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Posts posted by quinn

  1. 1 of Brandi' biggest complaints at the start of last season was that Lisa was distancing herself from Brandi and that it started shortly after the reunion was filmed. It is possible that Lisa learned that what Brandi was telling her the entire season, the "lawsuit" lie, was in fact a lie. If Lisa asked, which I doubt she did, Brandi could have easily said the papers were at her lawyers, which would make perfect sense to most people. Had Brandi been served with a C&D letter, she would have given it to her lawyers immediately, not kept it at home. So it is possible that Lisa did not find out Brandi's story was nothing more than some sick twisted lie until after the reunion, heck, even Kyle was distancing herself from Adrienne by the time they filmed the reunion even though she never supported Brandi's claim all season long.

    Brandi did not start complaining about Lisa distancing herself until much later in the season, at the beginning of the season Brandi complaint about Lisa was the opposite which was that Lisa was mothering her.


    I guess I will have to take your word because I refuse to follow that site and they said I reached my limit for visiting this month, I looked a 2 other stories there, so it will not let me view the video! LOL

    Link to season 4 trailer, at 0:55

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  2. Lisa brings up the tabloid cheating article without ever saying the word "cheating" at all......her comment about Porsha being the "younger woman" and when Yolanda's comment of "where there's smoke", she, Yolanda, stumbles to finish that comment and Lisa finishes it. I don't remember Lisa ever using the word "cheating" once, that was both Brandi and Yolanda. As much as Brandi claims it was filmed, I don't buy it, that is something that would make the producers foam at the mouth to have and show/air! LOL

    Is it a big deal that Lisa never used the word cheating? I know five words Lisa did say, she referred to the tabloid stories about Mauricio being a philanderer as "the elephant in the room" which shows she was all for it being brought up on camera. Furthermore she admitted at the reunion that she thought the rumors should be brought up on camera in order to "diminish" them.

    Yolanda never uttered one word of the phrase, "where there's smoke, there's fire." She was talking about the subject, paused and Lisa jumped in and said the entire phrase. Some think that Lisa was sweetly helping out her ESL friend, while others see it as an indicator that there were discussions beforehand between the Dream Team and Yolanda was assigned this choice line, and when it appeared that she may bungle it, Lisa jumped in to make sure the phrase got properly articulated.

    In my previous post I brought up that there were two tabloid stories with the first one being discussing the first tabloid story (or first one of that timeframe) on camera. I did not attribute that solely to Lisa, I said the Dream Team, namely Brandi, Lisa and Yolanda. Lisa did bring up the tabloid story when she was over Kyle's house, and maybe she would have been able to double-talk her way out of it, except she made "the elephant in the room" comment in a talking head.

    As far as Brandi and Yolanda are concerned, yeah they kinda skated by on their role in making the tabloid stories about Mauricio cheating into a storyline. My theory on that is that Yolanda got away with it probably because she does the Kyle, which is kinda apologize, or some other half-assed gesture, but seal the deal by being nice to the former adversary. Brandi skated because she infantalizes herself in order to wiggle out of responsibility, and Kyle was dumb enough to fall for it, but I bet Kyle has lived to regret it.

    With Lisa, to some degree I think that Kyle was gunning for her. I think that Kyle loved being able to say to Lisa, "why shouldn't I believe Brandi, after all you're the one who stood up so firmly for her being an honest and good person." I definitely think that to her detriment that Kyle wants people to apologize or be accountable the way that she thinks she should. However I think oftentimes conflicts involving Lisa get dragged out due to Lisa's gaslighting and diversionary tactics. When it comes to the cheating story at the beginning of the season, Lisa tried to make it seem like she was supportive of Kyle by denouncing the story but she did not denounce it until weeks later, and moreso in response to her and Brandi getting heat when the story leaked. Then her second diversionary tactic was to say that she brought the story up on camera to give Kyle and Mauricio a chance to shoot down the cheating rumors. Same thing with Scheana, I have absolutely no problem with Lisa being closed to Scheana, but Lisa should've told Brandi to get over herself when it comes to Lisa having a relationship with Scheana, but instead Lisa went the gaslighting route, and tries to convince everyone that Scheana is just an employee and not a friend / pet of Lisa's.

