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Posts posted by quinn

  1. From the S05.E07: Breaking Branches 2014.12.30 starting roughly at this point


    Judging by Brandi and LeAnn, Eddie likes 'em crazy and insecure. Eddie had a girlfriend when he and Brandi hooked up, that relationship ended under mysterious circumstances (my money is on Eddie's main girlfriend finding out that he had a chick on the side named Brandi), Eddie and Brandi then dated for a few years and got married. Eddie could have married Brandi because it was what he wanted, but they did live together for a while, so he could have been up against a fish or cut bait situation / "when are you going to make an honest woman of her" pressure.

    I suspect that Eddie's attraction to Brandi was lots and lots of no limits sex. I can see why Brandi is perceived as not being very "cleansy" because of the dog poop, but I actually think the other attraction was that Brandi positioned herself as Eddie's little woman and trophy wife and made sure that he came home to a clean house and a nice meal, but Eddie also had the money to pay for housekeepers, nannies and caterers/restaurants. It's been mentioned that Brandi can cook, so she probably cooked but they ate out a lot as well - Radar Online published Brandi's income and expense declaration from when they divorced:



    Eddie and LeAnn are awful but a lot of things that have been said about them were put out there by Brandi who we now know does not always tell the complete, unvarnished truth. Brandi has been dead on about some of the things she's said about her ex and his current wife, but I think that she has said other things that are along the lines of her putting out there that Lisa and Ken lived in Calabasas and were on the verge of bankruptcy, or along the lines of her being very one-sided and portraying herself as then victim when she's anything but, like she's doing when she discusses her current feud with Lisa, or when she discussed her feud with Adrienne and Paul.


    I think that like most people Eddie got exhausted by Brandi, even with his penchant for crazy women, a vicious psycho like Brandi may have been too much for the long haul. Eddie treated Brandi horribly and IIRC said he never respected her and I suspect that they got caught up in a vicious cycle of him being a disrespectful asshole and her being a vicious psycho.

    I never followed the divorce drama so I'm not completely sure why Leann is considered a psycho. But I know what Brandi is so I take whatever she says with a grain of salt. I would've divorced her, too. And kept my car in the garage to spare my tires.

    That said, the picture attached in the above link? They were a pretty couple.

    Based on the court records, Brandi spent over $6000 a month on 'exterior' improvements. Pilates, dermatologists, dentists, clothing. Not a single penny spent on a therapist or philanthropy that I can see. She should have spent some time and money on making her insides as pretty as her outsides. She is the perfect example of how beauty fades but dumb is forever.

    To me the mere fact that LeAnn married Eddie with all his baggage, namely him having an ex-wife who is a vicious psycho shows that she's crazy and not too bright, but IMO the "LeAnn is a psycho" label is an example of Brandi putting out her distorted, and perhaps manipulative view of things and it sticking.

    Even before they separated, Brandi went to the media and said that LeAnn was stalking Eddie / her and Eddie, but the indicators are that Eddie never stopped messing around with LeAnn or he stopped for a hot minute and then started up again. LeAnn was supposedly so obsessed with Brandi that she moved to Brandi's neighborhood and then started seeing Brandi's plastic surgery doctor and dentist, this however overlooks the fact that Eddie lived in the same neighborhood and he grew up in that area and perhaps, like Brandi, she was getting recommendations from Eddie or his family and friends.  Another likely factor was that LeAnn was not copying Brandi, rather Brandi and LeAnn dressed to please Eddie.  There are enough examples of LeAnn copying Brandi that it cannot be dismissed as a coincidence, however there are examples of her copying others, so to me it looks more like LeAnn is an all-around copycat and as opposed to a Brandi obsessed-stalker.


    Again LeAnn is several fries short of a Happy Meal and she's also haughty, obnoxious and has a victim complex, but I don't think she is the psycho that Brandi and her minions have made her out to be.  Furthermore, now that I've seen Brandi in action, I question her characterization of LeAnn,  not merely because Brandi lies and distorts, but she also obsesses and is relentless and I suspect that some of the things that Brandi has said about LeAnn represent Brandi projecting.

