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Posts posted by crowsworks

  1. 1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

    It was renewed through Season 5 after Season 2, so yeah, he's too busy, but it'd still be funny. Maybe Mr. Kaplan can show up alive, too. 😆

    Maybe Tom's mom - Spymaster Jean Gray - will show up. (Blacklist Redemption - Tom's spinoff)

    55 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:


    Well...they tried.


    I like Ressler and Red

  2. 40 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I know I'm at a table for one but I always enjoy a good psycho kid story line.

    Now if they would get the OD boy from the clinic and Granma Phil's little ginger (Daniel's) grand baby Lucy. Who was originally adopted by Mop and Billy and taken from them - mostly by Phyliss, as a red-haired cray raped Daniel and he wanted to leave the child with them.

    I could see a bitter teen Lucy insinuating herself into Mop's family. She could be the bad girl plotting against Faith too.

    Nah, that might be good.

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  3. 15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Kyle as the Insta-dad is starting to work my last handful of nerves. It's like he's performing fatherhood. 🙄

    "Let's play house....I'll be the daddy."

    4 hours ago, Kemper said:

    I was visiting my son over the weekend and he introduced me to the movie with Thor and Loki.  I had never seen any of the "Avenger" or Marvel movies so had to ask a ton of questions.  But crossworks...your analogy is perfect.  Perfect!  And made me laugh the very first thing this morning.  Still laughing.

    To those not Sci-fi or Marvel fans Thor is a big blond frat boy Viking god and is in turns muscle bound and fat. while Loki is the dark god of mischief - occasionally kills and tries to take over the world but is kind of attractive in a really bad boy way (Helps that he is played by Tom Hiddleston who is devilishly handsome) 

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  4. On 6/4/2021 at 1:18 AM, SnazzyDaisy said:

    Amen to that 🙏

    Why Mina came to live with Helen if she dislikes her that much? I may have missed some earlier episodes.

    Why nowadays, in most shows, every young adult characters has to be spoiled, entitled, ungrateful or super woke? 🤔

    Ye gad. It's the ER Syndrome. In the endless seasons of ER there wasn't a single nice, pleasant child of any doctor (ok one but they killed him right away) Mark's teen klingon...the list goes on.

    On 6/4/2021 at 12:41 PM, catrice2 said:

    I realized I am officially hate watching at this point. I only watched for Freema as a fan of her, but it is rough going.

    She's just playing Dr Martha Jones. Although it looks like she might at long last get a tumble

  5. On 6/19/2021 at 3:49 PM, gingerella said:

    Ha! And yes, we need some kids we can root for on this godforsaken show now.

    I hate stupid story lines. Here's what Dummer should have done upon immediately leaving Jabot Manor::

    Called Kyle and told him she has something very serious to discuss with him and Jack and that they should take Harrison and meet her at a secure location - somewhere that Scrubbie cannot get to - ASAP. Then she should have met them there and told them exactly what Scrubbie said, so they can call their lawyers to alert them to Scrubbie's possible absconding with the kidlet. Period. End of story. I HATE these stupid story lines like now Dummy is going to go to Italy because Kid Pompadour is too stupid to figure out what's going down. All he and Jack have to do is to tell Ashhole about this scheme and team up with him and Scrubbie is toast.

    Yeah "Smart as they Come"  isn't going to do Anything Smart and isn't the actress in a long delayed pilot or show that sounds awful. It sounds like she's going to another show so men can leer at her. "Look,Boobies!"

    7 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Um...isn't Reed her cousin?

    since almost everyone is related the dating pool is a puddle

    5 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

    I didn't mean Reed hit on Faith -- Bring Reed back to add another youngster at the non-existent Teen Scene. Reed's sudden disappearance from Show and rare mention is weird. And it's the same with Lily's lack of interest in Charlie and Mattie.

    Faith and Moses, without other young people to mix it up, is leaning toward tedious.

