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Posts posted by sacrebleu

  1. Finally! Movement on the Trina/ Esme front AND Willow's convenientitus. 

    I'm hoping Willow and Michael don't share that Willow would need genetic material to cure her whatever, and they lose the baby as a result. Or Carly learns too late to spill the secret and get Nina to save the baby. Carly deserves to lose everything for keeping this secret. Michael should cut her out of his life, and Willow should  leave Michael/Carly and their toxic 'win no matter what' attitude in the rear view. 

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  2. I'm in the 'hate it' camp. It seems as if those making it assume the audience is stupid. They were afraid the audience wouldn't like reserved Anne, so they have her monologuing to the camera to make sure everyone knows Anne is clever, loves Wentworth, isn't fooled by Mr. Elliot, knows Mary is horrible etc. 

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  3. 16 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I hate that Ned has to keep doing the apology tour for the ELQ vote. It's approaching Nina/NF level.  Ned, even if you had known how much Carly was invested, you still shouldn't have voted with Michael. And right now, think about your wife. Who cares if Carly doesn't like you? It's no longer about her. Buy into the hotel to help your wife.


    Ned would never have voted with Valentine if it meant Carly lost the hotel!?!?!?!

    The merger was bad business and Michael and Drew were putting Ned out to pasture, but sure, Saving Carly from her own idiocy should take precedence, whatever, show. 

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  4. Well, they bonded over the cover-up of Peter's non-murder, then got closer treating Chase's Peter-induced mystery illness. 

    It was pretty soapy stuff, but then they just tread water for months. ( See also: Chase/Brooklyn, Anna/Valentine) 

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  5. 18 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

    Fuckin' spare me with Carly sobbing and asking the heavens why.  Why?  Because you're a buttinski bitch who attempted to commit insider trading.

    If Carly doesn't actually lose the hotel, I'm going to be so pissed.


    She put all her eggs in one basket, there's an actual saying about not doing that. ( Also about counting chickens before they hatch). Carly ignored both, because Michael never loses. That kind of hubristic idiocy deserves to lose a  hotel.( Half a hotel) 

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  6. Man, do the writers know ANY stories that don't involve babies/ children?

    We just got done with the custody hearing, and before that Baily/Louise drama, and the Sasha/Brando tock. 

    Before that it was the Wiley reveal, which followed the Wiley kidnapping, Carly's pointless Donna in Utero health scare 

    I feel like we've been mired in baby stories for at least two years straight.

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  7. I just can't believe that after Hannah and Ric and Dante all weaseled their ways into his organization, Sonny wouldn't be a little more circumspect over who he shares his Bizness info with. 

    Surely, he couldn't be fooled a fourth time! ( There may have been other moles/plants I skipped a few years) 

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  8. Okay, who is that camp counselor kid related to that we're forced to endure his wooden performance ?

    MVP of today's show is the day player in the bar who kept drinking  and was the only person ( other than Joss and Trina) that didn't take part in the brawl. 😆

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  9. I find it strange that the entire reason Carly and Jason had to marry was that, as Sonny's widow, Carly was a liability, but somehow, she is not a liability as his ex-wife!?!?

    Carly even suggested that Michael could be a target because he wanted to break ties with Sonny, but Carly divorcing Sonny is inexplicably not considered breaking ties with Sonny? 

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  10. Merger questions:

    If Jax bought half the company ( including Crimson) and Shawn bought the Invader... What the hell are Aurora's assets? 

    Why is it a merger if ELQ could simply acquire Aurora?

    And yes... Please, somebody remember that Lucy will vote with Valentine because of Deception.

    ( And Carly going to Martha Stewart jail for insider trading would be so great) I'd still prefer Carly leveraging the hotel to buy in to this and losing the hotel in the process.

    • Love 12
  11. 2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    So I finally got to see that tack room for the horse, and 🤣🤣🤣. Not only does it have more trophies than backstage at the Oscars, it’s disturbingly clean. None of that equipment has ever been used. Ever. So who’s taking care of the horse?

    I think my favorite part about the new barn set is that when Ned and Michael were in the stall with the horse, the doors were wide barn doors, but when they left the horse stall and entered the barn's... Uh.... Living room... The doorframe on the outside of the stall was a regular doorframe. How is a horse gonna fit through that ! 😆

    • LOL 3
  12. 38 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

    I hope that Carly's "help" with Aurora/ELQ totally bites her in the butt. And Drew, too, for being such an idiot when it comes to her.

    Ooh, like she leverages the hotel, allowing Nina to buy it out from under her. 

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  13. 8 hours ago, ciarra said:

    I want Nina to refuse. 

    Adding this to the list of things I would like to see but won't. 

    Willow gets sick and needs... Some kind of dna-matched material.

    Carly reveals the DNA results that show Willow is Nina's.

