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Posts posted by rhofmovalley

  1. I have this recorded on my DVR but based on what y'all have written I'm just going to delete it. I do not like gore. Suspense, yes, but gore turns my stomach. 

    Although I usually like AHS I'm giving up on this season. I also gave up on 1984, not because of gore but out of boredom.

    Ah well...

  2. Watching all the seasons and just finished watching this episode. One thing that bugged me...why did John ask Sam why he wasn't in Palo Alto? Couldn't he see that both of his sons were SIXTEEN YEARS older? Sam in particular looked nothing like 2003 Sam. 

    • Like 2
  3. Oh, and I forgot to say it's really annoying when the knifed contestants say they didn't get a chance to cook their food. Um, yes you did. In this case you had four chances, in fact. So why didn't you cook "your" food? 

    • Like 7
    • Applause 11
  4. When I was in school (a thousand years ago), if nearly everyone failed a test the blame was on the instructor, not the students. So I have to believe this challenge was either poorly explained or it was just too out there for most of the contestants. I thought it was a fairly easy concept (I thought of hard/crispy vs soft), but it seems it went over the heads of nearly all of them. Or they understood but their execution was way off.

    The abbreviated judges table did amuse me. No long explanation of why the dishes sucked, just straight to "Y'all are leaving, you can leave now, bye."

    • Like 15
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  5. 39 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    Emma is non reactive to everything.

    Especially when her so called best friend slaps her across the face in a restaurant. Oh wait, she APOLOGIZED as though she deserved to be bitch slapped in public 🙄

    No wonder these satan worshippers or whatever picked her. She's a wimp. 

    • Like 4
  6. There's "WTF" where you want to know what happens next, and then there's just plain "WTF??!!" This reminds me of the last season of Twin Peaks, where nothing made sense and I stopped watching. 

    And I don't feel Emma Roberts is a strong enough actor to carry a show. I just keep thinking "I'm supposed to believe this is an Oscar worthy performer?"

    And dropping F bombs every so often is not compelling script writing, it's just lazy attempts at shock value.

    I enjoyed NYC but I just can't get into this one.

    • Like 7
  7. I don't know how those two friends ever thought buying a vacation home together was a good idea. Money has ruined more friendships than anything else, I would guess. 

    At least they were able to salvage their friendship in the end. 

    • Like 6
  8. It's a shame What's His Name decided to play a character instead of just shutting up and cooking. He made a lot of people dislike him, which is a shame since from what someone else wrote his restaurant concept is a laudable one. 

    • Like 14
    • Applause 6
    • Useful 1
  9. Vocal fry on L.A. young lady and Spicoli voice on Long Island guy were super grating. Especially since it sure sounded like L.A. lady was putting on that annoying voice, presumably because she thinks it sounds cute. 

    Montclair is adjacent to L.A. County but is far from downtown. But yes, technically it is "near L.A."


    • Like 3
  10. I find the bad acting to be hilarious. "Oh, this is such a tough decision! We better hurry up and choose one or we will miss out!" When we all know they already bought the house. I don't blame them because they're not (usually) actors. 

    I do find it amusing when people say "They should have chosen house #X! That's the one I would have picked!" Well, they didn't choose it because it was a decoy and they're already in escrow with the one the did buy.

    I thought everyone knew the show is staged but maybe not?

    • Like 5
  11. 3 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Here's the link to apply to be on HH.

    How to apply to be on HH.

    Thanks.  I'm still about a year plus away from even starting to look.  But it might be fun to apply once I purchase.  It can't be any more invasive than the application for my current job, although I am getting compensated much better from my employer!

    • Like 2
  12. Five hundred still isn't enough for me to behave like a dipshit on national TV. I presume they'd just fire me if I ever got accepted onto the show.

    I am planning to buy in the next year or so. And my story is somewhat interesting (Middle aged single woman buying for the first time ever in Los Angeles county!) So maybe I'll apply if they're still filming. If they pick me I will take pleasure in refusing to go along with their script. 

    • Like 13
  13. 11 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    I don't know if this single mom in Honolulu is a repeat but she is annoying. Budget is not going to get all she wants. #1 is over budget, she complains about the condition, it doesn't have central air and she asks could the realtor find something better, less money and closer to the beach. Do these people hear themselves?

    Definitely a rerun because the narrator gave running commentary and they referred to the "primary" bedroom as the "master" (a big no-no these days).

    I swear, if I was on the show and the producers fed me such ridiculous lines I would refuse. $150 isn't worth making myself look like an asshat on national TV. 

    • Like 5
  14. 20 hours ago, chessiegal said:

    Huntsville: I'm sure a 12-foot tree is pretty, but you'd need a stepladder to decorate it. No thanks.

    Maybe these wealthy people hire someone to decorate it for them.

    Unrelated, but I saw a YouTube video where a couple and their child were moving and they hired a service to pack all of their belongings for them. That just icks me out. I don't want some bare-handed stranger touching my dishes and cups and linens and clothing. I would have to wash everything I own before using it. 

    • Like 3
  15. I believe O-positive is the universal blood type. That's my type and the emails I receive have told me mine is universal.

    Would CPR work on someone who dies as a result of massive blood loss?

    No way would an urgent care center be treating someone with a gunshot wound.  He'd be transported to a Level 1 trauma center STAT.

    Other than those nit picky points I did "enjoy" the episode.  I found it upsetting (in an entertaining way) and intense even if the ending was unrealistic.

  16. Did Sam bring a change of clothes with him?  When he and Dean arrived and were investigating they were wearing their FBI suits and overcoats.  Then when Dean had left to get the gold daggers and Sam was in Mildred's suite he was wearing jeans, a plaid shirt and a jacket.  And that was before he revealed to Mildred that they were not FBI agents but rather brothers and hunters.  Perhaps he keeps a change of clothes in Baby and retrieved them before Dean left?  That bugged me.

    I think it would have been cute if Dean tapped Mildred on the nose and said "Beeee good" before they left. 😉

  17. My opinions on episodes are usually the complete opposite of everyone else's, so I'm pleasantly surprised to see most of the people who posted here liked this ep as much as I did.  Acting was spot on, the music (and the singers' voices!) were superb.  Since I bought the season I'll rewatch to look for all of the little details you all mentioned that I missed the first time.

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