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Posts posted by quinn

  1. I think that for people like Michael and Tommy, they know that they are not going to win and probably want to stay in the competition long enough to get visibility and, for pride reasons, not be one of the first 2-3 sent home. Ironically, assuming that they are both ready to go, I think that Michael and Tommy are their own worst enemy because they do something charming that probably results in them continuing to get votes. I remember on a recent episode, could've been this past one, Michael doing a crappy dance, the judges were eviscerating him and I was like, "you're a goner," and then he made this funny, self-deprecating comment and then I was like, "that comment may have bought you another week!"

    Antonio's elimination did not bother me, he tried but he was just so blah. I like Cheryl but her pairing with Antonio was did nothing for me, I think that they are both too serious/intense.

    To me the most undeserved elimination was Randy Couture's.

    • Love 1
  2. My biggest problem with her is that she's such a fame whore.

    My issue is not that Bethenny is a famewhore per se, but that she is a famewhore masquerading as someone who is not into the scene or going to glitzy events and then mocks other famewhores.

    Bethenny is elitist and judgmental who portrays herself as down to earth and "of the people" and calls out other elitists and narrow-minded people.

    Bethenny claims to own her flaws but she wants to dictate the flaws that she owns and if anyone points out other flaws that person is being mean to her and she goes into victim mode.

    Basically Bethenny makes an effort to create a false image of herself but the worse thing is that she uses and calls out other people and their foibles in order to make herself look like the better person in comparison.

    • Love 16
  3. I don't see anyone as copying Teresa or envying her success. IIRC the Manzos have been doing the bottled sauce for quite some time under The Brownstone name. I don't know if the sauce that is being talked about on recent episodes is going to be part of the Brownstone line or a different brand.

    I don't like how Caroline targeted Teresa. To justify her harshness towards Teresa, Caroline made it seem like Teresa committed numerous egregious acts against her like Teresa writing scathing blogs about Caroline when she had not, but then my memory gets jogged about the Punta Cana incident which would explain Caroline's hate but I still don't give Caroline a pass for not just disassociating herself from Teresa rather than manufacturing or amplifying other reasons to be mad at and therefore critical of and antagonistic towards Teresa.

    Anyhoo back to envying and copying Teresa, IIRC after the first season most of the NJ Housewives were approached about business ventures. Teresa jumped in, got her venture up and running and it was a success, good for her. I think that Teresa is driven and has a strong work ethic, but at the same time I wonder if some of her drive and hustle were also driven by desperation given that within a short time after moving out of the house with the linoleum floor into the marble and onyx mansion, the Giudices declared bankruptcy, and then not long after that, their legal troubles started.

    I can certainly believe that on a given day, or surrounding a certain incident, like Teresa making the New York Times Best Sellers list, that there was envy of Teresa, but I don't buy that envying Teresa was an ongoing feeling towards her.

    • Love 2
  4. On another note..........I just saw a clip on one of the entertainment shows of the judge telling Joe that "It is a virtual certainty that you will be deported because of this” in court yesterday.   It's also being reported on Examiner.com.



    I think this is the key reason why it was accepted that his sentence for the driver's license fraud run concurrently with his federal sentence. Once Joe Gi serves his time, he's outta here, with "here" being the good ol' USA, so the state of New Jersey probably felt they might as well save the money by letting the time that he is being fed and housed by the feds count as their time too.
    • Love 4
  5. I do think Joes family will be there for him and the girls while Teresa is away on "vacation", as I think the Gorga's will pitch in if needed/allowed. I do NOT see the same happening when Joe goes to "college" and it is Teresa alone with 4 girls. I am not convinced the Giudice clan will put aside their feelings about Teresa to help her as much they do Joe. I really do NOT think these 2 fools thought this through, they are not even realistic about housing all of them IF their mansion sells or is foreclosed on as there will not be any paycheck coming in and they are refusing to consider the very real possibility that Joe may be deported as soon as he is done serving his time behind bars.

