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Everything posted by StayingAfterSunday

  1. Wait. That's interesting. I've been reading online that "two of the three couples" from the Danish version of MAFS are still together. Those must be old reports, or just false ones. Am I missing something?
  2. Re: Doug and Jamie. From the first episode I thought Doug had something that might be described as "sex appeal." The more I see of him on each episode the better he appears - in every way. I suspect Jamie is going to do a full turn-around on her original negative reaction to Doug and she is going to fall for him big time. I actually have hope that Doug's mother and Jamie will forge a connection. So far we haven't seen a whole lot of Doug's sister. Sometimes marrying into a family in which the mother and sisters are thickasthieves can make the new wife feel like she's being ganged up on by the women in the family, especially if she thinks they're gossiping about her. Doug only has the one sister and from what I've seen she doesn't come off as catty or unkind. Well, Jamie, it could be worse: Doug could have three sisters AND his mother. Count yourself lucky. With respect to Cortney and Jason: I, too, wondered just what and how much time goes into caring for his sick mother? Here along long I'd thought he actually lived with his mother, but I thought Jason was explaining to Cortney that he and his mother lived down the street from each other in Brooklyn. Regardless, these two look compatible, not just on paper, but in the real world. Ahhh. Vaughn and Monet. Monet has seemed fond of saying, "My husband." Unfortunately, her husband would rather say, "My space." I can see why Vaughn is disappointed, just as I can understand why Monet is sooo confused. Even though they're only a week or so "in," Monet is trying to relate to Vaughn as though they've known each other for much longer, and is trying to make her mannerisms and way of speaking fit that premise. For instance, during their discussion on how to approach finances-- jointly or individually: When Vaughn carefully expressed his thoughts, Monet just impressed me as snotty, almost, with her short, clipped reply: "If you want to pay ALL of the bills that's okay, too." She is no more tactful than he is. I get the feeling that Vaughn is one of those moody, ultra sensitive (mostly about himself) men who needs someone who is deeper than Monet; I'm guessing he'd do better with a more serious, but conversational female, who is also somewhat moody and who craves alone time.
  3. Yes, but I think they can make a successful marriage more than just on paper. In fact, haven't we all heard the theory that we often marry a person who reminds us of one parent or the other? I suppose that observation can be applied to physical appearance as well as to character traits. I almost died when Monet said (in an interview published in Sister2Sister Mag. linked here:http://s2smagazine.com/2014/07/21/monet-bell-explains-getting-married-at-first-sight/ ) that she thinks she resembles Vaughn's mother. Actually, I thought so, too, when I saw the brief clip of Vaughn's mother shown at Monet and Vaughn's wedding reception (episode One). I'll probably be proven wrong for this prediction, but I wouldn't be shocked if Vaughn and Monet end up in a long-term marriage based on both their similarities as well as their mutual dysfunctions. I could actually see them relating to one another the way their own parents may have related to each other, which often translates to all different shades of dysfunction mixed in with the good stuff. As for the other two couples --Jason and Cortney - a resounding YES, of course they will make it - at least for a couple of years! I see them both as kind of young. Then again, Jason must be much more mature than his physical appearance would indicate considering how he has been a caregiver for his sick mother. And Jamie and Doug? Jamie got herself a prize, I think. (so glad the mole talk has all but disappeared along with the moles!). As my grandmother who was a psychologist specializing in family counseling once said, "When you're twenty one you're looking for a guy who's good looking. When you're closer to thirty you're looking for a man who is simply GOOD." -- I think Jamie found that good guy when she married Doug.
