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Posts posted by rhofmovalley

  1. So Metatron decided to show us Dean in the shower? I guess I should send him a fruit basket or something. Because Dean in the shower resulted in some very enjoyable dreams.


    I actually like Curtis Armstrong. Maybe because Revenge of the Nerds (the original) is my favorite movie. 

  2. Glad everyone else was ducking anvils. I just watched this yesterday and I still have dents in my head. OK, show, we got it. We're not idjits. 

    The actor playing Ed did dejected very well. 

  3. On 1/9/2020 at 7:23 AM, The Companion said:

    weren't there THREE storage units. Who was in the third? 
    Did they just leave him/her?

    That's bothering me too! It's not like them to just leave a captive behind. I expected them to grab whoever it was. Even if the person tripped and fell and got recaptured, at least that would be something. 

  4. My brother's agent was notified before anything was formalized. The seller's agent apparently did him that courtesy. He didn't get either of the other two homes anyway. He did tell me he was fine with whichever one he got, but he ended up with his third choice. 

    • Like 1
  5. 15 hours ago, Dibs said:

    How does that work?  What if two (or more) had accepted his offer?  He'd be under contract (and legally obligated to buy) THREE houses!

    He put in offers. He didn't sign purchase contracts. That doesn't happen until the seller accepts your offer 

  6. My brother bought about 18 months ago while the market was crazy and he viewed several houses and bid on three or four of them. If he'd only bid on one and didn't win he would have had to start all over again. And that actually did happen. Some couple wrote a letter and the sellers swooned and chose them. My brother was annoyed! I told him the winning buyers probably watched House Hunters. He ended up with a house he didn't really want but he was in a time crunch and had to buy something. He's happy now though!

    • Like 1
  7. I waste time playing Candy Crush 🤷‍♀️

    I do side eye people who go to theme parks every single freaking day or even every week. Nothing much changes at the theme parks from day to day so why would one need to keep going back over and over? Special side eye goes to the grown ass adults who interact with the "characters", asking them "how are you?" like Winnie the Pooh is going to respond and discuss his 401k or the Dodgers' lousy showing in the playoffs. 

    • LOL 8
  8. I appreciated the opening scene because no Emma Roberts. Then I UNappreciated the opening scene because Billie Lourd. 

    I am glad I had already finished eating my dinner before the final scene.

    So she treats the dead, maggot infested dog like it's her baby at first, then she eats it? WTAF??

    • Like 5
  9. Mike Farrell acting circles around everyone, as per usual. No, I'm not saying Jensen, Jared and Misha are BAD actors. I'm saying Mike Farrell is fantastic. I wished we could have gotten more of him. 

  10. To me, that other actress appears to be about 20 years old, while Emma Roberts is in her early 30s (I believe).  And that age is the KISS OF DEATH in the film industry.  Look at their habit of casting actresses in their 20s to play opposite actors in their 40s as their love interest.  Happens all the time.  Coupled with her infertility and I can see why she'd feel threatened and insecure.  And this gaslighting BS plays right into all of that.  Psychologically it's kind of genius.

    But I still don't think this is original or even that interesting.  I hope I don't spend the entire season hoping it gets better.

    • Like 2
    • Mind Blown 1
  11. I wonder which of the weirdo stalkers is trying to help her. Probably the "preacher" lady? There is always someone in these stories trying to "warn" the main character but instead of actually warning them they follow them around dressing strangely and acting creepy. How about just saying "you're in danger"?

    • LOL 7
  12. 44 minutes ago, laredhead said:

    My friends said the peacocks sound like a screaming woman

    They do! My hometown has peacocks because some numbskull brought them from HIS hometown. One night I was driving home with my car windows open and one of them was on the sidewalk and screamed at me. I damn near crashed my car. Another time I encountered one standing in the middle of the street with feathers all splayed out. I had to wait for him to decide to move out of the way.

    • Like 2
    • Useful 2
  13. I found Kim K. to be almost unbearable. I don't believe her as the main character's "best friend" and her forced use of the "f" word just made her seem more lackluster.  Her acting makes wood seem lively and brought Emma Roberts' acting down (although I don't think she's a terrific actress either). Again, IMO. 

    I hope this isn't a Cult retread where the primary character is being gaslighted (gaslit?) by everyone and is stumbling around completely clueless. 

    • Like 12
  14. On 9/19/2023 at 5:10 AM, Orcinus orca said:

    It's all foolish drama since they already own the place.

    I'm trying to imagine how it goes. "OK, we need you to pretend you haven't bought the home yet. You, we need you to pretend to insist on a huge budget and room for all your shoes, and you want a 'white, bright kitchen'. Yes, you MUST use the exact phrase 'white, bright kitchen'.  You,we need you to insist on a smaller budget, a man cave and you want something vintage you can put your 'stamp' on. Oh, and Wife? Demand that anything older than five years is a 'complete gut job'. Yes, you must use the exact phrase 'complete gut job'. No, you won't look ridiculous, entitled or like a shrew/jerk off. Our formula is wildly successful. Plus, people don't watch to see beautiful houses, they watch for DRAMA. And no, no one will suspect the storyline is 'contrived', why do you ask?"

    • Like 5
    • LOL 14
  15. Making my way through all the seasons. 

    I may or may not be related to someone who's a "Charlie". Didn't finish school, never went to college but said person can HACK. Even got hustled into an FBI office and interrogated in the stereotypical bare lightbulb room. And ended up getting hired by the very industry they'd hacked into, to provide computer security. Not sure why this person has this ability. Just a natural, I guess.

    I find Felicia Day to be a bit precious, but she comes across as having a legit passion for all things geeky. And her friendship with Wil Wheaton is cute. 

    Dean's chivalry is also cute. Didn't like sending the 90 pound girl into the Levi Den. And I also liked the coworker. Star Wars Princess Leia/Han Solo reference!

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