    IMO Joe needs more help when Teresa is "away" than Teresa will need when Joe is "away."  Teresa being both the primary caregiver and breadwinner has been the status quo for years and when Teresa needed help, her mother was the main back up or she hired someone.  It may turn out that Joe's being "away" will be one less problem / ball she has to juggle.  Regarding Joe's family, if they withdraw whatever support they were giving Joe when he leaves, I don't think that is going to be a big deal other than the Giudice girls having to adjust to another paradigm,which actually is a big deal, but Teresa will be able to support her girls and run the household even if she is not getting assistance from her husband's family.
    • Love 2
  6. I remember reading, when their BK first hit the news/tabloids, that the Giudice family, his parents, did NOT like Teresa at all and blamed her for all of the money problems. It has also been reported that Pete and Shelia do NOT get along nor like Teresa at all. I think once Teresa/Joe knew they were under Federal investigation, the Giudice family put their dislike of Teresa on the backburner, keeping it private, while putting on a united face in public. Once Joe is in prison, they may turn on Teresa in public.



    The way it is being painted this season is that Teresa has made up with Joey and Melissa. She said all of that stuff that happened between them is irrelevant in the face of her bigger problems. Since you are not watching you wouldn't have seen the little pajama party that Mel and Teresa had. They got some wine, snuggled down in bed together and watched a movie. They giggled, they joked, and Teresa made the point that their relationship was back to how it had been years before when they were close. Perhaps she would blame it on editing, but she has portrayed herself as someone who is in a very good place with these two on the show. Hence some of the questions about how she is playing things this year, which Andy asked her about.


    The Giudices and Gorgas supposedly made up a couple seasons ago and there were heartwarming scenes between various combinations of the Joes, Teresa and Melissa and that all got blown to hell within a few weeks because, depending on what you believe, Teresa set up Melissa to be exposed as a stripper, or innocent Teresa was set up and the Gorgas were quick to believe the worse of Teresa.


    To me the Giudice situation is a big trainwreck because it's a big trainwreck, but then there is the added layer of inauthenticity fueled by these people being on a reality show together and then twisting themselves up in service to the producers and fans.  I know she's backpedaled on the statement, but a couple years ago Melissa said that she and JoeGo wanted to move away because they did not want their children, especially Antonia, growing up and going to the same schools as Teresa's, while Teresa was going around saying Joe and his c--- wife were dead to her and swearing on her children, father and whomever else that she never went around telling people that Melissa was a stripper, and then when told that people like her own father said she said those things, all the swearing on loved ones gives way to Teresa admitting she told people she heard rumors about Melissa. 


    IMO I think that there is still bad blood, or even if I could be convinced that the Gorgas and Giudices are on good terms, I don't think that they have become so close that the Gorgas are at the top of the list to take the Giudice girls or be the primary support system, and I bet a million bucks that Melissa and Joe don't want to be involved beyond every now and again having the girls over for a party, spa day or somesuch, all the better if Bravo cameras are rolling when to capture them being an awesome uncle and aunt / godparents to the Giudice girls.


    I can totally believe that the Joe and Teresa's relationship with Pete and Sheila is not as rosy as has been painted.  If I am right that leaves Joe being the primary caregiver of his daughters with assistance from his mother, Teresa's parents, Joe Gi's sister - assuming / hoping the chumminess espoused about that relationship is true.  I think it's going to end up being mostly Joe Gi and his mother, and I can totally believe that in Teresa's warped mind that this is a perfectly fine arrangement while she is "away."  I am recalling Teresa lack of concern and sympathy for hysterical Gia when drunk Joe chipped his tooth.  That timeframe was Joe Giudice at his worst, presumably, and Teresa did not seem all that concerned about the environment that her daughters was living in where their father oftentimes was drunk and belligerent.

    • Love 1
  7. My understanding of the ratings reported is that it reflects people who watched the show in real time or if it was on their DVR they had to have watched it by a certain time, so even if Bravo pulled a fast one and the show got recorded because it was tagged RHoNJ,  1.7 watched the first episode and 1.57 watched the second.

    • Love 1
  8. I don't find Caroline and her clan likeable at all and Caroline has a weird hold over all three of her children, but I never subscribed to the theory that Real Housewives of New Jersey was solely the Teresa / Joo-DEE-chay Family show and no other cast member contributed to its success, as well as the speculation that the opportunities Bravo gave the Manzos was due to Andy having some kind of crush on Albie, as if there is a dearth of slightly above average looking men in NY/northern NJ for Andy to lust after. 


    I don't know if this show will be a hit, I watched it and was not riveted but it definitely held my attention better than the episode of RHoNJ that preceded it.  I don't know if it will be a hit or not, but I "get" why Caroline and her family + Greg, odious as they are, got their own spin off.