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  3. ^ I agree totally and in my previous post where I mentioned people who met Lisa and came away disappointed were more Bravolebrity types. I think Lisa knows to be "on" when she is at one of her restaurants and somewhere else interacting with fans.

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  4. I couldn't agree more with the Vulture article. He is on. Point.



    I can't believe how long the magazine rumor have stayed either.


    Replace Take down with Magazine, Kyle with Lisa and you have the same story. The common denominator is Brandi, but somehow Brandi's tale about Lisa is legit and there is nothing Lisa can say that would appease some, including Kyle. Who is so gracious that she wants to move forward and forgive this grievance.

    The take down rumor happened at the season 2 reunion which was 2 1/2 years ago, the tabloid rumor happened in season 4, those episodes aired less than a year ago.

    As far as the cast goes, I think the tabloid rumor was a big thing in the last few episodes, it did not even come up until the episode where Brandi and Kyle went on a hike which was shortly before the Puerto Rico trip, then it came to a head on the trip, Lisa and Ken scurried away from the restaurant and then left the hotel, in effect they stopped filming, leaving the matter up in the air, then they resumed filming but only with each other and Carlton up until the finale event / wrap party where Kyle, Brandi and Mauricio confronted them.

    It seemed like by the time the reunion came around, the tabloid thing was not the the Umanskys big bugaboo, rather it was Lisa bringing up the cheating rumors on camera.

    Plus there were actually two tabloid plots, the first one was the Dream Team bringing up on camera that a tabloid had published a story about Mauricio cheating. The second tabloid plot was the allegation that a second tabloid story about Mauricio cheating had come out and Lisa tried to get Brandi to bring the tabloid with the new story to Palm Springs.

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  5. I agree that Lisa is very "aware" of her public image. She was the only HW that had a business when this show started and image is important for a business person. Lisa's business is dependent on the publics perception of her and I can not fault her this, she caters to the average person, not to the 1 % population like Mauricio is.

    Marisa is in the business world as well but is better able to set her own work hours whereas Lisa's work hours are mandated by the then 2, now 3, different restaurants hours of operation. I am sure that she needs to check in during the lunch hours and then again during the peak dinner hours. Add to that she was filming VPR and BH HW as well which would further cut back on times she would be available to "visit/welcome" a cast member. Owning/operating a restaurant is very different than other businesses, they tend to consume your life and you have very, very little time for private time.

    Lisa is not the only BH HW who was a business person when the show started, Adrienne and Taylor worked too. I know people are dubious about anything associated with Taylor, but my recollection is that Taylor's intended storyline was her and Dwight being in business together, but it seems like once the producers got a whiff of what a mess her personal life was, the rest was history. One of the show's honchos said that they had done quite a bit of filming of Taylor working but it never aired because the footage was not that interesting or understandable by the layperson.

    Lisa herself has said that she is not the day to day manager of her restaurants and that she specifically chose to partner with the couple who runs SUR in order to not have typical restaurant management responsibilities of long, inflexible hours.

    I think that how you describe Marisa applies to the kind of business people Lisa, Adrienne and Taylor were when they started on the show. None of them were were working long, hard, inflexible schedules for extended periods of time. They may have taken on a project that was demanding for its duration, but it seemed to be they had a lot of flexibility and elasticity. For example, Lisa may decide to spearhead the opening or revamp of a restaurant, but once that was over, she could take time off to travel, plan her daughter's wedding, film a reality show and whatnot.

    Regarding image, with Lisa it may be a chicken and egg thing. Is she image conscious because she's in business, or has she always been a person who created or modified her image which has helped her succeed in business (and other things).


    And honestly, I've heard this a lot about Lisa, that the minute the camera stops rolling, she is dismissive and doesn't acknowledge people. She seems to be the only HW who has chronic reports of being that way. All the others seem more or less the same once the cameras stop rolling, whereas Lisa seems very much about playing a part on the show vs. her actions in real life.

