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Posts posted by JocelynCavanaugh

  1. As another community college prof., just wanted to confirm Fosca's comment, right down to the military honor cords! Except, technically, an Associate's of any kind is not a "terminal" degree (that would be the PhD, MFA, etc.), although it can be sufficient training for many careers. 


    Those striped cotton maxi skirts have been all over the place at J. Crew, GAP, etc. for the past year or so. I've bought a few because they're technically work-appropriate, but yes, pretty much like wearing pajamas to work. I don't blame the pregnant Duggars for stocking up on skirts like that since they're comfortable, "modest" (never mind the VPL), and technically stylish!

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  2. [sniip

    IF it happened, JimBob may have reported it because someone else saw it too and threatened him in some way. And IF it happened, the article says JB found out something "inappropriate" happened. Oh come ON!!! In the world of JimBob, pretty much EVERYTHING is inappropriate. The siblings side hug! They could have (seriously!) been holding hands!!! Heaven forbid if they locked lips! These people creep me OUT with their "inappropriateness". How ridiculous is this?


    I'm being serious again, now. For one thing, it couldn't have been such a dead issue for so long if there were any "meat" in this alleged fourth degree sexual assault. (Rape is 4th degree? Really? I guess 1st, 2nd and 3rd involve weapons). Secondly, there may have been some sort of incident, but in their world, fingertips touching constitutes some major fraudulent activity.

    And did all of the cases being investigated by the child porn cop get dropped when he was busted? I mean, lucky for the guy who murdered three people, right? How bizarre.


    While the Duggars clearly have some uptight views on physical affection, I'm pretty sure Jim Bob knows the difference between "what's unacceptable for Gothardites" and "what the police actually give a crap about." For all his faults, I tend to think that if JB took Josh to the police station, there was probably a decent reason for it. Perhaps it was a pre-emptive measure because another family was threatening to file charges; in other words, if they didn't take Josh in, someone was going to come looking to question him sooner or later, so might as well get it over with. I doubt we'll ever know the whole story, but I'm reluctant to always jump to the most extreme version of "Duggars are stupid in every situation" just because they are stupid in some ways.

    • Love 8
  3. I'm finally catching up on these episodes, and good lord, Tyler is an obnoxious person. He's always been that way, but he's gotten a lot worse. There is no "having a conversation with Tyler." He pauses just long enough to make the other person think it's their turn to reply, then starts back even louder, saying the same thing he just said, but in an even more laborious, know-it-all way. He talks over everyone but never actually says anything. I could not spend ten minutes with him unless he were asleep. 

    • Love 5
  4. That's going to be a tough hole to fill with just one person that do all those voices. It wouldn't surprise me if they have to hire multiple people to replace him and will end up costing more money than Harry Shearer wanted. ... Other notable characters Harry does are Otto the Bus Driver and Rev. Lovejoy.

    Good points -- plus, with a show this long-running, and his voices so well known, I don't think substitute voices would sit well with viewers. Frankly, I'm still not over Dick Sergeant as Darrin, and that happened before I was born!

    Can't believe I forgot Otto and Rev. Lovejoy! Also pretty important characters.

  5. No more Ned Flanders, Principal Skinner, Mr. Burns, Kent Brockman, Rainer Wolfcastle, Smithers, Dr. Hibbert, Lenny...

    I'm not part of the "Simpsons sucked after season 8" crowd at all, and I think they've had some really strong episodes the past few years, but I don't see how they'll stay interesting after this. Flanders and Skinner are two of my favorite characters.

  6. I've been wondering what was up with her Twitter feed. I don't actually read the inspirational quotes because... inspirational quotes... so I didn't know what they were hinting at. It would be really great to see one or more wives ditch that misery parade, but for all her many (many) faults, I would still feel bad for Meri if she ended up leaving unhappily. I don't think she wanted any of this in the first place, and I've seen smarter, stronger women than she make life-altering choices for the sake of a toolish manchild.

    • Love 6
  7. If Maci is doing the program I think she is, it's 60 hours, or 4 full semesters: http://catalog.chattanoogastate.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=13&poid=1943

    It's an Associate of Applied Science rather than a basic AA, so I can see how it would funnel into an existing program at the state university.

    While 6+ years is a bit excessive, I teach community college and I can assure you that 3-4 years is far more common, if people complete the degree at all. Most students have to work, care for families, and take developmental classes that don't count toward the degree. It's also rare for anyone to complete 15 hours per semester. 12 counts as full time for financial aid, athletics, etc., so many students just do that. Community college is a great resource, but it's not a magic 2-year, knock-it-out kind of thing for type of person who usually goes there.