    • Love 2
  9. While I agree that Bravo will milk the Giudice situation, the NJ franchise has been fading for the past two seasons with Teresa as a main Housewife.  Overall Teresa's situation is not bringing in good ratings, but this is a dramatic moment and Bravo is going to jump on it.  There has been no other moment this season as dramatic as this, but this has been three or so years in the making, but Bravo has jumped on other dramatic moments this season involving other cast members like the Gotti-Twins situation and Amber's husband's shenanigans. 

    • Love 1
  10. I think Kim exemplifies that alcoholism can be intermarried with and operate as a byproduct of terrible character. Like many drunks I've encountered, she's a narcissist in the sense that she will stampede to position herself as a victim, takes little responsibility for her poor behavior, and displays a gargantuan sense of entitlement. She's like an overgrown child. During some of her "zany"/light-hearted confessionals last year, I found myself wondering if she had incurred some sort of brain damage as a result of her drinking.


    I agree with this description of Kim, but in my book Kim's more interesting than Yolanda and less exhausting than Brandi.

    • Love 1
  11. I don't have an issue with Kim Richards on the show. I have always said I liked her quirkiness, and her TH's, for me, are hysterical. I don't think she adds enough to the show to be a full-time HW. She doesn't share enough of her real life to warrant more than Friend status, imo.



    Completely agree.  I like Kim, but in small doses. She just doesn't have enough going on to be a full-time HW. She would be great in a "friend-of" role. 


    Actually, it won't surprise me to find this is what happens.  Bravo seems to be doing this thing where they announce the cast, shoot the season, and then announce that someone has been demoted after filming is complete (or almost complete).  They did that with Lu on the NY show, and it was just announced that they did that to 

    Porsha on the Atlanta show.  She filmed the whole season and was disappointed to find that in the editing she was demoted.  I could see that happening to Kim, especially if she doesn't have much of a story (again), and they have two new other gals on the show that are more interesting. 



    The way I see it Kyle and Lisa are the core of the show and the other three returning Housewives Kim, Yolanda and Brandi are primarily there because BH has a weak bench / recruiting system.  To me I don't have an issue with Kim being on the show because of lack of storyline, for me last season no one in the BH cast had anything any more interesting going on in their regular lives than Kim and her dog, it's not like I was riveted by Brandi's book storyline or Lisa building a new restaurant.  So that leaves tuning in for personalities and interpersonal interactions, and my point is that for me Kim holds her own vis a vis the others.


    • Love 1
  12. Kandi is talented and has definitely made good money as a songwriter and producer, but she herself has said that she is not as rich as reported, and IMO her frugality and work ethic/hustle are even bigger reasons that she has more to show for her efforts than most singers and reality stars.


    I am willing to bet that in the past five years, more money has passed through Nene's hands than Kandi's but Kandi has and will have for decades to come, more to show for it because Kandi is putting most of the money she is making towards tangible and appreciating assets and Nene is going the immediate gratification route, i.e., choosing Louboutins and Birkin bags over buying a house.

  13. I think that Kim  is still on the show because she holds her own as a character.  She is not a one of superstar Housewives like Nene and Teresa, but I do think that she has enough of an "it" factor to draw in viewers even when she is doing mundane things like making chicken salad or dealing with her untrained dog.


    Re Eileen Davidson, I don't have an opinion regarding who's behind the story about her and Kim having a rocky relationship, but since she was cast, stories have cropped up about her on ROL like that she dates Angelina Jolie's father and also had a death to me in her family, that suggests to me that she may have hired a publicist to take advantage of the RHoBH platform.

  14. ^ This new story comes from Life & Style, more than once I've read a L&S story and said a la Betheny, "this has Brandi Glanville's dirty little fingerprints all over it,"  Maybe Kyle was the aggressor, for now my take is that something major went down and we'll know more about the "who did what to whom" when the show airs, or maybe even sooner when the trailer comes out.

  15. There is a crazy Twitter fight going on between Amber and blogger Tamara Tattles.


    TamaraTattles ‏@TamaraTattles

    . @AmberNMarchese I hope napoleon lies to you about a cure too! Was the money worth worrying all medpeds are like your husband??

