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  1. Maybe the impending divorce is a big ruse just so they had a storyline this season. Maybe that's why Dorit won't get a lawyer.
  2. I really like the show too. I hope it'll get a second season. Sometimes it takes a while for a new show to hit its stride and find its audience. Here's hoping TPTB will give it a chance!
  3. Every time she brings up the cult (which she seems to remember quite well!), someone needs to remind her that the leader was a con man. Maybe it'll eventually sink in, and she'll remember that part of the story more often! :)
  4. My SIL used to be a photographer who took photos at the K-Mart stores (that was the late 80's, early 90's). I tried my best over the years to help keep K-Mart in business! Shakes a fist at Wal-Mart for killing other businesses. 😢
  5. I'm surprised no one has explained to Flower how brainwashed she was being in the cult. They could've shown her some old footage of Jim Jones and his Kool-Aid drinking followers and the aftermath of that. Maybe she would've figured it out! Seems like she would've been aware of that tragedy though.
  6. Thanks for the explanation. What I hate about most clothes these days is that they have smell like rubber or some other such substance. I prefer a cotton blend in my clothes, like they used to be. The 100% rayon, polyester, etc. is too hot for the climate I'm in, and it makes my skin crawl! YMMV. I don't mind ironing things with cotton in them if they don't come out of the dryer wrinkle-free.
  7. Yeah, that episode was unpleasant to watch. Happy to see Pastor Rob though. The funniest part was the photo session at the end. 🎶 Freeze frame!! 🎶
  8. Maybe I misspoke, but it seemed like Sutton was trying so hard to make things just right (in the kitchen), that she was making herself a nervous wreck! I didn't care for all of her eye-rolling at her mom either. When will Dorit finally get the message that she needs to get a lawyer and protect herself? She looks surprised as people keep mentioning this to her. 🙄
  9. I'm giving Reba the benefit of the doubt when it comes to her relationship with Sutton. We've only heard Sutton's side of the story, and I don't believe everything she says. Sutton needs to quit trying so hard to please her and take things slowly in order to rebuild their relationship. No need for Sutton's friends to confront Reba and tell her what Sutton wants. It's no one's business except for Sutton & Reba. Sutton needs to have that particular discussion with her mom, not outsiders. Maybe Reba thinks things are fine. No need to blindside her on a reality TV show. How tacky! Sac up, Sutton. Talk to her yourself. Bwah!! Thanks for the laugh! 😁
  10. She had a one-on-one conversation with Reba in which she proceeded to tell her that Sutton really needs to hear her say that she's proud of her and loves her. Reba was right. It was none of Garcelle's business.
  11. Is this the assessment by Sutton & Garcelle? I can't remember all of their conversations about Reba. It's easy for the producer to slant things to fit Sutton's narrative, without giving her mom the benefit of the doubt. Again, I really don't like hearing people badmouth their parents on TV without hearing their side of the story.
  12. I don't either. Garcelle shouldn't have shared her theory about it on TV. I'm reserving judgment on Reba because all we have is Sutton's side of the story. That's not enough to convince me that her mom was so terrible. It appears that her parents provided a good life for her. Yes, some parents aren't always there emotionally for their kids, but again, maybe Sutton is overlooking the other, sometimes subtle ways her mother has shown her love. Reality shows have a way of making someone seem so much worse than they actually are. I'm not a fan of airing your perceived grievances about your parents on national TV. YMMV.
  13. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. I hope that Sutton has more sympathy for her mom and what she went through than what she showed on TV. My SIL deals with guilt (for a different reason) and it's been 20 years, but she still struggles with how she handled her situation, even though the EMTs assured her she did everything she could. There are really no words to console a person when the "what ifs" hit. Sigh. Hugs to everyone dealing with that. ❤️
  14. IIRC, wasn't that a suite for doctors/nurses to sleep (or for quickies!) I haven't had that happen in any medical facility, but nothing would surprise me these days, so it might happen in some facilities!
  15. I would assume that Reba has a fair amount of guilt too, but she doesn't show it. I wonder if Sutton ever asks her how she's doing in that regard. I hate that Sutton has resentment towards her mom because there was a loaded gun in the house while her dad was struggling. She couldn't have predicted that he'd kill himself. He may have reacted very badly if she had taken the gun away. Reba probably did the best she could given the circumstances. I wasn't there, so I can't judge her for her actions or lack thereof, but I can see that it was complicated. Mental illness with loved ones can be very difficult. Treatment for mental illness wasn't too good up until the 2000's (going by what I saw with my MIL). Yeah, Reba is tough, and I'm not saying that everything she did was right but knowing that she grew up during the post WWII days explains a lot to me. My mom was a child in those days, and she told me how tough those times were, but it was something that everybody just dealt with. There were rations; shortages; everything going towards the war effort. People were united on that front. People didn't sit around and discuss their feelings or get coddled. You did what you had to do in order to survive. You got on with the chores, etc. of the day. Sutton said that she needs to hear her mother say she's proud of her and loves her. She might need to accept that Reba isn't capable of that. Maybe she shows it in other ways and Sutton doesn't recognize it. My mom wasn't like Reba, but she was emotionally reserved. She showed me in many other ways that she loved me and that was enough. I don't think Sutton should've had that conversation with her mom while being filmed. Also, Garcelle was way out of line in her conversation with Reba. You don't talk to someone else's mother or father like that. Sutton is flat-out rude to him at times. 🥺
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