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Everything posted by HissyFit

  1. Good grief, I got Dale Evans immediately, and I'm surely not that old. In fact, if I whack my baby brother's pacemaker with his cane and make him put in his teeth, we can probably still sing all the words to "Happy Trails" in sweet cowboy harmony.
  2. Alex jinxed him on the DDs today!
  3. Aarrrggh! I didn't realize it was Groundhog Day. My cable offering was a repeat of Thursday's game. At least I scored better today.
  4. It was "Jim." But it could have been John Paul, or James Earl, or Kit.
  5. I think "Who is Jones?" should have required a BMS.
  6. It might have paid off to go with only "Rice." After all, the same judges accepted "Chan."
  7. I was way off base, envisioning the love child of Diane Keaton and Tony Robbins.
  8. FJ was a TS??? My memory of actual history often fails me, but I can't forget Val Kilmer, Kurt Russell and Sam Elliott in "Tombstone." Sigh. "I'm your huckleberry."
  9. Thank you, @Bastet. I learned something new today; that makes it a good day.
  10. My nearsighted eyes thought one of the clues on the board said "indented servants." To paraphrase "Jaws" ... I'm gonna need a bigger TV.
  11. @Prevailing Wind, if the book is Text-to-Speech enabled, you can use that feature with the volume all the way down, and your Kindle turns the pages for you.
  12. What a surprise that Zane didn't want to be known as Pearl Grey.
  13. If he continues to do it, you're not kicking him hard enough.
  14. Did anyone ever discover why this change was made?
  15. It started before the contestant with the broken leg and, as you noted, has continued after.
  16. Hello, Jeopardy! forum, would you accept a question from an interloper? I'm a longtime J! watcher, but I don't record or view missed shows, so I could have missed a mention of this. Has there been a comment on the change at the end of the show? Instead of the three contestants joining Alex Trebek at center stage during the closing credits, they remain behind the console and Alex chats with them there. I always found it interesting (and sometimes surprising) to see the contestants' actual heights after they stepped off those height-adjusting platforms. Was it germane to the game? No. Am I curious enough to want to know why the change was made? Yes, please. Does anyone know? Thank you!
  17. According to some quick online research, Carroll O'Connor's actual age in 1979 was 55, and he was 47 when he first portrayed Archie Bunker.
  18. Thoughts, prayers and hugs to Cricket and Joe.
  19. Ooooh, yes, how could I have forgotten John Gidding? Intelligent, talented, handsome, funny.
  20. Oh, TexasTiffany, don't get me started. The DRtrend toward gratuitous crudeness in TV commercials is a trigger for me. In addition to Triscuit's "Let 'scuit happen" that you noted, I've cringed at: TGI Friday: "Hell, yeah, to happy hour." Yuengling: " ... a damn fine beer." Taco Bell: "When your morning is hell, head to Taco Bell." SyFy channel: " ... one hell of a universe." Taco Bell again: the implied profanity in "What the ________?" repeated five or six times in one commercial. Boost wireless server: "We're gonna enjoy the crap out of it." It's not the end of the world. And it's not that I am offended by all such language. Most of those words have come from my own mouth in certain situations. But mainstreaming words that formerly were on George Carlin's List of Words You Can't Say on TV is not funny. It's coarsening our public discourse and breeding a generation of children who can't read cursive, but they certainly can curse.
  21. Cheers for the hard-working power company crews from all over the country are for real! Thirteen days after Katrina in 2005, with temps in the high 90s, we were sitting on the front steps at dusk, darn near in our underwear, when the power was restored. You could hear cheers and whistles from all directions! Those guys worked long hours in brutal conditions.
  22. Makes you wonder why Ms Kartrashy even bothered to wear the thong.
  23. Prayers and hugs, imisspuddy. Your mother is truly blessed to have you as a daughter.
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