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Everything posted by Landsnark

  1. Joe is mad at CNN for not understanding that Joe Scarborough sets the agenda for the White House daily. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/joe-scarborough-shreds-cnn-boss-201310868.html
  2. The comments are pretty funny. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/05/mika-brzezinski-news-idiots-joe-scarborough-willie-geist_n_7518258.html NOBODY likes Mika. Not progressives, not regressives. Nobody. Not her father. Not Joe. Not her staff. Not her guests.
  3. I read somewhere that Rand Paul was on the show this morning and took a position to the left of Joe on the causes of ISIS. Paul blamed it on the hawks in the GOP who insisted upon arming groups in Syria and Iraq indiscriminately. And apparently Bobby Jindal went insane and spewed a word salad of jaw-dropping craziness. Am I crazy (totally probable) or were Bob Dole and the former Senator from Nevada (or Utah?) and Ambassador to China who has a smoking hot daughter on MSNBC the last two viable GOP candidates? With a half-nod towards McCain in 2000. I guess Bush is viable, because, duh, he actually was President. But he seems to be the 4th best option of the names above.
  4. Joe said that Bill Clinton "got himself mired in scandals." The outrageousness of that comment is staggering. "Got himself" "Vast right wing conspiracy?" Ken Starr, anybody? He was the face of a witch hunt that actually proved to EXONERATE Clinton from all the alleged scandals, save the most mild one. He had sex with a young woman. Never before in the history of our nation has there been so much effort expended to find fault with a President. The post of Independent Counsel was terminated because of the clown show over which Starr presided. Starr's biggest regret in his life was agreeing to undertake these investigations. Clinton was investigated for over 20 consecutive years. He was guilty of letting a young lady perform oral sex on him. Er, no... Guilty of not wanting the world to know this. Reagan presided over the Iran-Contra scandal. But yeah, lying about a hummer is soooo much worse. And of course Joe seeks to re-write history by Scarboroughing the facts. He's such a dick.
  5. George St (I refuse to type Stepanopoulus - it's too difficult for my fingers) donated $75k to a foundation that provides $200 million in aid yearly to sick, hungry and displaced Africans. Worthy charity. Joe Scarborough sees this as a cynical something or other that "proves" something or other about George St political leanings, and smugly "proves" the left wing is somehow devious and biased. I. just.. i cannot Scarborough surely gets paid more than $75k per year to speak to partisan GOP political groups. So right there, the balance sheet on bias, partisanship, cynicism, and deceit is already impossibly unbalanced, yet, he feels free to fully attack George St with baseless claims, furthering empty memes. "It's all part of the game," I'm sure he'd say to George St as way of explaining. Secondly, am I the only person who remembers that George St was WH Communications Director after having gotten Clinton elected? Hint. He may lean left, and, he may favor the Clintons. But yeah... THAT isn't the smoking gun. It's his charitable donation, that's also a matter of public record, that's the smoking gun. Are we adults? What is this? We're being led around by bloviating cynics who pander to the lowest common denominator to win 1/2 a news cycle, every 1/2 news cycle. There MUST be better quality programming and timely dialogue available in our media than this.
  6. Further proof Joe Scarborough is the world's worst asshole: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/14/opinion/charles-blow-the-president-fox-news-the-poor.html He's a disgusting person. I'm shocked he's twice divorced. And here's a great segment from John Stewart that skewers Scarborough. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/jon-stewart-slams-msnbc-defending-795586 It's at the end, roughly 8 minutes in.
  7. Mika skewers Fiorina? http://www.occupydemocrats.com/watch-mika-destroys-carly-fiorinas-phony-presidential-campaign-in-3-minutes/ Mika, wasn't she merely knowing her value? (I think Fiorina is the worst of the worst, btw) Oh, and Joe apologized today for being caught in a lie? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/06/joe-scarborough-politifact-clinton-foundation-algeria_n_7221266.html
  8. I was interested on MJ's take on Baltimore and the mockery cartoon contest in Texas and subsequent shootings, and I watched roughly 5 seconds of a smug, punchable Senator or Representative in that oft-used public place in their marble office building (you know the spot, near a round balcony in the background?) and he approved of Joe's outrage at Muslims and shifted into Benghazi and said that Hillary "has so much to answer for. Why didn't she make a phone call?" I turned it off. It's all just nonsense. It's truly not substantive. Nothing is dealt with honestly. Everything is to further simple narratives, approved agendas, being relevent media to other media within the approved topics in the correct news cycle... it's all "kabuki theater," as they're so fond of describing it, done by those involved for those involved. Movement and sound for movement and sound's sake.
  9. Do we know why Mika hates Hillary Clinton so much? Everything they discuss on the show runs through Mika's prism of hatred of Clinton. The drones killed some innocent civilians, and Mika slurs Hillary for not commenting. She doesn't attack Chris Christie or Ben CrazySurgeon or Jeb Bush, all Presidential candidates as well, she morphs the conversation around to hit Clinton. I have a bad feeling about 2016.
