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Property Brothers - General Discussion
BearCat49 replied to David T. Cole's topic in Property Brothers
Agree, it appeared that those neighbor's bedrooms had the pleasure of staring into that wire fence plus the backside of that guest house. I, too, hated how they'd filled every square inch of that yard. It felt like a concrete jungle to me. Just thought about it - that guest house was 2 stories, wasn't it? They never revealed the upstairs, did they? Hmmm, more to come? Sorry but I couldn't help noticing their mother's fake, actress cry during the reveal, i.e. covering face with hands, whimpering and then appearing head-on to the camera with perfectly dry, pancake makeup and no smudges in the eye area. All their lines and TH's were about their mother's tears of joy. Too funny ... would love to have heard them off-camera setting that scene up with Mom, hahahaha ... -
The Gaines' local newspaper (Waco Trib) has done quite a few stories on them since they began their HGTV adventure. One interesting article indicates that the bball coach who appeared (the $24K house) apparently never intended to occupy that home and probably went along with filming the show to please his wife. Here's the story: http://www.wacotrib.com/news/business/hgtv-fixer-upper-house-soon-to-become-live-in-baby/article_40e120dc-d8d1-5b27-86ae-53baaa08bff7.html And, apparently the Gaines rec'd a tax subsidy ($200K + after requesting about $400K) to renovate an old mill into a retail market plus offices for their operations. Apparently they filmed and will air the work on the upcoming Season 2 of the show. Here's that article: http://www.wacotrib.com/news/business/hgtv-stars-get-board-s-ok-for-century-old-cotton/article_48def25b-0055-5356-9173-5e5a768e7a87.html BTW, Waco Trib published many more articles about them. If you click on the items under "More Coverage" in these 2 articles, you'll link with them.
I'm well aware of the filming locations. Was simply trying to determine which LIOLI "show in Canada" roof episode the previous posters were chatting about. Never rec'd an answer, although am pretty sure I remember it. Don't recall the gritty details so if anyone can respond ... thanks. The double ending taping info (IIRC) came from an actual participant. At that point in time, the outcomes in terms of LI or LI were much more even. Since then, have heard that Canada, later than the U.S., experienced something of a RE downturn and more h/o's were staying put. Also, it was reported (again, IIRC) that Canadian viewers see LIOLI as primarily a "reno" show. Sounds like tptb gave up on trying to even the score, especially since participant friends and neighbors could easily out them, if/when they used that trick. At least one, probably more, of the participants used the excuse that they'd "changed their minds" about listing after filming the episode. No worries - the LIOLI ptb continue to fake the show in that plus a multitude of other ways, lol. WRT HHI, it sounds as if you're referring to the infamous Hong Kong episode. Although the more current HHI episodes are less faked, they're probably all faked at least somehow even though participants' RL stories usually sound more interesting than the HHI standard, repetitive plots. BTW, much of my info was rec'd via participant blogs. Unfortunately, lately, far fewer HGTV participants are sharing details of their experiences. Sounds like tptb tightened up their nondisclosure agreements after HH's filming secrets were widely exposed to the general public when one couple's backstory went viral. (TX participants, IIRC.)
It's no different than the other programs. The clients receive what you see during the episode for the stated budget but that's it. If they want and/or need to continue, it's up to them to finance it. Agree, they'll receive fewer freebies, although I'm sure the costs in Waco are far lower than in major metro areas. Jo's indicated that the items are staging for the show and available for purchase by the homeowners after the taping, if they like. Most of them are from her store from what I understand.
Here's a report of flooding, mudslides and sandbagging in a fire-damaged area of San Diego after the pineapple express storm of early December, 2014: http://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/Harmony-Grove-Mudslide-Wilglen-Drive-San-Diego-Cocos-Fire-284775311.html Anyone interested in a used yurt? We could probably pick up a used one on the cheap in Sunny SoCal.
Oops, this dropped out, apparently, from the post when initially written. It was called the "first" quote or quotation throughout.
The first post refers to "Sunny California" but the second quotation discusses "sunny SoCal" or actually 2 entirely different areas. That doesn't matter, however, b/c even within the Los Angeles area alone, many different microclimates exist. This article discusses the LA microclimates. http://articles.latimes.com/print/1998/feb/27/local/me-23684 Given the differences in microclimates within Southern California, with all due respect, a San Diego area resident may not have enough information to opine about areas of Los Angeles, IMHO. Coincidentally, the microclimate article was written during an El Nino or wet year. Wet and dry years often alternate or clusters of them may alternate. El Ninos may occur every 2-7 years. (For more information on an El Nino: http://education-portal.com/academy/lesson/what-is-el-ni-o-definition-effects-quiz.html#lesson ) The LA Almanac dating back to 1877 indicates frequent year over year, significant differences in precipitation totals: http://www.laalmanac.com/weather/we13.htm (Note that this almanac only includes totals for downtown LA so the averages may be fairly low.) The first quotation was written in reference to possible storm damage to a yurt and consequently mentioned that CA's average rainfall often occurs over a few larger storms, scattered during a rainy season. Here's a reference to the "Pineapple Express" storm that happened on or about 12/8/14: http://www.weather.com/forecast/regional/news/california-rain-flood-threat-drought-relief-middec2014 The article mentions mudslides in Ventura County (part of the Greater LA area) about 1/2 way down. (Those people might not call it "Sunny California" or "Sunny SoCal".) Also mentioned, farther down, same article, are atmospheric rivers or "ARs". The article states, "About 30-50% of annual precipitation in the Western states occurs in just a few AR events", i.e. larger storms. Does a "pineapple express" storm fit the "Sunny California" image? Droughts are not always the problem. IMHO, LA area yurt purchasers might want to reconsider their purchase WRT "Sunny SoCal".
