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Posts posted by quinn

  1. Jinjer, I agree with a number of your points, people like to put the BH cast on a pedestal both individually and collectively but they have exhibited some of the trashiest, thirstiest, and most desperate behavior of all the franchises.

    To me, in theory, I don't consider a BH cast member lesser merely because she is divorced and lives in Encino, but Brandi herself relishes being the underdog, the person who looks up to the Lisas and Yolandas, Brandi is the one who put out there that she was so dazzled by beautiful Lisa that she did Lisa's bidding even though she admits that Lisa never told her directly to go after other Housewives.

    I believe that Lisa is sneaky, manipulative and is clever enough to complain and bad mouth other Housewives but stop short of saying, "Hey Brandi, next time the cameras are rolling I want to do/say this about X." But what I do not buy is Brandi being an UNWITTING pawn of Lisa or anyone else. Without any outside intervention, Brandi is mean, crafty, thirsty and ruthless, if she wants something or if she wants to go after someone, she does not have to be duped into committing vile acts, she is acting on her own accord to further her own agenda.

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  2. Amen. I was watching reruns on Bravo yesterday and I just don't understand why Brandi is part of this cast. I also can't wrap my head around why Lisa/Ken and Yolanda defend her constantly. I'm not a huge Kyle fan but I like Maricio (sp?) and he clearly disliked Brandi back then. Not that I blame him.

    Adrienne was Brandi's first defender and Brandi threw her under the bus in order to ingratiate herself with Lisa, then she turned on Lisa when she felt comfortable in her position on the show and knew she had another rich friend Yolanda in her corner. As to why, I think that one of the main reasons that Brandi got her in their good graces is that she kissed their egotistical asses, then when she got herself into trouble, she was wily enough to take responsibility and express regret, but she throws in a sob story, twists things where she becomes the victim, and voila they feel protective of her.

    I think that Brandi succeeds in getting people like Adrienne, Lisa and Yolanda on her side because their self-centeredness and ego trump everything else including principle. I think that it is particularly telling when it comes Brandi and Lisa's relationship, because Lisa defended Brandi in the Adrienne situation but then when Brandi turned on her, then Brandi's honesty becomes brutal honesty with emphasis on brutal.

    You would think that Yolanda and Brandi would never become close given things that Yolanda expressed disdain for when she came on the show, namely drunk women and people who engage in "dramah," but those feelings got pushed aside, and Brandi got in Yolanda's good graces because she brought Yolanda Starbucks when he was on her sick bed.

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  3. They were wrong, so very wrong, and it makes me feel wrong, but drugged and drunk Kim and Ken in Hawaii were hilarious to me.  Yeah Kyle and Mauricio deserve medals for dealing with Kim, but to me they know it and they know how to milk it.  Kyle and Mauricio were trying to hold Kim accountable for her lies and other misdeeds, but they came off to me as Elmer Fudd trying to catch the wascally wabbit.  I know they weren't right but Ken cutting off ranting Kyle by saying "I don't care," still cracks me up, and then Kim and Ken walking away and Ken complaining about Kyle's voice or something like that, and Kim replying, "try growing up with it," LMAO.

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  4. Kyle is on a Reality Show so she is absolutely a Famewhore.  No one will ever convince me it is possible to be on a show like this and not be a Famewhore. 


    There were rumors about Kyle's daughter and it being an ugly situation as to why she was in the hospital.  Kyle cleared it up by posting a picture of her daughter looking happy which put an end to the rumors.  She didn't throw Kim under the bus or even mention Kim's dog was the one responsible. 


    Interesting timing since the Season Trailer was just released this week and we see Kyle asking Kim if she ever takes responsibility for anything.  In the article posted above it sounds very much to me like Kim is blaming the victim in this situation, which seems to be per usual for Kim. Kyle got so hammered in S1 for the Limo Reveal. I've read posts from so many people who have never been able to forgive her for that episode. It seemed to me then, and more so now, that she has spent her life dealing with a personality that would sap your strength on a daily basis and is a better sister to Kim than I could probably ever be in the circumstances.