    • Love 3
  2. Judging by Brandi and LeAnn, Eddie likes 'em crazy and insecure. Eddie had a girlfriend when he and Brandi hooked up, that relationship ended under mysterious circumstances (my money is on Eddie's main girlfriend finding out that he had a chick on the side named Brandi), Eddie and Brandi then dated for a few years and got married. Eddie could have married Brandi because it was what he wanted, but they did live together for a while, so he could have been up against a fish or cut bait situation / "when are you going to make an honest woman of her" pressure.

    I suspect that Eddie's attraction to Brandi was lots and lots of no limits sex. I can see why Brandi is perceived as not being very "cleansy" because of the dog poop, but I actually think the other attraction was that Brandi positioned herself as Eddie's little woman and trophy wife and made sure that he came home to a clean house and a nice meal, but Eddie also had the money to pay for housekeepers, nannies and caterers/restaurants. It's been mentioned that Brandi can cook, so she probably cooked but they ate out a lot as well - Radar Online published Brandi's income and expense declaration from when they divorced:



    Eddie and LeAnn are awful but a lot of things that have been said about them were put out there by Brandi who we now know does not always tell the complete, unvarnished truth. Brandi has been dead on about some of the things she's said about her ex and his current wife, but I think that she has said other things that are along the lines of her putting out there that Lisa and Ken lived in Calabasas and were on the verge of bankruptcy, or along the lines of her being very one-sided and portraying herself as then victim when she's anything but, like she's doing when she discusses her current feud with Lisa, or when she discussed her feud with Adrienne and Paul.


    I think that like most people Eddie got exhausted by Brandi, even with his penchant for crazy women, a vicious psycho like Brandi may have been too much for the long haul. Eddie treated Brandi horribly and IIRC said he never respected her and I suspect that they got caught up in a vicious cycle of him being a disrespectful asshole and her being a vicious psycho.

    • Love 1
  3. My recollection was that when they were introduced Brandi made an awkward but actually innocuous joke to Yolanda and said that Yolanda had slept with everyone in town as a way of saying that BH/Malibu was a small town and Yolanda had ties to people through Mohammed, and they'd probably not say it out loud but Linda Thompson as well. Yolanda, showing early shades of crap-stirring, when talking to Taylor and some others brought up Brandi's strange comment that she (Yolanda) had slept with everyone in town. Taylor misunderstood and thought Yolanda said that Brandi introduced herself to Yolanda and immediately shared that she (Brandi) had slept with everyone in town and Taylor relished telling anyone who would listen about how Brandi introduced herself to Yolanda.

    • Love 3
  4. Brandi smiled after she revealed Adrienne's surrogacy as well, although in either scene you can't rule out editing. With Adrienne's situation, my read of her smiling reaction was that it was a calculated and premeditated move, like "yeah I finally got the chance to say it!" From the little that I've seen of the wine throw, my preliminary read is drunkenness and calculated opportunism. I dunno maybe Brandi sees red when in the presence of "other women," but I wonder if the wine toss at Eileen was more Brandi setting out to do something dramatic on camera to spice things up.

    • Love 2
  5. No one embraced Brandi season 2, her first season. That happened after filming stopped, after the reunion was filmed and it was Lisa that accepted Brandi, foolishly now that we see/understand Brandi's putrid soul.

    We can debate on what embrace means and who did it first and best, but a big, "how'd that work out for ya" to Lisa regarding her embracing of Brandi Glanville.
    • Love 3
  6. I guess the word embrace means different things to different people which is probably why slick Lisa used that word.

    While filming, save Kim, Lisa did not do anything any more welcoming towards Brandi that any other cast member did and then some. It is very, very significant that Adrienne, Taylor and later Kyle were willing to film with Brandi and invite her to events - them filming with her gave her screen time and a chance for the audience to get to know her. As someone else mentioned, Lisa was icing Brandi out and mean-girling well after the season started airing - the incident at The Hollywood Reporter shoot amply demonstrated that Lisa had yet to embrace or befriend Brandi and that took place after season 2 started airing.

    Brandi and Lisa did not become anything more than tolerated / cordial castmates until after the Game Night and Spa Day episodes aired and the fallout began and solidified, followed by the airing of the episode where Kyle said Lisa preys on the weak. That double whammy is what got Lisa of the Team Kyle train and put her on the Team Brandi train, and from that point on it can be said that Lisa "embraced" Brandi above and beyond what the other cast members did. And I say, "big whoop," to Lisa's johnny come lately, strategic "embracing" of Brandi. Does anyone actually think that if other cast members followed Lisa's lead and basically iced Brandi out and then transitioned to tolerating her by making nice at big, cast events that Brandi would have been able to establish herself as a "character" and build a fanbase?

