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Posts posted by Morrigan2575

  1. 2 hours ago, SeanC said:

    It might change an aspect of Children of Dune, but Villeneuve isn't planning to make that one anyway.

    I think it would change a big aspect but I also didn't read Children of Dune, I stopped at Dune Messiah.


  2. 40 minutes ago, SeanC said:

    Alia isn't born, so by implication it's been less than nine months since the initial Harkonnen assault.

    Yeah, that's what I figured. I don't like it, causes problems with the Dune Messiah and Children of Dune, IMO.

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  3. What's the timeline of the war? In the book it took years to get to the final battle but, something I read makes it sound very short.

  4. 14 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    I'm not as deep into He-Man lore; was Keltor ever mentioned before?

    Apparently there is a ton of Lore that I knew nothing about.  I watched some videos on S2 and, they mentioned that this lined up with the comics which retcon'd Skeletor's backstory to make him Keldor/Adam's Uncle.

    Another thing from the videos which, you have to be a huge He-Man/Masters of the Universe fan to catch...


    Apparently the girl that showed up to "save" Hordak was She-Ra, in the comics She-Ra was corrupted by the Horde and became Despara


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  5. I enjoyed the first episode, I will admit the ladies were the most entertaining parts but, I'm willing to give Colter time because they did use a lot of his time to setup the tragic backstory/exposition and season long mystery. 


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  6. 7 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

    Just my opinion, but I feel that Deadpool was an exceptionally made movie: the direction, story structure, etc. The slow-mo opening sequence with sight-gags and sarcastic voice over was really well done. Ryan Reynolds was just a small part of that.

    Deadpool 2 was just a pale imitation of the first movie and did not perform as well - - not a good sign for a franchise. Some jokes get old fast and there were a lot of things that just felt like a rehash of the first movie.

    Totally agree,  I complained about Deadpool 2 when it first came out. I worried about it before it even came out after learning that Reynolds had more creative control and pushed out Tim Miller.

    I'm taking a wait and see approach to Deadpool and Wolverine.  I hope it's back to Deadpool quality, I worry it's Deadpool 2 or worse Love and Thunder 🙄

    • Like 1
  7. I'm a bit iffy on this, I love that they kept the theme song but, I'm unsure on some of the voice acting.  That being said, Gambit charging Wolverine's Claws is quite interesting.  Shame, Jubes will probably get side-lined again 😒

    1 hour ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    know that there were issues with She-Hulk as a whole, but I would argue that if you didn't like it when Jennifer Walters broke the fourth wall to talk to the 'audience', then why should Wade Wilson doing it be any better?

    Or Deadpool actually used the gimmick well and She-Hulk didn't? 


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  8. 1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Did you think that the Ultimates line was disrespectful to the original stories? Because it made a lot of fundamental changes to classic characters that were way bigger than making Fury black.  And possibly way bigger than any changes the MCU has made.

    Personally, I never read the Ultimate line only 616 but, some of the stuff I've heard about the Ultimate line makes me side eye the stories. I think there was one where Natasha had Clint's family killed because she never defected and was revealed to be a traitor.


  9. 8 hours ago, Chaser said:

    Maybe cause I think they will try for a Harvey Specter type character and I can’t see him with that level of charm

    Oh god no, Harvey was awesome in his assholishness.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Kel Varnsen said:

    Has there been an actual announcement that it will be set in the 60's? The variety article didn't say anything about it.

    Oh good, I just re-read the Variety article twice trying to find the mention of the 1960's setting, thought I was missing something.

    I just assumed Fantastic Four and X-Men we're going to be a multiverse collapse or something, kind of like in Secret Wars.

  11. Eddie lives on as The Human Torch!

    I love Pedro Pascal, he's a great actor I have no idea if he'll be a good Reed Richard's but, I'm willing to wait and see.

    I adore Joseph Quinn as Eddie so I'm happy he's finding post Stranger Things success but, again I have no idea if he's a good choice for Johnny Storm.

    I'll wait and see on the movie before casting judgement. For the most part I think MCU has done a really good casting job


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  12. 4 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    I don’t know whether to be impressed or pissed that we didn’t really get to see Logan in the trailer. You should save the good stuff for the theaters, but come on, we’ve waiting so long to see him again! We deserve a bigger taste than that!

    It's only the Teaser. I have no doubt the next few will have more Wolverine and then we'll be complaining they should have held something back.

    One thing I just realized, total Green Ban Trailer.  I thought Deadpool was still a R?

    Also, no Domino or Cable in the birthday celebration which is sad. 

    ETA: I just watched it again. Was that Pyro from X2/X3? Is Deadpool from 1 First Class Universe? Logan/Pyro from X-Men universe and TVA from MCU?

  13. 11 hours ago, SeanC said:

    Morrible's parts in "The Wizard and I" and "Thank Goodness", for the record. A couple of lines in each case, in neither case very challenging.

    Yeah but Goldblum has to sing "Wonderful" which granted I don't even remember how it sounded when I saw it live (several years into it's run) but, I listen to the Joel Gray version all the time.

    I just don't recall him singing ever before, he might be good I just don't know.

  14. 38 minutes ago, SeanC said:

    Most of the roles are played by people with musical theatre background. The exceptions are Yeoh and Goldblum, but Madam Morrible barely sings and both she and the Wizard are really just sing-talking.

    Those were the 2, I was thinking of when I posted. Especially since Joel Grey originated The Wizard on Broadway and Yeoh's character has at least one number that I recall. 

  15. 7 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

    I don't even think MCU needs saving, but I'm really looking forward to that movie.

    I'm cautiously optimistic.  I loved Deapool, felt Deadpool 2 was mid at best, mostly a disappointment. I'm hoping they can control Reynolds enough to get a decent story in 3.

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  16. Man, I wished someone warned me about the movie. I was prepared for a funny, fan service movie with lots of in jokes. I was not prepared to ball my eyes out. 

    Very good movie, definitely top 5 for View Askew, maybe even Top 3.

    • Like 1
  17. Definite improvement over S1, Evil-Lynn continues to be the standout. I swear last season (well, S1.0, didn't come back for 1.5) Teela and Andra how a little something something going on, weird to see them going all fanfic with He-Man/Teela.

    Melissa Benoist did a better job voicing Teela, SMG just sounded like SMG, it didn't work last year. I did find it hilarious thar Teela/ He- Man got together since Melissa and Chris are married.  I had no idea William Shatner voiced Keldor, I swore it was J.K Simmons

    I found Serpent Teela too funny, she reminded me of Serpentor in G.I. Joe and the new He-Man look was too much like Thor.  I liked the revelation that Skeletor was Keltor and Adam's actual Uncle, turning Eternia into a Democratic Republic didn't feel right, IMO.

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