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Posts posted by grandmabegum

  1. 13 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

    I think Tony's little girl is probably traumatized for life.

    Imagine being a child on a a 14 hour fight.  Then imagine being a grown-up, regular person on the flight that brought all those Survivor families.  The show should at least pay for their tickets.

    Re: tickets. You spelled therapy wrong.

    • LOL 6
  2. The only "legitimate" (using that term very loosely) reason I can see them not recording the whispering is they'd lose the ability to keep tension for the reveal of the votes. When people are scrambling around the beach and giving talking heads they can edit any narrative they want. When they are sitting, or huddling and scrambling at tribal the conversations might tip the vote to heavily? I don't know. That's all I can think of. I really hate the whispers though. Whoever up thread said if you get up you lose your vote is a genius.

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  3. 4 hours ago, Jextella said:

    Anyone know why Tyson's other daughter wasn't there? He has two kids, right?

    I was also wondering this. Just speculating, since Tyson didn't seem surprised she wasn't there I wonder if it's just something as simple as she doesn't like planes or boats or something.

    And I would assume the Mariano kids came with whoever's been taking care of them this whole time, but having Rob and Amber have six visitors would be over kill -- they probably stashed the guardians where the boat took off from.

    Jeez some of those babies were so small. I don't have kids nor do I have a maternal instinct, but the babies that were cradled in arms I was like, "why are they not in bjorns!" I'm not holding a baby free handed on a boat. But who knows maybe there's some weird safety thing. I didn't notice if the littlest ones had vests on, I don't think the babies did though, but babies also can't walk so they sure as hell can't tread water so they go over it's sadness. Okay and on that bleak thought.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Vgmastr said:

    Can we please be done with the whispering at Tribal?  That needs to be a new rule, it's ruining the game.  Can you imagine how fun that Tribal could have been if everyone had been forced to immediately vote after Jeremy left without being able to talk and decide on a new plan?

    This! 1000x this! The whispering at tribal is annoying already, but they've let it go for so long you can't stop it now. But to have Jeremy expose his advantage and then allow them to regroup and then allow Sarah to play her advantage is bullshit. Since they didn't vote right away they were able to huddle up, be like "it's 5 votes to 4, but if Sarah plays her advantage it's 6 votes to 3 and we can split it up and someone's going home even if they do have an idol."

    Sorry if this was said up thread. I watched late online on the west coast but this just got me so pissed off. I shall catch up now! Huzzah!

    ETA: So I was totally right that people had already discussed. I feel like I need to have a notepad so I can read the whole thread and then comment since I'm so behind. Anyway, I am doubling down to ask a question that may have been answered - I did a keyword search and it didn't seem to pick anything up. Here goes --

    Seems like there's a lot of chatter about a revote. I agree that there's a very good possibility that this would happen based on my thinking that they wanted to flush an idol out. But if they did revote, that would mean that no one played the idol the first vote. So I was just curious if there was a rule that you could play it after any vote.

    Given the rules about advantages this TC were loosey goosey, but it's kind of weird that you could hold it for the first vote and use it the second. But then again it would explain why Kim was really nervous cause she must have figured people would flip, but in that case I would think she would've played it on Tyson because he's way less likeable.

    Follow up ridiculous question: If it was a revote, Kim played Tyson and then it was a tie between Denise and Sophie would they revote again? Oh, the madness.

    • Love 5
  5. Putting aside the realness of depicting life during/after the virus, I very much doubt there will be any reshoots. The studios are suffering financial losses just like most industries so I believe the last thing they'd want to do is throw money into reshoots of shows that they don't know will be successful.

    Depending on how long lockdowns last I predict a lot of non scripted shows (reality/game/news/etc.), which are cheaper and faster to assemble.

    • Love 2
  6. 12 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    'd be curious to get @grandmabegum's perspective on this, as I cannot imagine any show being cleared to film, even in June. I cover conferences for a living, and those scheduled in July are going virtual. Unless they can do some quick fall filming, I can't see it happening.

    I would think the season would get pushed for several reasons and this is all speculation.

    1) I don't know what their pre-production schedule is like (I've never worked in reality, only scripted). But if they haven't already cast/aren't planning on another returning players season then they are way behind. And with a lot of studios/offices in LA/NY shut down for shelter at home it would be hard to hold a casting session and I would also imagine pretty hard to get contestants to fly into 2 of the countries biggest hot spots for auditions.

