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Posts posted by sacrebleu

  1. 16 hours ago, Mirabelle said:

    Barrington University - a prestigious mid-sized liberal arts university in Port Charles. 

    Ooooh! I like it! And it harkens back to Amanda Barrington, the snooty lady from PC's other rich family.( I believe there was a Barrington on Port Charles too) 

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  2. On 5/20/2024 at 4:23 PM, chaifan said:

    With all the references to Penelope being a book worm, her love for romance novels, her remarking on Colin's writing style, etc., this episode I also felt like they're setting her up to become a novelist down the road.  Presumably under a pen name.  (ha ha, pen name, get it?)  I haven't read the books, so I have no idea if this is even remotely accurate or not.  But it would make sense. 

    Here's where Pen remaining Lady W confuses me...  I said upthread that I'd love for the LW mantle to be passed along, and that would make sense in the Bridgerton world as I know it (on screen, not books).  Each season we've jettisoned the love match from the previous season.  It would track that next season we would not see Colin and Pen.  But how does LW continue if that happens?  If Eloise becomes the next LW, that would work.  But otherwise, Nicola  has to be locked into a contract for what, 4 or 5 more seasons? 


    Heh, making Pen the Dread Pirate Roberts.

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  3. 19 hours ago, DanaK said:

    I don't know, Sonny's absolute paranoia about who he can trust seems concerning. I'm surprised that Dante either didn't pick up on that or mention it to Sam as a concern

    Seems kind of justified, IMO.

    His entire inner circle has turned on him. The guy he hired to replace Jason was hired to get dirt on him. That guy was being paid by his son. His ex wife knew and didn't tell him. 

    His new wife ratted his ex out for insider trading. Now his best friend is back from the dead and he is ALSO working for the feds and won't explain why. 

    I'd be a little paranoid at that point. 

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  4. 14 hours ago, jqdeco said:

    I like Valentin as a bad guy, and him and Ava working together is soapy fun. My guess is Julian is alive and Ava is helping to take out Sonny so Julian can come back to PC. Just my speculation.

    Ooooh, maybe the husband-and-wife team of Julian and Nell were reunited somewhere in the wilds of Pennsylvania and concocted this plan to destroy Sonny and Carly for good! 

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  5. 4 hours ago, perkie1968 said:


    I also loved all the digs Nina was throwing out about Carly.  CW seemed more light and happy than she's been in awhile.  

    I know they shoot weeks in advance, but I can't help but think Nina's 'biker chic' crack about Snarly was a direct response to all the talk about the ridiculous leather blazer Carly wore to strut into Crimson's offices as editor-in-chief.

    (Also, if Alexis and Nina leave the Invader, who's gonna run it? Are they gonna bring girl-reporter out of her coma to take over?)

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  6. 14 hours ago, lilabennet said:

    Any explanation for the last 2 years that doesn't include a threat against Jake's life or Danny's life isn't good enough.  I need at least one character to explicitly say something close to that directly to Jason's face.  I would prefer Jake.

    Especially since Jason experienced Sonny's 'death' during NF, and the fact that he didn't get word to ANYONE for two years is just cruel. 

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  7. Alexis can just take a seat. ( Or maybe I just have pile-on Nina fatigue)

    The paper was bought, the owner hired your boss. That means you have to prove yourself to the boss, not that the boss needs to prove herself to you. 

    Her judginess really grated today. She's been working in media for less time than Nina.

    Someone on Twitter pointed out that Portia didn't have the stethoscope in her ears when she checked Dante's heart rate... 😆



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  8. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    Or like when gunmen bust into some event. Everyone acts as if it's the first time it's ever happened. I really want someone to roll their eyes and mutter under their breath: "For fuck's sake. I'm so sick of this!"

    It's so silly no one acknowledges that it happens a lot in Port Charles.

    One of my favorite things about Days was when Susan Banks (Kristen's doppelganger) was allowed to joke about shocking revelations that interrupt every wedding in Salem. I appreciate when soaps do that kind of fourth wall breaking. 

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  9. Count me among the folks who are liking NuJagger and the longer scenes. 

    But I just can't with the Joss and Dex saved Dante's life nonsense. It will likely be the reason the show handwaves Dex's return because Sonny wouldn't kill the man who saved his son's life, when as a mole who takes orders from someone other than Sonny, Dex should be sitting at the bottom of Port Charles Harbor. 

    ( I'll never understand why they go to the pine barrens when a large body of water is Right. There. For easy body disposal without the need for pesky traceable bullets) 

    Anyone else notice Joss was styled to look even more Carly-like yesterday? The side part really made her look like LW.