    I liked Kim during season one but since Kim's earliest scenes on the show I knew she had substance and mental issues, a sense of entitlement and was living a life of learned helplessness with Kyle and others enabling and taking care of her and bailing her out. However the operative thing about the limo scene is what you said in your first sentence and that is Kyle is a famewhore. By the way, I've come to like Kyle as well, although I'm losing respect for her, but that's another story having more to do with her relationships with Lisa and Brandi.

    OK back tothe limo, for me, the $64,000 question is at the party after Kim told everyone off and Kyle walked away from the group and then Kim left the party, why in heaven's name did Kyle follow Kim down to the limo? Yes Kyle is the frustrated and long-suffering sister of an addict, but to me, the Kyle who followed Kim down to the limo and then goaded her by telling her she ruined the party and people are sick of her antics was much more the famewhore angling at delivering a juicy scene for the cameras than the frustrated and long-suffering sister of an addict.

    • Love 3
  5. I have a hard time believing the talent agency paid a dime for that video.  Why would they?

    Because the agency probably has a contract with the "talent" to get a generous cut of their future earnings.

    I actually think that Gia has talent and charisma, but my theory is that Gia's talent manager is really trying to promote and get exposure for one or both of the other girls in the video (I may be wrong but I think one is doing most of the vocals and the other is rapping) and is taking advantage of Teresa's notoriety and Gia and Teresa's ambitions for Gia to become a star.

    • Love 4
  6. If those Skinny Italian recipes weren't Teresa's, then whose were they? You can't say Kathy's, when they were all basic Italian cooking. I bought the first book. NOTHING was earth shattering original or Wolfgang Puck innovative or Julia Child complicated, but they were all pretty good. Legally, all you have to do to create your 'own' recipe instead of a variation of anything else, is change one ingredient - add some parsley, change 1/4 tsp salt to 1/2 tsp, and you've basically got the same thing, but not. There are only so many ways you can boil pasta or press a pizzelle, and it's all very similar.


    Honestly, there's no reason all of them can't publish a cookbook, and the whole Recipegate is just trite and pathetic at this point.

    The recipes were mostly from Teresa's mother but there were also recipes from Joe Gi's family as well. Teresa did acknowledge / credit her parents and in laws.

    They're related so I'm guessing that everyone in their family has the same damn cookie recipe. If it's a family recipe, I'm sure it came from the same source. Meh.

    And the decent thing to do would be to credit that source.
    • Love 1
  7. Were the cookies in question really sprinkle cookies - I thought they were pizelles (sp?) - if they were that would be awesome.

    Kathy pointed to two items and claimed them as her mother's, one was a pizzelle. Kathy was wrong about the pizzelle in that the pizzelle was a component in an ice cream sandwich type recipe (IIRC), and the recipe called for the pizzelle to be store bought, most likely because you need a special type of waffle iron to make them.

    The other item was, drum roll, sprinkle cookies - in the actual scene Kathy referred to them simply as "her mother's cookies" (IIRC).

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  8. When I saw Val and Janel dance my thought was, "this dance with all the lifts is the male pro version of compensating / obfuscating dancing with a weak partner." Overall I do not consider Janel a weak competitor but I think that dance was dumbed down, so color me surprised when the judges gushed over the dance and each gave that dance a 10.

    My conspiracy theory is that the judges were compensating for last week's low scores. I get why Janel and Val were dinged last week because of lack of content, nevertheless IMHO last week's Viennese Waltz minus the Viennese was one of the best dances of that night and this week the judges threw in a little something extra to reward Janel and Val for delivering a very good, although non-compliant, dance last week.

    I am not particularly invested in Lea, but she has a great body period, regardless of age.

    Re Derek and Bethany's dance, whatever about the dance, I liked Bethany's Lucy costume, but I'm peeved that Derek got it wrong with Ricky. Ricky Ricardo was one suave dude even when he was dressed casually, and Derek styled himself more like he was portraying Fred Mertz or Ralph Kramden.

