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  1. It was a weird choice to have Rollins -- she who happily let her sister back into her life after said sister framed her for murder and stole ALL of her stuff -- blather on about how easy it is to break ties with abusers. Look in the mirror, girl.
  2. I assume (and maybe it was explicit in earlier Thanksgiving ep(s)?) that they were on call, since T-day is a pretty busy day for cops in NYC with the parade and all. That or it was not on actual Thanksgiving (I know the volunteer fire company I belonged to has an annual "turkey dinner" for members, since we always have a ton of calls on Thanksgiving.)
  3. I spent way too much of the two episodes speculating how Donna & Gordon's younger daughter died and whether that's why they divorced, or perhaps that Not Joanie was hallucination of Gordon's THE WHOLE TIME, but finally Donna mentioned her and they obviously just didn't want to pay for someone to play The Spare Clark Daughter. Really like the finale arc; in fact, the whole back half of the season. I found Tom very meh up until now, so kudos to the writers for finally pushing me into finding him insufferable. Totally okay with putting Joe and Cameron together again, especially now that Cameron has blossomed into full sociopath with that dick move she pulled on Donna. So happy about the season renewal. Great setup, need to see where they go next. My guess is that Donna is going to CERN to get them working on their own browser so she and the Swiss become the rivals of our new J/C/G triumvirate of Definitely Not Mosaic.But, again, I thought they killed off Really, They Have *Two* Kids?, so my predictions are pretty crap.
  4. I feel like we took a step back to last season Cameron. I don't expect her to get along with the swap meet guys seemlessly, but I also think her behavior regressed. Yes, he did go to the doctor and she did know about it. At the start of this season, it seemed like this was an ongoing thing. I think it is realistic, but as a tv show, we've seen this enough and there needs to be some development here. Is Gordon a respected figure for them? I think so, and I would have expected this situation to be moving forward. I get there's new people involved, but it shouldn't be like this. That would actually be really interesting! Don't say Frisco! They hate that. Weren't there allusions to Joe's orientation in S1? Not allusions to Joe's orientation, we actually met his ex-boyfriend (who told Joe as they parted that he had AIDS).
  5. Rewatching this episode, I realized Paul is just as much The Worst as all the other characters. Sure, he's "trying", but it's just another effort at trying to force Lindsay into being the Perfect Suburban Housewife that he wants to be married to (but didn't actually married). He really doesn't care about L's thoughts or feelings except in relation to himself. He doesn't know her any better than Jimmy knows Gretchen, even though they've been together much longer.
  6. Pretty sure Paul figured out in the S2 finale that he knocked Linds up during the actual sex they had, not from her inept attempt at artificial insemination. And she married him initially because she thought Becca was going to marry Jimmy and she wanted to beat her sister to the altar. (I may have rewatched this show too many times.)
  7. How is Joe skinnier now than when he was on heroin?
  8. Glad we don't have to suffer through any more "Hank tries to find true love" stuff (I hope). Seems pretty obvious they will end with an X Years Later epilogue of some sort, which is probably for the best. Not like there's going to be a Royal Pains reunion movie in 10 years, unless the world goes utterly insane.
  9. My personal distraction: The 90s era visor CD wallet in the neighbor's shiny brand new Hummer. Come on, man, you live in the same block as retired MLB players, you can afford an iPod, at least.
  10. Fairly sure Gordo has a brain tumor. Also fairly sure the kid from Up is one of the Mutiny coders.
  11. I hate this show so much. So very much. I hate the characters. I really, really, really hate the writing. I hate the overt sexism. I am so glad it's almost over. This show is toxic.
  12. When Charlie went on his diatribe about how he doesn't want to expand news, he wants to narrow it, all I could think was, "Good God, Sorkin doesn't have a clue that this is why real journalists hold tv news people in contempt and find them legendarily shallow." I really want to take all of these characters onto the terrace and toss them off the side (Aaron, you lead the way). Even Don and Sloan, the two I find least hateable -- they have known HR is after them for days/weeks, yet not only do they have couples photos still posted on Instagram, Don has to slip Sloan a paper note with his password -- through a third party -- so she can delete them? They can post photos on Instagram but don't know how to send a text or a PM? Until Sorkin can figure out how this technology that scares him so much works, he needs to write only period pieces set before 1992.
  13. To all those questioning the use of "killer app", as an Old, I can vouch that this term started being bandied about around 1980 about Visi-Calc, then really entered the lexicon in early 1983 when Lotus 1-2-3 came out. And, yes, we really did shorten application to app way back in those olden days. So someone using the term in late '83/early '84 was not an anachronism. However, Joe saying he taped that football game "on VHS" was not something someone would have said, even back then, despite the format war. I did enjoy the show overall, but, really, mostly just Cam and Donna. If there is any chance it comes back for a second season, I'd be fine if it was entirely about them and their new company.
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