    I had hopes for the clinic boy who was trying to save the family business and stay out of foster care by pretending to b 18. I thought Nate might take him in ala Neil/Devon like most promising stories on this show it vanished

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  6. On 6/17/2021 at 9:29 PM, KLovestoShop said:

    I detest Sally, both the character and the actress.  I cannot watch her when she speaks because her lip gyrations drive me crazy.  Does she do that as a part of her acting or is it just her?  And what person in their right mind dresses in a shiny gray coffin liner?

    Can anyone explain why she’s trying to pull all this crap on Dummer?  It just doesn’t make sense. 

    Remember Sharon's coffin liner dress when Rey was in the hospital.

    10 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    I think Ashland and Tara are deliberately including Kyle in those conversations because they're drawing him in to their web/trap. Even though I hate what it would do to Jack, I so hope Harrison is not Kyle's kid and this has all been long con by the Lockes.


    4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


    A merger. Alrighty then. All Ashland did was let Victoria think it was her idea. Bet Locke Communications is laden with hidden debt and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Bonus points if LC's debt is owned by Asian organized crime organizations or Eastern European oligarchs. He'll take the money and run and leave NE with a highly problematic new addition to its portfolio, unless TGVN figures it out and stops Victoria at the last minute.

    Nah, this might be GOOD.

    Also why giant companies can't be sold of merged without investigations and studies and years. This show has multi-nationals being bought and sold like day-old bread. 

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  7. 14 minutes ago, HollyG said:

    Oh please no!

    Mama Red? 

    I'm trying to think of any woman who's been on the show enough. Tom's mom? That would be bad for the little one. The cranky little crime-cleaner or her GF. Pet store lady? Cranky Boss lady at the FBI who never seems to stop them for all that she yells.

  8. On 6/13/2021 at 11:43 AM, pearlite said:

    Re the possible con--I sincerely hope so because

    1. Burgi is just about the only performance I'm interested in at this point
    2. I like the duo of him and Victoria--I'm an unabashed fan of the actress and the scripts have been a bit better for her lately
    3. I HATE disease storylines, fireofathousandsuns hate them. I mostly FF show at the moment but did enjoy PLL's reaction to Ashland's revelation, "Oh, ED I guess fella..." [Not as in Eileen Davidson, whom BTW I miss.

    Come on show. Bring back Doctor Michael Knight to (Up the adorability factor) and cure Ashland. This show desperately needs a mature (under 80) man with some (any) virility. Victoria lights up around him unlike the soul sucking Butt Billy. I can see EB leaving sometime and the show could give a man for Nikki, Ashley, Nina, Mop etc a lot of story. Maybe RB doesn't want to hang around? Sad. I love my pretty Sentinel....and he is a good actor.

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  9. On 6/3/2021 at 6:52 AM, Kemper said:

    I’m also enjoying Adam and Nick growing closer, in spite of themselves; Devon is icing on the cake. If they can bring Billy down and show him for the douchebag that he is... well, even better. It is time that the writers revisit Delia’s hit-and-run.

    One aspect that could be an added, unexpected fallout would be Devon turning a bit on Lily.  She has lost her skepticism of Billy and his motives; Billy has gotten a pass for his role in Faith’s very serious behavior problems. Now Lily has lost any edge and independence that she briefly had. Her “thenk yew” the other day brought back Valley Girl Lily.

    Lily  went from strong to stupid doormat

    On 6/5/2021 at 8:48 PM, SweePea59 said:

    I think Harrison is a stupid first name.image.png.f15c27c06892f26fcd71dcbcbcc77f25.png

    Ashland named his company chittychittybangbang.?


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  10. 52 minutes ago, boes said:

    I don't think I've ever written this sentence - I loved Victoria in all of her scenes today! - but she was the highlight of the show for me today.  It looks like Show is finally giving her a romance-of-a-sort storyline with somebody worthwhile.  I don't know if Ashland is a psycho or not but he does clean up very well and holds his own with those Wisconsin cheese curds pretending to be men.