    Now I will say that Lisa "embracing" was significant in Brandi getting promoted to full-time Housewife because by then Brandi was on bad terms with Kim, Adrienne, Taylor and to a lesser extent Kyle, and Lisa herself wasn't all that popular with most of her other castmates either - Taylor was the only one that Lisa seemed to be on good terms with and much good that would do since Taylor was so reviled, so that would be an additional reason for Lisa to "embrace" Brandi. But again, significant groundwork needed to be laid regarding Brandi establishing herself with the audience, and Lisa was not part of that groundwork laying at all, rather it was Adrienne, Taylor, Kyle and Camille. Heck I would even throw Kim in there since they were feuding, but Lisa did not even feud with Brandi over the Cedric or any other issue, but neither did she film or interact with Brandi in order to give her the exposure / airtime she needed, or to give the producers a chance to see how she comes across on screen.

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  7. I stated in the episode thread that I was going to respond to Lisa's assertion that she was the first to embrace Brandi but the points I was going to make have mostly been made.

    Other than Kim, Lisa was the last one to embrace Brandi. Adrienne and Taylor were first, then Kyle and Camille.

    Adrienne and Taylor were the first to accept Brandi, of course an argument can be made that they were doing the producers' bidding but they filmed with her. Adrienne said nice things about Brandi, comforted and consoled Brandi and defended her on camera and to others. While Taylor did sit in the corner and cackle with others over Brandi arriving on crutches wearing a high heel, Taylor also sat down with her and chatted her up and IIRC invited Brandi and her sons to Kennedy's upcoming birthday party. After that Taylor filmed a couple of other scenes with Brandi and sat with Brandi on spa day when she was persona non grata with the others. When Game Night came down, Taylor did condemn the things that were said and done by all sides, which I am fine with because Brandi did some not cool things even before she lost it and made the crystal meth comment. Taylor was also the one who arranged the manicure appointment with Kyle and Brandi but in the end Taylor herself was a no show. Taylor and Brandi's falling out was a by-product of Taylor and Camille's falling out, at Brandi's party both Taylor and DeDe, Camille's friend, were drunk and acting out and Brandi asked Taylor to leave, IMO mostly because she was trying to curry favor with the richer Camille.

    Adrienne and Taylor did put more onus on Brandi to apologize in order to move things forward, and part of that is that neither of them are alphas and are not the type to forcefully point out to Kim and Kyle how badly they behaved, and for that fact they weren't that forceful with Brandi either.

    Brandi started sucking up to Camille at their first meeting, and Camille being Camille could not resist a good suck up, but I would not say that they became fast friends. Camille was firmly Team Kim/Kyle on Game Night and condemned Brandi's behavior. At Spa Day Camille (metaphorically) sat at the cool kids' table and did not interact with Brandi. I think that the turning point was Brandi's aforementioned beach party where Brandi threw drunk Taylor out as opposed to drunk DeDe. The relationship between Camille and Brandi blossomed further in Vegas and then Hawaii.

    • Love 3
  8. I remember the scene with Kyle and Mauricio after Camille fired him and he definitely did not upbraid Kyle for her role in the conflict, if anything he was supportive, if not downright enabling, of Kyle. He claimed that he was surprised that Kyle was even involved in a conflict with another person which to me was BS because, while over the years Kyle does seem mellower and less hot-headed and mean-girl than she was in season one, I have no doubt that he has seen that side of her - he did not seem all that shocked when a short time later his wife threatened to stiletto in another woman's eye. Camille fired Mauricio by sending a text message to Kyle for pete's sake, and IMO Mauricio took it seriously enough that he knew he had to do damage control but at the same I don't think he saw it as an irrevocable gesture. In the end Mauricio stepped in and made nice with Camille and put things back on track when it came to their business relationship, although I think in the end Mauricio was not the realtor selected to represent the Grammers when they had to sell their LA-area properties when Camille and Kelsey divorced.