    But Nina refuses. She gets this great speech where she tells Carly off, about how she withheld the info because she didn't want Willow to go soft on Nina during the hearing. Carly wanted to make sure Nina couldn't have a relationship with her daughter, but now Carly wants to use Nina for 'parts' ( just like Nelle). 

    Well, actions have consequences, and Nina has accepted her daughter is already lost to her forever, because of Carly's actions. 

    Willow dies. ( She is, after all, Michael's love interest, they have the life span of the average Spinal Tap drummer). 

    That would be soapy ... Michael could blame both Nina and Carly for Willows death. 

    ( Nina probably couldn't come back from that, but I wouldn't mind her moving back to NY to run the magazine- but she'd get some fantastic soapy material on the way out)

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  14. Of course Michael wouldn't lose. What I'd like to see ( which won't happen) is for the truth to come out and for Nina to reject Willow.

    Let Britt and Liesl reject her too. 

    Even better would be for Willow to turn on Carly for keeping quiet about the truth while Willow destroyed any chance at a relationship with her birth mother. 

    I'd also like a pony. 

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  15. If Michael wasn't presented as the golden boy/predetermined winner of all things, Scott could nail him to the wall.

    Were you recently arrested for assaulting a reporter?

    Were you recently arrested for assaulting me outside a Pennsylvania courtroom?

    Did you try to have Ms Reeves charged on a non-existent crime because of her relationship with your father?

    When you learned your adoptive father was responsible for your biological father's death, didn't you take him to court to deny him access to his child? 

    You seem to have an issue with anger and a propensity to use children as pawns for punishment and revenge. 

    ( And by all means, talk about him killing his step mother Claudia. A good attorney could really make a case for Michael's pretty significant anger and mommy issues)

    • Love 19
  16. So, if Esme is so rich, why can't she afford rent/ hotel on her own? She keeps referencing the pittance she gets from her trust fund, but it didn't seem to be an issue when Spencer first came to town and she was living apart from him for several weeks until the night of that graduation party at Windermere. 

    There are so many holes in her story. How did she live while infiltrating GH to torch Ava's car? 

    And if there is a trust, who's doling out the money and why don't they check in on Esme who ( again) had been in PC for about a year now. 

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  17. I liked it overall, the gun shot residue stuff was a twist I haven't seen before ( as was the drone) , but I question how the dead lawyer figured out the cop car thing so quickly that he showed up to take Eli Wynn's case. 

    I assumed the tattooed guy at the end was the guy who killed the prostitute who Mickey's client was wrongly imprisoned for 

    • Love 4
  18. This deal with Smoltz SHOULD be biting Michael in the ass right about now. ( If he wasn't the predetermined winner in all contests).

    Michael and Willow signed up for a 5 part series, right as it is revealed her mother kidnapped her as a baby, killed two men to keep the secret, and was willing to kill Michael's mother to keep the secret!

    And Harmony isn't the grandmother they were keeping away from Wiley! 

    Smoltz should be hounding them for details. ( But he's only sleazy when it's convenient, I guess)


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  19. Wouldn't cops run Willow's DNA to see if it's in the system? Or would they just check it against Harmony's?

    Because Nelle was in the system, they could find out the two are related that way, although that means Carly is off the hook.

    Unless Dante tells Michael, and he decides to keep it from Willow. 

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  20. What is the point of Carly trying to find the truth about Nina's coma birth, if she doesn't plan on actually telling Nina? She was trying to get info from Valentin and she was clearly headed to Charlie's to talk to Phyllis.

    In service of what? She doesn't plan on telling Nina she has a daughter. I swear, I'm just so tired of seeing Carly everydamnday. 

    So, I'm guessing when Willow comes down with contrivancitus and needs some kind of dna- matched material, Carly will tell.

    P.S. I love that Spencer found clues because Esme would never keep shoes from two seasons ago!

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  21. 4 hours ago, lala2 said:


    I wish they would be honest and admit to hating Nina and wanting nothing to do with her rather than push this lame narrative that she presents a danger to Wiley. She does not. She would do nothing but shower that brat with love and attention. 

    Yeah, that's straight out of the Carly-baby-snatching playbook. AJ was a drunk, and too dangerous for Michael to be around. The Q's were heartless, business obsessed and too terrible for Michael to be around. After Michael was shot, she said Sonny was too dangerous to be around Morgan ( that didn't last long) and she went along with Sonny's plan to bribe a woman to accuse Jax of sexual assault so the courts would rule Jax was too dangerous to be around Joss. 

    Carly and Michael ( and Willow) keep saying Nina is unstable/dangerous/ not safe for Wiley to be around. ( Even though we don't see that on screen).

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  22. This reveal is just so bad. I don't know the circumstances of Nancy's back surgery and how much notice they had... But for the show to build this relationship between Alexis and Harmony and then for the beat of Alexis learning Harmony killed Neil to be played by a stand in. And then have Carly inserted into this story. 

    It's just so poorly planned, unprofessional, really. 

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