    I can vouch that I've also seen accounts of people meeting Lisa, and even being excited to meet her, and it was not a good experience. Not that she was a raving lunatic or anything, but they went in wanting / expecting something positive and it was not.
    • Love 3
  6. The judges are probably going to be very generous, so it will come down the voters. The voters may go for body of work which favors Alfonso, the strongest dancer on finale night, Janel has the odds there but I would not count out Alfonso getting shot up with some miracle drug, or Mark or Derek coming up with a crowd pleasing freestyle which may result in Sadie or Bethany getting the MBT.

  7. Well, considering I live in Hollywood and know plenty of people who work in LA real estate I'm going to disagree with you there. It's a very competitive market, and perpetuating a sexier image, yes even as a realtor, is part and parcel of selling the coolness of the properties you're trying to move. Again, I'm not saying Mauricio is lying (because I really don't know), I'm just saying yes, being 38 is absolutely going to be more of a plus than a minus. Youth and beauty are currency even in LA real estate. And besides, there's a marked difference between saying you're in your late 30s than early 20s. It's not as Mauricio would suddenly seem like a newborn babe ill-equipped to handle the finer points of contracts and negotiations. But I digress...


    So agree to disagree then.

    Both of my comments referred to the high end real estate niche. If I am looking to buy or sell a $500K home, or whatever the typical home price is in that area, and there is a huge pool of realtors to choose from, yeah the young, good-looking ones have an advantage, as they do in many other vocations.
    • Love 4
  8. My favorite part of the episode was the flashbacks.


    Least favorite was way too much Brandi whining throughout the party.  They should have just left it at one or two complaints and the digs about seventy-somethings.


    What is going on with Lisa's dress and that bedazzled, roadkill embellishment on her dress?  SMH once again at one of her sartorial choices.



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  9. I don't know/think Mauricio is/was lying about his age, but I will say being viewed as 38 instead of in your 40s probably is more of an asset than a detriment in LA real estate. There's a reason why so many failed actors in Hollywood end up becoming realtors!

    I stand by my original comment, I don't think that people with $20 million+ homes to sell would be more inclined to choose a younger realtor, perhaps they would not discriminate, but I do not see why they would have more confidence in a 35 year old selling their $20+ million home than a 45 year old.

    The reason failed actors go into real estate has little to do with real estate favoring younger people and more to do with the options a failed actor, who probably eschewed higher education in order to pursue acting, has when he or she decides to give up on Hollywood.

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  10. ^ She looks damn good for 66. Maybe misread a previous post, but I thought it stated (or I mistakenly inferred) that Tommy and his wife got together when they were teenagers and I didn't think, and you confirmed, that they were teens at the same time. But again she looks good and their age gap looks like more than 10 years, more due to her looking younger than her age than Tommy looking older.

  11. If I had a $20 million home to sell I would not consider youth an advantage in choosing my realtor. Plus Mauricio has been named the top realtor in California, in terms of sales, a couple times in recent years, so I don't see him being that threatened by the MDL guys. I don't watch the show regularly but I caught an episode of Million Dollar Listing where a couple of the guys were going to be working with Mauricio, and IIRC they were trying to make sure they had their act together before meeting up with him.

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  12. I don't think that Dina is coming from a position of strength or if she is even wanted back, but I think that if Jacqueline is a full-time Housewife next season, Dina will not return, but I suspect that if Caroline re-joins the show that Dina would be open to being on the show with Caroline.

  13. Lisa was not kind to Brandi before Kyle, polite perhaps but not kind. After Game Night Lisa did her crap stirring best to get Kyle to engage with Brandi at Camille's charity event, she may not have been aiming for wig snatching but her intentions were not pure.

