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  1. After seeing the writer's explanation, that's the way I see it too! It's sad if Delia & her husband are stuck there for very long. Maybe things are better wherever the Soul Train takes them!
  2. Coach Jimmy Johnson (NFL on Fox pregame) had plenty to say about Tepper today: Johnson blasts Tepper Okay, some of the guys on the Fox pregame were praising the Bucs & Mayfield. I looked at Mr. Chat and said, "they've jinxed us," and sure enough, the Bucs laid an egg today. ☚ī¸
  3. The last thing I saw him on was The Devil Wears Prada. I'm not familiar with the shows you mentioned. 🙂 I'm fairly new to the streaming world and it's very overwhelming to me, so I just stick with a few shows.
  4. Yeah, they've got to go with what works for the show. I wouldn't mind seeing 2 properties and then give the extra time at the end of the show to see how the buyers/renters are settling in, rather than the 30 seconds they show now, but that's just my curiosity and probably not something others want to see! I get that!
  5. The realtor kind of brushed it off and said something along the lines of it not being a problem there, but I don't like feeling like I'm on display either. I can't remember if the apartment she chose had a washing machine in it (I think it did.) I'd like to see a more detailed tour of the cities these folks are moving to and see what's what as far as the practical details, i.e. what kind of grocery stores are available, and for those without washer/dryers in their apartment, are there laundromats easily available, or do you take your clothes to the dry cleaners? Are there medical facilities close by? The list goes on..... Most of these people seem to be moving for the "charm" of it all, but I need to know details on how a particular area is going to impact my daily life. Charm only gets you so far.
  6. Gravey doing her best Glenn Close impersonation: "I am not going to be IGNORED Howard!!" 😄
  7. Thanks!! I forgot about that role! I haven't seen him in anything else since then, but I don't watch a lot of movies, so I probably missed him somewhere along the way.
  8. That thought crossed my mind to when she wrote 'victim' on their board. As she was cleaning up the office and dancing around, that reminded me of Katie Holmes' character in the movie Mad Money. Her character in general reminds me of Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich. I feel like that's kind of the image they're going for: A smart, down-on-her-luck woman with 3 kids, whose neighbor watches said kids, suddenly one-ups all of the professionals with no legal background whatsoever and solves a murder! I'm curious if that was a thing back then, but one thing I've heard about, is that cemeteries face east because the belief is that when Christ returns, it will be from the East and the dead will rise to meet him. ( Matthew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.) Not sure if that would be the reason a church would be facing east too, but I know of many churches not facing that way. I've seen many cemeteries facing east though, so I think that's accurate. I'll give this show a chance. It's great to see Judy Reyes again. It was driving me nuts trying to remember where I've seen the male detective (Daniel Sunjata), and then I realized he was once on an episode of Sex and the City. He played a sailor.
  9. I was curious about that too. I think there might've been enough room in there where she could've put a nice trundle bed in front of that closed cabinet, then it could be for seating and then sleeping. I've seen some very nice, modern trundle beds that look more like a sofa. I would prefer that over pulling the big sofa out every night.
  10. I'm wondering if she had a bad experience along the way and just feels safer on an upper floor. I would prefer that myself. The realtor kept saying that privacy isn't an issue there, so maybe they're not worried about peeping Toms! She commented on how us Americans live in our own bubble. I resemble that remark and am just fine in my little bubble!! 😜 I think she's the first buyer/renter to have ever said 'I don't really care about a big kitchen!' That was refreshing! No griping about how she was going to fit 50 people in her apartment & kitchen while she entertains! Of course, another scenario where the HH has what they think is a decent budget, just to be told, 'Oh, no! That's going to be tough!' The buyer/renter's budget is rarely enough!
  11. Your posts came to mind when I saw this episode. I thought, Yeah No is on to something!!
  12. I think it's a fun idea! Let's see what Hammy Faye thinks, oink, oink! 🐷 I liked the episode. There's so much going on that I'll probably have to watch it again just to absorb it all and rethink my own theories! If the Westie's story is true, I'm glad that part of the mystery is solved. On to the next chapter of the story! If Mabel can get that apartment for $200/month, then I guess she'll have gotten it for a bag of beans!
  13. I read an article by the writers, and here's what they said about the ending: (Obviously, spoilers!!) Writer's explanation
  14. Hello fellow Buc's fan! We were worried when Vita Vea left the game with a knee injury, but luckily the defense didn't fall apart, and they came away with the win. I'd like to see the Lions have some success, but not when they're facing the Bucs! 😉 I posted a link earlier about Coach Saban talking about Tua and his work ethic. He said that Tua & his family need to take their advice from the medical professionals and not everyone else. He said that Tua is a tough competitor and always wants to see a play followed through. Coach said that Tua probably should've slid before getting tackled, but it's just the type of competitor that he is. He spoke about how much he likes Tua & his family, and what a nice person Tua is. Maybe Tua will need to learn to slide better and can come to terms with doing that rather than extending a play & risking injury (when possible). Bama nation loves Tua, and we all wish him well! Same goes for all of our Bama turned NFL players!
  15. I would be shocked if this scenario plays out, but stranger things have happened in this league!! It was Tua who lowered his head into Damar and thus caused the injury. It looked like Damar kind of let up at that moment. The link I posted earlier with Coach Saban talking about Tua helps to understand the kind of player he is and why he probably didn't just slide in that instance. He said that Tua wants to see a play followed through. It's important to him to show the team that he can be counted on to make the play (something along those lines). Roller hockey sounds like fun! Best wishes to your son!
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