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Everything posted by Cherdee

  1. It bugged the hell out of me that none of them gave the eyeless woman his jacket. She was naked, and it was apparently cool enough that they needed jackets.
  2. Just re-watched the first two seasons and thought I'd come here to read the discussions. Too bad more people don't know about this great show. :(
  3. I loved the Pushing Daisies tributes, from the narrator's "It had been 3 months, 5 days, 15 hours and 23 minutes since" to the synchronized swimmers <3 . I loved that show and I love this show.
  4. I'm going to be patient with this show because Lee Pace. Also, I have often come to love shows that began slowly, over time. The whole thing with the bird reminded me of the episode from the MTV show, The Maxx, where young Julie Winters brings home a badly injured rabbit, and her mother dispatches it with a shovel: http://www.mtv.com/videos/the-maxx-episode-12/1613210/playlist.jhtml
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