  10. Hilarious. Joe did his pirouette because just now Indiana has done a total reversal on its pro-discrimination bill, making any corporate/business/commercial discrimination based on sexual orientation explicitly illegal. Joe didn't want to be documented as a troglodyte on the wrong side of history. He's such an asshole.
  11. From my understanding the law is different than the other existing laws because Indiana doesn't count sexuality as a protected class like Race, Gender and Religion. And Indiana has provided private businesses the right to have religious beliefs. The other states assign this to only private citizens and governmental bodies. You mix the two outlying identifiers of this law, and you have the perfect brew for legal dicrimination against gays and gay marriages/weddings... which is NOT the case in all other states save two: South Carolina and Texas. On Chris Matthews' show tonight, he had on some wing nut Baptist PR flak who was hyperventilating about government overreach suppressing everyone's right to be fully religious. And he used this as an example, "We are trying to defend the Jewish singer who would be forced to sing Ave Maria." Just pure, unadulterated, straight-faced horse shit. I swear Chris Matthews did a through-the-4th-wall take at the camera with this face: O_o Then called the minister or whatever asinine.
  12. Did Ted Cruz just attack Mika in the media? Rolling my eyes so hard my brain hurts.
  13. That pic would be funnier if she was in a suit sitting and smiling, and he was atop the table in a tight sleeveless turtleneck, mini skirt and high heels, kicking a leg up in the air.
  14. Joe and Mika looked great today. What's weird is that Mika was wearing a black skirt earlier in the show, but changed to skin tight white jeans. I hate myself when I'm watching MJ and find myself appreciatively ogling Mika. C'mon libido! Have some dignity! Barnicle was wearing old man sneakers.
  15. I honestly don't understand the KYV road tour. I'm almost totally certain the women who most need to be made aware of best practices, the existence of a supportive environment and even legal structure that can aid a woman's ascendance through the corporate structure would not be able to afford $225 for an afternoon gab-fest. This is a cynical preaching-to-the-choir posturing and money grab. Executives and successful women will come to be seen, network, and continue knowing their value. Am I off here? Am I being too cynical? The group that stands to gain the most ground would be minority women in the workplace. Successful executive women stand to gain the least ground, as they've already gone very far. So, for Mika's (insipid) message to truly have a significant effect, shouldn't it be targeted to those who are behind the bell curve, not ahead of it?
  16. She's still not completely likable: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/mika-brzezinski-tpm-interview
  17. http://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/nbcu-news-group-mika-brzezinski-reveal-details-of-know-your-value-tour/257213 Here's a blurb about the traveling KYV tour. I feel as if they should really target minority women's groups, as they are surely the most culturally disadvantaged group in the work force who could actually use building block philosophies and practical advice. Advances in those groups would be substantive and meaningful. More interesting than the blurb, in the right hand column, job openings: Featured Jobs Entertainment/Pop Culture/Lifestyle Host Major Entertainment & Lifestyle Brand New York, NY Segment Producer, Morning Joe NBC Universal New York, NY
  18. I'm surprised and pleased they defended Brian Williams. What was his "lie," anyway? He made off-the-cuff reports on Letterman where he was in one of two helicopters under fire, and the one ahead of him was shot down, and he referred to the two helicopters as "we?" As in "we were shot down?" This is not something he reported as news?
  19. Any reaction this morning to the State of the Union?
  20. Mika was happy Donny will get his own TV show and she will appear, but haughtily pronounces she doesn't watch TV. The mind, it boggles.
  21. Does Mika realize she works in television? She's so strange.
  22. When Joe said that he understood why the cops were upset at DiBlasio, what was his rationale? It's never been made clear to me.
  23. "... talking about the effectiveness of it, most Americans are like me, they don't think all of this happened by mistake [continued use of torture on detainees]. They think the program was effective. Khalid Sheik Mohammed spilled his guts from being waterboarded. And for most Americans in 2003, that was OK!" I thought there was definitive proof that KSM provided his information prior to being tortured, and what he gave afterwards was nonsense? When is someone going to say that the reason people support torture is because of how it's depicted in the media as being effective, but most of those Americans actually support torture as some sort of sadistic retribution we get to exact on "the bad guys" to even the "score" somehow? THAT is the reason for its popularity. If it could, Fox News would broadcast detainees being tortured and wrap it in the flag.
  24. I think Joe is just faking this defense of Cosby argument to cause waves and generate news... while toeing the standard Conservative line that any victim is actually not a victim and all attackers are the real victims. To wit: the current meme that the real racists are the victims of racism, and women pretend they're raped because men are the real victims in rape. Also, aren't Mika's girls right at a prime age where they are likelier to be a victim of rape? Odd that a mother of college-aged girls would demand that rape victims back up their clams or shut it. Mika's such a liberal Democrat! #hilarious
  25. Joe's defense of Cosby because uh... Rolling Stone got a source wrong means all media is liberal and nobody got raped, and it's wrong to accuse rapists. THANKS JOE! Cleared it up for me.
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