyline by inept writers who don't care about maintaining their integrity?  Yeah, I can't understanding why those chose to weave these two storylines together.  How does it benefit the narrative at all?  How do these stories compliment each other?


    I know nothing about Justin and Adrienne's history, but the way Kate tore Adrienne to shreds over getting involved with Lucas made it seem like even the writers knew this storyline was a joke.  They're not going to split up Adrienne and her longtime love so close to the Anniversary (where they'll try to celebrate the best loved couples, naturally).  So...why bother with this?  I loved that Kate herself seemed to just march in and call out this inane storyline with a laugh.


    Kate has become my favourite character.  I think the actress is so consistent and compelling and plays a variety of emotions where others don't.  And it helps that she hasn't been torn down by crappy writing the way the others have.  Between teaming up with Sami and then Chad and caring for Lucas and showing regard for family in general, I think Kate may be the only character to emerge from these dark years unscathed.  Am I wrong?


    I like that she owned her cheating and that she neither whined nor begged for forgiveness. And also that she had the maturity to end the discussion before it got really ugly. This is the Adrienne that I used to love!


    I was also pleasantly surprised that she and Justin didn't start tossing out the nastiest insults the writers could think up.  Finally - a semi-mature adult response to conflict!  How rare are those on DAYS?

    • Love 3
  19. I found the Paul Leaves San Fran scenes laughable today.  Why was his Mom calling John a good man?  She hasn't seen him in years!  And John being happy with Paul moving back to Salem was mystifying....the guy should leave his entire family behind to hang with some dude he hardly knows and who is ALSO stepdad to the guy he slept with?  Yeah.  Sure.  Naturally.



    Nice to see Joe M walking round the castle.  Wonder if he will take Marlena there.....

    • Love 2
  20. Can I just say that those pictures of Xander in his towel - plus his acting ability and ease in front of the camera - prove how foolish this show's producers are.  If THAT ain't the definition of a soap star, what is?  Daniel?  Ha!


    It's mystifying that they'd land an actor like that - and a guy with an accent (to replace James Scott!) - and then write him such lousy material and (apparently) send him out the door.  I'm pretty sure 99% of the women watching this show would be happy to tune in for that guy.


    Thursday, May 14, 2015
    Stefano and Marlena revisit their tumultuous past… and Stefano decides she must die for what she did to Kristen.




    My definition of Must See TV.  Though really - after the Eric rape and embryo theft, it's kind of hard to claim Kristin wasn't deserving of SOME kind of punishment, right?  And I'm saying that as someone who LIKES her!


    ...not to be unkind here, but what exactly can Stefano do to Marlena?  The guy is constantly sitting down, right?  I hope Joe was in good enough shape for some kind of action to take place, even if it is just walking and pointing fingers, etc.


    These crappy writers had better not botch up Stefano's death.  That's all I gotta say bout dat!


    Am I the only one wishing Chad was more closely tied into this Kristin death story?  I feel like it's only being used to get him into bed with Icky Abby.  And that's gross.

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