    Taylor and Brandi met up after Game Night, Brandi told Taylor her sob story, undoubtedly between Taylor going on and on about her sob story. Taylor then went back to Kyle and talked about Brandi being very sensitive about her children and her parenting being challenged because it was an issue during their divorce from Eddie and she's threatened by Eddie's new life with LeAnn Rimes. The next big event was Adrienne's spa day, and between Kyle, Kim and Lisa, Kyle was the most open to talking to Brandi and trying to hash things out. Kyle and Kim got into it over Kyle's willingness to speak with Brandi, and somewhere in there Kyle admitted that their behavior on Game Night was not perfect, Lisa sided with Kim, but once Lisa knew that Kyle was going to talk with Brandi she tagged along. I did not particularly care for Kyle's attitude and behavior once she and Brandi started talking, but it was the beginning of Kyle opening up to Brandi and inviting Brandi to events like the seance and the White Party. In fact I think that it was at the Kyle's seance that Brandi and Bernie, yeah Bernie!!! commiserated over their issues with Lisa.

    Bernie's rants against Brandi came after the surrogacy reveal. He took a couple of potshots at her after the reunion, but his energies were overwhelmingly focused on Lisa.

  14. With or without RHoA, life with Joyce, Peter and Apollo would not be easy, but I think that the common thread for Kandi and Cynthia putting up with Joyce and Peter up to and including buying houses and investing in businesses is because they appear on the show and are supposedly not paid.  We have not seen it play out as acutely with Phaedra and Apollo, but I think that the sub-text to some of Apollo's comments in the first episode was that Apollo thinks Phaedra owes him a cut of the money she has earned on the show.

  15. I really had no problem with her going after Mauricio, mainly because I find him to be incredibly slimey.  It's all about perception, obviously.  I just don't find him to be genuine and after season 3, I was inclined to agree with Lisa's assessment of him. His defense of Adrienne seemed over the top and, well, a bit odd. I guess I would have less of a problem had he even made an effort to defend Lisa against Adrienne's allegations.  From what I understand, Kyle and Lisa have known each other for years.  Kyle and Mauricio admitted at the reunion that they were not close with Adrienne and don't really speak with her.

    After Adrienne and Paul's split, Kyle and Mauricio admitted to being closer to Paul to the point where Mauricio hired a relative of Paul's, so their support was not only of Adrienne, but Adrienne and Paul.

    I find Brandi incredibly trashy, but I think it was wrong for Kyle to throw shade at her from the moment she met her, and for Kyle to guffaw at her inebriated sister's digs towards Brandi and worse on Game Night.

    Regarding what happened season one with Camille and Kyle, my recollection was when Kyle told Mauricio what happened after Camille's dinner party, he seemed amused. One of my favorite Mauricio moments was Kyle wondering aloud if Allison DuBois would attend some HW and he was like, "Oooo I'd love to meet her!" Then when Camille fired Mauricio by sending a text to Kyle, Mauricio was more supportive of Kyle, and between talking to Kyle and talking heads, he referred to Camille as silly or childish. He even went as far as to tell Kyle that catfighting is uncharacteristic of her, and I probably yelled at my TV, "stop lying Mauricio, you know your wife is a hot-tempered, mean girl!" And then at the next event, Mauricio pulled Camille aside and made nice, but there were no real apologies, it looked to me like Kyle and Camille hit the re-set button on their relationship.

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  16. Agree to disagree.  From what I saw, Adrienne was willing to use her children in her fight against Paul. Paul was the trigger, not her children.  Or, are you saying that you believe Paul was abusive toward Adrienne and their children?  Otherwise, nope, Adrienne used her children for her own selfish ends.


    From where I'm looking, Adrienne had no problem using the tabloids when it benefited her needs. So, her accusations against Lisa came off as the pot calling the kettle black.

    I would not label Paul an abuser, but is not unfathomable to me that things got physical between Paul and Adrienne in the final days of their marriage. IIRC Paul admitted in his divorce papers that he got physical but he said he was defending himself against Adrienne getting physical with him. Regarding the children, I can see it being a matter of one parent believing in corporal punishment and another not believing in corporal punishment, and if the first parent spanks a child then the other parent deems it abuse. I don't think that Paul is a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, and he is probably one of the people across the franchise that I would like to hang out with, but I believe he has a temper and a dark side.

    I think that it is telling that Paul filed a lawsuit against Bernie over Bernie posting on Facebook pictures of a bruised up Adrienne and calling Paul and monster or something like that, and Paul ended up dropping his suit against Bernie. I personally think that if it got to the point where Paul was deposed, Paul would have been forced to elaborate on physical altercations between him and Adrienne, which as I stated above Paul admitted happened.