    There was definitely discussion about Mauricio being friendly, solicitous, greasy, smarmy, opportunistic or what have you when it came to getting business and forming relationships. It was definitely out there and significant, but I don't necessarily think it defined him. When Lisa made the claim that Mauricio and Kyle formed friendships, it definitely kicked that sentiment up several notches, but for a quite a number of people it ratified an existing perception of him. To me I actually think that Lisa brought that up at the reunion to wound Kyle and pander to that segment of the audience much more than I think that it reflected her actual feeeeelings.

    As far as accepting Brandi, other than Kim, Lisa was the last one to accept her. Adrienne and Taylor were first, then Kyle and Camille, I will elaborate further in Lisa's thread.

    • Love 3
  9. Well, not exactly.  She has said that Scheana and Pandora are good friends.  


    I see this whole thing as a tempest in a teapot.  Had Scheana had an affair with Eddie after Lisa was good friends with Brandi, then I think Brandi would have a grievance. However, the affair happened long before Lisa even knew Brandi.  The only thing she knew about Sheana is that she was good friends with Pandora and it does seem as though she has always liked her.  


    Right or wrong, I think Lisa views Scheana as naive when it came to Eddie. (Personally, I see Scheana as an opportunist, but Lisa seems to be pretty stupid when it comes to reading people, particularly those she perceives as a victim.) Now, if Lisa suddenly became friends with Eddie, I could see the problem.  But, no, I'm not buying Brandi's victim act.

    I'm not buying either Brandi or Lisa's innocent/victim act.

    Lisa hid behind Pandora's skirts with Scheana and also hid behind Pandora's skirts with Stassi but when I've seen them on VR, admittedly I'm not a regular watcher, I have not seen a lot of intimacy between Pandora and these two favored employees/pets of Lisa-well in Stassi's case, former pet. I dunno maybe Pandora and Scheana are friends and have been for six or so years, what I've seen that backs that up are Lisa said it, a few scenes on VR most involving Lisa or a big cast event and a couple red carpet events. Plus in all the sturm und drang regarding Scheana at the last reunion, Lisa did not invoke Scheana's relationship with Pandora.

    Again I'm fine with Lisa and Scheana's friendship, the only reason that I think that Brandi has a grievance is because Lisa will not be straight with her and own up to liking Scheana beyond being her employer and castmate, and telling Brandi that she has no intention of distancing herself from Scheana abd don't be shocked to see Lisa hanging out with Scheana and giving largesse.

    I don't even think that Brandi has a grievance over Lisa being in on Scheana being a being a server at the season 2 SUR event, although I'm sure Brandi would beg to differ, but as ATL's NeNe would say, "the thirst is real," and thirsty Brandi was fine with Scheana happening to be a server at a filmed event back when she was trying to get her foot in the door.

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  10. Lisa has said that she Likes Scheana and will not distance herself from her just to please Brandi,  she has told Brandi this several times, which has only pissed Brandi off more.


    What I have seen Lisa do is dodge and deflect and emphasize her employer / employee relationship with Scheana in an attempt to make it seem like Brandi perception of them being close is a misperception.  Now of course Brandi did herself no favors in the last episode when she referred to Scheana and Lisa as BFFs.  Lisa has said, with exasperation at times, things to the effect that Scheana works for her and that if they were friends that Scheana would be sitting out front getting served not in the back washing dishes.  When it's been pointed out that Lisa has done non-employer things with Scheana like taking her shopping and allowing Villa Rosa to be the backdrop for Scheana being proposed to, she has made it seem like those things were driven by production and she has no control over those things.  This was a discussion at the last reunion, and Andy and Yolanda countered that if Lisa did not want to film things like shopping trips with Scheana, Lisa could assert herself and it would not happen.

    • Love 5
  11. I think that there is something to Brandi being most upset with Lisa over Lisa's relationship with Schaena.  Brandi may not seem like the type to supress her emotions but I think she can when it suits her.  I thought all along that Scheana's presence at the event at SUR in season two was a set up and Lisa was in on it. What I don't believe is Brandi was unaware of the set up and Lisa's role in it, I think that she wanted to be on the show and was not going to rock the boat over Eddie's ex-mistress being a server at an event she attended, furthermore she recognized it for the opportunity it presented. 


