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Everything posted by Dionysa

  1. I think Reid just gets along well with all women, regardless of age. I don't think I can name one that he worked with directly that didn't respond well to him.
  2. Profiling 101 Closing Time Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  3. Proof A Thin Line Hit/Run
  4. As far as I can tell there is no rule against voting for the same episode multiple times. I am casting my three votes for the most ridiculous, abhorrent, and torture-porn ridden episode of all. Aside from the Spencer and JJ conflict I find it the worst episode of the series. Proof Proof Proof
  5. Proof The Bittersweet Science The Company
  6. Glad to see a positive review and it makes me want to see the movie even more.
  7. I thought it was really very good profiling how they figured out who the UnSub was... it wasn't all Garcia and they had a difficult puzzle to figure out, with Reid ultimately being key in figuring out the music, the time, and Sammy's routine. I thought the actors were all exceptional; Sammy's mom, and his estranged aunt were especially effective. Then of course the scenes with Reid and Sammy were sensitively handled and warm. The little boy who played Sammy was also very good.
  8. It's true, D'Artagnan was a country rube at first, but he was a fast learner at their three knees, and became as much a hero and skilled swordsman fighting for justice as the others, truly earning his place at their side. They all became so fond of him, they took up his mission to find and rescue Constance (..."but my Constance, snatched from my side I love with my heart!"), a fool's errand that they all knew would end badly, somehow.
  9. I agree with this. I'm hoping that she's introduced as easily as another Kate - Katie Cole. She seemed familiar to everyone, if a little weary, and worked seamlessly with the team.
  10. We haven't seen it yet. I'll reserve judgment until I do. You do whatever you want.
  11. For me, the standard that I hold all others to (excepting the source material, of course) is the Richard Lester films of the 70s. That said, I am looking forward to checking out this iteration. Oh, I was SO in love with Michael York's impulsive, impetuous, heroic, and clumsy D'Artagnan! I remember being disappointed when I started following his other projects and he was nothing like him, ha! Frank Finlay as Porthos was hilarious and warm, Oliver Reed's Athos was merciless, sweaty, wounded, and sexy in a dangerous way, and Richard Chamberlain's Aramis was as devilishly handsome and dapper as he was pious. I loved them all. Faye Dunaway's Milady was and is wonderfully eeeevil and a study in surviving as a woman at court. Her green, poisoned-filled glass daggers were awesome, as were her elaborate costumes and gorgeous wigs! Her seething desperation and crafty manipulation were perfectly performed. She was my hero... until she killed Raquel Welch's dim but brave Constance. Charleton Heston played Richelieu almost bored, even though he was the puppet-master, and to me the real villain was Christopher Lee's Rochefort. Diabolical, despicable, and wretched. I cheered when at the end of the exhaustive swordfight with D'Artagnan, the Gascon finally put steel through his black heart. It was funny, light, dirty, dramatic and delightful. I bought the soundtrack on an LP just so I could relive the film in a day before VCRs. I now need to go find it and watch it again! "All for ONE...!!"
  12. Well he should get back to writing swell episodes like Coda and Exit Wounds, then. Crap like 200 should be a career embarrassment.
  13. Voting for Corazon because I just don't see it being the best episode of 6. I'm okay with either Coda or JJ winning. I find it ironic that the very best JJ episode, the one where her talents are showcased best, is the one where she has to go.
  14. When people start telling you you're "too much a fan" of the show, and you simply can't understand those foreign words.
  15. Rick wrote Exit Wounds. :)
  16. Ooooooh. This looks likes something, idnit?
  17. Into the Woods Corazon
  18. Hmm, maybe cheesy... but "stupid"? As in completely without thought of any kind? And how do we know if it will be "overwrought" before we even see it? I may be wrong but I think they would give it a considerable amount of thought, considering it's pitched to every writer, the producers, and the showrunner... and then the network. Even if it isn't something you or I may specifically want to see, I don't see how it would be completely without thought. Her returning to Texas I really don't get, unless her friends are so inured to shooting people in the line of duty that they can't understand her inner conflict. Maybe even though everyone's been patting her on the back, she still feels it wasn't right to take a life and she's trying other things to be able to come to grips with that.
  19. I knew he'd like the puppets. :)
  20. Stupid, cheesy, and overwrought? From one sentence? I'm fine with her having issues with it, although why aren't they talking about JJ's issues with her torture and lying (by omission) to Will about her miscarriage? Why aren't they talking about Spencer having continuing issues with his grief and his brush with death? As I see it, those are much more important life issues than Garcia losing it because she pulled the trigger on a bad guy who was about to murder her friend. I'm actually proud of her for doing that, as I'm sure Spencer is. That said, I do hope they resolve it quickly, since it seems to be a done deal. I feel I'd get bored seeing her whine about it for too long.
  21. I'd like to see Ed back, too. Understanding the core mission is vital, although the team's growth and blending into one another is also necessary for story, as that's what skill sets (and people) do when they work together every day for years on end. I feel any tabula rasa they'd try to pull with the team would be almost bizarre. There would have to be a building (as well as a possible direction change) on canon, not any erasure.
  22. I love that some things are leaking out already. Shemar said they are done with one. I wish I was a fly on the bullpen wall.
  23. Into the Woods and it pains me to vote this out, the performances are so great but... Hanley Waters.
  24. What I'd like to know is, why would Ed think it was ever okay to fire Andrew, while keeping Rick?
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