    Clearly Maci isn't super focused, but she's not really a disaster just yet, either.

    • Love 3
  8. As a Texan with more than a passing interest in real estate, I'm trying to make sense of that price. It must be the land behind, because from the front, the house looks pretty crammed in and generic. Pretty, but something you could easily get for $325k or less in Wylie or even Frisco. I guess Austin is getting out of control these days.

    Anybody know why Farrah is looking to move? She is kind of dumb, but I can't imagine she would sell her house just to be on "Celebrity" Big Brother for a while.

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  9. That's a good point, 3girls. It seems like a uniquely depressing situation. A single person would also have to deal with it alone, but not with the added loneliness of knowing their partner is with someone else, blissfully unaware and not to be bothered.

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  10. I'm not sure, but I don't think it was the same brother. There was a handy

    photo someone posted that mapped out the family... wreath... and his name was on it. Maybe that helpful person will re-post.

    EDIT: I found the image but can't post from my phone. It was definitely a different brother, Adam.

  11. If I'm reading her Twitter feed correctly, it sounds like Meri's brother Marc took his own life yesterday. Either that or it's the anniversary of an event. Hard to tell. But that could explain some of her cryptic tweets about suffering lately. I just assumed she was subtweeting Krobyn.

    In any case, it sounds like her family has been through a lot -- they've already lost her sister and father, plus the sudden loss of Kody's brother a while back. I'm not really fond of Kody or Meri but that's a lot of grief and I do feel for them.

    • Love 3
  12. They are even less self-aware than I thought, if they think this show is at all helping their image. They both come across as spiteful and vain, and they seem to have really pointless lives. If I had LeAnn's talent (and money), I sure as heck wouldn't be squandering my life on tawdry affairs and expensive but ill-fitting clothing.

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  13. After this last episode, maybe they should call it "Eating While Talking." Because seriously, like four separate scenes of them talking with their mouths full, smacking and slurping. So gross.


    I'm still not clear why LeAnn couldn't accompany Eddie to Dallas, especially since she's from here. What exactly is keeping her in L.A., anyway? When she had her friends over she was talking out of both sides of her mouth about how she's a "Southern girl" but also "totally L.A. now." Pick a lane, hon! I actually guffawed when she said she was raised in the "Deep South." Garland, TX, is not exactly Charleston or Biloxi. She really should have come back to Dallas and gotten a refresher course. 


    And who up thread said she can sing? I trust you were being hella sarcastic. She sounded horrible tonight at that bar...she must have major post production studio work on her albums, cos live she sucks...sounded like a horse. And in the intro, it's hilarious that when Eddie was talking about how Leann has own multiple awards, it shows all the awards she won circa 1990s, BEFORE she met him, back when 'I Hope You Dance' was burning up the charts.


    "I Hope You Dance" is actually Lee Ann Womack. And as much as I despise LeAnn Rimes, I think she has a fantastic voice. She overdoes it a la Christina Aguilera sometimes, and is preening a lot on this show, but the girl is exceptional.

    • Love 1
  15. I'm so disappointed in Monet and especially Vaughn. I had the highest hopes for them going into this. They seemed to want the same things, had a shared experience of losing their fathers, and they just look nice together. Unfortunately I agree that Vaughn seems to be trying to push Monet away rather than just admitting it's not going to work, and Monet is determined to barrel through their conversations anyway. They seem like a classic case of introvert vs. extrovert, which can work, but not the way they're approaching it.


    When Vaughn said he likes to stay home and not talk on Sundays, I can see how that would put off the average person, but as a strongly introverted person myself, I totally understood. I also understand that if I'm dealing with a person who's not like me, I need to express that kind of thing in a gentler way -- "it's me, not you," etc. He is clearly either incapable or uninterested in doing that.


    I'm surprised to see Jamie warming up to Doug after all. I wouldn't call it "slowly" since it's only been 2 weeks! But I still don't think they're going to make it. She may think she wants a large, close family, but I think she's going to be overwhelmed by the reality of it. The fact that Doug works with his siblings also makes me very nervous.

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  16. Yeah, I need them to go ahead and get to Terminus already. And I need Terminus to be a nice, happy place. No more Woodbury-esque letdowns. Season 5 needs to be the Pollyanna Season where everything turns around, they find a cure, people get along, and Maggie and Rick wash their hair.

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