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Posts posted by rhofmovalley

  1. I had neighbors who were constantly throwing loud parties with dozens of guests.  Someone (not me) called the police on them.  The parties immediately stopped.

    I hope that was for storyline purposes only and the husband was just willing to look like an asshat for the $300 or whatever HH pays them.

  2. I live in LA and while I admittedly don't run in the same circles as millionaire real estate agents, celebrities or doctors I see very few women who are as thin as Heather. I see average sized women mostly, a lot of healthy looking fit people and everything in between. But alarmingly thin? Almost never. I also see very few people with that horrible plastic surgery/filler face but again, I don't hang out with the "real" housewives. 

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, meep.meep said:

    Jimmy Garappolo is an NFL quarterback, a very good looking NFL quarterback.  He was the picture that someone flashed as a potential Tracy date.

    Tracy 's mother apparently has suggested more than once that she date him.  When she was on the phone with her in her car you could hear her mom say "Jimmy G" when Tracy mentioned something about that NFL player she wants Tracy to date. 

    I thought the doctor was trying way too hard to be quirky. I would have asked "who wants dessert?" in the first fifteen minutes. 

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  4. I agree that they are present for their high dollar clients, but Heather herself mentioned she was out on a showing and Josh was in OC. So they obviously have employees at home who care for the kids while she and Josh are both working.

    And Flagg's statement about the mountain lions was plain ignorant. Just because he's never seen one while he sits in his ivory tower or flies first class to attend Paris fashion week doesn't mean wildlife doesn't exist. I used to get a kick out of him but he's becoming insufferable. I'm sorry his relationship with the youngster didn't work out but that doesn't mean everyone has to put up with his moods. Spoiled brat.

    • Like 8
  5. When they showed that flashback of Heather a few years ago I thought it proved she had had plastic surgery, but what's more likely is she was at a healthier weight back then and her face showed it.  I think she looked better with more weight on her, btw.  She is just so very thin. 

    When I was extremely thin people were asking me if I was OK.  I wonder if anyone in her life is asking her if she's all right.  At least they showed Tracy voicing concern (not about her weight but about her stress level.  And as I found, stress and anxiety do indeed cause weight loss.)

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  6. Yawn, mostly.

    I think Tracy is an attractive woman. If she would stop trying so hard to dress and look 20 years younger and  just relax and be her age she'd be stunning.

    I'm still concerned about Heather's extreme thinness, but I like her for what she said a couple of seasons ago...that she and Josh didn't need an even bigger mansion, and she doesn't want their kids growing up thinking they needed to live in a massive mansion. 

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  7. Why did they just skim over the sale of "Island Vista" or whatever it was called? And instead had the silly flight path storyline (which is BS, as others have said if you spend ten minutes at the property you would have seen and heard airplanes overhead). I was more interested in how that sale came about than Josh and Tracy pretending he didn't know the "castle" had been gutted. 

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  8. My cousin had two sons for years who, based on what she posted on social media, she absolutely adored and doted on. Then when her second son was about eight years old she had a daughter. Immediately her social media posts were all about the daughter. She spent thousands throwing her daughter princess themed birthday parties. Her sons virtually vanished from her posts and photos. Apparently she'd always wanted a daughter and when she got one she became her primary focus.

    So I could imagine TK spending 90% of her time and putting 90% of her focus on Victoria. Her boys weren't going to be Cowboys cheerleaders. 

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  9. On 6/27/2017 at 4:42 PM, catrox14 said:

    For me, the only other music cue that is close to Renegade is Don't Fear the Reaper in Faith, and the Long Black Road for the s10 midseason premiere Road So Far.

    Back in Black when Dean and Sam take Baby on her first drive after Dean fixes her.

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  10. I predict Savannah, Laura and Danny for the finale. My favorite is Dan but he just seems done. Maybe he's not feeling well. But hey, top five isn't bad at all.

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