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Everything posted by sacrebleu

  1. Hmmm are we getting amnesia? Liz waking up thinking she and Ric are still a thing? And who the hell cuts the brakes on a car if they aren't sure whose car it is!?!? Krissy is her father's daughter. And I suppose Sonny was meant to look tough, sitting in wait for Silinski, but honestly, he just looked like he was too tired to stand and hold the gun
  2. Yeah .. I like the idea of Nina and Portia working together to bring Drew down. And the super secret spy agency has merch? Where can I buy a WSB t-shirt? And props to the GH writer who remembered that Steinmauer ( sp) is the name of the international jail where they kept Cesar Faison.
  3. The only thing that bugged was how Nina could tell it was domestic beer just by sight/smell. Maybe I'm just too plebian to know 😉
  4. Ahhhh, reminds me of the good old days of Jackie and Blackie and Packie. (All we need is a girl named Cleo or Rio)
  5. I'm surprised a savvy lawyer like Martin didn't get a non- modifiable settlement. But no, this is definitely one of those 'only in the GH-verse' laws.
  6. As a 16 year old ( ish) can Charlotte stopped using Poppa? It really infantalizes her. ( And bingo in the Q's kitchen, srsly?
  7. Murder on the McConkey Esplanade does not have the same ring to it ( unfortunately)
  8. I actually liked the whole Lucky and Liz sexy times keep getting interrupted Although I'm a little worried about Chase and Dante. Carly dropped off a gift basket at Liz's, drove to GH, argued with Drew, drove to the MC to barge in on Nina, and Chase and Dante were in the sauna THE ENTIRE TIME!
  9. SOROSing at work. Isn't Gio supposed to be a contemporary of Trina and Joss? Wasn't Dante on the show as a cop investigating Claudia's death (Michael killed her after she kidnapped a newborn Joss). So, I guess he joined the force shortly after his stint as a camp counselor and immediately started working undercover.
  10. GH director: so, what did we decide on for the sign, This property has been seized or This property has been sealed off? GH props master: Ummmmmm
  11. and the stakes of this Brennan/Carly relationship are... what exactly? They should be seriously dating/ exchanging ILYs by the time this SEEKRIT gets revealed. But they haven't even slept together after months of flirting/Brennan doing favors for Carly. (pretty sure they kissed in Germany?) So if Joss gets injured/captured what does that mean for Carly-- she loses the guy she makes googly eyes at and busts out her best fake laugh for? and Brennan... has to find someplace else to get coffee?
  12. Joss's trainer needs a hair clip. He spent more time flipping his hair back than trying to land punches.
  13. Seriously, as violent as PC is with mob wars and serial killers, no one ever waits 6 hours to get a fractured wrist looked at. (Which is something I have done)
  14. Lulu finding out Dante has a secret baby while snooping for info about Valentin and Charlotte was actually a pretty neat twist Well done show!
  15. Every time I hear 'The McConkey Esplanade' all I can think is that its a ridiculous name. I can't take any McConkey Esplanade plot seriously. And I can't with the Joss propping, she's soooo clever, an address for Cyrus was literally hand delivered to her.
  16. Yikes, Drew was so creepy trying to sell Willow on moving in. Dude, she's still MARRIED. When he walked over to the framed picture of the two of them, I have expected him to start monologuing about how happy they'd be, I was not expecting Jason to show up. And after dragging on ( Sam died during November sweeps) this story certainly wrapped up in a hurry. Was Kober's contract up or something?
  17. So LnL's kiss, the confrontation with Cyrus, and Liz fighting to keep Lucky alive will be filmed with the sub?!? I don't care how much block taping saved, leaving the big moments to temp actors just destroys the emotional payoff these scenes are supposed to have.
  18. Careless writing. In the scenes with Sonny and Jason at Bobbie's, Sonny offered to send Diane to meet Jason at the PCPD. When he spoke to Nina, he said he was there to meet Diane ( not Jason) but she was held up in court.
  19. "Ava tried to kidnap Avery' is the new 'Nina hid Sonny for 9 months' Y'all weren't kidding, Kristina is certifiable.
  20. WTH!?!? Cyrus went to Kelly's/Bobbie's on his way to work AND stopped by Charlie's and still hasn't shown up for his shift at the PC Grill? I hope he shows up at the Floating Rib next, how many stops will he make before work
  21. Well, one thing is for sure, Liz will never agree to another walk with Ric. 😁
  22. Yeesh! That look Cyrus gave Liz was super creepy. And I'm liking Maxie as the non-crazy, non-judgemental talk-to. She gave Nina good advice, knowing Nina probably wouldn't take it, and offered friendship to Willow, and since joining the Corinthii cult, she doesn't have a single friend that isn't Team Michael.
  23. I'm gonna push back a bit on this point. When Ava was being stalked, she gave up custody because it was in her child's best interest. That is something Sonny would never do. His ego is so tied to his kids being his possessions, I think Michael's shooting was the only time he put his kids safety above his own need to 'have them' Ava has always been shown as a caring parent. She only loses custody because Sonny has money/ power and works the system.
  24. So, what I've learned from this, is that the only way to escape alive from a relationship with Michael Corinthios is to sleep with one of his uncles ( or be rumored to have slept with... But, give it time.) Willow/ Drew Sasha/ Jason ( The exception being the ONS he had with Nina's former nurse whose name I can't remember)
  25. Them's fightin' words... Raise Hail! #HTTC Boo to Laura for bailing on Ava, now that she's not horrified by Sonny's criming. ( This week) And why isn't anyone suggesting joint custody? The Corinthii always insist on sole custody.
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