    2) As stated above by someone, with US cases rising, countries that aren't infected/have fewer infected I'd imagine they'd want to keep people out (not just contestants, but crew as well). I don't know what Fiji gets paid for them shooting there, but I imagine it wouldn't be worth risking your citizens.

    3) This is the furthest stretch, but still a possibility -- with the virus spreading still, I doubt that CBS would press to shoot until they got an all clear. With symptoms not always showing and testing limited I wouldn't want to be the person pushing to put people on an island away from medical attention who pretty much sleep on top of each other unless I felt pretty good about their health and safety.

    So, IMO, it seems like they'd delay filming.

    • Love 7
  7. 53 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

    With everything being shut down in production, I'm also curious what this means for the fall seasons of shows.  Even reality shows like Survivor are being delayed in filming, although they could probably get that whipped up and aired almost on schedule if things start going back to normal in the next few months.


    This article doesn't exactly answer your question, but I can't remember what site I was looking at earlier that had more specific info. Deadline has been constantly updating so specific info might be in an article when the news of a show getting postponed/canceled dropped.

    It's also hard to say because it used to be that shows would wrap around this time and then everyone would shift over to pilot season. That's not the case anymore with the rise of cable and streaming shows schedules changed severely. I can only really speak from my experience and department but we'd typically wrap around this time, hop on a pilot until the end of April/beginning of May and start back up (on original show) mid June.

    It seems that the industry is trying to stay positive and have writers working remotely from home so that when the all clear gets sent down they can jump back into production as quickly as possible. So writers are working over Zoom or the like. It's pretty bleak, but I certainly have had my fair share of chuckles over the new "writers' uniform." The stereotypical uniform is jeans and a hoodie, probably wrapped in a blanket. It has now been downgraded to pajamas with the uncertainty if the other people in the chat have pants on or not.

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  8. 1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

    When did this happen? It sounds adorable! I love Rob and Ethan together.

    If memory serves, I think it's when Rob laid down to hide the idol that he spotted when he and Ethan were searching together.

    • Love 1
  9. I would imagine there is little to no chance of there being a live finale. All of the studios are locked down. The show I work for didn't even finish the season and the rest of post was done from home (except the editor and show runner who had to deal with final cuts -- but the still had a rushed schedule). Normally we have a return date at the end of the season, but there was absolutely no discussion of that. It was basically get out. And even if they didn't do an audience you still have a ton of crew that would be together on stage.

    And aside from the stage being an issue, there would also be the issue of travel, which is supposed to be on lockdown except for emergencies.

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  10. I want to believe this to be true, but the starting line to the marathon is not in an easily accessible place that you would just wake up and mosey on over to the start. Then again I don't know where in Boston he was living. I ran it in 2003 with a friend and we had to get up super early and have someone drive us. So it's possible, and I don't know why he would make a story up, but if he wasn't registered there's no proof. I shall further investigate this and it's something to do on lock down.

    ETA: Though the not walking for 3 days after checks. I lived in a three story walk up. It's not going up the stairs that will get you, it's coming down.

    • Love 3
  11. 39 minutes ago, violet and green said:


    I hope he comes good.  It's all just too depressing so far.

    Maybe it's part of the next clue on EoE? Or a fun game of doctor? Or an ancient stethoscope buried thousands of years ago by the natives who died off giving this island the name Edge of Extinction? Maybe... maybe?

    • LOL 1
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  12. 33 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

    It was also the second immunity challenge that Rob has lost a puzzle race.  The mighty have fallen.

    I couldn't believe they let him do the puzzle! However, I don't think that's what lost them the challenge at all. He and whoever he was working with came back from a huge deficit to being narrowly defeated.

    And agreed with whoever said it above. No more puzzles for awhile.

    I feel like the challenges are sort of the same thing (last season especially)! Let's get some fresh ideas! Just harness the power of the Simpsons that after 32 years has never repeated a story.

    • Love 2
  13. 9 minutes ago, violet and green said:

    I read later it was Sia. It is? (What would I know. Sounds like some backing vocalist.) I suppose that kind of makes sense, in a world of fire tokens and what feels like three-quarters of the show taken up with Extinction. I miss the opening credits, the votes shown at the end, all that. 

    Well, it's certainly no secret that Sia watches the show, so maybe she did it uncredited?

