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Everything posted by ToniG

  1. Right before running, it looked as though Rickon was attempting to warg.
  2. Excellent ending for Ramsey! And Jon Snow lives! I was so worried when he was talking to Melisandre, and he was wondering why the lord of light would save him, only to die in the battle. I was hoping he wouldn't die again, and then when they said that I thought, oh shit. Not Jon! Ha! Tyron complaining about the dwarf jokes - now he can make dick jokes (or lack thereof) to Theon. I'm so over Dany and her story.
  3. See, I took Philip's talk at EST to refer to his real job, the one he can't just quit, not the cover job.
  4. She gave him her wallet, then took it back.
  5. I think, in Paige's place, I'd be happy that my mom was able to protect us from those guys. But, of course, it's Paige. Maybe they can figure out a way to eliminate Pastor and Mrs. Groovyhair and Paige, too.
  6. Oh, god - another Paige drama.
  7. Knowing Elizabeth, I'm sure it's not real. I don't see her trusting him at all, though I guess it's possible that the situation with Young-Hee caused her to reach out.
  8. The worst season finale so far, when you're hoping the bad guy just shuts up and kills somebody already.
  9. ToniG

    S06.E15: East

    That's exactly what I thought when she appeared to be in so much pain.
  10. Carol and a "surprise" cast member on Talking Dead. Hope it's Red, 'cause I've had enough of her already.
  11. She doesn't look much different!
  12. Disappointing. Carrie is like a high school girl who goes back to an ex, gets rejected (Jonas), goes back to one who liked her before (Quinn, comatose), then to another who has possibilities (During). And, I'm I the only one who hears "Newman!" in a Seinfeld voice every time? Just me? Ok.
  13. The zombie commercial for FitBit was more interesting than this episode.
  14. There had better be a BIG payoff for making me sit through 40 minues of "who cares?"
  15. ToniG

    S06.E05: Now

    The longer it takes for them to let us know what happened to Glenn, the more I think he's alive somehow. This. Can't stand her.
  16. Certainly makes me miss the days of "15 days or 15 pages".
  17. Here's my theory. He crawled from under Nicholas, and into a manhole under the dumpster. He becomes Master Splinter, and leads a band of turtles...
  18. Well, that was a little too late. Throwing thousands of zombies into the finale does not make up for five previous crap episodes, and a main cast that's simply meh.
  19. And Travis grows a pair. Finally.
  20. So she thought her son was seconds from dying, and her facial expression STILL didn't change.
  21. Chris is Travis' son, and Travis is involved with Maddie. Not sure if there was another emo teenage boy, I was reading the forums while the show was on. It's the only way I can make it through.
  22. Four episodes in, and I still do not care at all about any of them.
  23. No wonder he was so relaxed in the pool - Madison should have known something was wrong. And what is with the "I smell sh%#" look on her face at all times?
  24. This. I was willing to give it a try, but as soon as I saw Katy (and Kurt) were going to be in it, I passed.
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