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Posts posted by crowsworks

  1. 11 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:



    Baby Stitch



    Christian 2?


    33 minutes ago, gingerella said:

    Re: Natey Nate Nate Nate Nate doing some doctoring via iPad...How the hell did they suddenly have an iPad WITH WiFi/cell coverage?!? There was no iPad in that room. Does Abby have an iPad in her purse at all times? What the everloving fuck?

    This mystifies you? A show where 3 soon 4 multi nationals, an international airport with possible transporter, two hotels (each with one room), one coffee bar and one detective are all in one town. Where Iwanabeadoctor University also offers degrees in CEOmygodiwanabeboss and PHDeeplytroubledshrinks.  Where Newman is taken over so often it's stock is printed on toilet paper. Where you can almost murder a cop and get a stern talking to. Where Adam Newman is so evil he forgives people who frame him - shoot him - run him over - Shoot him some more. Where half the residents have gotten away with murder. (Nikki visited with Kyle - murdered his mom in a drunken rage) This is a show where Phyllis isn't netted and sedated.

    Where the hell is Connor's cat Oliver.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Yeah, Abby's behavior was kind of odd to me. It's a wonder she didn't offer Mariah some cake, a la Marie Antoinette. And then after the baby was born they didn't even let Mariah hold him. I guess only Devon was worthy since he's the bio-dad.

    Ugh, this whole surrogacy has been off-putting for me. It's like wealthy Abby the Newman/Abbott/Chancellor is so entitled she can use a poor like Mariah as a baby factory. (And I know Mariah was sort of paid for her services but it seemed different than if Abby had used a stranger as the surrogate.)

    Mariah volunteered but it was dumb of Abby to take her up on it. I still wish they had done what I wished and Victor took Abby's 20 eggs and hired surrogates to carry hoping for a baby or two. I just wanted to see Abby trying to handle 18 or 20 babies, "How are those Rabies now?" 

    4 hours ago, SweePea59 said:

    At some point in time he would have come to Abby's baby's (and Mariah's) rescue and won Abby's heart with his heroics.

    I still hope it turns out to be Stich's baby - all he had to do was visit some old friends at the Hospital and look like he belonged there, Hope they strung barbed wire around that nursery.

    31 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I missed that episode too. The whole thing was so out of the blue yet I saw it coming a mile away. TI C drop anvils the way my cat sheds fur.

    This is why celebrities' hire strangers with previous successful pregnancies often at the other end of the country and usually anonymously.

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  3. 5 hours ago, deirdra said:

    While adjusting the blankets Abby eventually mentioned that the EMTs were coming, but we all know that Bowie will arrive before that, as with every other Y&R birth.  I don't recall anyone rushing to the scene with their iPad, so where did the iPad for Dr. Nate on Demand come from?  Did Victor or a staff member bring it so EB could read his lines?

    I wondered about that I-Pad. Also they could have Adam Deliver the baby since he's done it so often in worse conditions. It's not like there was a blizzard, and a pregnant plane crash onto a frozen lake.

    3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    The last scene I saw was yesterday when Abby was blowing smoke up Stitch’s butt and she had a sneaky look on her face. I was gone today so could anyone give me a quick update about how Mariah was found, etc? Thank you so much! I’ve been waiting on this for months now and can’t believe I missed it!

    Abby went with Stich to the Unsafe House. Mariah was trying to make a nest. Devon's PI gave Rey and Devon the address and they were off at a saunter.  Abby ran into the room and Stich beat cheeks. Devon and Rey arrive. Rey leaves to chase Stich and ask him about Adam's involvement. 

    Devon and Abby deliver Bowie with help from Nate, on the Magic I-pad. At some point Abby called 911. Sharon and Tessa are called and they call Victor at the Chancellor house where he smirks about being a grandpa..

    Rey fails to catch Stich...really are you surprised.

    PS: If you miss the show and have the internet go to Youtube -- Y&R.

    You can watch tomorrows ep today even - not very well - you might not get the full splendor of the special effects.

    I need to stop being such a bint

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  4. 6 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    Theo figures into this somehow. That's why little Hardluck has Abbott DNA.

    Maybe the kid Dina gave away was twins (hey the MWT's never met a story they couldn't reuse) and one wasLocke's dad or something.

    Then they could do the Victoria look-alike as the doomed lost love who died and made young Ashland rich. Something about Burgi makes me go all fan-fic-y.

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  5. did it result in a pregnancy?

    Or is the mention of Dena by Tracy an anvil. Hell maybe it would be an op for Victoria to do a flash-back as the 'woman' who was the love of Ashland's life. Victoria stands by him and he dies in her arms and he calls her the woman's name. This could be Stanwick level melodrama...but it might be good so it won't happen. 

    Ashland will be faking and take over Newman for the umpteenth time and a chagrinned Victoria will have to work for daddy... or dog forbid Billy

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  6. 23 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    So Devon calls Stitch out on the chief of surgery position, stitch says he couldn’t take it right away because he had to deal with his son. Then Abby asks him why he’s in GC if he didn’t get it when he replies with ‘I sensed you needed me and I was right’, she just accepts it and is grateful????? Not even re lately suspicious that her ex thinks she needs his support? Well okay then.

    It's so obvious that it's probably going to be the answer. Real 'twist' there. Oh the imagination of the MWTs.

    23 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    I’ll sit at my table for one but I like Adam and Sally. Not sure about romance but I certainly wouldn’t mind them teaming up.

