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Posts posted by DJG1122

  1. Don't know where this should be. Mods, if it should be somewhere else, please move it.

    USA here. Just binge watched seasons 1 & 2 on Netflix. Season 3 not showing here yet, not even on Amazon.

    Chibnall said in the beginning that this was a trilogy. Beginning, middle and end. Loose ends that I would expect to see tied up:

    Danny had blood on his hands in the opening sequence of S1. When his body is found, he has cleaning solution all over him, but no blood.

    During Joe's trial, (don' t remember by who), the question is asked,  "did Mark Latimer kill Danny". Camera shows Mark, Beth and Nigel sitting side by side and all three are shaking their heads no. Mark, ( because he knows he didn't kill Danny?), Beth, (because she doesn't want to think Mark killed Danny?) and Nigel (because ?????)

    Why were cigarette butts like the ones Susan Wright smoked around the area where Danny's body was found? Susan Wright stood and smoked cigarettes on the EXACT spot Danny's body WOULD BE found?

    Yes, I understand that there is a new season/issue. Season 2 wrapped up the Sanbrooke case. I expect Season 3 to wrap up the Broadchurch case.


    (Totally off topic-Dorset and environs is absolutely beautiful!!!!)

  2. 30 minutes ago, call me ishmael said:

    God should have been George Burns.  

    Or Morgan Freeman......


    Sorry RulerofallIsurvey, didn't see your post before posting.

    • Love 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Binns said:


    I've always thought Dean was a mother-substitute for Sam. He made sure Sam had clothing and food and nurtured Sam as best he could. Way back, Sam said to Dean that Dean didn't want to lose Sam for Sam, but because he didn't want to lose Sam for himself. Looking at this another way, this is a Mom thing. Most mothers will die for their children.  A child will accept losing it's mother, but most mothers will do absolutely anything to keep from losing a child.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Binns said:


    Dean breathing in the fog...to me that was him wanting to just get it over with quickly so he could move on to trying to fix things...rather than dragging things out...he was exposed no matter what and he knew it. I could also see it being a moment of panic for him at being separated from Sam and wanting to do whatever it took to be with him. I've always felt that Dean needs Sam more than Sam needs Dean, possibly because he basically raised Sam and his whole universe sort of revolves around this idea of protecting him. 

    Sort of like Mama Bear protecting her cub....

  5. My UO on this, if even half of what's been speculated about what went on BTS between NB and TPTB is true, I will throw shade at TM for vigorously renegotiating his contract. If he and NB are as close as they seemed, how could he in good conscious a) continue on with the show and b) negotiate a better deal than he had before. IMO TM continuing on with the show after such unfair treatment of his co-worker and friend would not sit right with me at all.

    That said, I think TPTB decided to undo the true death for Abbie in the mid season finale and kept her on through the end of the season to ensure they'd have strong enough ratings for a chance at a S4 renewal.



    this is the first time it actually felt intensely personal. Like the network (and Metzner, who wrote that filth) singled out and targeted me

    This. So much this.


    And I LOVE Codscammit and Codspammit! Added to my vocabulary today.

    • Love 2
  7. It's amazing how the network gets when it sets its mind on something.  They've been desperately trying to pair Ichabod with other women and have every other minor female character on the show be attracted to him.  And yet the ratings kept dropping.  You would think, lesson learned and that they would focus on what the few viewers who remained loyal to the show wanted, more Ichabod and Abbie.  But this is network television executives we are dealing with so of course they didn't get in the message and instead continue to think they know better.

    I think they got the message pretty clearly. Most likely, the few viewers who remained loyal to the show are women. They don't want us. They want us to shut up and go away so they can make the show more appealing to the YWM demographic in whatever new ways they have come up with. This is why the season finale ended the way it did. TPTB didn't kill off Abbie in the fall finale so we would stay around and keep watching +3 and +7 days to keep the ratings up. It is my opinion that Abbie was killed off in this particular way to make us mad enough to stop watching, shut up and go away.