    I know that Bernie and Adrienne are not highly thought of, but I don't think they fabricated abuse allegations, but I do think that they both may have viewpoints that many other people looking at the same situation would see differently. I think that the pictures Bernie posted of Adrienne were real, now it could have been the result of some high octane, drunk fight between Paul and Adrienne, and heck Paul may have gotten knocked around as bad as Adrienne, but I think that when Bernie saw Adrienne's bruises, he flipped out over his boss-friend getting hurt. I remember seeing what he wrote and Bernie shared that he had female loved ones who has been abused and took the position that a man should never, ever get physical with a woman.

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  17. ^ To me The Great Polo Lounge Plot to Take Down Lisa is one of the key exhibits of Brandi grossly exaggerating something and then creating a lot of drama over it. IIRC Brandi said that Adrienne's invite to the Polo Lounge happened very, very close to date of the reunion. If there was some great plot to take down Lisa, I would think that there would have been earlier meetings in more conducive locations.

    To me The Great Polo Lounge Plot to Take Down Lisa was mostly about Adrienne knowing that she would be questioned about her negative comments and actions towards Lisa, and she wanted Camille and Brandi's support when those questions come up. I don't think that Adrienne wanted Camille and Brandi flipping tables and charging out of their seats towards Lisa, I think what Adrienne wanted was something similar to what happened in one exchange, I think that it was the one about the "Maloof Hoof" comment where Adrienne talked about how she was offended, Lisa then came out with her "I was only joking" response, and Camille piped up in agreement with Adrienne that she also did not think the Maloof Hoof comment was a cool thing to say. Ironically, at this past reunion, Brandi brought up the Lisa's "Maloof Hoof" comment as part of the discussion about Lisa's humor and that her quips are not always funny in a good way.

    Also bear in mind that in season 2 both Lisa and Taylor knew going into Lisa's Tea Party that this event was going to be a stage for a showdown between them, and both made phone calls beforehand to get support from other Housewives. I don't see Lisa and Taylor pre-game maneuvering as evidence that each was trying to take the other one down, but I bet had Brandi had an ally in that feud that she would have represented it that way.

    Another thing to note that Brandi is the one who, when she was walking away from the table in Ojai, told teary Kim that there were people back at the table who want Kim to fail. Later she said that she was referring to Kyle, and IIRC when she was asked to elaborate, she used more examples from after that incident than before. Yeah maybe Brandi picked up the vibe that Kyle was still stuck in the paradigm of being the hero/martyr to Kim's drunken messiness, but in true Brandi fashion, it got magnified to people want to see Kim fail.

    Once she fell out with Lisa, Brandi put out that Lisa fixated on taking down Adrienne and Cedric. I certainly don't doubt that Lisa bad-mouthed Adrienne and Cedric in front of Brandi, and I would not be surprised that if given the chance Lisa would go even further like plant stories, engage in unsubstantiated gossip about them, but Brandi puts out that Lisa wants them off the planet, which is of course hyperbole, but even I, a Lisa Vanderpump detractor don't believe that Lisa was that fixated, and to the extent that I can entertain that thought, I don't think that she would be confiding to loose-lip Brandi about her plots to destroy her enemies. ETA: Except if Lisa wanted Brandi to do her dirty work.

    Where was it covered in the tabloids that Adrienne tried to get Brandi fired? Did these stories appear before or after Brandi outed the surrogacy? I recall stories once the season started airing based on things that Brandi herself was saying in interviews, IIRC she said on Anderson Cooper's now defunct show that Adrienne tried her fired. My question is that why did Brandi not lay out at the reunion and in one of her blogs an A to Z account of the "horrible" things that Adrienne and Paul did to her prior to her outing the surrogacy.

    Re the fourth wall, these women, including Brandi, know how to word things in a way that does not break the fourth wall. Back when Brandi was a friend, Brandi would say things like, "I'm glad that Adrienne invited me to be part of her circle." In other words, I'm glad that Adrienne either recruited me for the show, or agreed to be my fake friend and introduce me to the other Housewives, invite me to events and film with me. If Brandi wanted to say Adrienne tried to get her fired, she could have said something along the lines that "Adrienne tried to get me kicked out of the group," "Adrienne made it clear that she no longer wanted me to part of her social circle."

