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Everything posted by riggins

  1. I used to hate Bananas, but this season has really turned me around on him. Mostly because I hate the people they're putting him up against a lot more. Zach is the worst, and I would pick having Bananas in the house over him a million times over. And seeing Theresa freak out and cry about it is worth having Bananas back in. I just can't believe that Jordan calling her a bitch was enough to reduce Theresa to tears. She spearheaded a weird shaming thing against Nany and then can't take it when someone (rightfully) labels her as the bitchiest girl in the house? There's nothing more pathetic to me than someone on one of these shows that can dish it but can't take it. She was also really dramatic about it too, like "Jordan is the meanest person I've ever met" I'm no Jordan fan but how is that possible? You've met Laurel, remember? She loathed the fuck out of you like all season and then called you out at the reunion? Laurel, who said she would stomp you into the ground? I love Laurel but she's mean as hell, I think she had Jordan beat on that one. I almost wish there was a way that Wes could stay but Theresa could leave, because Wes is hilarious to me but Theresa is the wooooorst.
  2. I think I might be done with this show now that Clare is gone. Clare, Michelle Money and Elise brought all the drama and now 2/3 are gone! I've never seen the Bachelor, and I only started watching this show because of Grantland's hilarious recaps about it, but I really grew to like Claire. She knows what she wants, and I really liked the way she handled the conflict with Ashlee. Plus I thought she was sooo cute, she'll be sorely missed!
  3. Claire handled this situation amaaaazingly. It was aggravating me that AshLEE's apologies were of the "I'm sorry....that you were offended" variety. Those kinds of apologies aren't apologies for doing anything wrong, they're apologies about the offended party being sensitve and Claire 100% had a right to be angry at Ashlee. Also, I don't mind bitches on reality tv, like at all. But you should just own the fact that you're bitchy. Laurel on the Challenge? She's pretty much a bitch and doesn't apologize about it and she's definitely one of my favorites. Ashlee's mistake is trying to pretend like she's nice, when she isn't at all. Now you're bitchy AND fake, and I can't get behind that combo. I also don't understand Zach and his belief that he could do a lot better than Claire. Claire is really pretty to me, if I was a straight guy on this show I would be all about her. Shallow, but her waist to hip ratio is insane. And there's life behind her eyes, Ashlee seems pretty much dead behind her clumpy mascara.
  4. "But the puzzle is also a carnival of ignorance. Laurel flat-out admits she doesn't know where La Paz is. I bet Cara Maria does." Since Cara Maria couldn't even remember what a continent was, I'm going to go with her not knowing where La Paz is lol. I'm SO HAPPY Laurel won. She deserved it this season, and honestly, I didn't find her to be as bad as everyone else does. I find her ruthless/no feelings thing pretty entertaining. And after they showed her and Cara's fight in the mid season trailer, I assumed that Laurel threw Cara Maria in, and when that didn't happen I was kind of like 'Oh that's it? That's not really so bad...." Zach should thank his lucky stars that he didn't cost Laurel the win, because she probably would have thrown him off that mountain. I've never been a huge Bananas fan, but I'm giving him major props for his performance in the final. He never got frustrated with any of his partners, and he became a 5 time winner. Definitely a champ.
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