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Posts posted by ouinason

  1. Jax mysteriously has "business" in Australia and exits town again.  Next day Jason, without a gun for the first time in his life and with no options, rushes Peter and they disappear over a cliff as Peter is pointing a gun at his sister and threatening to shoot.  No bodies found.


    4 hours later, GH announces that they are out.


    Gotta give Jason the hero role no matter what.  And I am still wanting Peter to go out in an ambiguous way so that the Bailey Lou secret can hold out.  

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  2. Silly @rur, doctors don't save people, that's Jason's job.  Austin will obviously just be another victim and bond with Maxie over it.


    But really, Peter can't be definitely dead to all of PC until the show is ready to reveal the baby switch.  They will have to have him fall in a river and mysteriously disappear again.  

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  3. Sonny definitely needs to be involved in this case against Nina, in her defense either by choice or by subpoena.  That SHOULD kickstart some movement in their story.  

    Also, there should be a scene of Carly and Sonny coming down the stairs and him having a shit fit because Donna won't stop screaming and asking for her daddy.

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  4. the only way they can salvage the situation with S/C/J is for, after Sonny finally feels secure with Carly and thinks things are back to normal.. BAM, walk in on Jarly table sex like Sami Brady did with her mom and John on DAYS.  But... I want there to be no lead up to it on the Jarly end, just see Sonny walking in a door and seeing them and then fucking weekend for the audience to have kittens over it before showing the other side on Monday and then the fallout starting. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    The DNA stuff is fun. The test for inheritance needed Valentin to be tested against Alexis because she has Mikkos' DNA but not Helena's. Valentin, as a half-sibling to Stavros,shares 25% of his DNA, and so 12 1/2% with Nik.

    But Victor (who is a full sibling to Mikkos I assume) shares 50% of Mikkos DNA. So as first cousins, Alexis and Valentin would share12.5% (range of 7.31% - 13.8%). It's not as much as the 25% she shares with Stavros and Stefan but it's not nothing either.

    This does not math for me. Valentine and Alexis being Mikos' children they would have shared 50% DNA (having different mothers), about 25% with Nik and the Coven.  If Valentine were Victor's son, taking for granted that Victor is Mikos' full sibling (which, who freaking knows these days) Val will share about the 25% with Alexis which would ping as "Mikos' you are NOT tha father!!!". I mean usually when they do DNA tests for paternity it's a flat "yes or no" question, I doubt "yes, no, uncle?" was available as an option, or sought as one, cause who would have expected Helena to bang her husband's brother.  

  6. I am/was a big Dream fan, however!!!...  I can sort of see a viewpoint that Sam remarried Drew after Jason's return as a way of clinging to the life that they had built together and that stable family that they were and put aside all the WTF about the whole situation.  She didn't go and try and figure things out until AFTER Drew left her.  Through all the reveal about Drew's identity and Oscar's existence and everything she was busy supporting him and trying to burry her Jason angst until it all just fell on her (which is making me giggle considering the earthquake stuff at that time).  She was living in a bubble of denial and when it popped, it popped hard.  Then she did take time and really think critically about all the reasons that, frankly, she and Drew should have been in a shit ton of family/personal therapy through all of that shit.  And she felt good about that separation.  Now time has passed and she has a different perspective on all of it.  

    Do I like that she went back to Mob Molling for the Brick Wall?  No.

    Do I like that she's devaluing a pairing I loved (and frankly the only time in many years I could stand her)? No. 

    But I do sort of understand this as a way to play it, giving what we have.

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  7. I don't listen to EP's podcast, but do we know that she was directly quoting herself in that "confrontation"?  She made herself look like a total asshole, but there is the possibility that that isn't actually what was said at the time, just the gist of what she was thinking.  I have, many times, used "and I was like, look here bitch" to describe a confrontation of one kind or another, though I have never said that to someone.  It's probably all blown out of proportion People Magazine bullshit anyway, but I hate to think that anyone gets to talk to coworkers/directors/anyone that way on a set and there was not some kind of hand slap about it.

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  8. You know... it would kind of be nice if Jason took a deep breath and was like, "fuck it, I didn't fight for Carly before, I never fought for anything and look where it got me.  I'm done just letting this happen" and went full on "I will fight fooorr uuuuu".  Just. Once.

    I am not rooting for modern times Jarly, but damn Jason needs to just stop being so fucking passive.

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