    Speaking of cheese turds, I was so hoping that the next time Kyle opened his whiny little mouth that Ashland just gave him a wedgie followed by a flushie.


    Language that Kyle can actually understand.

    Poor Mrs. Martinez!  She's going to spending quite some time cleaning up tht pile of drool in the Abbott living room.  Dummer just stared incomprehensively with her mouth open while Ashland talked to Tara-boomdeyay and Wedgie boy about the new divorce arrangements.

    One more thing to never forgive Adam for - now he's got me sympathizing with Chelsea.  That's pretty unforgivable.  He's got some nerve telling someone else they need psychiatric care.  This is the same guy who gaslit Ashley, switched Sharon's baby with Ashley's miscarriage and then proceeded to burn the fetus in the fireplace, injected his own eyes to make him lose his own sight, seduced a gay man to lull his suspicions, messed with Victor's meds, murdered Richard Hightower, pushed that doctor into oncoming traffic - and those are just from his highlight reel.

    Yeah, he's sane alright.  


    Are we sure he's NOT Nikki's kid?

    • LOL 9
  11. On 6/2/2021 at 11:05 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I may be biased in favor of the grandparents, though that grandma is quite annoying.  When I was really young, I stayed with my grandparents (and great grandparents) a lot of the time. My dad worked a lot like Max and my mother was very young and had an infant. It was definitely best for me. They were incredible people and I thrived. It was ideal for us.  

    Hey Grandparents! Why don't you sell you echoing empty nest  and move closer to your only child's child. Then you could be with her for hours every day. You know St. Max wouldn't object. Shared sacrifice would be nice.

    5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    This bugs me; it just feels like a stereotype. Like that joke about what do lesbians bring on the first date? A U-Haul. With all the focus on social justice on this show you'd think they'd want to stay away from stereotypes like that. 

    PS I always look forward to your 'worst doctor of the week' post. :)

    Agreed. At least they mentioned her being bi so it wasn't a suddenly I'm gay thing. I thought Mama's boy surgeon was her endgame if his mom dies from Max's goofy complicated, diabetes treatment.  He did all but hide her insulin inside a Rubics Cube.

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  12. I'd laugh it Victor and Adam casually threatened Chancecom BUT.  then didn't do anything.

    Just fronted things with Ashland as besties - pushed the charity angle to the point of saintliness - all the while Butt would be flailing and with Lily in some kind of f**k coma he will surely do something impulsive that will be libel. The best revenge is best served icy cold. And if you can get the person to destroy themselves - perfect.

    And if Mop gives handsome Ashland a sympathy hump -  well you know Billy will go ballistic and be hitting the Mopcart faster than you can say Lily Who. 


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  13. 19 hours ago, bannana said:

    I am pretty sure Tara doctored the results.

    If they did court scenes anymore they could have the twist that Ashland did do his own DNA and waits to produce it in front of everyone.  He could hire the cool lady PI.

    OR either Tara kills Ash or he kills her. I do think he was warning the Abbotts about her.

    I hope HK got a pilot and is off to flap (flop?) somewhere else.

    Watch Billy do something to harm Nick's charity and Adam will look saintly as he comes to the rescue. I wonder if 'legal' scoped out that story because if Ash denies it...

    Also Ashland could win custody if Tara is a shady as we think - his name is on the birth certificate and you can't retroactively claim someone's kid. Depends on the judge and he can get Prick to help too.

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  14. On 5/25/2021 at 6:16 PM, boes said:


    Stupid Academy....



    Dummer as best actress. Nuff said>

    On 5/26/2021 at 10:44 AM, boes said:



    On 5/26/2021 at 1:33 PM, gingerella said:

    Well good for them, for once they did the right thing! I thought scAbby had fine chem with her real life hubby, just put him in once I awhile, we don't need a f/t Chance, his character is boring AF.

    I didn't hate her hubby in the role.

    18 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    They'll probably hire Steve Burton to play Chance.  I swear Dylan and Chance are the same character.

    Shut your mouth! He belonga GH - he can only frack up one show at a time.

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