    ETA to my previous post:

    Brandi also accused Bernie and Adrienne of planting negative stories about her specifically on RadarOnline, and included in these articles were claims that Brandi was a bad parent. I remember when she said that I did a search on RadarOnline from the point of the season 2 reunion to the point in season 3 filming where she outed the surrogacy, no such story existed! After Paul and Adrienne found out that Brandi outed the surrogacy, a story was planted on ROL that likely came from Adrienne's camp, but even that story was about Brandi being a drunk troublemaker during filming, her parenting was not brought up. Again, Adrienne / Adrienne's camp planting stories was not cool, but Brandi totally misrepresented what was planted about her and when.

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  18. From the Season 5 Trailer thread:

    Adrienne is certainly no angel. I won't speak to her claims about Paul because they happened off the show and folks often say/do terrible things in the midst of a divorce. I will say that anything that she supposedly did to Brandi with regard to trying to get her fired was done well after the S2 reunion, when Brandi threw Adrienne under the bus to cozy up to Lisa. Prior to this, Adrienne had done nothing to Brandi. When Adrienne asked Brandi at the reunion why she had gone to Lisa and told her some of the things that Adrienne had said to Brandi in confidence, Brandi said she had done it because Adrienne had started ignoring her. She said that Adrienne hadn't returned her calls or her texts, that she hadn't invited her to hang out for quite a while. Adrienne pointed out that she had returned her calls, and that she had invited her to her Halloween Party. Brandi scoffed at this, saying she had been invited along with 200 other people, so it was hardly one friend calling up another friend to hang out. Brandi completely owned the fact that she threw Adrienne under the bus simply because she felt ignored.

    Lisa of course was fine with taking her ill-gotten gains in the form of dirt on Adrienne and didn't question Brandi's motives for one second. For the most part, no one questioned Brandi's motives. It was all fine and good for her to betray the first person to ever be nice to her on the show. I should say Lisa was fine with it until it happened to her, because that is exactly what Brandi did to Lisa in S4. She felt like Lisa and Ken had pulled away from her and for that reason, she decided to punish her exactly as she did Adrienne for the same offense. While Brandi was lauded and almost given parades for what she did to Adrienne, she was hated for behaving in exactly the same manner to Lisa. The funny thing is that Lisa and Ken did pull away from Brandi, as Ken admitted in a a Juicy Giudice moment of clarity on the reunion stage last year. It was funny because Lisa denied it about 3 times (vehemently), and then Ken comes out and just says "yep, we made the decision to distance ourselves because of some of the things she had going on". It was so great. I am assuming they were talking about Tampon-Gate.

    ETA: has anyone except a person by the name of Brandi Glanville ever confirmed that Adrienne tried to get her fired? If so, I am more than dubious. Brandi tends to take things that have an ounce of truth to them - some semblance of fact - and turn them into something else entirely. Remember, this is the girl who had a friend/lawyer who received a C&D from Paul and Adrienne and she turned it into a full-blow lawsuit against her. Only in Brandi's mind could this actually equate to a lawsuit, but she ran with it for almost an entire season and she had a lot of people believing her (lots of people didn't believe her because a lawsuit would have been public record and there was clearly no lawsuit ever filed by Adrienne against Brandi). I expect that Adrienne said something like "I wish they would fire you", or "they should have never hired you", or something like that and Brandi decided to tell the world that Adrienne tried to get her fired. This is pretty much Brandi's MO.


    The thing that has stuck out to me is that Brandi has been asked in a non-accusatory way, most notably by Lisa and Andy, what did Adrienne do to her to make her have such a strong, negative feeling towards her, and Brandi starts off saying that Adrienne (and Paul) are horrible people who've done horrible things to her! Then she talks in circles for a sentence or two and then when she gives specifics, she brings up incidents where Paul and Adrienne are reacting to something initiated / instigated by Brandi. Two examples:  Paul and Adrienne called Brandi and wanted her to retract some of the things she said about them at the reunion. Yeah it may not have been cool for Paul and Adrienne to do that, but Brandi gratuitously fired the first shot at the reunion when she, among other things, said that Paul and Adrienne's marriage is not "real" / a question mark.

