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  1. I read your passage. Jesus is not being baptized to himself, but to God. I would expect that is the idea. I'm sure the moderators won't let this topic go much longer so feel free to PM me if you wish (not sure there is much more to say tho).
  2. and WHAT EARLY YEARS????? She was NOT a part of them, however desperately she tries to imagine she was. Just my 2 cents. God and Jesus are pretty much used interchangeably, as they are 2 parts of the Trinity.
  3. I've only just started watching and the scene re Aurora asking about baptism. I've read a lot of snark (on other sites) about this, Kody in tears, parents asking too much, her being nervous. But as a person of faith I get this. Sometimes when I talk about God I will tear up. Faith can be very moving. I understand Aurora being kinda nervous because she's basically telling them that she is rejecting their faith. I understand them not quite understanding that it is a baptism into Christian faith and not the church since their baptisms were into the church (which is typical for the LDS church I believe). I actually LIKED when Robyn or Kody said it was the right answer. As I said, I've only started watching. I'm sure there will be much more to snark about but this topic seemed legit to me. that's strange. I spent entirely too much time in bars in my misspent youth and never had a problem ordering by my female self.
  4. Agreed. Even when I went back to visit my parents at the home where I previously lived I knocked...because it was their house and I showed respect.
  5. This show has proven to me that polygamy is fucked up. the color reminded me of the traditional color of (I think) Belarus. There is a youtuber who travels throughout the world (Bald and Bankrupt) and I've seen many traditional houses with this color. It looks wonderful....there.
  6. and this is her life. No wonder she wanted the wet bar.
  7. Watching Monday morning. Only part way through and have to stop to post before I lost my breakfast!!!! 1. OMG, saying Meri doesn't deserve as much land because she only has one child! In-fucking-sufferable!!!! What a point to constantly bludgeon her with. You get the amount of land you PAID FOR! And to learn that she paid into the family fund AND the family fund didn't help with Leon. I. HAVE. NO. WORDS. 2. Robyn saying in the last couple of years things went wrong, but yeah, for sure, for 30 years it was working. AAAHHHHHH!!! As though she were there for 30 years. And, we know now how it wasn't actually working for the OG3. We can see, and THEY can see too, how poorly and unfairly they were treated and how he manipulated them. Oh, and what was different in those last couple of years to screw it all up? Hmmm, I can't imagine (cough....Flagstaff....cough). I am in a fury. Oh, and Kody, yuck....you don't need to explain the whole situation to the realtor. He does not care. Say there are other people involved, you'll need to run any offers past them...and you're done. GAG.
  8. @Cementhead Yeah, I don't think that was the most flattering dress for her. I've been hesitant to say anything about it, in case she actually reads these and she loved it. I guess as long as she was happy, but I kept "feeling" the need to tug it into place
  9. rewatching the wedding, I was fixated on Tony. First, the nauseating way he watched Christine dance. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Second, open mouth chomping on gum!!!! If he's doing it at a wedding, on camera, you KNOW he does it incessantly. I don't mind people chewing gum. I don't want to HEAR people chewing gum. It brings out my murderous rage.
  10. Ah, you have my sympathy. As much as I miss my parents, who were never a burden to me, I have to admit that there is a freedom when you're no longer someone's "child" but now are at the top of the ladder yourself. Both mine and my husband's parents are now gone. We're the old folks now. Quick observation...Maddie was wearing a Cross. LDS do not typically (ever?) wear a Cross which makes me wonder if she has joined a standard Christian church. Probably nondenominational, but "standard Christian" theology is somewhat different from LDS. I'd love to know the process happening there.
  11. ooohhhh....where are you? That's exciting! Given your name is Lily, I'm guessing England.
  12. yes, to Europe!!!! Floating a new idea to TLC perhaps?
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