    I can't imagine they would consider a Jarly redux when they're also trying to show mini-Carly and replacement-Jason as a couple. Having mother and daughter both involved with mob enforcers simultaneously just seems really creepy. 

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  10. So, Sonny uses Karen's stripper name and Stone's death to goad Jagger into hitting him... Weird because I would have sworn he told Nina that pettiness was unforgivable. 

    And they keep trying to make Joss/ Dex an epic love story and it just isn't. 

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  11. Nitpick... No east coast radio station would have call letters starting with K... It would be W... K is a West of the Mississippi thing 

    It bugs me when they can't get even the little things right. 

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  12. Willow also repeated the ' Nina was insecure about Carly' bs. That was never on the show. 

    She was hurt and frustrated that while they both did awful things, she got blamed and punished and Carly skated, so she wanted Carly to suffer consequences for something, anything. 

    The gaslighting on this show is just super weird. They know soap fans pay attention, right? 


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    20 hours ago, CeChase said:

    Yeah, if we had good writers they'd have Martin approach the widow after the verdict and say hey, you actually do have a case but you chose the wrong plaintiff.  I'll take your case against Aurora though.  I mean Martin knows what happened and he's right there.  

    Maybe Nina could reconsider the new magazine, and do a profile on the widow, vilifying Drew and Carly for their insider trading, and pointing out they both got minimal punishment while people's life savings got wiped out/ lives ruined. 

    ( This would also be a story Alexis should do, but she won't). 

    But Nina could do to Carly what she did with the profile of Ava.

    The bad press could also cost Drew, threatening his role at Aurora and ELQ. ( Just in time for Jason to return, so he questions Carly's loyalty to him) 

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  14. I think Drew offered to sell Nina Crimson after Aurora's stock crashed but Nina reminded him that selling the company's most profitable asset was a bad idea.

    So I hope this is the start of Drew coming undone, he trashes Aurora, then Jasus rises from the dead and Carly dumps him for being a poor substitute for his brother. 

    Can't CM go film a few dozen Hallmark movies and leave us alone. 

    ( Things I want to see happen, but knows they never will: Jason returns and hooks up with Nina, causing Sonny and Carly's heads to explode  Team #NinJa)


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  15. 12 hours ago, Fellaway said:

    Good golly, if they get Sonny and Carly back together again - 'Cause the anvils, they be fallin'. - it's gonna get ugly all up in here. 

    But if Carly gets back with Sonny while Drew is serving time for the crime she committed I will laugh and laugh.

    ( So much for Carly's 'loyalty')

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  16. 5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    He's an entitled piece of shit who was over-indulged when he was a child and grew up into this thing we have on screen.

    When he was talking to Nina, it reminded me of his days as the Red Menace when he hated all of his father's girlfriends and tried to put a hit out on one of them (Sam maybe?)

    He tried to put a hit out on Alcazar when he was wooing Carly.

    Michael shot Kate, and clubbed Stepmommy Claudia to death. 

    The boy has always had issues ( pre and post getting shot in the head)

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  17. 33 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    And FFS, just end the Mason thing. It's been going on for over a year and it makes no sense that Ava folding for these vague threats.

    Seriously. Wasn't Ava attacked by the 'hook' at the Q's July 4th BBQ? After leaving Austin and Mason mid-squabble... We still don't know what Masons deal is, or who he works for? 

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  18. 13 hours ago, Daisy said:

    and then in your same breath "of Nina hated me until she realized we were related" so are we retconning the last 3-4 years?  [it''s harder to double check things now since ABC/Disney is doing a major purge of soap content on YT]  but CW's Nina never hated Willow. (or despised her). So where the hell is that coming from? and truthfully Nina insta-loving Willow (and not really knowing her as a person) really feels the same to me as someone giving birth and insta-loving your baby. You don't KNOW your baby, but you have that mama bear protect vibe going on. So i feel the whole drum beating of Nina not seeing Willow as her own person, but just as "THE KIDNAPPED BABY", Willow is refusing to see Nina as "THE PERSON WHO MOURNED ME FOR 20++ years" you just don't get over that.

    Which is weird because the very SECOND  Michael found out Wiley was his, he ripped that kid out of the only home he'd ever known. A really interesting beat would have been Michael realizing that what happened to him also happened to Nina ( being told your child was dead and missing out on raising that child).

    But, CD can't play nuance and the show won't have Carly's kids entertain a single thought that isn't Carly-approved.  

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