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Posts posted by grandmabegum

  1. My 2:15 am deliriously tired theory is that the neighbor's house may be the jury house? Not sure how they could shake things up. The only reason I even consider this as a possibility, is that because of what's going on in the city maybe they had to keep the jury house on the lot for logistical and safety purposes? Maybe?

    • Love 3
  2. 2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    I just think about how they ALL have to be white, with a majority of them blonde.  So creepy.

    That's some Village of the Damned business.

    2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Julie:  Don't judge, or you too will be judged.

    Translation:" In case you didn't get it last week when Julie mentioned to be kind to one another, this is a reminder that we read Twitter and TMZ and will only address what's going on in the live feed in cryptic send offs. Good night."

    • Love 6
  3. 4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    Oh God. The commercials for that are horrendous. So yeah, it's probably that one.

    That's the only new sitcom. The other returning choices, not so great either. That may just be because of my taste in comedy.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    They haven't had a luxury comp where they win the right to watch some shitty CBS premiere complete with Junior Mints and Twizzlers. Oh joy. I guess we have that ahead for us for a Sunday episode. Are there any shitty CBS shows that are supposed to come out later this year?

    If they stick to their schedule B Positive.

    ETA: I know returning shows that are back, so I assume they will try to stick to the plan until inevitable something happens.

    • LOL 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

    You'd think viewers of Big Brother would know that just by putting a bleep sound into a sentence you can make anything sound bad! How many comps have there been now where they have to guess the bleeped words?

    The other fun thing is to bleep things that don't even need to be bleeped.


    13 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

    No. If the twidiots actually listened to what was said, and the context around it, it's pretty obvious he was going to call David "an idiot" and stopped in the middle. Because David is an idiot.

    I like this because it goes with my delightful conspiracy theory that Memphis wasn't going to say the N word, but like people on this board and twitter CODY couldn't really understand him and jumped to the conclusion that he was going to say the N word and stopped him. Run with that TMZ!

    • Love 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    And TMZ is on the case with a very biased look at the clip. They added a bleep to the clip in an attempt to make it sound even worse than it was and claims that Cody used a hand signal to stop him from saying a slur. 

    Adding the bleep is enough of a turd move, but they also abbreviate it "n****r," indicating that he got the whole word out.

    • Love 3
  7. @choclatechip45 I think it's a little of column A a little of column B. Production would have to do physical labor. The HG could just lay around and not exert themselves physically, but the air quality is listed as "Unhealthy Air Quality for Sensitive Groups" which is a downgrade from "Smoke." Last update I got about it was just that it was suggested that we limit time outside. Given they are pretty much on lockdown so they're not in danger of the virus, but the smoke is no fun.

  8. I always thought it was a negative term for black people (which I think I picked up from old movies). Turns out it actually started as  nickname for people in the Whig party whose symbol was a raccoon. Then it went on to describe Davy Crockett types because of there hats before eventually going full on racist apparently because of a Portuguese term for slave. Being as I'm sure Memphis isn't part of the Whig party and probably not a frontier's man, pretty sure he meant black people. And as it's mostly to do with the slave trade, I would assume it's pretty regional.

    The more you know.

    • Useful 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

    At first I couldn't tell if the siren was on the feeds or actually outside just a block over from my house. It was in real life a block away.

    Don't worry, they'll start soon. 'Twas a late night last night for the no good nicks so they'll need to rest and refuel. Last sirens finished around 4 am PST.

  10. Gotcha. I'm sure CBS is under the same restrictions that all of us are. The temperature dropped. But there was a car fire on the highway last night so my phone still lists the weather as "smoke." I guess that he can't move it inside either as David got a warning the other day about moving furniture.


  11. 2 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

    Do we know what if anything they've been told about the fires? 

    Poor hamsters, like they're not under enough stress. "Cody's grandfather just died. Covid is everywhere. You can't trust any of your housemates not to betray you, even the ones you have Final Two with. Oh, and you might want to put on a mask to go into the yard because everything is on fire. Have fun!" 😳

    You are correct! I have zero idea what they have actually been told about THESE fires. But this is fire season in CA. Yes, that is a season. So it would not be out of the ordinary for Kevin, who is a resident of the area, to know this. To the extent that they know about the fires I have no idea. There have been no evacuation orders at this point, so the show must go on?

    • Love 1
  12. 6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    And if I say it once I'll say it a thousand times: Either Julie should wear a mask or neither of them should. The purpose of the mask is to prevent a COVID-positive but asymptomatic person from spreading the virus. The HGs are in a virtual quarantine and tested regularly. Whereas Julie is out and about interacting with God only knows who and under what circumstances. The HGs are the ones in danger from being infected by Julie, not the other way around. The mask will not protect them if Julie is infected, and she is not wearing a mask.

    The show is sending the wrong message.

    Gah! Sorry, third comment in a row.

    First, I agree with everything you have to say. I don't wear a mask in my home (one other occupant) but when we go out we wear masks and follow all the other protocol. I'd rather be extra cautious than willy nilly. Yeah, it's not fun or great, but it's at the very least a common courtesy.

    Second, I honestly don't know how these HG aren't wearing masks when they go into the yard. I walked to the store today to get some basics. I passed several people not wearing masks. I was courteous and stopped or moved to give them distance. When I got home I took off my mask and it had a bunch of ash on it. So in this area, it's not just the virus, it's also the fires. I know that they want to show the contestants faces and also Julie's face to make it seem like things are "normal." They are not normal.

  13. 8 hours ago, Melina22 said:

    Yes. This made me so uncomfortable. And once he got the news there was nowhere private or even dark to hide and grieve. What a nightmare. 

    I hate to get into this as a) I still haven't read all the comments and b) I'm not privy to all the info and c) I'm sort of a jerk sometime. That being said.

    We can all have our opinions of what happened and how it was filmed, but we don't actually know if Cody knew about the death before he read the letter and what was in the entire letter. I agree with the person up thread who said that Cody knew his Pop pop was ill and so just the first sentence could have been enough (also the fact that the letter device has been used before). But also the rest of the letter could have gone on to say that his family asks/tells him to keep playing. Maybe someone else has more info on the letter.

    And, per the privacy comment, and like I said I feel like a jerk for saying this, but there's one place in that house that they can go where the cameras aren't allowed. Sure they couldn't get away from the HG, but they could at least have sometime to be alone.

  14. 9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    Julie needs to stop interjecting her thoughts and "wisdom" into the broadcasts. It's become her thing... "And remember, give a man a fish he'll eaty for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." *eye roll*

    Also she recast Day and Bay as Thelma and Louise no the live broadcast... umm... Julie?? You know the two drove off a cliff to their deaths in the end right? Maybe NOT the best comparison to draw upon. It instantly made everyone uncomfortable (or so it seemed to me).

    Also that was a trainwreck of an interview.

    You and I are simpatico on all of this. With Julie's send off, I was like, "Am I watching Ellen?"

    And I immediately texted my friend about the Thelma and Louise thing. But my thought was also, that T&L were running from having killed (rightfully so) a man. So you know murder friends -- maybe she meant that they should both have sex with Brad Pitt?

    And total trainwreck.

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