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Posts posted by ouinason

  1. That is an... interesting choice for cross promotion.  Now


    if they had a scene or flashback of Idris Elba's character actually shooting Superman and putting him in a coma, for which he was sent to prison to be recruited to the Suicide Squad, THAT would be awesome cross promotion.

    Spoiler for The Suicide Squad movie

  2. Again, the complaint about Pete Paradal is his stance about people doing whatever they want in regards to getting vaccinated.  His stance about his own vaccination is that it might cause a reaction that could kill him and his physician advised against it, so him not getting a vaccine himself is not stupid or selfish.  


    I don't want to harp, but he is one of the people that herd immunity is made to protect.  Someone who is medically unable to take their own vaccine and depend on the good judgement of others to protect them.  These people are NOT the morons who just don't want to take it or the nut jobs who see them as a conspiracy or something.  I don't care for his stance on vaccination in general, but his personal reasons for not getting one are perfectly reasonable^.


    ^ I do think his idea that, having Covid once already, he would probably be ok getting it again pretty fucking dumb.  

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  3. I get not liking someone's stance on vaccines, people who are antivax are.... not people I want to be around.  However, there is a difference between unwilling to get it, and unable to get it.  And if you are discriminating with your friendships, make sure you are only penalizing people who can/should get vaccinated and those who can't/shouldn't.  


    As for Pete being "pro vaccine choice" or whatever, that's no reason to lose your job.  He isn't lobbying to keep people from being vaccinated he's just allowing other people to do what they are comfortable with (even if it's monumentally stupid in a lot of cases).


    Not touring because it's a risk, makes sense.  Firing him outright just makes the band and their management look like assholes who are shitting on someone because they are sick.  


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  4. If Disney signed a contract stating that the initial release of Black Widow would be theater exclusive, then they are the assholes, end of story.  What I got from this story was that Disney needed to change the release and instead of renegading so that they could do that legally, they just shrugged and did what they wanted and told her to go kick rocks.  

    This could also be a hugely inaccurate take on the situation.

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  5. Everyone knows Lois is Superman's contact, and that her dad is a highly visible General, they probably just assume she lets them use her place to meet up for stuff.  


    I am more concerned about what happens when Jordan's changing body stops responding to his anxiety medication.

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  6. I don't hate Michael, but I also don't think that characters such as him, Robin, Maxie or any of the other "legacies" are any more valuable or more deserving of story or POV or winning than any others.  Though with Michael I see it less as "legacy" and more as "Corinthos" that seems to make him untouchable.  Which is gross.


    I brought it up because this is not the first time that I have heard complaints about "legacy" characters deserving more or better or whatever.  I just don't see it as a thing that should set a character above the rest.

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  7. I'm sorry guys but.... I could care less about "legacy" characters somehow "deserving" anything.... ever.  I like a character because I like them, and I don't care if they were born on screen or just showed up yesterday.  Whoever that asshole was that was ok with Chase being shit on because he isn't a "legacy" can go kick rocks.  

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  8. I find the idea of people hunting up a person's social media to figure out their ethnic identity really creepy.  I supremely, deeply, hate the fact that it mattered whether a contestant on the Bachelor was partly Asian, biologically. 

    Also, biology is not the be all end all of ethnic identity.  People identify with the heritage that they identify with for many reasons.  I know someone who is second generation Mexican American on her father's side technically, but does not identify with that culture at all because she was raised in a white household her entire life.  She speaks no Spanish, has no ties to the community, and hasn't even told her children that much about it, because that's not her culture.  But you would not believe the way people will approach her at her job and expect her to translate for them, and then get offended that she can't.  

    I really feel for people who are pushed into an identity, or are shamed for how they identify.  


    Also, I have admitted this elsewhere.  I had no idea at all that Megan Markle  was biracial until it became a "thing" when she and Harry got together.  I did watch Suits, I just didn't notice.  I know it's a cliché stupid white people thing to just not "see" race, but in my case it's more about just not looking at the TV screen that much since I'm legally blind anyway and mostly listen.  Race really isn't that obvious to me most of the time.  

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  9. Teenagers will give you grey hair and a drinking problem.  I feel for Angelina's mom, but still find it totally sus (hey, I used a term those kids online use, go me! :) ).  I find the Pitt/Lewis thing creepy too.  Frankly they both have problematic pasts, but as long as they are being good parents, then I don't think it matters.


    Has Ellie Kemper said anything about her pageant issue yet?  I don't think she has much of anything to apologize for, but I do wonder what she will say.

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