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Posts posted by rhofmovalley

  1. I found it interesting that a 15 year old would be so gung ho to move midway through high school. Usually teens are sullen and miserable if they have to leave their friends and make new ones. He seemed like a nice kid and I didn't get vibes that he'd been bullied or treated like an outcast, so that was puzzling to me. 

    I did like radio announcer guy. My son is also six feet gazillion so he has the same issues with showers, doorways, ceiling fans, etc. 

    • Like 6
  2. 10 minutes ago, cameron said:

    Not a fan of the skin tight dresses that she was wearing.  Find them very unattractive.  Look like stuffed sausages in those outfits.

    Some women want everyone to know they're pregnant so they can get praise or attention. Like those shirts that used to be all the rage in the 1980s and 1990s that said "Baby" with an arrow pointing down 🙄

    Or maybe she just loves the way she looks pregnant 🤷‍♀️

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  3. I love the way Jensen can communicate a thought or feeling with subtlety.  He took a bite of the pizza even though he didn't really want to and with just a slight movement of his eyebrows conveyed the pizza was, in fact, good.

    • Like 7
  4. Because of the "Real Housewives" and their ilk, producers are convinced people want DRAMA!! Hence the manufactured storylines ("She wants in the city! He wants in the suburbs!  He wants modern!  She wants 'character'!! Her budget $750,000, his budget $500,000!")

    Instead of showcasing the homes and their various attributes we get conflict and unpleasant discussions about needing a huge closet for their shoes, needing a 'man cave' to get away from their own family or complaints about the color of kitchen cabinets and appliances (from people who admit on camera they never cook).

    Even though Million Dollar Listing has way, way more drama than HH at least they take the time to really showcase the details of the homes.

    • Like 7
  5. 15 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

    I've never understood the appeal of drinking morning coffee on a deck/balcony/veranda of a 2-story home unless you have a coffeemaker and mini fridge in your bedroom. I don't want to have to go down a flight of stairs to my kitchen, prepare coffee, and carry it upstairs to a balcony off my bedroom. I'm such a klutz that it most definitely would spill. 

    Plus, how much earlier would they have to get up to make and drink said coffee on the balcony or front porch?  I don't like to rush in the morning but I'm not getting up an extra half hour early just so I can drink coffee on the balcony.

    In the evening, after dinner?  Or in the afternoon after I get home from work? Yes.

    • Like 6
  6. 1 hour ago, lgandkihei said:

    shouldn't she have done her roots before appearing on national TV?  Or, maybe that's a look. 

    It's a look.  Many of the young kids these days are sporting two inches of dark roots.

    • Like 3
  7. 25 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

    I think some women when they are single parents,  get very attached to their one and only child especially if it’s a boy.. and he seems like he might possibly be gay? , so maybe that would make her over protective. Although  yes, she does have to work on being a little less pushy.. he seemed very nice and very mature...

    It's a choice. I too am a single mother with one son (who is gay) and like I said before, my best friend (who is also a single mother albeit of a daughter) and I made a pact. I would rather banish myself from my son's life than be a pushy, overbearing mother who keeps saying "You know, you don't HAVE to move out! You could stay here!" Good on the son for kindly resisting.

    I was impressed with the amount of space in that townhouse although I agree three roommates is a lot. 

    • Like 7
  8. 43 minutes ago, Thumper said:

    I’m only halfway through this episode with a young man looking for his first place in Allentown, PA (I think) and his mom is driving me crazy.  She keeps pushing him to live close to her.  🤯



    My best friend and I made a pact that if either of us starts acting like that mother the other one will smack her upside the head. 

    I'm glad he got the home he wanted and didn't give into Momzilla.

    • Like 8
  9. 11 hours ago, Grizzly said:

    I realize I'm being incredibly judgemental but corporate finance is not the occupation I'd expect a pink haired man wearing blue nail polish to be in.

    I work for a fairly straightlaced engineering company and a few of the employees (including a customer service support person who works directly with clients) have multi-colored hair.  The customer support person I mentioned has beautiful purple hair that she compliments with purple workout leggings, a purple workout shirt and purple athletic shoes.  No one is concerned.

    Corporate finance could be more "conservative" though, as they don't want to offend potential clients.  My cousin is a financial advisor and he never, EVER comments on political issues or posts political or social issue opinions on social media.

    • Like 5
  10. I thought Chicago Danny was auditioning for Million Dollar Listing Chicago (which doesn't exist AFAIK). He's such a cool hipster! I'm not a huge fan of Josh Flagg but this guy was like a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of Flagg. 

    I did like the townhouse, though. 

    • Like 7
    • LOL 1
  11. 18 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

    Gabri REALLY gets close to his food when he's cooking. Like, his eyes are about 4 inches away.

    I'm going to speculate he needs glasses. I used to do the same thing before I got my glasses. My former boss made fun of me for practically putting my nose on my computer screen. 

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Leeds said:

    they had no interest in a PB&J sandwich or hotdog or the other dumbed down "restaurant" food aimed at children. 

    This reminds me of my former husband's brother's wedding dinner. They had stations set up self serve style (which was great because no one has to wait to be served and no one had to serve). Know what station ran out of food? The "kids" station that had chicken nuggets, mini corn dogs and mini pizzas. The kids weren't getting a chance to have any of it because the grownups were hogging all of the food that was intended for the kids. 

    I wonder if Buddha will either be ineligible to compete in any further seasons or if he'll be able to participate if they ever do a Top Chef Masters season again. He's just so far ahead of everyone else it's almost not even fair. But he seems to crave competing. Maybe an appearance on Iron Chef if that still exists. 

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  13. It seemed the guest judge was leaning hard toward Gabri, but what the judges (Padma? Gail?) said made sense to me. The winner shouldn't be a chef who has the greatest potential, but the one who's already there. And they apparently felt Buddha is there.

    I too don't have much interest in Buddha's food. I would look at it, say "that's pretty", take a taste and then wonder when my actual meal was coming out. 

    I do understand my food interests do not align with Michelin's 😄

    • Like 5
    • LOL 6
  14. I just hope they don't stunt cast. Shutterfly had Kris Jenner as their spokesperson around the end of the year holiday season and if the comments people posted on Facebook are any indication, she was roundly rejected by consumers. And I strongly, strongly dislike Andy Cohen. The weird way he tilts his head back and looks down his nose into the camera and his fake appearing overly jolly, loud persona grate on my nerves. 

    Kristen Kish comports herself with grace and dignity, IMO. And Carla Hall is just endearing. 

    • Like 8
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  15. On 6/3/2023 at 2:20 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

    Looks to be fully booked. Congratulations to Ali!

    I've been to the restaurant that's hosting. I thought it was quite good. My niece really liked the vegan options. My son was less impressed as he got his meal a full 15 minutes after everyone else in our party.

    I kind of wish I'd splurged, but it was sold out before I even got the email! I guess a lot of my neighbors also watch the show.

  16. 35 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

    But if it's single house hunters they bring along a mom or friend, and they supply the stupid dialogue.

    Or they contribute the stupid comments and their mom/dad/sibling/friend is decreed to be the voice of reason.

    My faves are the siblings/friends/parents who are scripted to push hard for a big single family home "for your future husband/wife and zillions of kids". 

    • Like 1
    • LOL 4
  17. I would love Carla Hall, but that would be going in a completely different direction (fun, quirky and engaged rather than elegant, well-traveled and engaged). But I agree, Gail would be the most logical choice.

    As for Gail's replacement, Kristen Kish would be perfect IMO.  Or the aforementioned Carla Hall.

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