  4. First off, I don't agree with this forum's subtitle -- referring to it as a "train wreck." Besides "train wreck" becoming such a cliche' description, it doesn't really fit here at al. This show is utterly fascinating! Here are a couple of things I found while hunting for some info. on Monet and Vaughn. Maybe the 411 on Vaughn's modeling career was posted on the casting episode, but I didn't watch it so I wouldn't know. (I am very skeptical about what is reported in that second link, below): http://www.phillyfaces.com/model/vaughn/index.html and this: http://www.examiner.com/article/huge-married-at-first-sight-spoilers-vaughn-copeland-files-for-annulement
  5. Based on the limited amount of coverage we've seen thus far, I think the experts did a superb job of arranging these unions. From what I have read, marrying for love is a relatively modern impetus for marriage. I found this quote that might have some truth to it: "I’m convinced marriage isn’t a natural state, but if you’re persistent you learn to love the companionship and then you learn to love your companion." Dan Harper
  6. Initially, I wondered if producers were trying to find another ringer for Trista (as in "Trista and Ryan," the one success-story couple from The Bachelor?) when they chose Jamie as one of the contestants. But then, if that were the case, I wondered why they just didn't pair her up with the fireman-in-training, Jason? As I recall, Ryan - the bachelor who married Trista - was and still is a firefighter.
  7. I'm willing to bet Jamie is aware of her physical beauty but, by her own admission, she is very "picky" about men.
  8. I was thinking the same thing. Ugh. BUT...despite the cosmetic imperfections, he seems like such a genuinely nice person. Jaime could do much worse, and probably will, for that matter. From the minute I saw her there was something that just irked me. She'd have to be blind not to know she is pretty, but I think her disadvantaged beginnings coupled with reality show "fame" have given her a sense of entitlement that may be unrealistic. She wants her Prince Charming, I guess, and refuses to settle, even if it means being alone. What she doesn't realize, poor deluded thing, is that more often than not, couples get married for reasons other than the romantic idea of love. They convince themselves they are in love, of course. You don't plan a lavish wedding if you're not "in love," right?? I'm going to throw the curtain of deception aside and reveal a little secret to Jaime: People - the luckier ones, perhaps - do get married for love, yes, but just as many people (if not more) don't find that elusive, romantic love - or, better said, they cannot wait or do not wish to take a chance on waiting to see if their "soul mate" materializes. If people were honest with others but, more importantly, with themselves, the real reasons behind their wedding preparations might be one or more of the following: 1. I'm 25 (or 29, or 33, or 36, etc.) and I always wanted to be married by this age, so I'm getting married to __________. Often both parties - the bride-to-be and her prospective groom - feel this way. Sometimes one of the parties really IS in love with the other. 2. It's time to procreate. My eggs are getting old - and so am I - so I need a mate NOW. Or, "I need an heir," or "My family name will die out if I don't find someone to give me a son." Or, "my mother will finally be happy if I can give her those grandchildren she wants so badly." 3. "Why aren't you married?" Many people succumb to pressure from others who want to know why they are still single. (because they're smarter than you, maybe?). Pride, embarrassment, defensiveness, or a feeling of inferiority sometimes compel a person to find a spouse, if for no other reason than to put an end to these rude and intrusive types of questions. 4. "All my friends are married, so I must find someone, too." This kind of spouse-hunter might have a competitive personality, thus impelling the necessity to get married like "everyone else." Or the desire to get married might be due to something else -- loneliness. Either because all of his or her friends have gotten hitched, or because a spouse would fill that emptiness by providing daily companionship. 5. Money. Remember Anna Nicole Smith and her octogenarian husband, who also happened to be a multi-millionaire? Remember Anna Nicole professing to love him to death, - and he did die, much to her relief, I'm sure. 6. Green Card. No explanation needed. 7. (And this one is the absolute WORSE, most despicable reason for taking the plunge, if you ask me): They want a Wedding. Or, more specifically, SHE wants to be a Bride, shopping for a beautiful lace gown, and finally achieving that day where she is the center of everyone's attention. She's been dreaming of this day since she was four! The groom is just the means to an end. You can't get married to yourself, after all. In short, if Jaime is waiting for that dashing price to come along, the one who makes her heart beat out of her chest, she might never get married. Because life is not a fairy tale, and most men are not gorgeous prince charmings unless the one he marries believes - or wants to believe - he is.
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