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Everything posted by Philbert

  1. Hehehehhehe. Fair point. On the other hand, I can see this version of Alfred morphing into Sean Pertwee in 25 years.
  2. At this point, I don't know why I'm still watching this show, besides the fact that I have nothing better to do on a Friday night in mid October. I still like a number of the characters but damn the storylines are just...dumb. The show was at it's best in the first season and a half while it was still a clever blend of sci-fi and horror but now with all the mystical crap that makes no sense whatsoever, it's just a hard slog. If it wasn't for Axel, Julius and Phil, I'd probably be totally done with this.
  3. Interesting idea but since this show is done by Bruno Heller, I assume the Waynes were murdered for the reasons given on "Gotham." Maybe not though. I haven't heard it definitively said that "Pennyworth" is a direct prequel to that show.
  4. Well, yeah....THAT happened. Bloody hell. Just when I didn't think this show could get any over the top they have Alfred saving the Queen's life twice and then ummm, well, err.. (insert sexual metaphor here). What makes this show for me isn't the action (which is fantastic) or even the cinematography (which is utterly gorgeous). It's the character interactions. The Sykes sisters are just made of absolute win and I love the relationship between the utterly insane Lord Harwood and his long suffering assistant, Francis. My favorite couple though is Thomas/Martha. God, how did I ship these two. That conversation in the van is just...priceless. "Oh, you....LIKE me? In a sexual way I mean?" The look on Thomas' face (and everybody else in that scene) is just brilliant. The ending. Oh well, yeah a bit fanciful and done many times before but I still enjoyed it. The acting is so on point it's just stunning. I really want a season two. Well done, Bruno Heller. I knew you had another winner in you. I'm assuming it was one of Harwood's Old Guard and probably because he was known to be high up in The No Name League. Harwood had met him previously and of course knew his name from the pilot episode.
  5. Well, that escalated quickly. "PUT DOWN THE FUCKING GUN!!!!" Have I mentioned how much I love the Sykes sisters? In fact, I think I love every single character on this show. I could watch Thomas and Martha sitting in a room having a conversation for a couple of hours. I really like Lord Harwood as a character. The calm, practiced demeanor he projects is I suspect a front and he'll blow sometime during the final episode of the season. Really good episode. I'm jazzed for the finale. It' been a great first season up to this point.
  6. Alternate universe where the Queen retains more political power than she has in our reality. The Prime Minister appears to be merely a "First among Ministers" as opposed to the actual political power. I noticed (if we want to get technical) that he was ordering the police and security forces around directly without going through the Home Secretary-unless we are supposed to assume all that happened 'off camera.'
  7. The guy arguing with the Queen about the rubber bullets and water cannon is the PM.
  8. This one was a bit slower than some of the others, at least until the last 15-20 minutes but I liked it well enough. Is it just me or has Lord Harwood turned the corner into becoming a fullon supervillain? I continue to love the hell out of the Sykes sisters and I think it's obvious as hell that John Ripper is playing Mrs. Thwaite-I'm just not sure what his angle is yet.
  9. Yeah, personally I think the Captain is being set up. This is all just a little too easy. You're going to murder a girl over a perceived insult from some private from years ago?
  10. Okay, a somewhat slower episode but I really like the character development for Thomas Wayne and Marth Kane, as well as Thomas' sister, Patricia. Having never read a Batman comic, the only thing I really know about Bruce Wayne's parents is that they tend to die pretty early on. In the "Gotham" premiere, they're shot to death in the opening scene. This episode is some really nice layering of their characters. So, Thomas is pretty much a self-absorbed dick. Martha is a genuinely nice person and Patricia...is seriously fucked up. As for Alistair Crowley, I think he's a very nice addition to an already fascinating rogues gallery of villains. As for the ending, damn, I was just getting to like Mr. Pennyworth.
  11. I think it's a fairly minor deviation. I'm assuming that the Hindenburg didn't blow up in this reality and they found a way to make them safer.
  12. Well by "won" I suppose I mean they managed to get a negotiated peace treaty and hold onto power. Granted, all we know is that Germany is called "The Reich" and it's obvious they didn't conquer Britain or defeat the United States. We don't know what France and Russia look like at this point. I'm sure we'll find out eventually but I can't see them straying too far from World History. They've stuck fairly close to reality, except for some alterations like still having the death penalty in this time period.
