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Posts posted by DJG1122

  1. Great article on Fox's handling of Sleepy Hollow (NB) vs Empire (TPH) promotion.

    So for 'Black' shows, the POC stars are promoted, but for 'Non-Black' shows, the white stars are promoted and the POC stars are not? So the non-promotion of Nicole, Orlando and Lyndie isn't just Goofman's bias, but is industry wide? I have no words (except a few unprintable ones).


    Also, Jada Pinkett Smith isn't returning to 'Gotham'. News article on E! Online mentioned that she said she agreed to a year and the year was up. She said she had fun but "we're done". Wonder if she had issues with FOX also?

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  2. Going way out on a limb here:


    Last fall, maybe August or Sept, there was an interview with CEOs of several networks. One of the questions asked was "What do you admire about a rival network?". Dana Walden said (and I quote) " Shonda Rimes owns Thursday night".


    That kind of begs the question of why does Shonda Rimes own Thursday night?


    The answer I have come up with is that Shonda Rimes gives her audience what they want to see on Thursday night.


    Seems to me that Dana Walden wants to own her night also and will do whatever it takes to get it. She didn't get to be a
    CEO of FOX by being stupid. She knows that fans were not happy about Katia/Katrina taking over from Nicole/Abbie.  Katia doing the commentary instead of Nicole and the fan anger (and the possibility of diminished DVD sales) about this has probably been pointed out to her. Let's see what she does/what happens.







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  3. Aaron Baier's latest tweet says Lyndie Greenwood is in the pilot for "Tales From The Darkside" on CW. There's only one recurring character played by Kris Lemche. The writer for this is Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) so this ought to be good. Can we get Joe Hill for Sleepy? Pretty Please?????

  4. Now, ladies, sharing is caring!  I'm sure we can work out a "time-share" agreement!  And I'll be glad to offer any "services" that might be needed (assuming I'm not busy with the Mills Sisses -- "the only time it's not creepy is an orgy")

    Is this a closed party or can anyone come? Orion is cute......

  5. In typical tone-deaf FOX fashion, I don't think they have any CLUE as to the memes that this fandom comes up with. "Celebrate Henry and Katrina?" Oh FOX, you have no idea of the snark and hilarious things these people can come up with. It will not be pretty.

    If anyone on this forum does one, please post it here also for everyone's entertainment.


    On another note. E! Online's 2015 TV's Top Couple Tournament has Abbie/Ichabod in the Sweet 16s.

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  6. Someone asked Orlando is he's doing commentary:



    The usually sarcastic, almost always enthusiastic and at times loquacious Jones with a one word response. Hmmm....

    Sorry to double post, but has anyone asked him if he knows who HAS been asked to do commentary? He may not be able to answer directly, but the magnificent, brilliant, incredibly talented, hysterically funny TheOrlandoJones  looks out for his friends and will find a way to say something.

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    But it's even more baffling if Fox is behind this stuff with the commentaries.  They were the ones who made Goffman implement the much-needed changes in the latter half of s2.  So where does this come from?  I could see if they're ditching the commentaries altogether and just calling the season a wash, or they just want writers/producers doing the commentaries, but deliberately leaving out one of the stars that they know the audience is clamoring for?  It just doesn't make any sense.  I'm sticking with the theory that this was scheduled months in advance and they didn't count on the season being a bust.

    Wondering if the FOX execs okayed this in the past, probably before  the new CEOs took over, when KW was supposed to be the 'new' leading lady and doesn't realize NB wasn't asked to be involved.  There have got to be people at FOX scratching their heads and saying "What IS it with this program?" Of course if they ask us, a gazillion fingers will be pointed straight at one person in particular.

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  8. I didn't feel sadness either watching the scene but it was certainly intended to be viewed that way. Katrina was given a Protagonist's death. She was held. wept over, had a moment of seeming regret, saw a vision of a dead Jeremy and presumably gets to be reunited with him. All the time I was thinking, just die already and go off the hell or wherever but no way was Goffman going to let his baby go out the way she actually deserved to based on the actions of her character.



    This is TV-most anytime a regular character is killed off, there is an emotionally (supposedly) moving death scene. I compromised with Goffman. I accepted any emotionally moving scene he wanted to give us as long as she was killed off. The end justified the means.

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  9. I think it's more of a phenomenon with the younger audience but I'm late middle-aged and i know very few people who watch television live beyond "event TV" exceptions. I'm one of the few people in my circle that still does and that is becoming less true as time goes on. That aside, if the younger audience is the one that is (still) considered the desirable demographic, ratings should reflect how they watch.

    Exactly. Both of my children are in the 'coveted' demographic but almost never watch live. Both have Netflix and On Demand and may watch several episodes at a time. My son & his wife have 2 TV's; my daughter, her husband and 3 children have 6 TVs

  10. Yeah, the pilot. Then after that? Also, there have been multiple directors for SH this season and last, so he can direct an episode here or there. Direction is really not the problem. it's those three people and their "vision".

    Fingers and toes crossed. Len Wiseman would be a great showrunner with some good writers. What about Damian Kindler and Phil Iscove?

  11. Someone way upthread said there was an interview with Katia Winter, Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Mark Goffman (or might have been some others) back before shooting started for S2, saying that they were setting up Katrina to be the sole female lead. Does anyone have that interview? Thanks

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