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Posts posted by rhofmovalley

  1. On 6/27/2017 at 4:42 PM, catrox14 said:

    For me, the only other music cue that is close to Renegade is Don't Fear the Reaper in Faith, and the Long Black Road for the s10 midseason premiere Road So Far.

    Back in Black when Dean and Sam take Baby on her first drive after Dean fixes her.

    • Like 2
  2. I predict Savannah, Laura and Danny for the finale. My favorite is Dan but he just seems done. Maybe he's not feeling well. But hey, top five isn't bad at all.

    • Like 3
  3. Rewatching. Wow, those ridiculous fake spiders in the shower. If I saw those I'd laugh. I actually found two daddy long legs in my shower this morning. Real ones (who, sadly, met their demise at my hand). 

  4. I got the impression the realtor in the Connecticut episode was interested in dating the house hunter.

    And yes, sadly we've been conditioned to look askance at "middle aged man wants a big house with lots of bedrooms to house his 'mentees' who are all young men". Because it happens way too often that the older man is a sicko. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, debbie311 said:

    WHY these couples have not discussed at length before looking at house what they want, what their deal breakers are, etc.

    They have. It's all producer driven. Someone posted on here years ago about the filming process. They were told what their "storyline" would be. The producer pointed to the wife and said "You want to live in the city, and your husband wants to live in the suburbs" even though that wasn't even a discussion when they'd bought the home. 

    I can't focus on the pretend drama/conflict. I just try to focus on the houses themselves and the locations. 

    • Like 11
    • Mind Blown 1
  6. Interesting that one of the future dates ("memories") was January 6, 2021. Given what actually happened on that exact date it's almost weirdly creepy that date was chosen. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, susannot said:

    Amanda made me LOL by pulling for SOC:  Sausages of Color.


    All the sausages were hilarious.  Is that really what they do at Brewers' games?

    They do. I find it hysterical. 

    I am also hungry but my meal is lame frozen fish and frozen fries. My excuse is I am traveling tomorrow and don't want a bunch of pots to wash. 

    • Like 3
  8. Dan with his "this basement will be mine and I have all the say" was...interesting. 

    The "Where are they now" couple that said they sleep separately, him with their son and her with their daughter. I also found that "interesting".

    • Like 4
  9. Purchased and watching all of the seasons. I'm on the last season and just watched this episode. And my takeaway is being disappointed that Sam had a shirt on under his flannel. I was hoping to see some Sam chest when Cass "probed" his bullet wound <perv>. I also thought Sam was about to kiss Eileen before Cass interrupted but y'all have me wondering. 

  10. House Hunters has always had gay couples on the show without making it a "thing". Although it seems only in recent years did they start having lesbian couples. I used to ask my son "where are the lesbians?" Maybe lesbians weren't interested in applying for the show. Anyway I do enjoy the diversity of the people who are featured. 

    • Like 3
  11. I read somewhere (Instagram?) this was based on a book. And in the book Siobhan was protecting Anna because she was carrying the cult baby but the writers chose to change the plot. Or something.

    • Useful 1
  12. 1 hour ago, BlackberryJam said:

    but the food just doesn't sound incredible and amazing when they describe it. I used to watch TC episodes and just crave the food. That's not happening in the same way this season.

    I used to try to have dinner ready so I could have something to eat during the episode when I inevitably got hungry from looking at the food. It just hasn't been happening this season. I'm sure they're skilled chefs, but something isn't coming across for some reason.

    I feared Danny was getting a "knifed" edit so I'm glad it wasn't. I like him and Dan. Danny reminds me of Dolphins coach Mike McDaniel and I like Dan because I find him attractive, probably because he seems humble. And of course Michelle is awesome, she just really missed it this challenge.

    • Like 8
  13. 39 minutes ago, dubstepford wife said:

      I hardly think Laura is a villain,

    I agree, but what I was wondering is if the producers are trying to create a "villain". Because, you know, all competition shows MUST have a villain 🙄

  14. Are the producers trying to make Laura the "villain"? Because after annoying Hat Guy left there didn't seem to be anyone whose personality grated or who expressed that tired competition show trope "I'm not here to make friends". They kept showing Laura when she had no expression on her face which I guess was supposed to be "villain" face? If so, she's a pretty weak villain. 

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