    I did love Adam's advice to be nice and let them watch their backs forever waiting for an attack that never comes. Self flagellation all around.

    23 hours ago, Sake614 said:

    I truly hope Mariah is found soon because I’m not sure how much more I can take of her wearing a sweat suit the color of her hair and talking to herself.

    I saw someone posit that it would be cool IF Chelsea was behind it to get even with Sharon. Hell she'd probably plant evidence against Adam. I never bought the overnight cure or the keystone cops letting Clo slide out from under attempted murder of a police officer.

    But Nah, that might be good and Chelsea's actress is 'husbanded' in till she dies I guess. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Artsda said:

    Rey goes and wastes time looking for Mariah by going to interrogate Adam? Yeah he kidnapped Mariah who is pregnant with his nephew/neice because..... 

    Seems like they're testing Adam and Sally.


    Does Adam look a bit healthier and buffed? 

    And yeah Rey - this guy just proved he would risk his life for Faith (and really Sharon) so he's going to kidnap and endanger her grown daughter who he barely knows.

    I'd suspect Rey first.

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  8. On 8/13/2021 at 10:24 PM, Snaporaz said:

    Why is everyone now assuming that Mariah was abducted by someone from either Mariah's or Tessa's sketchy past?  Mariah is carrying The Naked Heiress' heir.  Isn't that the most plausible explanation for the kidnapping of a person who is filthy-rich adjacent?




    Abby is a billionaire or close to. Remember when Prick's kids sued him for almost a Billion each. Nick gave his to Charity (His pet name for Phyl?) But Abby and Mop must have theirs and of course I think Adam was forgotten.

    Darvon (Who forget about Phyl killing his mom) is super rich and everyone knows about his adventures in ejaculation. 

    The kid is the Chancellor heir....Victor's grandbaby... hell we'll probably find out it's Ashland's Mystery Baby.



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  9. 1 hour ago, rcc said:

    Anybody else not able to like anything? Agree with the above. SC is worse than MS. At least MS can emote.

    Is that what flapping, grimacing and crowing is called

    18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:


    For me, Lauren is a suck ass boss. Sally was doing an excellent job, far better than Summer, and she basically fired Sally because of her friendship with Rodan. Lauren put emotion over business.  Lauren knows as much about being a true business leader as Rodan knows about being altruistic. 

    Especially since Lauren has done Way Worse

    18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    Nostrils you sanctimonious piece of shit gloating about Tara embezzling from her own company (contrived) while you embezzled from Jabot. Also, Tara was not worming her way into the Abbotts. Tara had a claim on Kyle because he was the baby daddy.

    Billy makes Tara look like an angel. 

    18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    Even Banana Breath noticed that Rodan and Sally are very much alike but when it comes to train wrecks Jack, Rodan did you a hell of a lot more wrong to you than Sally could have. I’m quite sure if you and Sally were a couple, Sally would have never cheated on you

    Or laughed at you as she screwed your scum brother

    18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

    God help us. Did we have to hear Rodan rehashing her victory to Amanda. It’s over but TIIC just have to give Rodan the floor to create more and more 🤢🤢🤮🤮.  Three words for Rodan, Self Praise Stinks. 

    But she is Amazine!!!

    18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:Why does every conversation about Tara makes her sound like a serial killer. What ever happened to innocent to proven guilty. If Nostrils and Lily publish the story about Tara, they have to use the word alleged before her name or she can sue upon vindicated. Thought if convicted it’s a white collar crime and as a first time offender, Tara most likely will get probation. Now, if there is a trial, the accountant would have to testify. A good lawyer will bring up that the accountant was first brought to GC to accuse Tara. Than Banana Breath would have to testify as to how he knew who Tara’s accountant was.  Now hear’s another rub. Tara committed the alleged crime in NY so a warrant for her arrest had to be sworn out in NY and GC would be asked to execute said warrant.  Since the accountant wasn’t in NY to speak to the police, why was a warrant issued on hear say evidence without the ability for Tara to defend herself. 


    I want Tara to be the REAL Locke Ness Monster and order a hit on Rodan and maybe Ash and Mop. Make it happen

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  10. 11 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

    Thank you Chloe for making Sally great again! Eat a bag of dicks Phyllis you fire crotched, ugly green shirt wearing asshole! I hope your dotter never returns. Ever! 

    Judging by the half inch of grey roots she was sporting  - Rodan's crotch is more smoke than fire.

    10 hours ago, Waldo13 said:


    Of course of all the people, in GC, Chloe would be the one to commiserate with Sally.  I’m starting to like Chloe because she’s really starting to recognize talent.  Chloe also had a great line with if there was a question about an unreasonable past, Adam and her would be the first ones out of the door.  Check that, the best line of the day goes to Adam. “So your saying you and Sally have a lot in common”.  “Is that why you don’t like her”?

    The look on Jack’s face was priceless. Even more priceless when I paused my DVR on his face.  

    Is getting to the point where Rodan’s obsession, with Sally, is boarder line slanderous.  Now what Rodan?  Adam doesn’t seem to give a shit about you and what you think.  I thought it finally be over with Rodan roasting and chewing up Sally. Silly rabbit, somebody down there 😈 loves Rodan. 


    Has anyone noticed that the Actress playing Sally has been directed to mimic some of Phyls word chewing and hand waving. And this Adam quote. If Sally starts saying amazine.....

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