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Everything posted by marcytv

  1. OMG, You know the fact that Andy told her something she said was funny was like validation to her. But Andy Cohen sucks too, so... Ariana is literally the worst. Like, I haven't felt rage like this over anyone on a reality tv show in maybe never? James is also the worst and I cannot get over the fact that Lisa defends him/employs him. Why is Lisa on these reunion shows? Between the James crap and the Stassi crap she comes off horribly. Lisa needs to just stick to being on RHOBH. I'm sorry I'm complaining so much. I should just leave that to the nugget. Aw, nobody backed up Kristen, that part was kinda sad lol. I think I actually went "Aw" out loud. Though most of them did back her up with the Ariana stuff, which greatly pleased me.
  2. All the people at the reunion have more chill than I do cause I feel like I prob would've punched Tom, Ariana and James. At the very least thrown a bunch of evil looks in their directions like every couple seconds. I cannot stand them. FI is piiiissed that he and the golden nugget aren't so universally loved that everyone would refuse to film with Kristen for them forever. And he's pissed that now that Stassi's back she's not only taking back her rightful attention (cause she's actually interesting) but that she's another one that is friends with Kristen again. Everyone has pretty much said everything I feel about James, though I have to add again that Lisa Vanderpump should not be at these reunions, especially when she continues to condemn Stassi and Kristen, yet doesn't do anything about DJ Muppet Baby who is horrible and misogynistic. As for why Scheana looks so different, I don't necessarily think she's had any major plastic surgery. I think her smile completely changed after she had that accident and had to have her whole front teeth redone, so that doesn't look natural anymore. And she's def lost A LOT of weight so her face just looks sunken in now.
  3. Does any of the cast, with the exception of James & Lala actually still work at SUR? I feel like the rest of the cast just goes in for "shifts" when they have to film certain things. I remember hearing that somewhere. If you look at their social media and stuff, they are never working at SUR lol it's hilarious. I think Lisa especially hates Stassi & Kristen now because they both explicitly have said they will never work at SUR again, even if it's for show purposes like the other cast members. Stassi mentioned on a podcast she was on (yes, I am all about the podcasts these days) that she thinks Lala got the amazing edit she did this season (she said the cast is annoyed cause they left out a bunch of stuff that made Lala look bad. Like pulling a knife out on Faith!) because Lala actually still works at SUR and they need to have a link to the restaurant since basically everyone in the cast doesn't work there anymore.
  4. FI and Golden Nugget were insufferable tonight, I wanted to reach into my TV and smack both of them. They really are perfect for each other, they both think they're the hottest, smartest, coolest people on the planet and they are so clearly not! I guess I can kinda see how Scheana was besties with Nugget, but how in the world does Schwartz stand FI?! I could not be best friends with that dude. LOL, that was my favorite part. FI is such an idiot. Lisa clearly hates Kristen, it's been obvious for a few seasons now. I know Lisa is a producer but I don't think she has any say in Kristen being on the show or Kristen would have been out a few years ago. Speaking of Lisa, I know the show is called Vanderpump Rules, but who cares what she thinks. She should not be at these reunions. Idk how Ariana keeps winning those polls either. Maybe the person who runs the polls is her friend or a fan of hers. I just don't understand it. I cannot believe how she said Kristen was squatting in HER OWN APARTMENT. What a witch. Since this reunion has two more parts I really hope there's an Ariana takedown in there somewhere. She's the worst.
  5. Okay you can judge me on this, but I actually ordered a sweatshirt from Kristen's line cause I liked the saying on it and I have to tell you it's the comfiest sweatshirt I own. Such good, soft, comfy material. And I follow all the girls on social media and Kristen seems to be selling a lot of t-shirts actually. As for Stassi, on one of her last podcasts she said she is doing very well financially and doesn't need to rely on the show which is why she gets offended that people accuse her for going back for financial reasons. I actually believe her cause even though I don't listen to her podcast all the time, whenever I do, it seems to be taking off and she has a lot of great sponsors, etc. I don't follow any of the guys cause I have some self-respect, come on ;) but from what I've read Jax and Tom (idk which one) opened up some restaurant and they've been promoting in Vegas and stuff. She clearly has her favorites, even from the beginning of the show and if you're a favorite you get away with a lot. Even James. Her makeup is looking worse and worse, she started the season well enough and then just kept sliding downward. I think she has really bad skin, not judging at all, a lot of people do, but she definitely needs to research what makeup she should be using, I'm sure there are better products that could make her look not as awfully awful as she does now.
