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  1. Bwah! It will be surprising if they are genuinely concerned for her. I didn't like this episode. I was hoping that the entire season wasn't wrapped up in her and Spencer trying to get to Montana, but alas, it appears that it is. I hope the Sheriff will tell the Duttons that Spencer is on his way, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't. The worst part of the whole episode was seeing the horse go down. 😢
  2. What I didn't like in this episode was that she didn't apologize for hitting his car with her car door. She actually acted indignant about the whole thing. If she had started out acknowledging that she accidentally hit his car, and then apologized, he probably wouldn't have asked her to pay for it, but she was a butt about it (in my opinion), and she expected an apology from him! That makes no sense to me. At least they worked things out, I guess. I'm just 'meh' on a relationship with these two.
  3. Exactly! Didn't someone warn him about carrying it around (maybe the first city he was in?) There's quite a bit of this show that is very far-fetched, but I try to look past it and just enjoy it for what it is! It sure is fun to snark about it though! 😄
  4. He could've thrown one off every few miles! I don't know if that would've helped or made it worse, but knowing Spencer's luck, there'd be someone lurking in the bushes (another hobo, perhaps) and he'd be caught and hauled off to jail. Seems like he's always in a no-win situation. I'm with you though. Maybe he should've ridden it out and jumped off in the dark of night. Oh well, the writers want to make this journey as long and painful as they can!
  5. If Spencer and Alex were to write a book about their adventures, here's some titles I was thinking of: Spencer & Alex: The Endless Journey Spencer & Alex: Ships, Robbers & Hobos. Oh my! Spencer & Alex: How to Avoid Beatdowns & Shootouts When Traveling. Safari Tips: Finding the Best Tree to Have Sex in While Avoiding a Lion.
  6. Can you imagine the infection he would likely get under those unsterile conditions? 🙄
  7. Will anyone else be wishing their friends & co-workers a Happy St. Hetty's Day tomorrow? 😄🍀
  8. Murphy's Law keeps hitting Alex & Spencer over the head! Seriously, can they not catch a break? I want to see Spencer get home and help save the ranch, sooner rather than later! Whitfield is one evil man. He wouldn't even cover the poor prostitute with a blanket. It appeared that Banner is beginning to see what an a**hole his boss is.
  9. It was nice, but having the bedroom on the third level (up the spiral staircase) looked like a fire trap to me. Maybe there are outside stairs like there are in a lot of apartments, but they didn't show one. I'm guessing there was a toilet on the main level, if not, that wasn't practical. I liked house #3 the most. I loved the kitchen opening up onto that big balcony. They snubbed their noses at that place. I didn't think house #2 was any better. YMMV.
  10. He said that her gown was stunning and that nobody dresses up anymore and he thought it was a real shame. I had to go back and look at that scene again, just to be sure I got it right!! :)
  11. We'll take it one holiday at a time! Maybe there will be other times she can be seen, but for now, having that one day was pretty awesome for her! Baby steps!! That's what is so fun about this show. Back when Flower fell in the well, Isaac & Sass were saying that even they weren't sure what made 'wall, wall,' and 'floor, floor!' I like it where the rules for ghosts aren't in black and white. It gives a lot of flexibility to the writers.
  12. I think there are many medical studies that would beg to differ on the negative effects of continued use of marijuana and other drugs, but that's a debate for the small talk forum. :) I enjoyed seeing a few glimpses of sober Flower. Going by her flashbacks, she's been stoned most of her adult life. That's sad. She seemed to be pretty smart pre-cult & drug days. Here's a link for some possibilities. POSSIBLE SPOILERS IN LINK!! Easter Eggs in opening credits.
  13. It appears that she did drugs for a very long time. I think some of her brain cells are gone.
  14. Knowing that he was about to die, maybe it's possible he had a heart attack on the way down. I guess we'll never know for sure though.
  15. Overall, I like the show, with the exception of the budding romance between Maggie & Shah. I'm just not feeling that one. And now it's a love triangle. Ugh.
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