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Everything posted by Vicky

  1. I didn't give 100% attention to this season of TAR, but didn't even the show make it clear Jackie and Jeff were having sex behind that closed door? I remember an early episode where I thought Jackie implied they were "getting along" and then lots of wink-wink giggling. Which doesn't mean it's okay to talk trash about her behind her back of course.
  2. Maybe if I understood what Audrey was hoping to gain by continuing to lie and lie and lie I'd be more entertained. But, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose, which makes no sense to me. Maybe she's having fun in her own mind because she's messing with people. I thought it was interesting when she came into the house she was clear that she enjoyed being a girly-girl, but then she started dressing exactly like Vanessa. Maybe that's part of her fun too - she's doing all these subliminal manipulations and seeing how far she gets. Or she's trying to act like Will Kirby who made a point of being a liar. If only I understood - maybe I could laugh along with her.
  3. Aye-yi-yi - the last picture does not make that cruise look like any fun at all. That's what Meg won, I suppose.
  4. Very disappointed during the Sandhya discussion. Amanda had to call time-out to get everyone's attention to remind Sandhya that Emily really did stick up for Sandhya in every single conversation...which proves the point that Sandhya was trying to make, right? As others mentioned, it was sad to see Tim Gunn joining in. Wasn't it just moments earlier that Amanda said that if you're going to insult someone you don't then get to criticize how they deal with it? That's exactly what that whole segment was about. Ugliness.
  5. HA! You are not alone...I'm going out to enjoy the summer sun...:) Yeah...I'll have to move on to amused as well...:)
  6. The only comfort I have, as we wait for the inevitable but hope for the improbable, is that I know I'm not alone in feeling really really frustrated!!!!!
  7. Derrick - Boo. He's no mastermind...he's an opportunist and a liar. Which isn't to say that's not a valid game strategy. I just don't like it. It sleazy. If this were a movie or television show, Derrick would be the character I wish someone would just get rid of because he lies for no reason. There's no honest finesse or "strategery". I like a more elegant game. There are certain 'rules' everyone has in their head as a given. That's how Derrick is messing with everyone's game...he has zero rules. People unconsciously believe their internal rules and assume other people are playing by that rule to some degree as well. Nicole believes her internal rule of fairplay. Frankie believes most people want fame. Victoria believes a man will protect a woman. Caleb believes in brotherhood and loyalty Victoria believes that physicality is trust Cody believes someone else knows better than he does. Because it's Big Brother, they know the rule will be broken, but they definitely believe everyone starts from their same place. Except Derrick. He doesn't even believe the rule that says you should tell the truth in the Diary Room. I think Cody had the skills to win this game. If only he'd believed in himself. He's had great instincts and just won't follow through. At this point, I'm fine with anyone winning this game. Even Frankie has played a good game for the most part. I just don't like his attitude. I don't know if any of this is true. It's just what I'm thinking as I hope the original plans to backdoor Frankie don't unravel.
  8. Cody has good instincts, he just won't follow them! Grrr...
  9. Wings...I can share that I turned on the feeds and hear that horrible music and the screen says "We'll Be Right Back!"
  10. Caleb, Frankie, and Derrick are in the Fire Room. I guess Donny's in the Have Not room, and Nicole is at the table playing with the skewers. I think Nicole should go walk to the Have Not room, hold the door open and say loud enough for Derrick, Caleb, and Frankie to hear "Hey Donny...Cody said we could meet with him now about our plan."
  11. I wish that Donny and Nicole together would go to Cody and suggest they are two votes for him to make a big move. Whoever Cody decides to put up and whoever Cody tells them to vote for, they will. If they 'work the scenarios' like Derrick would, maybe Cody would come to realize the time to make a move is now.