  6. I was shocked to hear she was 27 as well! I totally thought she was barely 21 or so. Of all the newbies she's the least irritating so I don't mind her, though obviously her choice in men is super questionable. Also, on WWHL, Jax called Kristen & Scheana his best friends. When the eff did that happen? What would the Toms say?! Actually I'm not surprised. It's just funny that they're so close now. I'm trying not to judge Ariana too hard but dang, she is a breath of dull air whenever she's around. I briefly checked her twitter and she said something like her closest friends were not on the show so we don't see the real deal or something. She seems miserable on this show actually, I'm surprised she's still on. Maybe she wants to keep a very close eye on Flatiron and doesn't want him doing show functions without her. Since she's super smart I'm sure she often remembers that once a cheater...
  7. I haven't posted on here in forever but my contempt for Ariana has brought me back. I'm glad I'm not the only one that cannot stand her smugness. She's not even "love to hate" smug like Stassi who was at least entertaining to watch and she made me laugh in her THs. Ariana is just this like sour, dour cloud of smugness that is the worst ever. Especially on a show like this- does she not know what show she is on and who she is dating? LOL oh Ariana you "smart" cookie you. Yeah, I noticed this! I also noticed on social media none of the original crew seem to like either very much. Especially after what happened with Andy on WWH. Though it goes to show how much I dislike Ariana when I'd rather watch Lala & James, blech. Jax is always so greasy omg. Was he always this greasy? I feel like first season Jax was not this bad. But like the older he gets the greasier he becomes.
  8. Exactly! Katie started off on this show with no backbone and as much as she and everyone else says she's "most improved" she still has no backbone. She basically jumps back and forth to whoever the "cool" group is for that season and she lets Schwartz walk all over her. Right now she's besties with Scheana and Ariana but if next season the Queen Bee was let's say Vail (idk lol), she'd jump into that group in a split second. I'm really disliking Scheana this season, she's so bitchy. I love how terrified she looked when Stassi brought up the real reason she hated her.
  9. Oh man, Brandi and Kim have such a toxic "friendship" and are so toxic themselves. It's all very sad really, except they're both also assholes so I can't feel sorry for them. Kim is actually really disturbing to watch, for realsies. I get uncomfortable and kinda scared watching her this season (Even more so than previous ones). I hate fake niceness too and almost all of them were for sure going to fib when it came to Brandi's turn, but it was HER idea. So the fact that she ran up to cry and wanted to end the game was dumb. It was interesting how she said something physical about everyone except for Kim. I mean she also told Yolanda she loved everything about her but it was kind of in passing. When she talked about Kim she went all out. And a part of me thinks it's because she wanted to one-up Kyle since Kim and Kyle shared a nice sister moment for once.
  10. Ugh, Andy Cohen's the worst. Re: Kristen looking fabulous- girl has the ability to look awesome, so I don't get why she looked so bad at the reunion. I guess like others have said she was coming off of botox or whatever? Her hair looked horrible too but that's another issue. FI Tom is so annoying. I think he found his soulmate in smug Ariana. They can be smug together forever I guess. Anyways, when Stassi was about to come out Jax was all nervous and said that he wasn't sure if they were allowed to talk about something and FI was all "We can talk about whatever we want!" and he said it so smugly and adamantly. He's a big hypocrite. He doesn't want his dirty laundry aired but feels superior and entitled when it comes to others. Like I said, perfect match for Ariana. LOL, this is so true. I went and checked a few of the casts' instagrams and it looks like Katie loooves Scheana and Ariana and is close to them at the moment. Surprisingly, Vail went to Kristen's recent little bowling party. Kristen's bffs are still Carmen and Rachel.
  11. I don't know why I didn't think of an abortion or STD! Especially since this is Jax. I am disappointed in myself. Jax said she's been going through stuff for 3 years and also the fact that she called him for money (which I don't believe was for the punching walls), I feel like there is something else up we'll never know :( Also omg I forgot to comment on the "causation correlation" whatever comment from Katie! And then how Ariana smugly told her she did good. Okay, Ariana. omg why didn't anyone correct him? I guess not even FI wanted to admit that was why, he just kept yelling "that wasn't why!" lol.