    • Useful 2
  14. 11 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    Or Ben is just playing his more bouncy game and went with the numbers and took out a possible ally.


    I was thinking along these lines. To me, he seems to be scrambling and is just drifting where he can keep afloat at the moment. I didn't mean to imply that he hadn't attempted alliances/made deals, but since he doesn't seem to have any outside allegiance to his competitors I think he's happy to float where he is safe right now.

    • Love 3
  15. 1 minute ago, seacliffsal said:

    I'm thinking Yul...

    Agreed! I never saw Cook Island (lived in a dorm that didn't have TV at the time -- way to go BU) so I'm actually catching up as I type this. He is a fine looking gentleman and much like Ethan I think he looks better now than he did then.

    • Love 5
  16. 5 minutes ago, marys1000 said:

    But if taking out Ethan weakens the Adam, Ben, Ethan trio and a possible Rob, Ethan Adam, Parv 4 some, now its starting to make sense. Because I don't really see Ethan as that big a threat.  It was just that he was essentially seen as in two alliances.  Maybe this was obvious but I had to process it myself 🙂

    I don't think that Ben has any alliance to Ethan or Adam as he voted for Ethan and thus didn't follow along with Adam to vote off Parvati.

  17. 27 minutes ago, ellenr33 said:

    On just an eye candy level alone I was not okay with this vote. Who am I gonna look at now???? 

    I would be cool with more EoE footage as long as he's there.

    • Love 3
  18. 49 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

    Apparently they were all taken to see the statues as they are still there. IIRC they are on the same place that has become the Edge just a different area and not in either's backyards.

    Adam mentioned something about it in tribal council, so I think they are on Rob and Sandra's Island of the Idols -- which seems a bit unfair since Rob and Sandra have been there before, so they must not have been aware that that's the Island they'd be going to.


    24 minutes ago, colorbars said:

    So is everyone just supposed to never vote for him and let him win? What kind of logic is that?

    As much as I hate to see Ethan go to Edge of Extinction and feel terribly sorry for his battle with cancer, that's exactly why they had to vote him out. Several people have won based on sob stories and though Ethan was not sobbing over his story, he is certainly a well liked winner and not a goat so there's definitely a danger of keeping him. Bye my sweet Ethan. Never dye your hair you salt and pepper God.

    I was upset that they didn't vote Adam out, not because he's a conniving blabbermouth, but because during the challenge he made the absolute dumb decision when he fell off the first obstacle of running back through the obstacle instead of around it. Way to make it harder for your team you dumb dumb.

    • Love 13
  19. 29 minutes ago, TVFan1 said:

    Waiting for Dakal to lose a challenge and want to see someone go. I'm probably in the minority, but I can't stand Tony. He would be my #1 pick for being booted from that tribe next. He's not funny or entertaining, he's annoying.

    If you keep Tony around long enough, he's bound to break his neck. I don't wish this upon him cause I like Tony (he reminds me of my big brother who is nearing 50 but still acts like the same jackass he was when he was a child - He's broken a ridiculous number of bones and that's doing dumb shit like falling out of trees he climbed... sober)

    • LOL 6
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  20. 15 minutes ago, tracyscott76 said:

    I anticipate a scene in a future episode where Tony is climbing a ladder with a small shark clamped down on his arm.

    I'd very much like there to be a movie night reward and for them to show Jacob's Ladder and Tony is just like, "I've been thinking too small."

    I have not seen the movie so I don't know if my little understanding of the story is accurate, but I want to see Tony attempt it.

  21. 9 minutes ago, tracyscott76 said:

    I anticipate a scene in a future episode where Tony is climbing a ladder with a small shark clamped down on his arm.

    I'd very much like there to be a movie night reward and for them to show Jacob's Ladder and Tony is just like, "I've been thinking too small."

    I have not seen the movie so I don't know if my little understanding of the story is accurate, but I want to see Tony attempt it.

    • LOL 2
  22. 15 minutes ago, tracyscott76 said:

    I anticipate a scene in a future episode where Tony is climbing a ladder with a small shark clamped down on his arm.

    I'd very much like there to be a movie night reward and for them to show Jacob's Ladder and Tony is just like, "I've been thinking too small."

    I have not seen the movie so I don't know if my little understanding of the story is accurate, but I want to see Tony attempt it.

    • LOL 5
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