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  1. I've seen the Ink Black Heart. While I hated the book (and didn't actually finish it) I thought the show was okay (and I say this as someone who has loved the previous seasons and have watched them multiple times). It didn't flow as smoothly as previous seasons but I think that's because of the nature of that book and the ending seemed rather rush and sorta came out of nowhere. I recently read that the author says she has 2 more Strike books in mind. Not sure if she meant she was then calling it quits. I guess that last book will be 2,000 pages long!! Hopefully they are filming The Running Grave.
  2. I've rewatched episode 1 and there is a scene where Tosh at home is on the phone and in the background we briefly see a little girl (maybe 4-5 yr old) playing. But it is strange that there is never any mention of the daughter in any of the shows. And we do see alot of Donny because the murder victim is in their friend group.
  3. I thought this was the best episode of the season. Lots to like: The final scene was a lovely ending. Great job on the music selection for that scene and enjoyed the all too brief flashbacks of the sisters in happier times. We found out what really happened the night Grace died. Angelica was really funny this episode While I did't think this season was as good as the first one this final episode made me feel better about the season. Eva really bugged me this season.
  4. Not surprised Angelica is alive. Not surprised Ian is bad. Am surprised we found out both in one episode. Ian is worse than I thought - crooked former cop. Guess his wife is in on it too. Guess this means we're not going to see any more of Matt.
  5. I just can't get into Dalgleish. I find him so boring as a character and in the acting - he comes across as if just reading his lines. I watched the first of the new season and gave up midway.
  6. It was worth it to watch just to see London at Christmas time. I've learned with these type of shows you just have to accept plot holes and things that don't really make a lot of sense. As someone said above Helen disappearing from home at all hours of day and night. Or that the affair with Jason was only 3 months. I did like the last scene with Sam coming to Helen's house for Christmas dinner.
  7. Just watched the last episode. Thought this was a great season. So many suspects and their plot lines all tied into the story. In previous seasons we'd see Tosh's baby (daughter?) or she'd talk about her but in the season I don't think there was ever a mention of her. I think Sandy was much more of a main character in the earlier seasons. Now the focus is almost exclusively Tosh and Ruth. I find the architecture very interesting with some old stone crofts and some really modern houses with lots of glass with gorgeous views. I've never read the books on which this show is based but does the series follow the books? I think the writers of the show are really good.
  8. Stupid choices indeed. The sisters do seem to do one ridiculous thing after another. Becka tried calling the coast guard while out on the boat, they should have kept trying and if nothing else reported it once they got back to port. So what if Angelica's car was at the port? What was Bibi going to do with it? Since the episode opened with Angelica's body floating face up in the water I won't be surprised, in fact I expect it, that she's still alive. What will surprise me is if Ian isn't dirty. He took Eva to the bank - guess to put his name on everything in case something happened to Eva. How long has Grace been dead??? Far too soon for her widower to be jumping his sister-in-law. I think Ian caused Grace's accident.
  9. Well the sisters did talk about the missing money this episode. Just not sure of Ian - he seems a bit shady. I'd have to watch again but I thought Angelica seemed taken aback by Ian's telling her of Eva's rape by JP. I liked the show but I don't think this season is as good as the first one - maybe because the first one had an overarching theme of killing JP where as this season seems to be all over the place.
  10. Season 2 of Darby and Joan starts on Acorn on December 30. I really liked season 1 and look forward to the new season.
  11. Can't praise this show enough. I think the way old age as well as Alzheimer's was covered is what really moved me. It was also wonderful seeing so many familiar faces. Sailorgirl you're right that one of the writers has had close contact with an Alzheimer's - a truly heartbreaking disease. My mom died in 2020 of the disease after living with it for about 10 years. We were lucky that we were able to keep her home because my brother and his family moved in with parents. The last few years someone had to be with her 24/7 just because of the stupid things she would do (like use a laundry basket full of clothes as a toilet). It also gave my Dad a break because it's hard taking care of someone 24/7. He probably aged 10 years in 2. I do hope there's a second season. Curious as to what "job" it could be next for next for Charles.
  12. This was my favorite episode. I really loved Charles and Calbert's day out - we got some great shots of San Francisco but it was the conversations between the two that was just so great.
  13. I'm enjoying this too. It's different from most of what's on these days.
  14. I feel there's so much going on I need to watch each episode twice. Just before Grace left the house she put the money in a bag/purse and then took it with her (I think). While Eva found the bank receipts for the money they didn't find the money and it was never mentioned about finding money at the crash site. So what happened to the money?
  15. Call me dense but I was actually surprised Grace was really dead - thought she'd only be badly injured. The sisters seem to have really lost it this season - they keep doing/saying really stupid things. In one of the trailers for this season it showed Matt opening a front door so we should see him some more. Curious as to how/why he and Becca broke up.
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