  12. I hate the way FI, Schwartz and Jax gang up on whoever they don't like. I don't even care if that person is wrong, I just don't like it. I'm not a Stassi fan but the second Jax saw that she wasn't going to give him the time of day yet again he turned on her and FI and Schwartz followed. And then Katie and Scheana. I hate the way the guys talk to the girls, you can see they all have the same mentality. Schwartz and FI are always acting like they are so much better than Jax but they're just the same, if not worse, cause at least nowadays Jax doesn't even try to hide it. Scheana's gotten really bitchy. Kristen looked weird. She should stop the botox. Interesting that she and Stassi are "friendly" again. I am curious to know what Stassi's been going through. Jax was all worried for a second about hurting her and FI was like "we can say what we want" and then later on Kristen said Jax had done something very bad to Stassi and couldn't even look him in the eye? Again this was all kinda amidst everyone talking over each other so idk. Stupid Ariana. I'm glad she got called out on her "I'm smarter than everyone" comment. She's still smug and annoying. And finally, I really wish Lisa was not invited to these reunions. Her opinions are good for RHOBH reunions, not VPR reunions. I know it's her staff but it really bugs how she interrupts with comments about how she feels about things. Who cares.
  13. She lost me at the blog title- ariana tumblz $. She's so deep and intellectual. Also her layout sucks. You can tell a lot about a person from their tumblr title and layout and i already don't like her ;) Thanks for the link, TMP :)
  14. Yeah, same here. Trust me, I never expected to be a Kristen fan on this show but everyone is such a jerk about her ex-communication. These people were her supposed "friends" yet they all seem so gleeful to call her crazy and blame her for everything. Like how they all went around complaining that she ruined Scheana's wedding for punching James even though none of them saw anything. It pisses me off ngl. So that's why I've become such an avid Kristen defender. I mean I still agree she's batshit crazy but she's not the worst person in this cast. I feel like Ariana's smugness has rubbed off on the majority of them or something. Another thing I don't get! Why does Lisa love Stassi and Katie so much? Like I kinda get her Kristen hate cause Kristen has always been pretty rude to her, etc. But how she goes out of her way to help Stassi and Katie so much is just weird to me. I hope she realizes Kristen brings the entertainment even though she doesn't like her.
  15. Oh, these fools. I love to watch this show :) I think I was right- James seems actually very in love with Kristen. But from how she cried to Scheana about FI cheating with Ariana and losing the love of her life, she's definitely not over Tom. Ugh at anyone thinking FI is such a prize. I think he's more annoying than Peter and that's saying something. Oh and I lol whenever one of the cast mentions how "omg we were best friends for so many years and now it's so awkward!" I find it hard to believe any of these people are/were true best friends. How Stassi dropped Katie and how Katie dropped Kristen, etc. is not what best friends do. Props to Rachael though- she's always seemed like a good friend and according to her twitter was never punched out by a stripper because of Kristen lol- apparently it was one of Jax's many lies. Speaking of Jax's lies, the fact that Kristen thought him admitting to anything would actually get people to believe something is actually true is laughable. Also Jax is looking more and more horrible and bloated. I'm scared to check his twitter or anything cause I don't want to see any pictures.
  16. Same! I literally changed the channel tonight when FI was going on about taking a vacation in Ariana's eyes. Blech! Meanwhile, Kristen is so entertaining to me lol. And tonight was actually not her fault, imo. James hit the alcohol too hard and his insecurities came out. This should've happened while he was sober. And dare I say it- I think James is actually in love with Kristen. He seemed really sad that she was upset even though he kept insulting her lol. Finally, Scheana really does make everything about her, wow! When the group came in to help her clean and she started whining about Kristen ruining her wedding- which she did not even see- it really pissed me off.
  17. When the episode ended and the preview immediately showed Stassi laughing about Scheana's wedding dress with the insufferable Kristina I literally groaned. Stassi has become so unnecessary this season. Please take Kristina with you when you go. I agree, Scheana's wedding was surprisingly beautiful and classy. I like that Kristen threw in that dig at Pandora's wedding and that she knows Pandy (well, Lisa) paid a lot more for hers lol. I actually liked Scheana's dress but it was not a good look when she kept having to pull it up. The whole freaking out over the song intro was so Scheana. Can't wait to see more of her freaking out next week! Oh, actually i don't know who is more insufferable- Kristina or Ariana? Ariana again with her "woe is me! Kristin is here to ruin my day! wah wah!" I actually understand her not wanting Kristin there but the way she complains about it is so annoying. Especially since it's Scheana's wedding day, no one cares about your plight Ariana. Were Kristin and Muppet Baby DJ fighting the whole day of the wedding? James was not sitting with her at the ceremony- actually was he even there? I missed the part where Kristin walked in but throughout the wedding she was definitely not sitting with James. Tensions were probably high for the wedding reception where they get into it.