Property Brothers - General Discussion
BearCat49 replied to David T. Cole's topic in Property Brothers
They most certainly are misleading the viewers, about a topic that could damage their entire financial futures. If this is merely entertainment, then say so, before someone loses their life savings. -
No worries, cathy7304 - snark away! I'm very judgmental if/when I believe the participants are truly offering their own story. That's just my own posting method, however. Even though we know all of them should understand that anything they say can and will be used by the editors, I'm sure many of them either don't read the fine print and/or don't understand! (The Sugar Daddy episode on HHR is a prime example. Those two were proud of their situation and immediately announced it to millions of viewers!) It's really funny but I don't remember the SD woman that well. I remember her basic appearance and the homes they toured. WRT her personality, I do remember her as generally annoying so I think I just tuned her out! Perhaps that's how her husband survives, lol! I agree - it'd be fun to see her kitchen. Hopefully she'll love it (no matter how it turns out) and we can snark away on her design choices! And, if her personality does a 180 in a WATN episode, that'll tell us she either had that awakening or at least became attuned to the magic of editing! Merry Christmas!
Property Brothers - General Discussion
BearCat49 replied to David T. Cole's topic in Property Brothers
I can't make any representations about their entire audience but the viewers who post on their FB, twitter and other pages don't apparently know the truth. Without far more information, none of us can make representations about what their opinion would be if they did. I'll continue telling the truth about their program. Their viewers and fans can make up their own minds. It's a shame they refuse to be honest. Why do they need to put one over on the viewers? If it's simply honest "entertainment", then why can't they admit that? -
Property Brothers - General Discussion
BearCat49 replied to David T. Cole's topic in Property Brothers
It's not breaking news to you or I but it seems to be to many, if not the majority of their viewers and fans. They continue the charade by lying repeatedly in interviews, claiming that they're RE experts, implying that they do 100% of the RE work (truth be told, they do none) and implying that reality television is more documentary than drama. Since you don't believe me, try reading the comment sections on their FB pages or twitter. Alternatively, I suggest you read any and all interviews they've given. Then, please proffer testimonials from any and all of their satisfied RE clients. We're not talking about some sort of disclaimer at the beginning of a program. Why can't they simply be honest in interviews? What's wrong with that? Honesty is insulting? They'd be thrilled to take out a billboard and announce themselves as "Real Estate Experts" b/c they've publicly stated how important they believe promotion is and that they're trying to build a brand. I believe acting is a noble profession and not something to be ashamed of. It's too bad they apparently don't. ETA: Do the RH present themselves as experts in anything? As experts in something that can affect consumers' entire financial future, including retirement? -
Property Brothers - General Discussion
BearCat49 replied to David T. Cole's topic in Property Brothers
Scott Bros Entertainment ("SBE") is not the RE business that popped up in the NV records when this was researched a year or two ago, sskrill. That's their production company with JD. JD lives in Vegas and works behind the scenes on the family business - entertainment, including writing, producing and for the twins, (primarily) acting. They registered another business in NV, a real estate firm, and that one's been inactive. Or, I should say to be careful, it was inactive when researched and never had been active, IIRC. If Drew actually talked about where he lives and (supposedly) works as a realtor, that'd be Vancouver, IIRC. Sounds like he's finally coming clean about working as a realtor when not filming, however. That's a step forward so good on him! Now, what about the main issue: did he mention that he doesn't work as a realtor on either PB or B/S or any of their other zillion HGTV shows (lol) b/c the participants are required to have already closed on their property? Wait for it ... crickets, right? Hahahaha ... Or, did he? Not trying to mislead anyone. Do you have a link to the article, sskrill? Was it recent? Sounds like they've figured out that they can no longer maintain the Vegas charade b/c they're filming there and drawing attention to their own living situation. I've always had the impression they were trying to minimize their Canadian roots so they wouldn't be lumped in with the rest of the group as just another one of those Canadian RE shows. BTW, PB and B/S are produced by a Toronto production company. In addition, they use a Toronto design firm. (So much for SBE, lol!) Now, it's time for Drew to speak with their publicist and correct the information submitted to Wikipedia. (See "All Episodes Talk", the other PB thread on this forum, BTW.) That's the thing about lying, right? Must be tough to remember who you told which lie to, hahahaha ... -
Agree, Pickles. It'll be interesting to see a selling program somewhere when a few of these people start unloading them. Somehow, I have a feeling they might need to focus on the land value!
House Hunters International - General Discussion
BearCat49 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in House Hunters International
Good point, Andyourlittledog2. That's how it worked for me, too - the TV Guide online worked best with the proper cable provider. We have multiple services here but selecting the right one made the channels pop on the Favorites tab, stewedsquash. Good luck! I believe the Panama women are great examples of HHI participants who used their appearance on the program to its best advantage and didn't lose focus WRT their main goal, i.e. promoting the murder book! As we saw above, like pretty much all the HHI participants, there's more to their story, too. They stayed on task, however, and accomplished their goal, IMHO. edited b/c this is the HHI thread not HH! Hahaha, hohoho ... -
Thanks, WendyCR72. I obviously agree. As I said above WRT speculating about HH participants, "It's what we do here." And, as everyone knows, I certainly do more than my share, lol! Happy Holidays, everybody!