  13. I believe it is supposed to take place in mid-late 1960's London but it should be remembered that this is an alternative universe where the Tower of London is still in use as a place of torture and there are televised executions, even though execution was outlawed in the UK in the early 60's. Also, apparently Germany won the Second World War.
  14. Holy Crap, do I love this show. I'm already more in love with it than I was with "Gotham" at this point it's first season run. The writing and acting are so incredibly spot on it's utterly amazing. I have to say, although I was sure we'd see "The Man From Whitechapel" again, I must admit I didn't see the ending coming. I'm not sure how much he had to do with Esme's murder but he's very clearly playing Alfred. That whole fucked up assassination scene in the restaurant was just priceless. This is how you world build. Oh and Batman's daddy was a CIA spook. Who saw that one coming?
  15. Yeah, this episode pretty much screamed "The Avengers" at the top of it's lungs. Mysterious goings on in a creepy English village? Check. Strange off beat characters that are really the leader of the evil secret society? Double-check. I was a bit surprised that Esme died so soon but it's not totally unexpected either. She was pretty much a goner the moment she was introduced. I wasn't really expecting the Martha/Alfred flirtation either but it does make things rather interesting, given what we know about the future. That's assuming we ever saw "Gotham" or a Batman movie :)
  16. This was a fairly solid episode although maybe not quite as good as the first two. So, we meet the future Mrs. Wayne (unless there's another Martha floating around out there somewhere) and get some development of the conflict between the Raven Society and the No Name League. And damn, Dave-boy is a major league fuck up. Alas, poor Phil.
  17. It's very Bruno Heller-ish, which makes sense since he was the Executive Producer of "Gotham" as well as this one. It also have a very "Avengers" feel to me, which was one of my favorite shows growing up in the 70's.
  18. So far the consistency of this show is pretty good. Having set up the main characters in the Pilot, "The Landlord's Daughter" continues with the world building and character development. I have to say the graphic executions were a bit jarring, since I know that the UK abolished the death penalty in the early 60's and as far as I know, they weren't disemboweling people on national television even when they were executing convicts. The fact that this Britain is in an alternate universe doesn't really bother me though. The "Avengers" feel that I got from the pilot is a bit stronger in this one.
  19. Okay, as a big fan of "Gotham" I was really interested in seeing how they handled the adventures of our favorite butler. So far, I'm really impressed with it. It's got a very "Avengers" feel to it. The characters are interesting and the world building is first class. The photography and music are really outstanding and the writing seems pretty solid. I like the fact that they've jettisoned the more episodic nature of the early seasons of "Gotham."
  20. Man, I'm not really sure how I felt about that. For starters, it should have been a two episode finale. They tried to cram an awful lot into 40+ minutes and I'm not sure it worked. Still, I think they pulled off the Selena switch pretty well, and the villains were first class...as always. This one definitely warrants a rewatch.
  21. Well, that was...interesting. Like a lot of people around here, I've been at least somewhat disappointed with this season as a whole. This episode did what it needed to do-tie up most of the loose ends and get the characters moving forward to their eventual destination. So, yeah a serviceable episode but a bit of a let-down considering the previews for the final episode. We'll just have to see what they come up with for the series finale. I'll admit I'm rather psyched to see the entrance of The Dark Knight.
  22. May, 2001 believe it or not. The end of S5 and the last episode to air on the WB.
  23. No, it's pretty much confirmed that Q is dead for good and ain't coming back a la Alice. I wasn't entirely serious anyway. This is the post Game of Thrones world where even a central character can be killed off forever. I was gutted last night because I wasn't spoiled (unlike when Buffy Ann Summers threw herself off that tower 18 years ago) and for a brief, horrible moment, I thought my favorite show had died with Quentin. He wasn't my absolute favorite character (that would be Margo) but he was, as others have said, the glue that held the group together. He will be greatly missed. I've been perfectly fine with this season and I hope next season is just as good. We'll see.
  24. Uhh, well, err, ummm.... That was so beautifully painful I can't even... ::Sobs:: Remembers there's a season five so has hope...
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