  9. The thing that kills me about this cookie crap is that if you poll this board for those of us from big Italian families and ask us to produce a particular cookie recipe, they're all gonna be the same! And I bet they match Theresa and Kathy's mothers recipes. It's not rocket science to make a wrap cookie or pizzelle.

    It's not just an Italian thing, the main "ingrediences" for cookies are pretty much the same across several cultures. Teresa could have developed her own recipe fairly easily, but being the thief and fraudster that she is, she stole her aunt's recipe.


    IIRC the cookies in question were sprinkle cookies and we know how Teresa feels about sprinkle cookies, so it's really not Teresa's fault that she stole the recipe, it's...um... Italy's fault for having these dreaded cookies be one it its signature desserts forcing their favorite daughter to include it in her recipe book and, given her aversion, she was forced to acquire the recipe in a way that was efficient and required minimum contact from her with the cookies, lest she be tempted to throw them out.

    • Love 3
  10. The cookiegate debacle was funny when it was realized that the cookie recipe Kathy was frothing over was due to a picture of said cookie in Tre's cookbook.  Oh, Mama P supposedly produced an old handwritten recipe of the cookie on weathered paper.  Funny though, that cookie recipe wasn't in Tre's cookbook and the picture Kathy was having a conniption fit over was simply a stock photo used as a filler in the book.  Hmmm, did I miss when Kathy apologized for her smear of Tre?  No of course not.  I also don't remember Tre "overreacting" to this situation.  I think her feelings were more along the line of "get the F outta here Kathy" and she kept on rolling.  Yet Kathy had the audacity to ask Tre to write a blurb for her own cookbook.

    Kathy did not smear recipe-thief Teresa IMO, yeah Kathy was being passive-aggressive but she was 1 for 2. One of the items she pointed out was a waffle type item that was a component of the dish, no recipe for was given for that component rather the direction was to buy it pre-made.

    The second item she pointed out was a cookie and Kathy did produce an "old handwritten recipe of the cookie on weathered paper" and the "ingrediences" portion of the recipe matched what Teresa published in her book, IIRC it was nearly the exact same sequence, and the quantities were the same proportions but in the book recipe the quantity was halved - Kathy's mother, Maria's recipe looked like it was designed to produce a big batch of cookies for an event or a big, family dinner.

    IIRC the story was that Teresa's mother, Antonia called Maria and asked for certain recipes and Maria gave them to Antonia. So to me Teresa acquired her aunt's cookie recipe and published it in her book and did not then give her aunt a credit let alone a nickel, and then she got mightily ticked off at Kathy when Kathy brought up on camera that Teresa used her mother's recipe in her cookbook of "family" recipes.

    • Love 3
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsP4TULjJtE

    Lisa Rinna Throws Wine Glass, Lisa Vanderpump Gets Slapped in Shocking Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 5 Trailer -- Watch Here First!

    Entertainment Nov. 3, 2014 AT 7:30AM By Sierra Marquina



    Credit: Michael Larsen/Bravo

    In an exclusive first look at season five, it's officially on. New cast members (and fellow soap opera veterans) Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson join vets Brandi Glanville, Lisa Vanderpump, Kyle Richards, Kim Richards, and Yolanda Foster.

    Watch the trailer above for yourself! Tune into the season 5 premiere on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Bravo.

    Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-season-5-trailer-watch-2014311#ixzz3I1ChT4H6

    Follow us: @usweekly on Twitter | usweekly on Facebook

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  12. I am not seeing a season-to-season trend among the judges to minimize Derek's partners and focus on Derek.  To me Derek and all his talent certainly did not overshadow Kellie Pickler and Amber Riley.  Amy Purdy, if only because her constant whining and soap opera scripting, also was not overshadowed by Derek.


    I can buy into Derek overshadowing his partner this season because despite Bethany being a good dancer and an attractive girl, and even having a moderate level of presence and charisma, she is not enough of a force for the judges, who themselves are doing what it takes to make their camera time count, to be yammering on and on about.  I am assuming that Bethany has "something," given that she is labeled a youtube sensation which I doubt is easily achieved given that pretty much anyone with moderate computing / av skills can be on youtube, but as a DWTS contestant she is not a commanding presence.