    Lisa and Brandi's friendship was not one for the ages so it was destined to end.  I think that between finding another rich patron in Yolanda, being tired of Lisa snarking at her expense, sensing that Lisa was distancing herself and hubris at her success at selling her victimhood even though she is the nastiest piece of work as ever was, Brandi put Lisa in her crosshairs.  I think that Brandi's upset with Lisa regarding Scheana is real, her blubbering at last season's reunion and demanding that Lisa tell who she would save in a fire is exhibit A of her strong feelings.  Yeah there were other factors at play, in addition to what I already mentioned, she was tired of being Lisa's sidekick, Scheana is no longer "just a server" she's a Bravolebrity just like Brandi, plus it can't be overlooked that Brandi's just a screwed up person who often screws up relationships and opportunities.


    I am willing to bet that Brandi knew Eddie was cheating and suppressed that as well, after all when she and Eddie got together, Eddie was in a relationship with another woman.  Brandi makes Eddie seem like the cheatingest cheater who ever cheated, and yet she's also said she was unaware of his marital womanizing until the media reported on his affair with LeAnn.  The reason I'm bringing up Eddie's infidelity, other than it's always about Eddie ;-), is that I bet they are both similar situations in that Brandi knew that there was something not right from the beginning but she looked the other way because she wanted something from both Eddie and Lisa, and then when they both started disconnecting from her, all of the sudden Brandi "figures out" that they've done her wrong.  It may seem strange that she is so intense over something she just found out about,  but in fact there's been awareness much longer than when Brandi acknowledges that she officially found out about Eddie's cheating and Lisa's machinations.


    For the record I don't think that there is anything wrong with Lisa having a relationship with Scheana but I do have an issue with her gaslighting Brandi and the audience.  Scheana is more to Lisa than "just an employee," there's nothing wrong with Lisa liking Scheana and Lisa has known Scheana longer that she's known Brandi, but even if Lisa does not cop to the machinations, she just needs to cop to knowing and liking Scheana and having no intention of distancing herself from Scheana, and may in fact continue to do things for Scheana like take her on shopping sprees, and if Brandi does not like it, that's her problem.

    • Love 10
  12. The thing about Brandi is that she has not paid off for RHoBH like other controversial / hated cast members have for BH and other franchises: Jill, Danielle, Taylor, Kenya, Teresa, Mama Joyce, etc.  On BH the ratings dropped after she became a full-time HW with season four being the show's lowest rated season.  Brandi's used to get a lot of publicity for RHoBH, which probably gave her currency with the show and Bravo, but then she got mad about all the negative stories RadarOnline (ROL) ran about her, which IMO was mostly driven by her bad behavior, but according to Brandi it was because one of the top guys at ROL had a vendetta against her because he used drugs and Brandi called him out for using in front of his sober girlfriend who was also a friend of Brandi's.  ROL, the main pipeline for RH stories among the general entertainment media, stopped doing stories on her, which may seen like a victory, but to me it was a cut off your nose to spite your face move on Brandi's part.


    Unless you are causing problems behind the scenes a la Jill and Danielle, I don't think that the powers that be set out to fire someone especially before the season and reunion has aired, but I do think that decisions are made to have an active casting process and Housewives are warned that the may get cut if they find a person or two that they feel will fit and add fresh blood, that's what happened to Camille after season two according to a Huffington Post story, and what I suspect happened to Taylor after season three.


    I think that Brandi is vulnerable for a number of reasons:  not bringing in ratings; not getting a high level of publicity for the show/franchise; her previous storylines were driven by her interaction with other cast members and she's fallen out with two key cast members and a newbie; she doesn't seem to have any other source of storyline potential- her children can't film with her, no romantic partner at this time, no interesting business / project; the audience seems over her / exhausted by her, for example there is no big interest in or anticipation of "the slap." I think that there is a better than average chance that Brandi will be let go or demoted after this season, and if she does get another season and a full-time HW, it will not be because she is a key cast member, rather she will be back because they were not able to recruit any interesting "fresh" blood.

    • Love 3
  13. OK this really doesn't make sense to me. The c word is thrown around pretty casually in the UK. I've heard lots of Brits call others (men and women) "fecking kents". Am I wrong here?

