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  1. That is why I doubt the writers will follow that path. The Evil Queen is essential to the entire show, so they can't change history and eliminate her. That reminds me, I wanted to ask you. Do you have a favorite? Regina or The Evil Queen?
  2. Yeah but there are no consequences to time travel, so it would be fine.
  3. What episode did Regina say she was going ask the writer to give her a happy ending with Robin? She didn't, so I don't see what Marian has to do with Regina's happy ending? Please explain. How does Regina "not accept" being a monster when she talks to her son? The fact is, on the show,she acknowledged her past behavior, something you said in your last post that she didn't do. Now because she talks to her son it 'doesn't count'. Sorry I don't agree. Henry knows exactly who Regina was and what she did. Go back to season 1, 2 and part of 3. He is very clear. What Henry see's now is who Regina has become. Someone he is very proud of. Henry believes the book doesn't represent who Regina is now, and he is right. Just like the book completely left out Regina's story about the stable boy. You do when you sacrifice yourself to save others, which Regina did. She also gave up her 'happing ending' twice to help others. Which shows Regina's only goal isn't her happy ending.
  4. Again, as part of the canon of the show, Regina has taken responsibility for her actions. She has apologized to Belle, and to Henry. So obviously she has acknowledged her actions in the past were wrong. She has also made it clear that she was a villain. Go back to 4.1, when she tells Robin that Marian was right, she is a monster. That is recognizing who she was and TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. She has also stepped up and saved Emma, Hook, Charming, Robin and Marian when the useless 'Savior' failed again. She had nothing to gain in those actions, but she did it anyway. Same with her helping Neal, Snow and Charming. She is also working to save Marian even through it will destroy her happy ending. That is something neither of the male villains have been able to do yet. Destroy their happiness for the greater good, and Regina has done it twice. The show has done a fantastic job of showing Regina's progress and development.
  5. Based on the actual cannon of the show, Regina has shown growth as a character. She has taken responsibility for her actions, and is trying to improve. As a fan, that is what I want to see. Henry was the one that wanted to spend time with his grandfather, and as the deleted scenes have shown before, Henry is very comfortable going to his murderous grandfather to get help. Regina made it clear in the last episode she wanted to find the author and ASK them to write her a happy ending.
  6. Thanks for sending me the comments WS made about Regina, very cool. It was a nice contrast to see Regina continue on her path to become a better person and the two male villains reinforce the fact that they will never change. Nice mix. Did you see the previews for this week. I am so annoyed.
  7. Totally agree with you!!! I hope this break up lasts forever. I have missed fun, crazy, intense Callie. She seemed to lose all of her personality when she was stuck with Arizona. I like Meredith and Callie as friends. That is something Grey's was always so good at, and with Cristina and Mark gone, the strong friendships have suffered.
  8. Rocky, what did you think of Henry and Regina's scenes this week? All 60 seconds. :( I loved that Regina is still trying to help Marian.
  9. It is fun to discuss the show and see other's views. It is interesting how different characters appeal to different people. I know my favorites have changed a lot from season 1 to season 4. :) Thanks for the recommendation of Wonderland, I look forward to watching it. I will probably have a few questions for you once I see it. :) Hope that is ok.
  10. I see it completely opposite. Hook has no interest in changing who he is, he just wants to sleep with Emma. He isn't changing because he wants to be a better person, he is just trying to accomplish his goal, getting Emma. The minute she was gone, he went back to his old ways. Regina has actually worked to become a better person. She has had several set backs and continues to try to improve. She continued after she lost Henry and after she lost Robin. I love her progress. I can see why she would want a happy ending. She sees both Hook and Rumple, who have no interest in redemption, handed a happy ending on a silver platter. And in Belle, Rumple is actually provided with an enabler. I actually liked Hook when he was a villain. I admire your ability to find anything remotely positive about Hook and Emma, I can't.
  11. Sounds like Wonderland is worth the time. I will definitely check it out. Thanks for the info :) How did you want them to handle Regina's redemption?
  12. Yes I am a Regina fan. She is the reason I watch. Although after these first few episodes I am beginning to wonder why I bother. She has had almost no screen time. Thanks for the positive info about her :) Looking forward to 4B. Did you like Wonderland better than Once? Was it good?
  13. Yeah it is another waste of an episode. I think it is time to take ONCE off the DVR until they decide to focus on characters that matter. No I didn't see his tweet. Please send it to me if you can. I hope you are right about Marian adding to Robin's story, I want them to develop his backstory. I think it will make him a stronger character. Do you think with the recent episode that Robin and Regina will share more scenes together? Assuming Regina is given more screen time than the length of one commercial?
  14. I think your right. The right thing for Unser's life expectancy would be to keep quiet. The right thing for Tara, Jax and their children would be to go to Jax and the police.. I think.
  15. Its already been done, season 2.
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