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  13. Of course Derek took the lead for the team dance since he was the pro to the highest scoring celebrity on that team, just like Witney was the lead for her team since her celebrity Alfonso was not just the highest scoring celebrity on the team but the highest scoring celebrity overall ... oh wait.

    It makes sense to me, as in duh, that the pro to the highest scoring celebrity and the one who chose the team be the lead. Now my nose is not too out of joint about Mark taking the lead on Alfonso's team, but if side eye is being given, I would think that would be the set up getting the side eye.

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  14. ^ Yeah that was my initial thought too but Canadian viewers had comments in the comments section, and if that were the case surely they would have mentioned that they were a season behind. I scanned tweets from the Canadian network and there were also tweets about the current season of NJ, so it does not seem like they are a season behind.

    In the past day or two Brandi tweeted that the show is returning in November, and I've seen it mentioned that Kyle tweeted November too. It's quite strange, but I am coming around to believing that the new season may actually premiere in late November.

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  15. ^ The wrap up party was a week or so ago.  I am perplexed too, the trailers for RHoA and Vanderpump Rules have been out for a few weeks and I saw a commercial for another show, the millionaire matchmaker one I think, announcing that its new season starts in December.


    My assumption was that if they did not have the premiere in early November, the beginning of sweeps month that they would wait until January, after the holiday slump, but now I am thinking that the new season will start in late November.


    Here is the tweet from the Canadian network that airs the show,



    @VickiGFans @RHousewives101 We don't share the same schedule as the US. #RHOBH will premiere here on @slice_tv Nov 25th at 10pm ET!

    3:34 PM - 27 Oct 2014


    and a Twitter exchange with Andy Cohen

    @housewivesglam Oct 27

    At this point I'd be satisfied if @Andy would just tell us WHEN the season is going to be announced! #ReleaseRHOBHtrailer #RHOBH

    2:25 PM - 27 Oct 2014



    @housewivesglam SOOOOON!!!! i promise. you will be out of your misery soon and there will be a river of rose' and a forest of diamonds.

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  16. I know which is why I wrote, "the rating that counts." I don't think that the show ever did well with the target demographic, but I thought that the show was in some kind of decline, and maybe it is in comparison to the early years, but I am surprised that for people who are watching television on Monday nights, a good chunk of them are watching DWTS.

  17. Correct. I should have worded my previous post better, because I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I was merely pointing out Antonio's progression, and giving some props where the judges didn't.

    OK. I actually saw it somewhat differently, I thought that Antonio was more than validated by the judges, especially Carrie Ann and Julianne. There was improvement but his dancing remained stiff and lacked personality and charm, same for his rehearsal footage. To me the subtext to what Carrie Ann and Julianne was saying is "we are giving you encouragement because we want you here as eye candy."
  18. Eh. His week two and three dances didn't live up to week one's promising start. In fact, I thought they were pretty bad. Antonio, on the other hand, was showing week-to-week improvement. And while he was never one of my favorites, nor was he all that good, I think his Viennese Waltz on Monday was his best Dance.

    Sadly, other than for pride and ego, it does not matter how well you do with your last dance, because your elimination was based on how you did the previous week, right?



    Are  the judges scores from the current episode a factor in the elimination of that night?  Even if it is, I don't see if it mattering much except in a rare case where the difference in the popular vote for the dancers in the bottom two is thisclose.

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  19. I went over to check out the ratings and was shocked that, in absolute numbers, DWTS beats out, albeit slightly, The Voice. I was especially surprised that the most recent episode of DWTS beat out the The Voice since Taylor Swift was a guest mentor. DWTS is beat out by The Voice in the target demographic, which is "the ratings that counts."

    Another interesting tidbit is that Dancing With The Stars is the top show on network television for some newfangled measurement/ranking called Social TV Rankings.




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