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Everything posted by fishsanwitt

  1. Well, so much for trying to fillet the two women from The Women's March, Nutmeg! What a horror show she is.
  2. Bitchface McCain was simply too much today. She looked like hell. That blouse, tucked in? She looked H U G E. And don't lie - you are not a size 14 - closer to 18. I tweeted about her screaming on the show. Jesus. What an asshole!
  3. Nutmeg is still feckless, I see. I agree with everything this group said about Meghan. She is absolutely horrendous.
  4. Apparently, Meh-gun doesn't understand DNA. Even Abbeh understood!
  5. Is that considered late? I hit puberty at 14. Granted, this was in the 1960s - I know that nowadays, it's earlier, but even back then? I did not recognize Marlo Thomas. Waaaaay too much botox or surgery or something. It was not attractive at all. Poor thing. Why can't people just age gracefully?
  6. LOL! I'm not sure what you want :) Sunny mentioned she had double D's - and Meghan started shrieking over her that *she* had to have her bras specially made! Abbeh said that she would have really liked Kerry to be on when The View was discussing the Kavanaugh hearings, to hear her take on the whole affair, because of Kerry's role as Anita Hill - and Kerry gave her a side-eye and drolly responded. I thought it was a very honest reply. Usually, guests like to not make waves and Kerry didn't go there.
  7. Big Boobs!!! Yes, Meghan, you don't have to shriek over Sunny about your gigantic tits! Oy. I really liked a true moment of honesty - when Kerry Washington responded to Abby with "Would you really?" - with that droll, sarcastic response to the Kavanaugh hearings. It was quite refreshing to see. Kudos to Kerry.
  8. I @ Meghan McCain on my Twitter account. She can run, but she can not hide. I call out her childish behaviour *every* time!
  9. What, on God's Green Earth, is *wrong* with Meh-gun? So incredibly rude of her to fight with Joy when Joy was discussing climate change and what President H.W. Bush did to help protect it. Unbelievable! God. Fire her already.
  10. I enjoyed the show. I think Meg was subdued because it will be the first Thanksgiving without her dad. I appreciated her low(er) key appearance today.
  11. Well, that didn't last very long. Meh-gun went all cray again. Whoopi had to screech over her just to shut her up and she STILL kept going! Jesus. STFU, you ignorant tool!
  12. I also sent in a note re: feedback regarding that tool, Meh-gun.
  13. Thank you so much for that link. I am going to use it as well.
  14. Wow. What a tasty morning show! A cup of coffee and a heaping spoonful of hate, courtesy of The Aggrieved One! Thank goodness Joy Behar unleashed her fabulous self and SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN! I enjoyed Daniel Radcliffe and Judge Mathis. I also loved Meh-gun sitting there, silently stewing, with her arms crossed.
  15. So, is this The Aggrieved One's faux apology tour? Too late, she cried, too late. You said it and I don't believe what you said today. Joy *was* on fire today - and good for her! Sunny, MM *has* no character - please stop trying to appease her.
  16. I did not watch today. I can't stand The Aggrieved One.
  17. Shut the fuck up, Meh-gun! Her lack of empathy for refugees make me sick!!! I am a refugee. I did not have the luxury of following the laws - my parents and I had to get out or be jailed by the communists and God knows what else! Fuck her!
  18. I loved seeing Sunny's family - her son is a good-looking young man. And Meh-gan looked good - her hair in a ponytail and that dress - actually fit her and had a belt. She looked good - sounded terrible, shrill, shrieks - but she looked good.
  19. I found it rude the way The Abbess of Witless kept asking Jill Soloway questions about their gender - it felt invasive. And her not knowing who Louis Farakkhan is? How ignorant do you have to be to not know that? And The Aggrieved One making that snarky remark to Joy - shut up, you maroon!
  20. I just assumed a shadow. And Whoopi's shoes (which I loved) matched her pyjama top.
  21. Thank you, RHJunkie, for your great post. I didn't want to quote the whole thing (because it's quite long) but I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment regarding Senator Warren. If only someone had shut The Aggrieved One up!
  22. I'm just catching up on my 'View' watching. And I'd like to say two things: First of all, it looks as though The Bereaved One has taken a backseat to The Aggrieved One. (I totally stole that from someone far wittier than I) and two, Meghan McCain needs to check herself before she bloviates about the Clintons, adultery and cheating.
  23. Abby has nothing to offer the table. She is shallow. Her stupid remark about Trump "loves women too much" was beyond idiotic. And she does the 'both sides' argument A LOT. *I just read a newspaper article that said she didn't get special treatment applying for college (and beyond). I wonder who said that she did.
  24. Abby FOX Huntsman isn't as clever as she thinks she is. Her and her shiny, shiny hair and ginormous lips.
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