  18. I kind of understand why Kristen is so crazy over ruining Tom and Ariana's relationship, because Ariana is such a smug faced biatch, but her crazy is getting bat shit crazy and she really needs to let it go. I'm sad and I stalk the casts' instagrams once in awhile and I think Kristen is actually pretty happy with James? So either she got over it after this season or she's playing up the crazy for the cameras. FI Tom and Ariana are such bad actors, especially Ariana with her trying to cry. I'm officially over Stassi, she's not even bitchy entertainment anymore. She can go, and please take the horrid Kristina with her.
  19. Wowza, Kate is awful! I liked her at the beginning of the season but as the show progressed, her true colors sure came out. I was glad Amy was recognized by both Ben and the horrible primary guest. So Kelley was married for 3 years at a young age, did drugs, his dad did bad things and went to jail, his mom did bad things too- there is so much that's untold there. He seems really messed up. No wonder Amy feels so guilty leaving him alone, but she's going way overboard overcompensating for it now. Did anyone catch the little snippet between commercials that they usually show with Kate revealing what font everyone else on the crew was? It was bitchy but I actually did laugh, especially with Jennice's. I forgot what the font was but Kate described her as earthy, etc. and then they showed a clip of Jennice giving Kelley a piece of her dreamcatcher and Kelley was like "um" - it was hilarious.
  20. He didn't. I was talking about myself as an example that she could be genuine in what she was talking about.
  21. I also agree she was being genuine about that. As someone who has those same issues and feels easily panicked whenever someone even raises their voice, I believed her. However, she and Kelley are both clearly immature, in different ways for sure, but immature nonetheless. Something is definitely off with Kelley and I've thought that since the first episode. I couldn't guess exactly what but there's definitely something. I don't remember Eddie hating Adrienne that much, did he? Maybe something happened between this season and last. That part where he got back in the water when he saw her was really amusing though, it made me laugh I have to admit. The whole dinner thing with Kate and Ben was weird. I think they could've easily resolved it but didn't want to work together and it all kind of spiraled downward. I know Kat was tired but considering service was already on the slow side Kate shouldn't have sent her to take a rest. And Ben should've specified the four courses.
  22. Agreed. I think some people commented on her immaturity previously and this showed that. On the other hand, the whole grab-and-kiss Kelley did was not cool. He seems pretty immature also. Lots of drama going on in the preview. Jennice mentioned Kelley has some anger issues, which doesn't surprise me, but we haven't seen any yet, have we?
  23. Aw, Andrew with his hat on, all sad, made me feel kinda bad for him. But then I didn't miss him once he was out of the picture so oh well, farewell yachty Andrew. I would not be surprised if Bravo brought him back next season with "more experience" to cause drama. I still like Kate. She was being polite and courteous and was doing a great job and the primary charter guest was such a jerk. I was pleasantly surprised that the people at the table with him when he said Kate was bitchy called him out on it, not that he gave a damn. From the previews she might take things a little too far though. Gotta think of the whole tip situation for the rest of the crew especially. I totally agree that Ben was being ridiculous. The (jerk) guest specifically specified that he wanted dinner served plated at 8:30 and it was like 10:30 when the food was brought out. I understand if he's a bit late but 2 hours?! That's crazy. He did make up for it by getting things ready bright and early the next morning. So, at this point how long have Kelley and Jennice known each other? Cause they make it seem like they're soulmates but hasn't it been like 2 weeks at most? Also, I find Kelley really cute and hot, but the preview next week where he grabs Jennice and kisses her and then leaves saying he hopes it doesn't make work weird or something? WTF dude.
  24. i'm really enjoying this season of below deck. i watched the first season, but sam and cj (especially sam) were so annoying, it was more reluctant watching. but this season i'm enjoying the cast dynamics a lot more and the show in general. i also did not have a problem with kate not smiling. i admire amy for being able to smile 24/7 but i couldn't do that and i don't fault kate for not being able to do it. yes she was extra bitter with these guests but she's also a really good worker. and has entertaining talking heads. i can't help but like her. the guests next week look horrible, i can't wait lol ;) so it looks like andrew gets fired? is that australian guy from the previews going to be the new crew member? finally, i'm intrigued with jennice and kelley. they are both cuties and best of all not cj and sam!
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