25 -
51 Excellent-
My favorite line of the episode was Carrie's sister telling Quinn that she had never seen Carrie this upset after an operation before. What? Guess she missed the episode where her sister was strapped to a table at the funny farm receiving shock treatment. A bunch of her friends died and she returned to her Dad's funeral and this was the calmest I've ever seen her by far. Til Mommie showed up anyway.
That was the most boring last of the season episode of any show I've ever seen.
Shermie, I meant throughout the entire run of the show not just the day of the riot. There was not one single instance of anyone on the show showing any anger about the break-ins. The town simply didn't care, not on screen anyway. Hell I would think the riots would happen earlier but at the police station because even though the whole town knows who did these things the cops did nothing. Again maybe the GR did do jail time but it just wasn't shown, nothing was. Also who don't you agree with? I never said we need to see every minute detail? One or two would be nice.
Maybe they did Weary Traveler. Maybe they did. Of course none of it was shown but maybe members of the GR were in fact investigated and there just wasn't enough evidence to prosecute for the break-ins even though they left fingerprints everywhere. Maybe they wiped them down. Maybe they were routinely ticketed for painting things white but it just wasn't shown in-show. Maybe I guess you and I are both doing a lot of assuming based on our individual points of view but that's where the terrible writing of the show has left us. Assuming.
This to me is the reason this show sucks. The writers are trying to make the GR seem so smart but actually they are just making everyone else seem so dumb. The cops do absolutely nothing as these people deface property in broad daylight, stalk people and break into their houses. I'm confused as to why there wasn't any scenes at all of the townspeople getting angry and talking to the cops about this stuff. Instead they don't seem to care or even exist until this final episode where housewives are shooting people. Right. How did the GR know exactly where everyone was when they disappeared right down to their body positioning?
This episode could have been great but instead it was all build up and no payoff. The moment of the disappearance was just lame. I wanted to see that baby vanish from the screen. I wanted to see something cool with Kevin maybe POV style, laying back grabbing her boobs and poof, she's gone. I wanted to see cool shit happen. This episode should have been a directors wet dream but every character's moment was just a 2 second O-face and cut to the next one. Couldn't they at least linger with the characters for a few moments after it happened? If the moments were somehow shocking and surprising in any way then that could have been a powerful way to end the show but they were just so uninspired. If your going to make us wait that long (both in the season and in the episode) for those moments then don't telegraph them so badly and have some cool shit up your sleeve!
This show is so bad now. I almost want to watch the first season again just to see what the hell I was thinking. I don't think I will. I bet The Vampire Diaries is better. I bet General Hospital is better. They can't be any worse.
Breaking her own record?
If male vampires have detachable penises what happens to the female genitalia?
Loving this show, it's such a fascinating subject and judging by the comments here one that I'm glad I don't know everything about. I'm just going to continue watching, believing it happened exactly like this. I've just got to remember not to regurgitate it at a party like that time I embarrassed myself spouting off my vast knowledge of William Wallace based on watching Braveheart.
No, nobody can, it just is. I think rule #1 of writing should be that if your plot doesn't work without one or more characters being idiots then keep working on it, you aren't finished. When watching a show like this I always tend to think "c'mon nobody is that dumb!" but it's not true, people are even dumber. I remember watching the trailer for Hangover 3 when Alan takes a giraffe under an overpass killing it and rolling my eyes thinking "that's just silly, they are going too cartoony with his already cartoony character" but recently it actually happened. It actually happened! So I know that people in real life are stupid and that allows master plans to work but they get made fun of for it, fired for it, sued for it or even do jail time for it if it's really egregious. For the most part in TV/movies nobody even mentions how retarded they are and they are even hailed as the hero. The writers just expect us to overlook the characters dumb decisions and continue believing them to be geniuses. I wish I was one of the people who could do that, I'd enjoy shows like this more if I did.
As clunky and absurd as it was, I think they had Nora freak out and break off from the group because while the guys are out slaughtering vamps she will be the one that finds a cure. It kind of got lost in her insane speech about these things being human but she did say that "we should be trying to find a cure". The writers could have easily found a better way of getting to that point like "we can't possibly kill them all fast enough so we need a cure" but then we wouldn't get the drama. The fat Hobbit has important info dipshit so you might want to keep him around and just give a punch to the face every now and then.
Didn't hate this episode. Nora actually acts like a human being for the most part unlike everyone back in Crazytown, NY. Didn't totally buy that she would follow Lurch back to that dingy apartment based only on his lame "do you want to feel this way" sales pitch though. Interested to know if it's true that all you need is a hug from crazy-eyed child rapist but only so I can make fun of it however it turns out. If it is true then how did a creep like him get this magical power? And if it's not then anyone who fell for the old $1,000 for a magic hug trick better check their tailpipe for bananas. They should have put this episode before the last one to hide the fact that they completely dropped the break-ins plot line making the Chief look like an ineffectual dipshit. Sucks that, as someone mentioned, the episodes without him are so much better.
Season One Talk: Come Enjoy Half a BBQ Cow!
Davey replied to bmoore4026's topic in Under The Dome [V]
Officially took this show off the DVR. Not sure why it took so long as I pretty much hated it as soon as they showed people sitting down for a nice cup o' joe and a slice of pie instead of being at all interested in the crazy dome thing. That was the first episode I think. These writers, who are terrible, were given a tool that they have been abusing and it makes every single moment of the show utterly pointless. The dome warps your mind. So anything anyone does is meaningless because they will be a totally different person in the next episode. I still can't get over the fact that Junior is a good guy now when he was soooo over the top bad in the first few episodes. TV used to be pretty strictly an episode to episode format with each being pretty much self contained meaning you could watch them in any random order. Now it has become a format for telling one long story that you really need to watch from the beginning. While that has given us great shows like The Sopranos and Breaking Bad it has also ruined so many shows that started out great(not this one). Weather it's shows like Rome and Deadwood that have no ending because they are abruptly cancelled or shows like LOST that have a beginning, a looong meandering middle and an unsatisfying end that can't possibly tie up all the loose ends, it's just so frustrating to get invested in them. And most likely maddening for the writers/showrunners. Anyway, my point is that this was supposed to be a mini-series lasting like thirteen episodes(It was fully written) but it became a hit and just like LOST the writers have no idea how to stretch it out. The first season of LOST was crazy good but IMO sucked after that because they shit on everything in that first season. UTD didn't start off any where as good as that show but it had an interesting premise. It aggravated me that nobody really panicked until like episode 4, that nobody seemed all that interested in getting together and talking about how to survive this but instead sat around the diner gossiping but the premise was enough to keep me interested. Around mid season you could just feel the way the story that they already wrote in it's entirety was being stuffed with filler and now it's just a soap opera that can go on and on forever. It sucks because if a show gets too popular TPTB have to ruin the story to milk those ratings and if it's not popular enough it gets cancelled with no real closure. Some writers like Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) and Matthew Wiener (Mad Men) are up to the task but most are not. The Under The Dome people are definitely not. I can't even hate watch this anymore. -
My bad I thought Richmond was talking about Peter Sarsgaard's character in that scene, I forgot all about who Joe Mills was. Guess I should have watched a recap before season 4.