    I'm not British but I know that in the c-word is not as offensive (in general) to British sensibilities as it is (in general) to American sensibilities, but Lisa did say she did not like the word, then Brandi said something like "I say it with love," and Lisa responded with something like, "I don't care how you mean it, I don't like it and don't say it around me."
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  14. Brandi made her share of missteps all on her own at Kyle's English country barbecue, but slick Lisa did her share of baiting. When they were outside Kim and Brandi were talking and Lisa interrupts and says that she got Brandi's message. Brandi starts chattering about Lisa's voice mail greeting and it was actually Kim who asked Lisa if she plans to attend Brandi's housewarming which opens the door for Lisa to speechify about how she needs to take things slowly. At first I gave Lisa credit for not going the route of immediately forgiving someone and then demonstrating through passive-aggressive comments and actions that she is still holding a grudge, but actually Lisa is just toying with Brandi and the audience. She's not giving Brandi a definitive yes or no answer about attending which leaves the door open for Brandi to keep calling her, Brandi and others to ask whether or not she's coming, and Lisa to talk about how she was done wrong / PUERTO RICO!.

    When Ken and Lisa were leaving Brandi did go up to Lisa and said something like she really hopes Lisa would come to her housewarming. Lisa dabs her eyes and then announces that she's not crying, Brandi responds with something like, "you never cry," and then Lisa responds with something like "yeah right, remember Puerto Rico!"

    And while I am somewhat defending the odious Brandi, Kyle's friend brought up Brandi's vagina surgery. I could not make out what Brandi was saying but I think she was talking about something sexual, so she opened the door, but the other woman brought up the surgery, and then Eileen jumped in and said "what vagina surgery?" and Brandi then elaborated.

    • Love 6
  15. Kim moved her mother into her home in Cali. to care for her. Her father also tried staying with her when he was dying but Kim was out of control, addictions, according to her step-mom. Her dad and step-mom moved back to LV to live with 1 of her kids until the end.

    According to an ET interview years ago, Kim moved to Arizona to be with Big Kathy who was battling cancer. I'm also vaguely recalling reading/hearing that Kim lived with Big Kathy in Palm Springs, so in that case I was assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that they lived the "you stole my house!" house in Palm Springs that Big Kathy owned and willed to her three daughters, but maybe they lived together in a separate residence in Palm Springs owned by Kim, or maybe Big Kathy moved in a house of Kim's in another location.

    My overall point though is that Kim did not just move a lot but she moved long distances which suggests to me that she was the primary caretaker of her post-break up with the fathers (with support from her family members and paid help), and did not have to coordinate with or answer to her children's fathers after, although in the case of Kimberly's father, I suspect over time his custodial time increased culminating in Kimberly splitting time between her mother and father.

    I believe that Kim is an addict and she also has the learned helplessness thing going on. I'm not sticking up for Kim's greatness or even competency as a parent, but I don't think that she was a raging addict for the bulk of her children's childhoods, I think that there were times when she was a raging addict but that there were times where she was a functional addict, in recovery or someone else was in the household co-parenting with her, but during the times when a co-parent was present, Kim was likely the head of household and the co-parent had to work with and around her quirks and ego.

    • Love 2
  16. Oh, well, then you will definitely want to check out SUR if you're ever in LA - it is the tackiest, cheapest, gaudiest restaurant I have been to in a long time. The menus come in faded, stained leopard-skin valour covers. The decor tries to pass itself off as vintage, but it's not even shabby chic - just shabby.

    The menu covers are faux leopard-skin, shut the front door! Dang I don't think that Teresa Giudice would do that but if she did the internet would probably break with all the snark, good-natured and otherwise, that she'd get over it.
    • Love 4
  17. I believe that Kimberly lived with her father for a majority of her teen years.  When we meet John, you hear him say to Kimberly that she hasn't been home in a few days.  Kim moved a lot, since her tenure on the show we have seen her move into a new house first episode Season 1, move to another house, move in with Ken, move again and miss Pandora's wedding, go to rehab and then live in a hotel and finally her most current place-which I believe we saw her move into last season.  I just think collectively the children's fathers probably had homes that were more of an anchor-at least the youngest three.