    • Love 5
  8. This is pure, high-grade BS. If you can stand the mechanical voice, listen to what CC said about killing off Abbie.


    This video is....I need a big shovel to get rid of all the BS. What this tells me is that it wasn't Goofman trying to get rid of Abbie. He was doing what he had been told to do. Pushing she who will not be named and sidelining Abbie. He just didn't do it right and was fired. CC did what he was told to do. Soothe the irate fans and keep them watching. Then, when the fans were lulled to sleep, axe Abbie and move on. I see you FOX. Not even more X-Files will bring me back to your network.


    It seems to me they want "Ichabod Crane, Out of Time Man Monster Killer and Detective". TPTB don't want the ones of us fans who watched for the interaction between Abbie and Crane. They want to appeal to the 18-49 YWMs. They want to totally change the format of the show to attract this group. Crane and lots of beautiful, busty women, hoping these YWMs will want to BE Crane and watch the show. If this had been the original show, I probably would have watched. Not for the busty women (I am one), but for Tom Mison and the supernatural stuff.


    This is a bigger issue than just deading a character on a TV show. If Abbie had been white, I still would have been upset because I watched for the interaction between Abbie and Crane. However, the pilot broke new ground when it paired a white male lead with a black female lead and I thought that the time had finally come when actors were cast based on their abilities and not on race. Ragnarok's ending made a mockery of this with the total disrespect shown to Nicole.


    Where is Kanye when we need him?

    • Love 7
  9. My guess is it could go either way, depending on how their new storyline develops. They probably don't know yet, either. They left a lot of wiggle room for the writers, lots of characters, a new shadow organization, and a trip to DC. They could reboot Crane into a new context with new people, or keep him in SH with some of the old Team Witness, or some combination. I assume they'll make those decisions based on the story that serves finding the new witness, which could be a half season arc or more. (And, it probably should, if they want any chance of salvaging this. An instant reboot and partnership with Not Abby sounds too stupid even for them. Oh, who am i kidding. I don't trust these writers at all!)


    I doubt they'll ditch everyone or keep everyone, but at this point it's just a guess.



    That is not the impression I got from the last scene. They said Crane needed to go to Washington DC to talk to some people. There was no indication that he wouldn't be back. Ezra is, apparently, a member of Washington's organization and was tasked with making first contact with Crane. How else would he have gotten the historical document he gave Crane. Reynolds and Sophie may also belong to the organization. That would explain how they both ended up in Sleepy Hollow with the FBI office as a front for the covert organization.

    Thanks. I guess I was so shocked by Abbie being killed, I totally missed that part.

  10. Wow, it's universal, the hate for this episode. Add me to it. I was hoping Abbie was only partly dead, then I came here and found the bad news that she's really dead. Just like this show.



    Then Crane gets whisked off to D.C. ala Michael Westin. Please. I just can't with Crane working for the CIA and whomever the writers decide to put Abbie's soul into next season. In fact, I hope there is no next season.


    So, am I correct in thinking that no one from the town of Sleepy Hollow would follow Crane to Washington? A total reboot without Danny, Sophie, Ezra Mills or Jenny?

    • Love 1

    This kind of statement is highly unusual - what it says to me is that the show is still on the bubble, and the producers are terrified that the Fox executives will point to the extremely public reaction of fans and critics alike, and say the equivalent of "You shat the bed, guys. You bit the hand. You done fucked up. No season 4 for you."



    You forgot "You screwed the pooch" ( when you've done the one and only thing that can never be fixed)

    • Love 2
  12. The Hollywood Reporter is saying today that the show is likely to be renewed. I just don't see how? Unless they cast another actress as Abbie!Reincarnated that everyone really really likes and maybe get some newer viewers, but otherwise, who will watch? It's just so strange that they think there is a chance...

    FOX's only possible saving shot is to bring back Frank Irving...............

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