    3:34 AM - 18 Sep 2014


        Amber Marchese RHONJ ‏@AmberNMarchese 12h

        @TamaraTattles no matter how many times u or ur minions say this. It won't make it true. #carryon

        TamaraTattles ‏@TamaraTattles 12h

        @AmberNMarchese What is not true, Amber, we've read the court cases. Please explain I am willing to listen to why you cry on TV about cancer

       TamaraTattles ‏@TamaraTattles 12h

        @AmberNMarchese but married someone who is KNOWN for being involved in ripping people off for a cancer drug...oh I know I know admitting it.


        TamaraTattles ‏@TamaraTattles 12h

        @AmberNMarchese I'm confused You could fake cray about incondlusive tests on TV when your husband was in a conspiracy to sell fake drugs?

        TamaraTattles ‏@TamaraTattles 12h

        @AmberNMarchese You are an attention whore and I hope you drop dead of cancer right now. you deserve to. You suck as a rep

    Amber Marchese RHONJ ‏@AmberNMarchese 11h

        @TamaraTattles yep karma is hitting u back right now for that evil comment. Ur soul is festered with hate.

    Amber Marchese RHONJ ‏@AmberNMarchese 11h

        @TamaraTattles yes u hit it on the head. I am an attention whore and u r feeding my desire. Thank u.

       Lisa Trampolina ‏@LisaTrampolina 11h

        @AmberNMarchese @TamaraTattles don't pay this wanna be blogger who has 2 beg people for money 2 fund her holidays any attention she's a cunt
        James Marchese ‏@JLMarchese111 11h

        @TamaraTattles understand, people like you are so pathetic, filled with hate....I will enjoy this.    

  16. Apollo said asunder in the instagram video as well, bless his heart. 


    I think something happened at Phaedra's house and that Apollo turned himself in later than the appointed time.


    I thing what Tamara Tattles reported is incorrect.  My take is that the incident itself was over with in less than 30 minutes and maybe her source missed Apollo coming and going.  I wish she had not called out CNN and TMZ for being wrong and making up stories, because I think it may come back to bite her in the backside.

    • Love 3
  17. I have a hard time believing Todd is an opportunist, as I would think that he might be more hurt professionally by all of the shenanigans going on. I hope he continues his own career, and not get caught in business partnerships with Kandi. I realize financial wealth is a marker of success, and maybe off-screen, Kandi is the height of professionalism. Based on this show, though? No bueno. I wouldn't be persuaded to partner with or purchase much of anything from her enterprises.

    In addition, I've known men who tolerate all kinds of foolywang from the women they love, and the in-laws. Women aren't the only ones who make poor decisions while in love. If Todd didn't have his own thing going on before he met Kandi, maybe I could see the "looking for a come-up" angle. But given the pre-nup, he's not exactly set to be rolling in her dough upon their marriage. I'm sure he'll benefit in some way financially from the marriage (which, I have no problem with), but I'm not really seeing him as the "bum looking for a sugar mama" type.

    I still want to see where these two are in five years. I can't see the lack of boundaries and respect not taking a toll on their marriage.

    I stand by my observation that Todd's an opportunist (which I don't think is a bad thing), but I think that you are inferring things about my definition of opportunist. I don't think that Todd's a gold digger, I stated in my previous post that I think that both he and Kandi are putting up with Joyce because she is good reality TV and they are parlaying the exposure they are getting on the show to build / expand their own businesses.

    I think that Todd loves Kandi, I am not trying to imply that if Kandi did not have wealth and fame that Todd would not have given her the time of day. However love is not always enough, and as previously mentioned, love or not, if Kandi was the neighborhood hairdresser with her MJ baggage, IMO Todd would not have gone the distance, i.e., put a ring on it. To me "foolywang for love" is a vegan letting his mother-in-law take over the kitchen during the holidays to create culinary delights like chitterlings, it is NOT letting some woman go around publicly calling your father and mother a pimp and a prostitute, or calling your mother low-class - I don't recall the exact words, but that is what Mama Joyce said about Todd's mother at the reunion.


    I don't think Todd is an opportunist trying to take advantage of Kandi.  I think Todd and Kandi are using Mama Joyce's crazy to advance their professional goals.  Debuting the play while focusing on the Joyce issues on RHOA is genius cross marketing.

    I agree with your characterization that "Todd and Kandi are using Mama Joyce's crazy to advance their professional goals," and to me that is opportunism. I think that Kandi is being an opportunist too, among other things, but Joyce and Kandi's relationship is multi-faceted, so there are other things at play as well.
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