    I found this tape where Kim answers the burning question of why she named her daughter Kimberly.  There is a reason we don't see more of Kim telling stories.  http://okmagazine.com/videos/reza-asks-kim-richards-the-question-we-all-want-the-answer-to-and-she-delivers-see-for-yourself-here/

    I'm able to pull up the article not the video.

    In season two Kim said that she and her ex shared custody of Kimberly 50/50. It was said / alluded to that things became strained between Kim and her daughters when Kim moved in with Ken, and of course she was off the wagon during that time as well, so I would not be surprised if Kimberly opted to stay with her father more than 50% of the time, and Kim did not fight it and rationalized it as her children being resentful of sharing their mother.

    I think that Kimberly was raised jointly by Kim and her father. Whitney and Chad's father live out of state and I suspect that she got big, fat child support checks which probably funded Kim and all of her children's lifestyles and allowed her to hire help. Monty remarried, which does not mean that Brooke could not have live with him, but he sounds as flaky as Kim but Kim is a homebody and I suspect that Brooke was primarily raised in Kim's home.

    Regarding Kim moving around, that's a valid point, but Kim has actually moved long distances, IIRC as part of her taking care of Big Kathy she moved to Arizona and Palm Springs, which if the fathers of her children had significant physical custody, she would not have been able to do that without their consent or risking them making a play for full custody. Again we are talking about three different fathers here, and a timespan of over 20 years, and it's not a given that the arrangements are the same with each father nor that the arrangement with a respective father was static. There's definitely room for conjecture and my conjecture is that Kimberly's father was a presence when he was with Kim and after they broke up, but I wonder if Kim started out having greater physical custody, and perhaps after he re-married and started a second family, he increased his presence even further until Kimberly lived with him as much as she lived with Kim.

    • Love 1
  18. I think Brandi would be much more likely to have sex with an animal than LisaV ...  :-)

    I think that Lisa's sexualizing her animals is cringeworthy but I don't take her comments literally, however I suspect that back in the day that Lisa and Ken could get as out-there and debauched as the best of them.
    • Love 3
  19. Responding to a discussion in the episode thread that roughly starts here:


    I think that Kim was capable of getting her kids off to school, meals prepared, food and seasonal appropriate clothes in the house, etc. but as we've seen with Kingley, I don't see her as an authority figure or an alpha.  My guess is that the alphas with the most significant presence in Kim and her children's lives were  Kimberly's father - they were together five years or broke up when Kimberly was five, and Big Kathy - Big Kathy was alive but battled cancer in her later years and Kim was her caretaker.


    I think that Kim is a drunk, flake and infantilized, and I think that one of more of her kids had to be "the grown up," I particularly noticed that with Kimberly in season one, but I think that the times when Big Kathy and Kimberly's father were not around that Kim was "in charge" and was capable of doing the basics of making sure her kids got off to school and were fed.  I think that she had help from nannies and housekeepers and got support from family and friends, but I think that Kim was capable of holding down the fort for a few months if not years.  Yeah she probably was not  the most competent head of household, and the burden may have led to her drinking more, making bad decisions and ultimately going off the rails leading to the cavalry, aka Kyle and Little Kathy stepping in, but I think that unless it was her mother or maybe selected romantic partners that Kim was not going to let someone control how she lived her life and raised her kids, and therefore I don't  think that anyone else like Kyle or Kathy could or would be present enough to have raised her kids.  I can see there being a nanny or a housekeeper co-parenting with Kim, but Kim has an ego and while I think that Kim can be nice most of the time, she has a nasty side and she's needy, so if there was a "help" type person who stayed around for an extended period serving as a (hopefully good) co-parent, she and her kids should consider themselves lucky.

  20. What was Brandi's purpose in getting her vajajay tightened? If it was to get a good, faithful, rich man to fall in love with her cause she is now so tight and right, then EPIC FAIL, Miss Brandi! You are still single and there is no Beverly Hills surgeon that can fix that brain of yours.

    To get back at Eddie, who had just left her and was canoodling out in the open with LeAnn Rimes. Brandi used his credit card, either she had the plate or just the number, and wanted Eddie to know that she used his money to get her vagina tightened and that other men were going to enjoy her new and improved vajayjay but the cookie jar was closed to him, although I bet that if Eddie crooked his finger, Brandi would give him access to any and all orifices, but she'd probably record it and have it posted on the internet before his car left the driveway.
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