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Everything posted by HissyFit

  1. Has anyone heard from PearlClutcher about her cousin's son in Houston?
  2. I'm Love. Maybe not comic book graphic novel-worthy, but if that's my superpower, I'm happy.
  3. Hi SSE, This surprised me, because it seemed contrary to the Gundry diet recommendations I have read (essentially a stringent low-carb plan -- no white bread or rice). The link makes it clear that the lectin-free diet discussed on Dr. Oz is for people with food sensitivities. Just clarifying, not defending. In fact, you can count me among the cynics.
  4. In the U.S., kudzu grows primarily in the southeastern states. It can grow up to a foot a day. Everywhere it touches ground it puts down new roots, so you can't kill it by "cutting it off at the head" or even burning it. If any roots survive, it starts again. By any definition, it's creepy.
  5. Good Tank Half Empty story, @TexasTiffany. Much more, I believe, than a happy accident. I also brought back a vivid memory. My grandmother was a wonderfully strong woman in many ways, but she was afraid of kudzu! When she had to drive past areas where the vine had swallowed trees, power poles, abandoned houses, she would keep her eyes on the pavement and grip the steering wheel until her knuckles turned white. Maybe she was among your guardian angels that day.
  6. Hi, Small Talkers. My first post away from Shopping Channel forum. Yes, I'm a two-timer. I'm also a member of the Tank Half Empty club. Here in Hurricane Alley, it's just smart. On Tuesday, I had a list of errands to run before the heavy rains of TS Cindy moved in (gas, cash, food, water, wine), and my car wouldn't crank! The clickety-clickety sound said "battery." Thinking my battery was only two or three years old, I checked my file. My, how time flies. I had purchased an Interstate battery guaranteed for 65 months on January 19, 2012 ... and Tuesday was June 20, 2017 ... 65 months and one day! Oh, well, I got my money's worth, although I can't shake the suspicion that many modern products are equipped with computer-chip timers and tiny self-destruct bombs.
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