  12. I'm curious though...to what do you attribute the fact that some of these players really DON'T go down the garbage pit...Donny being a prime example this year. He's been inside the house as long as the rest of them, and been treated really shabby the whole time. He hasn't let the negativity and name calling take control of him. I'm sure most of these people are within the normal range of acceptable humans (huh? Hopefully you know what I mean) when they're not in the house. But, some are more susceptible to the 'group think' than others. I wonder why. Big Brother had the initial lofty goal of being a social experiment (after making money, of course). The behaviors we deplore on this television show happen in the real world every day to some degree or another. To me, this show is an annual lesson/reminder in how important critical thinking is in our daily lives. As friends, family members, coworker's, neighbors, and citizens, we all do better when we don't accept everything at face value and are very discerning when we decide who to trust and what to believe. Derrick is winning because he's using the emotional needs of people to get what he wants. He doesn't want critical thinkers in the game. *** I'm sad Zach is leaving, and I think Hayden would have the best chance to turn things around. Although - any of the returnees or Donny winning HOH will be the best thing yet. I'll be glued to the feeds!
  13. Oh yeah...I completely forgot how that whole Devin week went down. I looked back on Morty's TV and it was on July 7 - 10. And Christine hates Zach because he made those comments when he nominated her. I know Zach hasn't been an angel, but deep down he's got a good heart (at least I think he does). That's why he keeps changing his mind - he starts feeling bad for the person (Nicole, Donny) and he tries to make things better. Anyway - I'm mad at Frankie and Derrick and Christine.
  14. And...at 8:55 Frankie made a point to tell Cody and Derrick that he doesn't want to chop Zach's head off - he wants to euthanize him with a slow drip. I am flabbergasted. Why does Frankie hate Zach so much? I don't get it.
  15. The sad thing about Zach is that he really likes Frankie. He felt so betrayed and hurt last time, and now Frankie's doing it to him again. Frankie is really heartless. I know it's a game, but it's also a reflection of how we deal with people in the world.
  16. I saw Hayden's post eviction chat with Jeff and he for sure blamed Cody and Derrick for the flip. If I recall, Nicole also recognized it was Derrick and Cody, but she was more focused on targeting Christine. I think once the jury house talks, they'll figure it out. I hope.
  17. But what will the game be? It seems the game is "I can tell more lies than you'. I just don't get what strategy it is to completely make things up and then lie about lying. It kind of bores me. When they talked about 'the other side of the house' it seemed so odd because there wasn't another SIDE. There were a bunch of people who were intent on keeping their mouths shut so they couldn't make alliances. The drama has all been within the Bomb Squad/Detonators group. They keep fighting themselves. Very strange. I think these people are fairly nice, and I also like that they're more normal. Even though I have some animosity towards a few, when the whole group gets together after the show they'll be good friends and forgive each other. And that's the way of Big Brother.
  18. Now that it seems a done deal that Nicole will go home this week (boo), my imagination would like this to happen... When they're all sitting around the kitchen or something, just casually, Nicole says "Well, since it seems clear I'm going to be on the jury and we've got several days, you should all start telling me why you deserve to win the 500K". She would say, "What have you done that would make me want to vote for you to win?" Maybe they'd accidentally spill the beans about their roles in all the hoo-hah that goes on in that house. I suppose in reality, they'd just ignore her. But, in my imagination the true masterminds would reveal how they've been masterminding
  19. I'd like to throw in my two dollars and fifty cents thought... I like Derrick's game, but he doesn't know when to rein it in. He takes it one step too far when he bashes another houseguest for no reason, and makes stuff up. I like a game where the players 'spin' what someone else says, and then 'imagines' what they might be thinking. There's no reason to invent things. A real power player would manipulate the truth, not ignore it. I think that's the way the politicians and media pundits do it. I get that this has become a 'bro house' and for that reason the women are on the outs no matter what. I'm willing to believe that isn't the way the guys are on the outside. When the guys are together their energy creates a lot of 'bro-ness'. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt on that aspect. Yet - the way the Amber/Caleb thing went down - very not cool. I didn't feel much for Amber's game in any event (when she was HOH she let others write her speech for her), but someone should have stood up for her. You'd like to think a cop would be the one, but I'm not going to ding him on points for that. I will ding him because he piled on...he encouraged Caleb's delusions and made it seem it was Amber's fault. That was irresponsible for any person. I think he wants to stay with the numbers and makes sure he's in a position to go where the numbers take him, but I think he's decided he wants to play with the guys. He never had any intention of being in an alliance with Nicole and Hayden. It would have been a smart move on his part (because I want Frankie gone) , but he screwed it up - seemingly on purpose. I felt betrayed!! :) I'd love to be a fan of Christine, but I don't get why she lies all the time. I don't think straight up lying is the best way to go. At least one thing you say has to be true. To someone. I'm a fan of Nicole. I don't know why people don't like her. I really do. I haven't watched the feeds too much in the last couple days - after Frankie's announcement, he became insufferable and I couldn't bear to watch them lie about Nicole. Frankie is pretty bad. I felt really sad for him the other day when he knew he was alone and he was formulating his Dan Funeral. He was standing in front of the bathroom mirror, shifting back and forth on his feet, alternately fluffing his pink hair and putting on his makeup. I just thought about being 31 and wanting to be famous and doing anything he could to stay young. That seemed sad to me. I know his family and friends love him so that's good, but from what I've seen he seems like a mean person. I have a soft spot in my heart for Zach. He really is like a puppy dog. I know he's been an ass and said terrible things, but he's emotionally honest. He had this idea that he'd come in the game and be the villain, but he can't help wearing his emotions on his sleeve and wanting to play and play and play with all his friends. I don't understand Donny's game. He's really smart and nice, but he knew he was the oldest one there and would be on the outs. I haven't seen him try to DO something - to take his fate into his own hands. That confuses me. I want to believe Cody would prefer to play more of a Nicole type game (a little bit of challenge win, a little bit of wheeling and dealing, and loyalty to an alliance), but he's one of the bros so he's playing that route. Along with many others of you, I literally don't understand why he feels the need to stroke and be stroked. A lot. Literally, one minute he says he's not into one of the girls, and the next minute, he's rubbing their arm or hugging them or playing with their hair. I have a feeling he's in for a lifetime of misunderstandings when it comes to women. Literally. Caleb is a piece of work and I don't like some of his behaviors. But, he's definitely made some good points here and there. He's loyal to the alliance. Victoria has my name so she's ahead on points already. I think she's a good person and she knows how she wants to play the game, but it's not working out the way she expected. Although, I'm not entirely clear what she expected or what her game play strategy is. I wish she had healthier ideas of what constitutes a beautiful family. Phew - thanks for letting me get that off my chest!!!!
  20. Agree. The girls seem happy to give up their power. Even the ones who I thought were gamers - like Christine and Nicole. They're not noticing that big ol' steamroller coming down the road behind them.
  21. I'm not sure Brittany is playing a good game. In a BeeHive discussion this evening, Brittany thought that when Christine joined the Bomb Squad alliance she began playing 'their' game. It didn't occur to her that joining the alliance might have been in Christine's best interest. Whether it was or not, it wasn't a move Brittany considered 'playing her own game'. She also spoke about who deserves to be in the house, which sets my teeth on edge.
  22. The promos I've seen go about five different directions - mysterious space pregnancy, expected government or corporate (same diff) conspiracy, robots are human/humans are robots, saving an alien race...well, I guess it's only four different directions. It's three too many directions for me. I liked "Almost Human"...why don't they bring that back?
  23. I can't figure out who Frankie is really loyal to....anybody? I like Christine but I had it in my head that even if she was in the bomb squad she was truly loyal to Nicole...maybe that's not true? And...am I missing something because I haven't seen game play from Jocasta, Hayden, Victoria, Paola, Nicole, Brittany, or Hayden. They are reacting to the moves of other people, but it's not clear to me that they have a plan or strategy. Crazy.
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