    The second example of the Nassifs being "horrible" to Brandi was when they yelled at her at Mauricio's open house event and Paul called her a bitch. Of course an argument can be made that Paul and Adrienne should have just left the event, but they were reacting to being told that Brandi outed the surrogacy. 

    I have the same question about the accusation that Adrienne tried to get Brandi fired. If anyone corroborated Brandi's accusation, it would have been Lisa, but that is not a credible corroboration. I see no evidence that Adrienne waged some massive campaign against Brandi. My recollection is that casting for season 3 would not begin in earnest until after the season 2 reunion aired which was February 2012. I remember there being stories along the lines of we'll know at end of February, then when that timeframe came and went, we'll know in the next three weeks. In then end it was 2-3 months before Brandi got the offer and yeah I believe that during that interim that Adrienne made it known that she did not want Brandi to be asked back, let alone promoted to Housewife. Given how Brandi acted at the reunion, I certainly don't blame Adrienne for making it known that she did not want Brandi to be asked back or promoted.

    Brandi has raised to an art form going after someone and then when they react to her, twisting things so that she is the victim / wronged person.

    • Love 5
  19. Is this how the finals work based on recent seasons (?):

    4 couples do a freestyle, a couple is eliminated at the end of the show.

    The last show is the next day and the remaining 3 couples prepare a dance for that show.

    Is the 3rd place couple eliminated during the show? Or is it 3rd --> commercial break---> winner?

  20. ^ I think that Lisa did not merely distance herself from Kyle, but she was actually gunning for Kyle at the season three reunion and during the early part of season four.  I think that she backed off for two reasons, one because it leaked out that Brandi and Lisa confronted Kyle over the Mauricio cheating stories, and there was backlash over it, and two she realized that her alliance with Brandi and Yolanda was not very solid.


    I don't begrudge Kyle having an initial confrontation with Lisa, but if Lisa does not respond the way Kyle wants her too - admitting "guilt" without qualification,  prostrating herself before Kyle, making "genuine" apologies and so forth, then to me I think that Kyle's reaction should be to distance herself, or if she is that keen on having Lisa's friendship, then forgive and forget / turn a blind eye.  Kyle badgering Lisa as she did at the season 4 finale was ridiculous to me.  I think at that point the main issue was Brandi's accusation regarding the tabloids, clearly Lisa was not going to give Kyle the admission she wanted, either because Lisa did not do what she's accused of, or she did do something untoward but she's denied it, Ken's gotten involved and he's riled up, they've left the hotel / stopped filming, not returning messages, once back in California are still laying low.


    To me the way Kyle handled her issues with Lisa parallels how she's dealt with Kim.  Kyle seems to have a fixed way that she wants the other party to respond, and regardless of who's right, wrong or somewhere in between, Kyle being so controlling or dogged pollutes the atmosphere.

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  21. The only Housewives who I think with some degree of certainty that Brandi is on good terms with are Kim and Yolanda.

    Kyle - obviously not on good terms based on preview and recent interviews.

    Eileen - presumably no considering that in trailer Brandi accused her of sleeping with married men and throws a liquid in her face, although a few months ago Brandi tweeted that Eileen was very nice.

    Lisa V. - Brandi is saying mostly positive things about Lisa but Lisa confirmed that Brandi slapped her and the slap was real. Lisa said they were in the process of rebuilding their relationship but the slap put the kibbosh on that.

    Lisa R. - Brandi interviewed Lisa R. for her podcast, an indication they are on good terms. Also Brandi tweeted about Lisa R. sending flowers or some other gesture relating to her father being ill. During the Amsterdam trip someone got footage of Lisa V. and Yolanda encouraging Brandi to make amends with or something like that with another HW, it was reported/speculated that it was Lisa R., but maybe that was erroneous info, I'll try and find it.

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